Advanced Level Trigonometry Tutorial

Post on 02-Dec-2015

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A tutorial on Advanced level Trigonometry focusing on finding solutions and sketching graphs

Transcript of Advanced Level Trigonometry Tutorial

Sketch y : sin3x for 0 < r < 360'.

One cycle. We have 'compressed'3 cycles ofthe curve into the range 0-360o.

L Draw a sketch graph of the following for 0 < x < 360'.

a y: cos(r - 90o)

d y:3sinxb y:sinx-12 c y: tan(r*90")e y: cos2x

2 Match each equation with one of the sketch graphs below.

B: Y:cos(x-90') C:A, y: sin2xD, y: sin.x * 1 E: y:cosx-1

3 Draw a sketch graph of the following for 0 < r < 360".


y: sin(x - 90")

y :2sinx

a y :2sinxdy=sin(x*90')

b y: tan2xe Y:2sinx*2

.tc y: smztr



Draw a sketch graph of y : 2 sin(l + 180") for 0 < r < 360o.

Use your graph to write down the solution to the equation

2sin(r * 180.):2 (for0<r<360')

Draw a sketch graph of y : tanlxfor 0 < r < 350o.

How many solutions are there to the equation

tanlx : lz (for 0 < I < 360")

5* Draw a sketch graPh of the following for 0 < r < 360o.





a Y: -costrd y: sin(-2r)

by:cos(-x) c y:1-cosxe Y: -2 sinx

On the same axes, sketch the curves y : cos4x and y : sin 2x f.or

0<x<90o.How many solutions are there to the equation cos 4x : sin 2r in this range?

8 a Sketchthecurve A :2tanZxfior0 (x{ z.

b In the range 0 < x < z how many solutions are there to the equation2tan2x:11?

1 Calculate the length of the side marked with a letter' All lengths are in cm.

In triangle ABC, a : 4.3, b : 7.2, c : 9. Find C.

nnIn triangle DEF, D : 58o, EF :7.2, DE = 5.4. Find F.

In triangle PQR, p : 8, 4 : 14, r: 7. Find 0.



i In triangleh{Z,Y : 97.3",X2: 22, XY : 14. Find Z'

A point T is 11 km due north of a point S. A point_R,-which is east of the line

;oining T and S, is 8 km from T and 7 km from S. Calculate the bearing of R

from S.

A fourth point Q is on a bearing of 320" from s and is 10 km from T.

Calculate angle TQS and hence the bearing of T from Q'

7 Find the area of each triangle' All lengths are in cm'

8 An equilateral triangle has an area of 300 cm2. Calculate the length of the sidesof the triangle.

9 If sin 27" :0.454, give another angle whose sine is 0.454.


Sort the following into pairs of equal value.

f-'i" 3o"l fcos 45"-l ltanrzs.l

li*55.] E,3oFlI tan 45" I l-ri" 45"-l icos6|


using surds where necessary.c sin 120.

f cos 30o

12 solve the fo'owing trigonometric equations in the given intervals(to 1 decimal place whEr".,"."rrrry ),asinx:-afor0<r<350o bcosr:_3. ^3 ., pcosr:_itor0<x<360.

c tanx:-0.7for0<x<360. dsinr:_lfor0<x<360o7-

the exact value of the following,b cos.45

e tan 135o

Write downa tan 60o

d cos 120o

For each diagram find:a the length of minor arc ABb the area of the minor sector AOB

Find all values of gbetween 0o and 360'for which


giving your answers correct to the nearest 0.1o where necessary.

