Advicoach Franchise Presents: Stop Committing These Sales Crimes

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Transcript of Advicoach Franchise Presents: Stop Committing These Sales Crimes

If You’re Committing These Sales Crimes, It May Be Time to Retire your Old Sales Pitch

Overview • Americans today have become hyper-sensitive to constantly

being sold on something. • Studies show that the average person sees between 250 and

3,000 advertisements per day

• Thanks to the advertising industry, we are consistently bombarded with television, website, radio and mobile ads from companies selling their products or services.

• Due to the barrage of marketing, advertising and sales pitches the average person hears and sees each day, it’s important to try and cut through the clutter when presenting a sales pitch to a potential client or business prospect.

• However, are you in the dark about whether your pitch is outdated or not? If you’re guilty of any of the following old-school or bad sales tactics, then it may be time to throw away your old pitch and create a new one.


• Instead of filling your pitch with loads of stats, numbers and company jargon, keep it conversational and easy to understand.

• Nothing makes a future business prospect doze off faster than not understanding the language or feeling like they are being outright sold to.

You Sound Like a Salesperson

Instead of using over-the-top sales language, keep it conversational. Instead, adopt the framework “how can I serve you” rather than “how can I sell you.”

You Sound like a salesperson

• Nobody wants to hear a sales pitch that sounds like the marketer is reading straight from a script.

• Prospects are immediately turned off by a salesperson who is not genuine and doesn’t care about each specific prospect on an individual level.

• Future business prospects want to be part of a conversation, which is important to keep in mind when trying to sell someone on your business opportunity.

You’re reading off a script

• Talking more than 70% of the time during your sales pitch is a problem.

• Business prospects want to feel that their opinions and concerns matter, so if they aren’t part of the conversation, then it is detrimental to your pitch.

You’re dominating the conversation

• Although pitching is ultimately about turning leads into conversions, networking and starting a positive business relationship should be top-of-mind.

• If you’re guilty of even just one of the above three sales pitch blunders, then it’s probably time for you to refresh your sell.

• Creating a new pitch isn’t as hard as you may think. Thanks to resources like the Internet and the ease of hiring a business coach to help identify your main issues, recreating your sales pitch doesn’t have to be a daunting thought.

• With the right guidance and thought, your sales pitch can soon again be top-notch and help you seal future deals.


If you want to learn more about how you can change your sales pitch, contact a small business coach at AdviCoach today

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