Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2 · 2017-03-14 · L This week, we will begin Chapter 1...

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Transcript of Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2 · 2017-03-14 · L This week, we will begin Chapter 1...

Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO

March 13, 2017

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Homework #1

▸ I will post Homework #1 on the course website later tonight.


▸ Due in two weeks at the end of lecture.

▸ This week, we will begin Chapter 1 of Jehle & Reny.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Review of Last Lecture

▸ A set S is convex if any convex combination of points in S , also liesin S .

▸ A function f is concave if:

▸ Its hypograph (i.e. the set of points below the graph) isconvex.v

▸ Assuming twice differentiable, its Hessian (i.e. matrix ofsecond derivatives) is negative semidefinite.

▸ A function f is quasiconcave if its upper level sets, i.e. {xxx ∣f (x) ≥ r}are convex, for all r .

▸ Example: a ”bell curve” or normal distribution is quasiconcave,but not concave.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Review of Last Lecture: Constrained Optimization

▸ For problems with one equality constraint g(xxx) = 0, we can form theLagrangian and find its inflection point:

L(xxx , λ) = f (xxx) − λg(xxx)

▸ Set ∂L∂xxx, ∂L∂λ

to 0 and solve for xxx∗, λ∗.

▸ At the solution, the multiplier λ∗ must be strictly positive.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Review of Last Lecture: Constrained Optimization

▸ For problems with multiple inequality constraintsg1(xxx) ≤ 0, ...,gm(xxx) ≤ 0, the Lagrangian becomes:

L(xxx , λ) = f (xxx) − λ1g1(xxx)... − λmgm(xxx)

▸ At the solution, some constraints will be binding (i.e. satisfied withequality) or nonbinding (satisfied with strict inequality).

▸ Of the binding constraints, some may be irrelevant (i.e. if theconstraint were removed, the solution would not change).

▸ The multipliers λ∗i corresponding to nonbinding and irrelevantconstraints will be 0.

▸ The multipliers λ∗i corresponding to binding and relevant constraintswill be strictly positive.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Consumer Theory

▸ The consumer’s problem is to choose a consumption bundle, out ofall feasible bundles, that is most preferred.

▸ There are four building blocks of the consumer’s problem:

▸ the consumption set▸ the feasible set▸ the preference relation▸ the behavioral assumption

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Consumption & Feasible Set

▸ The consumption set X is the set of all possible consumptionbundles.

▸ We will assume it is Rn+, the set of all possible non-negative

quantities of n goods.

▸ The feasible set B is a subset of X , representing the set ofconsumption bundles achievable with the consumer’s resources (i.e.wealth).

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2


▸ The consumer’s preferences determine which bundles are morepreferred.

▸ We will characterize preferences axiomatically: we will state theminimum assumptions which any reasonable consumer preferencemust satisfy.

▸ Let x1x1x1,x2x2x2 be any two elements of the consumption set X . We sayx1x1x1 ≿ x2x2x2 if x1x1x1 is at least as good as x2x2x2.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Axioms of Consumer Choice

▸ Axiom 1: Completeness. For all x1x1x1,x2x2x2 ∈ X , either x1x1x1 ≿ x2x2x2 or x2x2x2 ≿ x1x1x1.

▸ Axiom 1 implies that there are no noncomparabilities, i.e. bundlesthat cannot be compared to each other.

▸ Axiom 2: Transitivity: for any three elements x1x1x1,x2x2x2,x3x3x3, if x1x1x1 ≿ x2x2x2

and x2x2x2 ≿ x3x3x3, then x1x1x1 ≿ x3x3x3.

▸ Axiom 2 implies that preferences are consistent. If preferences werenot consistent, it would be possible to extract an infinite amount ofmoney from a consumer though a money pump.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Money Pump

▸ Suppose a consumer has the following preferences: x1x1x1 ≿ x2x2x2, x2x2x2 ≿ x3x3x3,x3x3x3 ≿ x1x1x1.

▸ There is a ”cycle” of preferences.

▸ Suppose the consumer starts out with x1x1x1.

▸ I trade x3x3x3 to the consumer for x1x1x1 plus a small amount of money.

▸ Then, I trade x2x2x2 to the consumer for x3x3x3 plus a small amount ofmoney.

▸ Finally, I trade x1x1x1 to the consumer for x2x2x2 plus a small amount ofmoney.

▸ This can be repeated indefinitely.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Strict Preference

▸ A binary relation ≿ is called a preference relation if it satisfies theaxioms of completeness and transitivity.

