Aegean Airlines - A case study

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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A brief presentation of the Aegean Airlines digital marketing case study, that started off from the website re-design and went on even to affiliation programs. (presented by Katerina Karayianni, Head of Digital Marketing, at the Online Marketing Conference 2011)

Transcript of Aegean Airlines - A case study


2. About Atcom Greeces leading internet technology company with a focuson web & mobile CMS products and development services. A one stop shop partner to publishers, ad / media agenciesand brands, through a Digital Marketing unit that includesservices such as design, SEO/SEM, social media & affiliatemarketing A growing international footprint, with offices in Londonand, shortly, in Dubai. 3. Aegean Airlines Ad creative Affiliate marketing website Social media SEO (coming soon) 4. Aegean Airlines Ad creative Affiliate marketing website Social media SEO (coming soon) 5. aegeanair.compowered bynetvolution 6. 7. 8. Aegean Airlines on Facebook w to get 70 .000 likesOR hoin 120 days 9. Aegean AirlinesLeading Greek airlinePremium services brandRecessionCommoditization 10. Aegean Airlines on Facebook We made a thorough audit on what is being said aboutAegean, and delivered a Baseline report, standing onmentions with the use of monitoring tools. We rolled out a new content strategy for social media. We rolled out a new communication plan for social media. We refurbished Aegeans Facebook Page, reflecting the brands values.12/2010 11. 1. Facebook page revampAegean Airlines on Facebook 12. 2. Getting closer to F-commerce 13. Aegean Airlines on Facebook ! 13/12/2010 14. 3. ! 15. 3. : RESULTS!+ 300% in 30 days from 12.000 to 49.000 likes8.000+ commentsin 30 days59.000 total votes! 16. Aegean Airlines on FacebookThanking the fans at50K milestone4/3/2011 17. 4. 50.000 Fans & Miles: RESULTS!17.000 brandambassadors +7.000 new fans in a week 18. Aegean Airlines on Facebook Giving value back to the community,embedding social media in the core communication vehicleOffers!29/3/2011 19. 5. Offer: Choose a destination Choose adestination 20. 5. Offer: Choose a destination 21. 5. Offer: Choose a destination 22. 5. Choose destination: RESULTS +23.000 new fans57K to 80K in 10 days 4.500 + comments in 10 days 30.000 + comments for each offer thousands of users chose their offer!8/4/2011 23. Aegean AirlinesAd creative Affiliate marketingwebsiteSocial media SEO (coming soon) 24. Aegean AirlinesAd creative Affiliate marketingwebsiteSocial media SEO (coming soon) 25. Aegean Airlines does AffiliatePerformance based campaign (% of booking value)Promotion through text linksblog coverage promotional banners search masks: 26. Affiliate text links: Blog love 27. Affiliate text links: Blog loveNetwork of over 3.000 blogs & websites 28. Affiliate banners: PromotionsBanners promoting special offers Instant deployment of message In line with the brands communication strategy& tactical promotions Integration! 29. Aegean Airlines Ad creative Affiliate marketing website Social media SEO (coming soon) 30. Aegean Airlines does SEO Moving forward with a strategic view of SEO Gaining and establishing visibility in SERPs Viewing Search as a vital part of every 360 communication plan Bringing offline & online together through Search 31. Re: Integration It will increasingly become a critical success factor ofmarketing, both in terms of offline/online but also within digital(display/search/social/mobile) It will be in the eye of the customer, not in the mind of themarketer As the Big Bang of digital unfolds further, it will remain achallenging yet immensely exciting processThank you!