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THE IDEAS CENTERNew York University | Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | Langone Medical Center


About the IDEAS Center

The IDEAS Center, an Advanced Center funded in 2010 by the National Institute of Mental Health (MH090322) and led by Kimberly Hoagwood, PhD, is located in NYU’s Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, The Langone Medical Center.

IDEAS is dedicated to advancing implementation science and, by so doing, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of large-scale State EBP quality improvements for children and families. The Center’s primary goal: to develop and test implementation strategies and tools that can serve as a model for other States. Center aims include:

1. To advance implementation research across multiple levels to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of State roll-outs of EBP quality improvements;

2. To apply theory-driven and mixed methods to advance understanding of implementation processes and outcomes across multiple levels.

3. To disseminate timely and pragmatic findings to States;

4. To advance the development of new and early stage investigators.

Our Research Portfolio

IDEAS studies are focused on meeting state EBP implementation challenges, including improving the engagement of providers and consumers in EBP initiatives; improving data decision support systems for monitoring service delivery and outcomes and the development of quality measures; and utilizing mixed methods to improve state scaling of EBP’s.

Number of Grants

Since Center inception, IDEAS researchers have submitted 13 grants (NIH RO1’s, R34’s and K’s; PCORI; IES; private foundations), and are now seeking funding from non-traditional mental health funding sources.

IDEAS Studies

Center researchers are conducting a total of 16 studies aimed at improving the implementation science evidence base; see page 2.

IDEAS Publications

Faculty have published approximately 60 peer-reviewed articles (2011-), many published in three special journal issues in 2014.

The Center for The Implementation-dissemination of Evidence-based Practices Among States (IDEAS)

Our Outstanding faculty

Nearly 30 IDEAS faculty and staff members conduct 16 research studies, many in partnership with New York State policymakers, or in collaboration with colleagues across the country. Our experienced, multidisciplinary team of senior researchers at the IDEAS Center includes Drs. Mary McKay, Sally Horwitz, Naihua Duan, Larry Palinkas, and Barbara Burns.

One Park Avenue, 7th Floor

New York, NY 10016

National Advisory Board

A national advisory board guides IDEAS work. Members include:

• Howard Goldman, MD, PhD, (Chair)

• Richard G. Frank, PhD

• Michael Hogan, PhD

• Kelly Kelleher, MD

• John Landsverk, PhD

“In 2014, we are refocusing some of our studies to better help mental healthcare providers meet the demands of the rapidly transforming health system in which providers are being increasingly held accountable for outcomes, a major change and challenge for behavioral healthcare systems. As such, we are accelerating our efforts to develop practical measures to assess the quality of children’s mental health services.”

Kimberly Hoagwood, PhD IDEAS Center Director

• Developing and testing Tools and Strategies to improve state Implementation of EBPs

better engage providers & consumers in EBPs to improve child & family outcomes using:

• family and peer-delivered support to improve delivery• learning collaboratives, training on decision support• ‘mystery shopper’ model to improve access• early interventions to improve maternal MH• Modular, multi-faceted approach in school MH• training primary care, dx and tx on child mh problems

developing quality care guidelines/testing decision support systems to improve child outcomes:

• decision analytic model for child Welfare system• LAMS longitudinal study to improve tx of mania • psyckes, to improve psychotropic Rx Practices• Development of quality guidelines, adol depression• measure parent care experience to improve delivery• state-to-state comparison of care delivery

mixed methods to improve Efficiency & Effectiveness of state EPB implementation, via:

• Adoption of innovations, for improved EBP rollouts

IDEAS Studies: tools & strategies for improved EBP implementation

Adoption of Innovations in New York State Clinics (Horwitz, Olin & Chor)

Collaborative Model Addressing Mental Health in the Perinatal Period (Horwitz)

Developing and Testing a Peer-Delivered Intervention for Maternal Depression (Acri)

Development of a Decision Analytic Model to Assist Child Welfare Directors in Adopting/Implementing EBPs (Horwitz)