▸ We can define another binary relation, ≻, defined as:

x1x1x1 ≻ x2x2x2 if and only if x1x1x1 ≿ x2x2x2 and x2x2x2 /≿ x1x1x1

▸ This is called the strict preference relation induced by ≿.

▸ If x1x1x1 ≻ x2x2x2, we say x1x1x1 is strictly preferred to x2x2x2.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Indifference Relation

▸ The binary relation ∼ is defined as:

x1x1x1 ∼ x2x2x2iff x1x1x1 ≿ x2x2x2 and x2x2x2 ≿ x1x1x1

▸ We say that x1x1x1 is indifferent to x2x2x2.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Sets Derived from ≿

▸ Given a preference relation ≿, we can define sets relative to a givenpoint x0x0x0.

▸ Define the set≿ (x0x0x0) = {xxx ∣xxx ≿ x0x0x0}

▸ This is the set of all bundles that are at least as good as x0x0x0.

▸ Similarly, we can define ≾ (x0x0x0),≺ (x0x0x0),≻ (x0x0x0),∼ (x0x0x0).

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Continuity, Local Non-satiation

▸ Axiom 3: Continuity. For all xxx ∈ Rn+,≿ (xxx) and ≾ (xxx) are closed (i.e.

contains its boundary).

▸ The next two axioms are alternatives:

▸ Axiom 4’: Local non-satiation. For all x0x0x0 ∈ Rn+ and for all ε > 0,

there exists some xxx ∈ Bε(x0x0x0) such that xxx ≻ x0x0x0.

▸ Bε(x0x0x0) is a ball of radius ε centered on x0x0x0.▸ This axiom says that from any point x0x0x0, you can always find a

path that leads to a strictly more preferred bundle.▸ This rules out local maxima.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Strict Monotonicity

▸ Axiom 4: Strict monotonicity. For all x0x0x0,x1x1x1:

▸ If x0x0x0 ≥ x1x1x1 (i.e. every component of x0x0x0 is at least as large as inx1x1x1), then x0x0x0 ≿ x1x1x1.

▸ If x0x0x0 ≫ x1x1x1 (i.e. every component of x0x0x0 is at least as large as inx1x1x1, and there is one strictly greater), then x0x0x0 ≻ x1x1x1.

▸ This is a stricter condition that local non-satiation: it says thatfrom any point x0x0x0, any path in a direction that increases acomponent of xxx leads to a strictly more preferred bundle.

▸ In the consumer problem, Axioms 4 and 4’ guarantee that thechosen bundle will lie on the budget line (therefore, we can use theLagrange method with an equality condition).

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Convexity and Strict Convexity

▸ Axiom 5’: Convexity. If x1x1x1 ≿ x0x0x0, then tx1x1x1 + (1 − t)x0x0x0 ≿ x0x0x0 for allt ∈ [0,1].

▸ Axiom 5: Strict Convexity: If x1x1x1 ≠ x0x0x0 and x1x1x1 ≿ x0x0x0, thentx1x1x1 + (1 − t)x0x0x0 ≻ x0x0x0 for all t ∈ [0,1].

▸ Axiom 5’ implies that the set ≿ (x0x0x0) is convex for any x0. Axiom 5implies that it is strictly convex.

▸ We shall see later that this implies the utility function is (strictly)quasiconcave if (strict) convexity is satisfied.

▸ For the rest of this course, unless specified, we will usually assumeAxiom 4 (strict monotonicity) and 5 (strict convexity).

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

The Utility Function

▸ We can summarize preferences with a utility function u(⋅), thatassigns a number fo every consumption bundle xxx .

▸ u(xxx0) ≥ u(x1x1x1) iff x0x0x0 ≿ x1x1x1.

▸ u(xxx0) > u(x1x1x1) iff x0x0x0 ≻ x1x1x1.

▸ Theorem 1.1: If ≿ is complete, transitive, continuous and strictlymonotonic, there exists a continuous real-valued function,u ∶ Rn

+ → R which represents ≿.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Invariance to Positive Monotonic Transforms

▸ The utility function u(⋅) representing ≿ is not unique; there areinfinitely many possibilities.

▸ Suppose we have a strictly increasing function f ∶ R→ R, and letv(xxx) = f (u(xxx)). Then v(⋅) is also a utility function that represents≿, and vice versa.

▸ For example: u1(x) = x , a linear function, and u2(x) = log(x), a logfunction, represent the same preferences.

▸ For any two x , y , u1(x) ≤ u1(y) if and only if u2(x) ≤ u2(y).

