
Post on 08-Mar-2016

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A Set of Brand Guidelines I designed to style the Afrolinks Magazine

Transcript of Afrolinks

magazine style Guide


ContentsAbout AfroLinks Magazine

Brand Values


Colour Palettes




Afrolinks is a bi-annual magazine which celebrates the diverse cultures across the areas of the African Diaspora. It will explores the cultures of countries where large proportions of Africans were displaced over the course of the transatlantic slave trade as well as the different countries across the continent of Africa.

The magazine aims to present information of different cultures of people across the African diaspora in a way that is accessible, understandable and aesthetically pleasing to the target audience.

In turn it aims to combat the lack of understanding ofthe different cultures and traditions between black people from different nationalities across the African diaspora.

About AfroLinks Magazine


BRAND VALUESCommunity - We value community cohesion at whether it be local or international. We strive to invest especially into the communities of African descent.

Culture - We value the variety of cultures developed as a result of the African diaspora and seek to showcase them in a way that demands respect.

Lifestyle - We have an interest in the variety of different ways people choose to live their lives aiming to highlight the variety of attributes that contribute to lifestyle e.g fashion, entertainment, food and more.

Unity - Imagery and content associated with the Afrolinks magazine identity always strives to promote unity as opposed to division.

Heritage - We value our history and the acheivements of our ancestors





This logo is the main identity of Afrolinks magazine, its professional, clean cut yet youthful design communicates and connects with the target audience of young people and young adults between the ages of 18-35

The slogan ‘Linking the African diaspora’ is generally kept with the title, however where the logo is needed to be shrunk to a very small size it may be removed.

colour palettes


CMYK: 8 20 62 16RGB: 201 172 104


CMYK: 1 8 32 5RGB: 240 218 172


CMYK: 33 31 46 11RGB: 160 149 127


CMYK: 24 0 0 43RGB: 120 149 164


CMYK: 1 1 1 7RGB: 233 233 234


CMYK: 11 13 8 38RGB: 152 148 152


CMYK: 67 42 54 5RGB: 99 126 119


CMYK: 20 40 90 70RGB: 87 65 9


CMYK: 25 43 65 17RGB: 167 128 90


CMYK: 50 70 80 70RGB: 60 36 21


CMYK: 50 40 80 24RGB: 115 113 68


CMYK: 75 68 67 90RGB: 0 0 0

Primary Colours

Secondary Colours

Mustard Brown Dark Brown Khaki Black

Peachy Cream Fudge Brown Teal Grey

Concrete Mahogany Brown Grey-Blue Light Grey

colour palettesGradient Colours

These colours are to be used as a starting point whe it comes to the use of solid colour and spot colour in the magazine. Colours used in typography must always be chosen from these colour palettes.

The gradient palette above is to inspire the designer to incorporate gradients.






Reprise Stamp


News Gothic MT


Reprise StampThis font is to be used generally for headings and features within the magazine.

REZThis font is an alternative font to be used in headings and features in the magazine.

News GothicThis sans-serif font is for general text and subheadings within articles.

Cochin This serif font is an alternative for general article text and subheadings.

Target Audience and article content is to be considered at choice of font.

imageryAfrolinks magazine is driven by photography, this includes documentary photography, photo essays and fashion photography that document lifestyles across the diaspora. The photos must be of highest quality and aesthetic acheiving the three criteria listed below.

1. Document or artistically represent lifestyles of people in different countries across the African Diaspora.

2. Associate with or portray at least one of the 5 values of Afrolinks Magazine.

3. Be Contemporary. All photography needs to have been taken recently as a relistic portrayal of current affairs within the different countries of the diaspora. Exceptions can however be made where reference is being made to the heritage of a subject matter. In this instance alone historical photography may be employed.



“Afrolinks magazine is all about the people”
