AFRICOM Related News Clips 28 March 2012

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Transcript of AFRICOM Related News Clips 28 March 2012

  • 8/2/2019 AFRICOM Related News Clips 28 March 2012


    United States Africa Command

    Public Affairs Office

    28 March 2012

    USAFRICOM - related news stories

    Good morning. Please see today's news review for March 28, 2012. This new format isbest viewed in HTML.

    Of interest in today's report:- UN official meets Mali mutiny leaders- MCC Takes Action on Zambia, Malawi and Mali- More border clashes in Sudan- Kenya confirms FinMin and shuffles cabinet

    U.S. Africa Command Public AffairsPlease send questions or comments to:publicaffairs@usafricom.mil421-2687 (+49-711-729-2687)

    Headline Date Outlet

    UN senior official meets Mali juntaleaders

    03/27/2012 Xinhua

    UNITED NATIONS, March 26 (Xinhua) -- UN senior official for West Africa Said Djinnit went to Bamako, capitalof Western African country and met with Mali junta leaders last Friday, said UN spokesperson Eduardo del Bueyhere Monday.

    Border clashes erupt as Sudanpeace talks approach 03/27/2012 CNN

    Juba, South Sudan (CNN) -- Clashes erupted Monday on the volatile border between Sudan and South Sudan inthe run-up to a planned meeting between the nations' presidents as part of a troubled peace process.

    Kenya: KDF Destroys Three AlShabaab Bases


    THE Kenyan Defence Force operating under the Amisom umbrella over the weekend killed 13 al shabaabfighters and destroyed three of the insurgent group's bases in Gedo and Lower Juba region.

    Uganda: Parliament Grills KiyongaOver Soldiers Pay


    Parliament has expressed concern over the ministry of defense's monthly deductions from UPDF officers inSomalia.

    Kenya president confirms Githae asfinmin, shuffles cabinet 03/27/2012 Reuters

    NAIROBI (Reuters) - Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki on Monday confirmed the appointment of Robinson Githaeas finance minister, a position he has held in an acting capacity since January, and announced several changesto the cabinet.

    Angola: U.S. Africom Official VisitsCountry


    The commander of the U.S. African Command (FRICOM), General Carter F. Ham, is due to visit Angola on 27March, Angop learnt Monday from the embassy of the United States of America (USA) in a statement.