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Properties of Preferences and Utility Functions

▸ Suppose ≿ is represented by u ∶ Rn+ → R. Then:

▸ 1) u(xxx) is strictly increasing iff ≿ is strictly monotonic.

▸ 2) u(xxx) is quasiconcave iff ≿ is convex.

▸ 3) u(xxx) is strictly quasiconcave iff ≿ is strictly convex.

▸ As we will see, strict quasiconcavity guarantees that the consumerproblem has a unique solution (most preferred bundle).

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Consumer’s problem

▸ Consumer’s problem is to choose a bundle xxx = (x1...xn) that is mostpreferred, from the feasible set B

▸ Choose:xxx∗ ∈ B such that xxx∗ ≿ xxx , for all xxx ∈ B

▸ Assume the consumer is in a market economy, in which alltransactions occur in markets

▸ For all goods i = 1...n, there is a market price pi > 0

▸ Assume the consumer has no market power, i.e. cannot affectmarket price through buying and selling

▸ Assume the consumer has an exogenously given amount of money,y .

▸ Total expenditures, ∑ni=1 pixi must be less than or equal to y .

▸ Then, given prices ppp = (, the feasible set (or budget set) is:

B = {xxx ∈ Rn+∣ppp ⋅ xxx =



pixi ≤ y}

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Budget set for 2 goods

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Consumer’s problem with utility functions

▸ Assume that preferences can be represented by a utility functionu(xxx), and that u(xxx) is strictly quasiconcave.

▸ Consumer’s problem becomes:



u(xxx) subject to ppp ⋅ xxx ≤ y

▸ What do we know about the solution xxx∗?▸ A maximum exists, because B is closed and bounded.▸ The maximizer xxx∗ is unique, because u(xxx) is strictly

quasiconcave.▸ xxx∗ satisfies the budget constraint with equality, i.e. ppp ⋅ xxx = y ,

because u(xxx) is strictly monotonic.

▸ It would be convenient if we could guarantee all components x∗i ofx∗x∗x∗ were strictly positive (i.e. an interior solution).

▸ Choosing a specific form for u(xxx) can ensure this.

▸ The solution x∗i (p1,, y), as a function of ppp and y , is called theMarshallian demand function.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Solving the consumer’s problem with calculus methods

▸ If we make the further assumption that u(xxx) is differentiable (i.e.smooth), we can use the Lagrangian method.

▸ The constraint g(x1, ...xn) = 0 becomes: p1x1 + ... + pnxn − y = 0

L(x1...xn, λ) = u(x1, ...xn) − λ(p1x1 + ... + pnxn − y)

▸ Assume that the solution xxx∗ is strictly positive. Then the first-orderconditions (called the Kuhn-Tucker conditions) are satisfied withsome λ∗ > 0:


∂x1= ∂u(x∗)

∂x1− λ∗p1 = 0


∂xn= ∂u(x∗)

∂xn− λ∗pn = 0

p1x1 + ... + pnxn − y = 0

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Marginal rate of substitution = price ratio

▸ Rearrange first-order conditions:


= λ∗p1


= λ∗pn

▸ Assume that ∂u(x∗)∂x1

> 0, i.e. utility is always increasing in eachgood. Then for any two goods j , k :



= pj


▸ At the optimum, the marginal rate of substitution between any twogoods equals the ratio of prices.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Solution for 2 goods

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Marshallian demand function: 2 goods

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Example: Constant Elasticity of Substitution (CES) utility

▸ For n = 2 and a constant ρ < 1, ρ ≠ 0, assume utility is of the form:

u(x1, x2) = (xρ1 + xρ2 )1ρ

▸ Is this strictly monotonic? Check that the gradient is always strictlypositive for x1, x2 ≥ 0:


∂x1= ((xρ1 + xρ2 )



∂x2= ((xρ1 + xρ2 )


▸ Note that this goes to infinity as xi → 0. This ensures that amaximizer will not have x1 = 0 or x2 = 0.

▸ Is this strictly quasiconcave? We’ll mention 2 ways of checking:

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Hessian of the Utility Function

▸ The Hessian of u(x1, x2) is:

H(x1, x2) =⎛⎜⎝








▸ If H(x1, x2) is negative definite for all x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, then u(x1, x2) isstrictly concave.

▸ H(x1, x2) is negative semidefinite for all x1 ≥ 0, x2 ≥ 0, iff u(x1, x2) isconcave.