Sketch the following curves for 0 < x < 360"

solve the following trigonometric equations in the given intervals:

" ,ir,(*-:) : -€ 4, 0 -x12n b sin/x-'\ :1fo. 0lx'-2rr\ 2) z """'\^ 3) 2-"'"

. "o,("

. f) : -| rc,0,-x .-2n d tan(x - I):t for -z ( x I rr

a y:3sinrd y:1 * cosr

b y: cos(r - 90')e y :2cos4x




c y: sinZx

Solve the following trigonometric equations in the given intervals:a cos2r * 2sin x - 2:0 for0'<.r<360'(1 exactvalue)b 2sin2 x - cos x - 1.:0 for 0 <.r < 2n (3 exactvalues)c 6cos2r * sin x - 5 :0 for -180o ( ff < 180" (2 exactvalues and 2 values

to 1 decimal place)

d 6sin2x * cos x - 4:0 for -180o (.tr< 180'(2 exactvalues and 2 valuesto 1 decimal place)

e 4cos2 x - 4sinx - 5 - 0 for -zr< x4 rr (2 exact values).

Find the exact solutions to the following trigonometric equations in the givenintervals:

a sin'(x* 3) :1 ro, -rr< x 1r\ 6) 2

b cosr(x- t\ :1 ro, o1x12n\ 3J +

c sin(x+a\:1 ro, o4x,-2,-\ 21 4


In triangle X:tz,} : 97'3",X2 : 22'XY : 14' Flr:'.dz'

aApointTis1LkmduenorthofapointS'ApointR'.*T"hiseastofthelinejoining T and s, Js k^ from T u"a /m trom s. Calculate the bearing of R

from S.

b A fourth point Q is on a bearing of 320" from S and is 10 km from T'

Calculate angle f-QS a"d hencJthe bearing of T from Q'



the area of each triangle' All lengths are in cm'

Ft" 3o;l

tr" 45;l


Fi" 45f


F t 60;-l

11 Write downa tan 60"

d cos 120'b cos45

e tan 135o

c sin 120"

f cos 30o

the exact value of the following, using surds where necessary.

L2 solve the following trigonometric equations in the given intervals(to 1 decimal place where,","."rruryi e

ta sin *: -lforo<x<360o-J

c tan x: -0.7 for 0 < x < 360o

b cos *: -?for0<r<360o4

d sin r:-lforo<x{360o2

19 Solve the following trigonometric equations in the given intervals

a sin2(r - 40') :9 for 0o < x < 360" (exact values)4


b cos 2x : I for 0 < x 12rr (exact values)2

c 8cos2 x *2sinx-5:0 for0'<tr<360" (to L decimalplace)d sinr : 3 cos r for 0 <.r < 2n (to2 decimal places)

e 2sin2l : sin.r costr for 0 < r < 360o

20 In the diagram shown,r : radius of circlel: arc length0: angle at centre in radiansA : area of sector

a If r : 8cm and 0 : l.S,find l.b If r: 6 cm and 0 : 0.8, find A.c If I : 12crr. and 0 :1,, find r.d If A : 20 cm2 and r :2crr., find 9.

e If / : 50cm and r : 20cm, find 0.

f If A : 3cm2 and I : 3cm, find r and 0.

g If A : 8 cm2 and I : 4cm, findr.

2T Achord PQ of a circle of radius 10 cm subtends an

angle of A radians at the centre O. Calculate theU2exact areas of the two parts into which the chordPQ divides the sector POQ.

22 In the diagram, the circle has centre O and radius r.Angle AOB is g radians and C is the mid-pointof OB. The length of AC is l.

a Express 12 in terms of r and 0.

b Given that I : !r, calanlate the value of g,

correct to 3 decimal places.

c Given thatr :2cn, calculate the area of theshaded region, giving your answer correctto 2 decimal places.


29 i sketchthegraph oIy: sinrforvalues of rsuchthat0o <x<720".ii Sketclr, on the same diagram, the graph of y : sin 11, for values of r such

that0o <x<720".

iii State the number of solutions of the equation

sinr: sinlrfor values of r such that 0o < x <720".

iv specify the transformation which transforms the complete graph ofu : sin x (i,e. the graph drawn for all values of x) to ttre complete graph ofi:snir.

v I - IocRI

30 f(r):5sin3ro, 0<x<180.a sketch the graph of. f.(x),indicating the value of x ateach point where the

graph intersects the x-axis.


31 a

write down the coordinates of all the maximum and minimum points off(x).