Development of a Parent Experiences of Care Measure (Olin)

Development of Quality Measures for Adolescent Depression (Hoagwood, Horwitz & O’Connor)

Development of Psychotropic Prescribing Quality Measures (Finnerty, Hoagwood)

Implementation of Feedback Systems to Improve EBTs for Children (Hoagwood & Gleacher)

Improving Family-to Family (F2F) Services in Home & Community-based Waiver Programs (Hoagwood & Olin)

Improving Access to Psychiatric Services for Adolescent Depression: Mystery Shopper (Horwitz, O'Connor & Hoagwood)

Improving Implementation of Evidence-Based Trauma Care in Schools (Nadeem)

Longitudinal Assessment of Manic Symptoms (Horwitz)

Prevention of Postpartum Traumatic Stress in Mothers with Preterm Infants (Horwitz)

Project TEACH Evaluation (Kerker, Hoagwood, Horwitz & Chor)

Strengthening Quality in School Mental Health (Hoagwood)

Testing a Learning Collaborative to Improve Implementation of Decision Support (MAP)(Horwitz, Olin & Gleacher)

IDEAS Faculty and Staff Directory An Experienced, Multidisciplinary Team Dedicated to Advancing Implementation Science

Center Director Kimber l y Hoagwood, PhD, leads a talented,

multidisciplinary team of investigators -- from mental health services researchers, psychologists, and psychiatrists -- to statisticians, data analysts, and health services economists. This dynamic team is focused on solving state EBP implementation and dissemination challenges to improve the delivery of children's mental health services.

The IDEAS team is actively collaborating with Center partners across the country to develop tools and techniques to solve state implementation challenges. Many of our faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and staff also work closely with two New York State-funded technical assistance centers: The Community Technical Assistance Center (CTAC), and the Evidence-Based Treatment Dissemination Center (EBTDC). IDEAS Center research findings will be utilized by both CTAC, which provides technical assistance and a variety of evidence-based treatment training to New York State's adult and child-serving clinics, and the EBTDC, which provides training each year to mental health professionals on specific evidence-based treatments each year.

To learn more about our dynamic IDEAS Center team members who are working to advance implementation and dissemination research in state systems, you can read their profiles on our IDEAS website at:



Kimberly Hoagwood, PhD, IDEAS Director,Vice Chair for Research and Cathy and Stephen Graham Professor, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York University, Langone Medical Center (NYULMC)

Faculty and Staff

• Barbara Burns, PhD, Senior Consultant

• Geraldine Burton, Parent Advocate 

• Mary Acri, PhD, Assistant Professor

• Anil Chacko, PhD, Affiliated Faculty 

• Pinka Chatterji, PhD, Affiliated Faculty  

• Naihua Duan, PhD, RMC Co-Director 

• Molly Finnerty, MD, Faculty

• Samantha Frank, BA, Research Assistant

• Kaitlin Gallo, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

• Elizabeth Glaeser, BS, Research Assistant

• Alissa Gleacher, PhD, Faculty 

• Geetha Gopalan, PhD, Affiliated Faculty 

• Sarah Horwitz, PhD, Faculty 

• Bonnie Kerker, PhD, MPH, Faculty 

• Krista Kutash, PhD, Faculty

• Mary McKay, PhD, Faculty

• Christina Morales, Administrative Assistant

• Erum Nadeem, PhD, Faculty

• Briannon O’Connor, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

• Serene Olin, PhD, Deputy Director and Faculty

• Mark Olfson, MD, Faculty

• Aida Ortiz, Parent Advocate

• Larry Palinkas, PhD, Faculty

• Michele Pollock, MSW, Project Manager

• Vanessa Ringle, Research Assistant 

• James Robinson, MEd, Director of Data Coordinating Center 

• Priscilla Shorter, Parent Advocate

• Jackie Szymonifka, MA, Senior Data Analyst 

• Jamie Weaver, PhD, Data Analyst

• Dara Weiss, MA, Senior Research Coordinator

• Emma Whitmyre, Research Assistant