▸ A matrix is negative definite if the determinants of its upper left1x1,2x2, ... sub-matrices are negative.

▸ To determine if u is quasiconcave, we construct the borderedHessian.

▸ This method works on any function. However, it’s a bit tedious tocalculate the determinants.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Composition of Concave Functions

▸ We can use these properties of concave and quasiconcave functions:

▸ A (strictly) concave, monotonic transformation of a (strictly)concave function is (strictly) concave.

▸ A monotonic transformation of a concave function is quasiconcave(not necessarily concave).

▸ A monotonic transformation of a quasiconcave function isquasiconcave.

▸ For example: a negative quadratic function − 12

x2 is concave.

▸ Applying the monotonic transformation exp(⋅) to − 12

x2 gives

exp(− 12

x2), which is a ”bell curve” or normal distribution, times aconstant.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Composition of Concave Functions

▸ For the CES utility u(x1, x2) = (xρ1 + xρ2 )1ρ :

▸ 0 < ρ < 1, let f (x1, x2) = xρ1 + xρ2 , and let g(z) = z1ρ .

▸ For ρ < 0, let f (x1, x2) = −(xρ1 + xρ2 ), and let g(z) = (−z) 1ρ .

▸ g is strictly concave and monotonic, and f is strictly concave,therefore u = g ○ f is strictly concave.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

CES Example: Consumer’s Problem


(xρ1 + xρ2 )1ρ subject to p1x1 + p2x2 − y ≤ 0


▸ Since u is strictly monotonic, the budget constraint will hold withequality at the solution: p1x1 + p2x2 − y = 0.

▸ The Lagrangian function:

L(x1, x2, λ) = (xρ1 + xρ2 )1ρ − λ(p1x1 + p2x2 − y)

▸ As we saw above, the solution is strictly positive, so theKuhn-Tucker conditions hold:


∂x1= (xρ1 + xρ2 )

1ρ−1xρ−11 − λp1 = 0


∂x2= (xρ1 + xρ2 )

1ρ−1xρ−12 − λp2 = 0


∂λ= p1x1 + p2x2 − y = 0

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

▸ Using the property that MRS = price ratio:



= p1

p2⇒ x1

x2= (p1



x1 = x2 (p1



▸ Plugging into budget equation,

y = p1x2 (p1



+ p2x2

▸ Rearranging gives us:

x2 =p




1 + pρ



y , x1 =p




1 + pρ




▸ These are the solutions to the consumer’s problem for a given valueof p1,p2, y , i.e. the Marshallian demand function.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Marshallian demand function: CES

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Conditions for a Differentiable Demand Function

▸ Assume that xxx∗ solves the consumer’s maximization problem givenppp0, y0 and is strictly positive.

▸ If

▸ u is twice continuously differentiable on Rn++ (i.e. xxx strictly



> 0 for some i in 1...n▸ the bordered Hessian of u has a non-zero determinant at xxx∗,

▸ then xxx(ppp, y) is differentiable at (ppp0, y0).

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Envelope Theorem (Appendix A2.4)

▸ Let’s go back to the general optimization problem


f (xxx ,aaa) subject to g(xxx ,aaa) = 0

▸ xxx is the vector of choice variables, and aaa is a vector of parameters(for consumer problems, prices and income).

▸ Suppose that for each aaa, a solution exists: xxx∗(aaa) and λ∗(aaa). Themaximized value of the objective function is called the valuefunction:

V (aaa) = f (xxx∗(aaa),aaa) = maxxxx∈Rn

f (xxx ,aaa) s.t. g(xxx ,aaa) = 0

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Envelope Theorem (Appendix A2.4)

▸ We would like to know how changes in aaa affects the optimizedobjective function V (aaa).

▸ To simplify, the Envelope Theorem (A2.22 in the book) states thatthe effect on V is equal to the partial derivative of the Lagrangian,evaluated at the optimal values of xxx∗, λ∗:


∂aj= ∂L

∂aj(xxx∗(aaa), λ∗(aaa))

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Indirect Utility Function

▸ Going back to the consumer’s problem, let v(ppp, y) denote the valuefunction, i.e. the maximized utility function:

v(ppp, y) = u(xxx∗(ppp, y)) = maxxxx

u(xxx) s.t. ppp ⋅ xxx ≤ y

▸ u(xxx) is called the direct utility function, while v(ppp, y) is called theindirect utility function.

▸ v(ppp, y) gives the highest amount of utility the consumer can reach,given prices ppp and income y .

