Advantages of Biomass Briquettes Over Fossil Fuel

Post on 24-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Advantages of Biomass Briquettes Over Fossil Fuel


Biomass Briquettes:

Biomass Briquettes are logs which are made from agriculture & forestry waste which are generally wasted but one can now even use that & help in saving the limited fossil fuels. White coal Briquettes is totally a product invented by human being due to limited fossil fuels from natural extract. Agro coal Briquettes is totally an opposite product from fossil fuels as Briquettes does not create any kind of the pollution rather it cleans the earth & Briquettes prevent environment.

Fossil Fuels: Till now fossil foil have served us very well. Fossil fuels takes million of years to be made & they are made naturally & we are using fossil fuels that were made from since last 300 million. Once they are gone its gone so it is better not to waste the fossil fuels. So it is better to find either an alternative source of fossil fuels or to find limit are needs. They can’t be easily made just in few years to takes millions of years to be made again.


Fossil Fuels


MEANING Briquettes are flammable products made from Agro-forestry waste.

Fossil fuels are product extracted from nature & processed to use.


It is made from pure natural raw material .

Extracted from nature but it is processed not natural.


Briquettes will be the future technology.

They will extent in future.

USES Briquettes can be used in boilers & furnaces, power stations.

They are used very where in different forms as per needs.

CHEAPER It is much cheaper as compared to other fossil fuel.

Are much expensive & price are increasing day by day.

Fossil Fuels is the general term from which energy can be produced any for different purpose it can be used differently as per needs. Fossil Fuels has now become one the basic necessity of one’s life but one problem that it creates smoke & a lots of pollution which makes a dirtiness in earth & it is very limited in nature.Biomass Briquettes creates no pollution, smoke & no ash & cleans the agro forestry waste.


Green Fuel Briquettes for Sustainable Development Biomass Briquettes Plants are straight forward way to

reuse the waste & one of the easy technique to make a Briquettes which can easily compete as a Enviro-coal. Biomass Briquettes is a cheaper & greener fuel which helps us in sustaining the earth. Briquetting Plant are the efficient way to use Bio trash and to make an efficient use & make Bio-Coal Briquettes & helps in preventing pollution very easily. Biomass Briquetting Plant offers a wide of a range of Briquettes which can easily used in against the coal in industries & also for some household purposes.

Convenient responsible Briquettes

It is the bitter truth that fossil fuel are now very limited & now it has not become easy to excess fossil fuels from earth so now it has been a trend to use Briquettes. Biomass Briquettes are the one of the choice with as a renewable energy. The physical process of “Briquettes” very simple & easy just a transformation of loose Biomass into Briquettes by compacting process. It also offers easy ways to use in industries one need not to make much kind of changes in set up so it becomes easy to adopt Briquettes.

Briquetting Plant Briquettes always talks about saving the current condition of the either else it is very difficult to make even better than this. So it becomes essential that the process should easy so others like other should like to set up & enthusiastic should increase after set up. Briquetting Plant just need to take care about wide space & near to industries so transportation becomes easy. Briquetting Plant needs to make a foundation so that it can hold Briquetting Machines.

Conclusion By comparing Biomass Briquettes & Fossil fuel. The result is clearly on the side of Briquettes as it is many advantages as compared to fossil fuels. Briquettes is the techno future of the world as it only talks about protecting our earth. As Briquettes & its machine manufacturer Jay Khodiyar Machine Tools talks about earth where we live & to make earth a better place to live.As our environment protect us so now the time has come to protect environment. As the main motto of Jay Khodiyar Machine Tools is the “ Customer Satisfaction” it consider it customer as the whole world as it is responsibility of every individual to protect where we live & briquettes helps that work doing it in easy manner.