Advanced Online Assessment Strategies Moodle · Turnitin • Free for Faculty use • Seamless...

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Transcript of Advanced Online Assessment Strategies Moodle · Turnitin • Free for Faculty use • Seamless...

Advanced Online Assessment Strategies


Agenda• Introduction: Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verbs

• Part 1: Plagiarism Prevention in Assignments (Turnitin)

• Part 2: Peer Review and Assessment (Workshop)

• Part 3: Advanced Quiz Question Types

• Q&A

• Upcoming Events

• What’s new with DL

Evaluating (Evaluation)

Analyzing (Analysis)

Applying (Application)

Understanding (Comprehension)

Remembering (Knowledge)

Lower-division courses

Upper-division, graduate courses

*Source: Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. (Eds.). 2001

Creating (Synthesis)

Introduction: Bloom’s Taxonomy

Introduction: Action Verbs

Clear, action-oriented verbs:

▪ Compare

▪ Construct

▪ Design

▪ Explain

▪ Participate

▪ Summarize

▪ Write

▪ Contribute

▪ Analyze

▪ Choose

▪ Differentiate

▪ Discuss

▪ Indicate

▪ Predict

▪ Select

▪ Classify

▪ Draw

▪ Critique

Students will…

Part 1:Plagiarism Prevention in AssignmentsTurnitin

Assignment Activity

• Action Verbs include: relate, illustrate, rephrase, simplify, justify, predict (both lower and higher order).

• This type of activity must be monitored for plagiarism, which can be inefficient.

• The Moodle Assignment activity provides a space into which students can submit work for teachers to grade and give feedback on.


• Free for Faculty use

• Seamless Moodle Integration

• Supported by Distance Learning

• Grading and feedback through Moodle

• Custom Rubric creation

Turnitin is an online tool that checks student submissions against internet search and all other works previously submitted.

Create a Turnitin Assignment within Moodle via Add an Activity or Resource

Reasons for Using Turnitin

Student Perspective:

• Displays Originality Report to Students (optional)

• Alerts students to non-originality within their paper.

• Helps students to learn what is and what is not plagiarism.

Instructor Perspective

• Instructor can judge each incident on a case-by-case basis.

• Prevents the resubmission of the same paper in different courses.

• Prevents student work from being used by others without proper citation.

My Final Paper 8675309 11/1/25 10:22 49%

Turnitin Instructor View

Student Name | Title of Paper


Turnitin Instructor View

Student Name | Title of Paper

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Automated Grammar check

Using Rubrics with Turnitin

A Rubric must be created in the Rubric Manager.

First, click on the Edit Settings link for this Assignment within Moodle.

Second, under the GradeMark Optionsheading, click Launch Rubric Manager.

No Rubric

Creating Rubrics with Turnitin

Create a New Rubric

View available pre-built Rubrics

Click the “hamburger” for

the menu

Note: Rubrics cannot be attached to the

Assignment in Rubric Manager

Rubric for Final Paper 2025Rubric for Final Paper 2024Rubric for Final Paper 2023Rubric for Final Paper 2022

Attaching a Rubric to the Assignment

Return to the Edit Settings page for this Assignment to attach a Rubric.

Under the GradeMark Options heading, use the dropdown menu to select the desired Rubric.

Rubric for Final Paper 2025

Grading with Rubrics

Student Name | Title of Paper

Utilize Rubric

Part 2:Peer Review and AssessmentMoodle Workshop


A Workshop is a powerful peer-assessment activity within Moodle.

• Students submit documents to be evaluated by group members.

• The instructor

o sets the criteria for evaluation

o moves the class through the phases of the Workflow

• Action Verbs include: evaluate, rate, rule on, decide, interpret (higher order).

Create a Workshop Assignment within Moodle via Add an Activity or Resource

Workshop Workflow - Setup

1. Setup Phase

• Instructor finalizes settings

• Instructor creates a yes/no-based Assessment form

• To move to next Phase, click on the lightbulb in the Submission Phase Block

Workshop Workflow - Submission

2. Submission Phase

• Each Student submits a document

• Easy to determine participation

• Instructor must allocate reviews

Workshop Workflow - Assessment

3. Assessment Phase

• Students review documents as allocated.

• They complete the Assessment Form for each.

Student View of Allocations: Student View of Assessment Form:

Workshop Workflow – Grading Evaluation

4. Grading Evaluation Phase

• Submission Grade - averaged from peer Assessment.

• Assessment Grade - how well a student’s Assessment agrees with others.

• The instructor can override these grades.

5. Closed – no further interaction can occur.

Part 3:Advanced Quiz Question TypesMoodle Quiz

Quiz Activity

These Question types require extra preparation

• Calculated Multichoice

• Embedded Answers (Cloze)

• Random Short Answer Matching

• Drag and Drop


Calculated Multichoice

• All students can receive different numbers in the question text and in the answer choices.

• These variables are called wild cards on Moodle.

• Action Verbs include calculate, solve (lower order)

Student 1 View Student 2 View

Calculated Multichoice

In the Question Text, wild cards are indicated with curly brackets, { } around a letter or word:

The students will only see numbers when they view the question:

Calculated Multichoice

When writing Answer Choices:

• Use curly brackets around calculation

• Do not use spaces

The students will select from the calculated values only.

Embedded Answers (Cloze)

• Cloze questions consist of a short passage with several embeddedquestions.

• Action Verbs include identify, recall, interpret, apply, predict, assess, evaluate (both higher and lower order)

• Three major question types can be embedded with options.

• Each type requires a code, for example:

Question Type Long Code Short Code



Multiple Choice (dropdown; shuffle)


Embedded Answers (Cloze)

• A Cloze code generator can be used:

Embedded Answers (Cloze)

• A Cloze code generator can be used:

Instructor view of Question Creation: Student view of Question:

Random Short Answer Matching

• The Random Short Answer Matching Question converts several pre-existing Short Answer questions into a single matchingquestion.

Short Answer Questions Random Short Answer Matching

Random Short Answer Matching

• Action Verbs include categorizing, labeling, defining (lower order)

• The number of items to match can be equal to or less than the number of Short Answer Questions.

• Only the first 100% credit Answer is used from each.

• No distractors can be added.

• All of the Short Answer Question must be in the same category as the Random Short Answer Matching question.

Drag and Drop - Text

1. Drag and Drop onto Text

• Words or phrases are dragged onto a statement and dropped into blanks.

• Multiple Word Banks (Groups) can be used.

• Distractors may be included in Word Banks.

• Three types of Drag and Drop questions can be built

• Action Verbs include sorting, identifying, defining (lower order)

Drag and Drop - Text

1. Drag and Drop onto Text

• Use double brackets and a number in question text to indicate a blank.

Three types of Drag and Drop questions can be built:

Drag and Drop - Markers

2. Drag and Drop Markers

• Words or phrases are dragged onto a background image.

• The maximum image size is 600 by 400 pixels.

• Dropzones must be coded in manually by the number of pixels. (1 box = 10 pix)

Left, Top; Right, Bottom


Drag and Drop - Image

3. Drag and Drop onto Image

• Smaller images and phrases are dragged onto a background image.

• The max. background image size is 600 by 400 pixels.

• The max. draggable image size is 150 by 100 pixels.

• Dropzones are auto-populated during question creation.

Feedback Settings on Quizzes

If students have multiple attempts on a quiz, we recommend unchecking Right Answers until quiz is closed.


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