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Indirect Utility

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Properties of Indirect Utility

▸ If u(xxx) is continuous and strictly increasing, then v(ppp, y) is:

▸ Continuous▸ Homogeneous of degree zero in (ppp, y): for any

t > 0, v(tppp, ty) = v(ppp, y)▸ Strictly increasing in y▸ Decreasing in ppp.▸ Quasiconvex in (ppp, y)▸ Satisfies Roy’s Identity: if v(ppp, y) is differentiable at (ppp0, y0)

and ∂v∂y

(ppp0, y0) ≠ 0, then:

xi(ppp0, y0) = −∂v∂pi

(ppp0, y0)∂v∂y

(ppp0, y0)for i = 1...n

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Homogeneity of Indirect Utility

▸ A function f (xxx) is homogeneous of degree p if for anyt > 0, f (txxx) = tpf (xxx).

▸ For v(ppp, y), homogeneity of degree 0 means that if both prices andincome are multiplied by the same amount, the optimalconsumption bundle does not change, and therefore the maximizedutility does not change.

▸ xxx(ppp, y) is also homogeneous of degree 0.

▸ There is no ”money illusion”: changing nominal prices and incomesdoes not affect the outcome.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

CES Example

▸ Going back to the CES utility example, we found the Marshalliandemand functions:

x1 =pr−11

pr1 + pr



x2 =pr−12

pr1 + pr



▸ where r = ρρ−1 . Note that homogeneity of degree zero holds.

▸ Plugging back into the direct utility function u:

v(p1,p2, y) = [( pr−11

pr1 + pr



+ ( pr−12

pr1 + pr




= y(pr1 + pr


▸ This is also homogeneous of degree zero.

▸ We can also verify the other properties of an indirect utility function.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Expenditure Function

▸ The expenditure function is the minimum amount of expenditurenecessary to achieve a given utility level u at prices ppp:

e(ppp,u) = minxxx

ppp ⋅ xxx s.t. u(xxx) ≥ u

▸ If preferences are strictly monotonic, then the constraint will besatisfied with equality

▸ Denote the solution to the expenditure minimization problem as:

xxxh(ppp,u) = arg minxxx

ppp ⋅ xxx s.t. u(xxx) ≥ u

▸ This is called the Hicksian demand function or compensateddemand.

▸ It shows the effect of a change in prices on demand, while holdingutility constant.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Properties of Expenditure Function

▸ If u(⋅) is continuous and strictly increasing, then e(ppp,u) is:

▸ Zero when u is at the lowest possible level▸ Continuous▸ For all strictly positive ppp, it is strictly increasing and

unbounded above in u▸ Increasing in ppp▸ Homogeneous of degree 1 in ppp▸ Concave in ppp▸ If u(⋅) is strictly quasiconcave, then it satisfies Shephard’s



= xhi (ppp0,u0) for i = 1...n

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Example: CES Utility

▸ Suppose direct utility is u(x1, x2) = (xρ1 + xρ2 )1ρ ,0 ≠ ρ < 1.

▸ Let’s derive the expenditure function:


p1x1 + p2x2 s.t. (xρ1 + xρ2 )1ρ − u = 0

▸ Form the Lagrangian:

L(x1, x2, λ) = p1x1 + p2x2 − λ((xρ1 + xρ2 )1ρ − u)

▸ First-order conditions:


∂x1= p1 − λ(xρ1 + xρ2 )

1ρ−1xρ−11 = 0


∂x2= p2 − λ(xρ1 + xρ2 )

1ρ−1xρ−12 = 0


∂λ= (xρ1 + xρ2 )

1ρ − u = 0

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Example: CES Utility


∂x1= p1 − λ(xρ1 + xρ2 )

1ρ−1xρ−11 = 0


∂x2= p2 − λ(xρ1 + xρ2 )

1ρ−1xρ−12 = 0


∂λ= (xρ1 + xρ2 )

1ρ − u = 0

▸ Solving for x1, x2, we get the Hicksian demands (r = ρρ−1):

xh1 (ppp,u) = u(pr

1 + pr2)

1r −1pr−1


xh2 (ppp,u) = u(pr

1 + pr2)

1r −1pr−1


▸ Plug back into objective function ppp ⋅ xxx :

e(ppp,u) = u(pr1 + pr


Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2

Next Week

▸ I will post Homework #1 on the course website later tonight.


▸ Due in two weeks at the end of lecture.

▸ Please continue reading Chapter 1.

Prof. Ronaldo CARPIO Advanced Microeconomic Analysis, Lecture 2