Calculate the values of r for which f.(x) :2.5. IEDEXCELI

Find all the solutions of the equation

sin (3r * 45"):9.7in the interval -90o < r ( 90o, giving your answer to the nearest 0.1o.

No credit will be giaen for simply reading aalues from a graph.

Describe a sequence of geometrical transformations that maps the curvey : sin r onto the curve y : sin (3r + 45"). tAeAI


7 Solve the equationS% - 8(3') :0.

8 lf 7v : 3", show lhaly : kx for some constant k which is to be determined.

9 If 8v : 5', show thaty : kx f.or some constant k and find the value of k.

10 a If log13 + log xy - log3x : O,find an equation involving logx and logy.

b Hence find y in terms of x.

11 a If log.l.2 - log xy + Loglx2 : 0, find an equation involving log r and (ogy.

b Hence findy in terms of r.

12 a Write down, in its simplest form, the common difference of the arithmetic

log23 * log29 *log227 + ...b Show that the sum of the first ten terms of A is 55 log2 3.

1-3 Find the value of x for which 23x +"1 - 3'+ 2, giving3 significant figures in youranswer.

1 Express as a single logarithm.

5 If log2 x : \2 then find the following:a log2r3 b log216x

5 Solve the following equations:

d logls (3x + 11 :2B log,15 : 3

b 42'-1:65e logT(x-3):8h log3 9 : logle r

a log2 + 1og5

d log 3 + log 100

e 21og4 + Iog2

Evaluate the following.a log5 25

d tog, (*)

Write aasalogarithm.a 1,V:4

c log2li

c logls (5x) :6t Log,S:4i log5 x: Logd2

c 2Log3

f log48 - log 8i log5+log6-1o910



b log 20 - log4e log9+log9h 3log2*Log4

b log21,6

e lo91610000

b 6o:17



[Hint Remember '102 :100 <+ log1e L00 : 2'l

c 7o:3


4 Express the following in terms of log a,Iogb andlogc.a logab2

d Los&c

b logc2a

" tog4a




5 Find.r, correct to 3 significant figures.

a 5':17 b 3':8 c 11,': 100 d 2* - t :5

Solve the equations

alog2(x+5)-Iog2x:3 blog3(x+11)-logr(x-t):4c log5 Gx + 47) - logr (x + 1) :2 d Log,7 :2

_z t,7x+107 a Simpltf1?.x'I 5x

b Find the value of r for which \og2(x2 * 7x * t0) - logz @2 + 5x) :3.

8 Given thatb : lo& 27, express in terms of b:

a togoS b Log,(9a)

9 Given thatb:Iogo2, express in terms of b:

a logo8 b Iog,(1,6a)

10 Given that 5 * 3 log2 x : log2y,show that y : 32x3.

11 a Given that 1 + 2logsx:logt!, show thaty:3x2.b Hence, or otherwise, solve the equation

7 + 2Logsr: logs Vx - 2)



c Iog(4a2)

Show that log" m,Iogomn andlogmn2 are three successive terms of anarithmetic sequence whose common difference islogon.Given that mnz : a, show that the sum of the first 5 terms of the arithmeticsequence with first term logo m and common difference log,on is 5.

Given that

2log2x : k andlogr(Zx) : k + 4

find the value of r.


1 Express as a single logarithm in its simplest form

log2+2log18 -ltog36

a Show that log2 8 : 3.

b Find the value of

i 1og2 8a

11rii tog2 (,m,)

3 Given that p : logq 16, express in terms of p,

a logr2,

b logr(8q).





4 a Write down the exact value of r given that 4' : 8.

b use logarithms to find y, correctto 3 decimal places, when 5v: 10. tocRl

5 It is given that ln x : p + 2 andlny :3p.Express each of the following in terms of p:

[nr: log"x]

a ln(xy),

b ln(x3),

. '" (i)

7 The variable r satisfies the equation3,.Ab + 1 - 6)c + 2.

By taking logatithms of both sides, show that r : 1ot'.log 8

y2+4x+g5 a Simolifv ""

- f ---J x.*xb Find the value of x for which logr(r.., * 4x * 3) - logz (x2 + tg1 :4.







L1 a


Solve the equation

f+4x2-9x-6:0,giving each root in an exact form.

Given that

2ln(x + 2) + lnff : ln (13x + 6),

prove that

x3+4x2-9x-6:0.Hence solve the equation

Zln(x + 2) + lnr : ln (13x + 6). IOCR]

Given that 3 * 2log2x:logz!, show thaty :8*.Hence, or otherwise, find the roots a and B, where o1 F, of the equation

3 + 2Iog2x : logzf. x - 3).

Show that log2 q.: -2.Calculate logr$, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. IEDEXCEL]

Find the smallest integer satisfying the inequality 2 > 100643.

Find the exact solution of the equation

In(2A + 1) - In4: 1.,

giving the answer in terms of e. lReminder lny: Log.yl IOCR]

Given that

Iogx:logo5 * 2log"3,

where a is a positive constant, show that r : 45.

i Write down the value of Log22.

ii Given that

logry : loga2,

find the value of.y. IAQA]







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Find the constants A and B in the following.a (x*Z)(Ax +B): x2+7x+']-,0 b (x+1)(Ax+ B):2*+5x+3c (r* 2)(Ax+B): 3x2+8x+ 4 d (x-2)(Ax+B): 3*-5x-2e (2x + 1)(Ar + B): 6f +7x+2 f (2x + 3XAx+ B) = 6x2 +7x-3g @- 1)(Ax+B): x3+2x2-x-2 h (f + 3)(Ax+B):3x3-f *9x-3

Find the constants A, B and C.

a (x * 1,)(Ax2 * Br * C) :2x3 + 13x2 +']-,6x -15

b (r + 2)(Ax2* Br * C) : x3 + 7f + 1,6x + 12

c (tr - 1)(Atr2 * Br* C) : x3 * f - x -'1,d (r+3)(Ax2 *Bx* C):2x3+9*+llx+5e (x - 2)(Ax2 * Bx * C):4x3 - 9x2 + 5x - 6

Use the factor theorem to factorise the following cubics as far as possible:

a f(x'):'x3-7x-6c f(r):x3-3x*2e f(r):f +x2-2gf(x):i3-5f+5x+3i f(r) :2f -t 2x2 - \lx * 3

bf(r):'r3-7x*6d f(r) :.f + x2 - 6x

t f(x):r9+ x2-2x-8hf(x):f+4x2-x-4i f@):4f *1012 +x-6

b 12x3 _ 37x2 _t 2gx _ 6:0d,f-x:0

Find a given that:

a (r - 2) is a factor of f(r) : x3 + af + 3x + 2b (r + 1) is a factor of f(r) : i3 - 2x2 * ax -17

c (x - 1) is a factor of f(x) :2x3 + Sxz - 3x * a

d (r + 3) is a factor of f(r) : flx3 - * + 4x - 6

Find a andb given thata (x - 1) and (x - 2) are factors of f@) :2x3 + af + bx - 6

b (r + 1) and (r - 5) are factors of f(r) : ax3 -'1,4x2 + bx + 10

c (r * 3) and (x - 4) are factors af f@) :3f - 7f + a* * bx + 24

d (x + 2) and (3r + 1) are factors of f(x) :3f + axz + bx - 2

e (x - 1) and (2x + 3) are factors off(x): ax3 + 3x2 + bx - 3

Enda giventhat (r + 4) is a factorof f(x) : f +8x2 + ax* 12 andhencefactorise f(x) completely.

I! Kx) : f + 3f + x - 1, find f(1) and (- 1). Hence factorise f(r).

Sftrow that (r - 2) is a factor of f(x) : x3 - 4x2 + x* 6 and hence solve f(r) : 0.

Fnd the three solutions to each of the following equations (giving youranswers as fractions where necessary):

e 10ri-29x2*25x-5:0c 4f-72x2*5r:0
