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Advanced Command Center


CICS/TS/390/OS2 2

Advanced Command Center


CICS/TS/390/OS2 3

LICENSE INFORMATION .................................................................................................. 4

GENERAL DESCRIPTION. ............................................................................................... 5

INSTALLATION. ................................................................................................................ 7

CUSTOMIZATION. .......................................................................................................... 38

CICS PROVISION. ........................................................................................................... 41

DB2 PROVISION. ............................................................................................................ 43

IMS PROVISION. ............................................................................................................. 44

MQ PROVISION. .............................................................................................................. 45

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License Information

Copyright© 2012 Krzysztof Krajewski. All rights reserved.











This program executables, help files and related text files may be distributed freely and may be used

without fee by any individual only for non-commercial use.

This version of software, called hereafter Advanced Command Center – ACC may not be distributed as a

part of any commercial package without explicit permission from Krzysztof Krajewski Software Factory


This program was developed entirely on personal equipment using personal time and personal resources.

Commercial use of this software package must be coordinated with Krzysztof Krajewski Software

Factory Co. at the following phone numbers:







e-mail <>.

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General Description.

Advanced Command Center is a software tool designed to support CICS and DB2 operations for

z/OS environment. There are also certain provisions for MQ and IMS system operations.

It features some CICS operations related facilities. Hence it should be protected from unauthorized

access. It makes use of standard CICS SP Application Programming Interface to implement ACC user

dialog and administrative functions; therefore it will fully comply with standard system security setup that

might be enforced at certain CICS installation. The security exposure to CICS controlled resources, while

using ACC system, is no different than these of using standard CICS CEMT administration facility and

can be controlled using RACF facility.

The package provides access to and enables control of CICS and DB2 resources using text type LU2

3270 front-end interface. Text interface is available using both CICS 3270 BMS terminal as well as

TSO/ISPF environment. For CICS access TSO/ISPF environment interface is based on EXCI-DPL CICS

technology. In case of DB2 it is DSNALI interface.

It also enables INTRANET/INTERNET based control of CICS resources using GUI JAVA applet

and IBM CICS Transaction Gateway for Java technology. It also enables INTRANET/INTERNET based

control of DB2 resources using GUI JAVA applet and JDBC for Java technology

The same ACC GUI Java class can operate also in Java application environment, acting as normal

application, interfacing IBM CICS Gateway, running on the same or separate PC or Host platform, using

TCP/IP, SSL, HTTP or HTTPS network protocol. It provides support for optional, client and server side

message encryption-decryption user-provided JAVA classes, to enable secure data exchange over

INTERNET network.

It also provides HTML interface to HOST based BMS based front-end using CWS CICS Transaction

Bridge technology. It can operate in Internet/Intranet environment using z/OS TCP/IP support.

The front-end operator interface is consistent across all these different platforms and features the

same functionality.

ACC adhere to client-server architecture paradigm guidelines and can operate in a single CICS

environment. It can also operate in a cross-platform software environment. ACC programs use CICS DPL

(Distributed Program Link) architecture to deliver client-server dynamic server selection functionality.

ACC programs exploit 32 bit addressing mode using IBM Assembler technology to minimize the use

of system memory.

ACC provides support for accessing online CICS and DB2 snapshot statistics and performance real

time data as well as delivers a framework for collecting and analyzing SMF based historical statistics and

performance data of CICS, DB2 and MQ.

This document describes ACC installation procedure as well as discusses some methods of setting up

product on your installation and provides appropriate security definitions. The guide assumes certain level

of knowledge regarding CICS and -optionally- DB2 installation and customization problems. It also

assumes appropriate level of knowledge concerning CICS application setup and customization.

Advanced Command Center supports operations of the following system release:


DB2 V10.1

MQ V7.1

CICS Transaction Gateway 3.1

CICS related INTRANET/INTERNET ACC Java applet deployment require also installation of WWW

server, TCP/IP and IBM CICS Transaction Gateway for Java software on Win, MVS or other platform.

DB2 related applet deployment utilize JDBC protocol while using the same WEB related software

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infrastructure. For browser XML based interface it will be necessary to install WebSphere Application

Server or other Java2 compliant server to host ACC Java servlets. The same WEB infrastructure is used

to support ACC mobile agent available for i-Phone and Android platform.

ACC includes a historical performance data reporting system framework which uses DB2 and optionally,

MS SQL Server database as a datastore for data. You can use it to process utilization and throughput

statistics data written to SMF log data sets by CICS, DB2 and MQ systems. You can use it to analyze and

store the data into DB2 database , and present it in a variety of forms. ACC Historical performance data

framework consists of a base product with several optional features that are to be used in the systems

management and tuning.

ACC historic monitoring data collection and analysis framework supports also Microsoft SQL Server and

Visual Studio 2008, which can be used to collect data using Win platform, instead of storing data in

mainframe DB2 database.

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Advanced Command Center comes in a form of a ZIP file. The file contains the InstallShield Setup

program that should be executed to install product on selected PC.

setupwin32.exe - InstallShield Windows setup program

The root directory name for the Advanced Command Center will be ACC and it will be relative to your

target directory that you used to copy these files. The total space used by ACC software is about 650 MB.

After expanding the ZIP and running setupwin32 program it should create the following ACC system


Doclib - ACC Documentation and presentation

Historic - ACC Historical performance data collection framework

Java - ACC Java GUI interface class and startup HTML

Objlib - ACC programs, BMS panels objects, JCL

Directories _jvm and Source are technical directories only for installation process.

Directory _uninst contains Uninstaller to uninstall Advanced Command Center.

ACC Setup program provides you with a function of transferring ACC HOST based object files to

your HOST using FTP File Transfer. It is using, internally, FTP PUT command to transfer installation

material to your HOST. You should provide your Host TCP/IP address, Host User ID and Password to

provide for correct FTP login function. Your Host User ID should support Host FTP operation (set

OMVS RACF segment and OMVS account) and Host ftp server should be up-and-running. Optionally,

you can use PC3270 SEND command instead of using FTP support to transfer ACC object files from

your PC to Host.

Following is an outline of ACC Install process:

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FTP function will allocate and create the following datasets on your host:

1. your_TSO_userid.ACC.INSTALL

2. your_TSO_userid.ACC.TMP.CLIST

3. your_TSO_userid.ACC.TMP.CNTL

4. your_TSO_userid.ACC.TMP.COPYLIB

5. your_TSO_userid.ACC.TMP.DDLLIB

6. your_TSO_userid.ACC.TMP.HTMLLIB

7. your_TSO_userid.ACC.TMP.ISPPLIB

8. your_TSO_userid.ACC.TMP.ISPTLIB

9. your_TSO_userid.ACC.TMP.LOADLIB

Step 1.

The first step, is to edit and run JOB available in your_TSO_userid.ACC. INSTALL data set. This is

the BATCH TSO JOB to allocate and expand your ACC libraries on host. Provide valid JOB card

information and run it without any further changes. The JOB will create the following data sets:

1. your_TSO_userid.ACC.CLIST

2. your_TSO_userid.ACC.CNTL

3. your_TSO_userid.ACC.COPYLIB

4. your_TSO_userid.ACC.DDLLIB

5. your_TSO_userid.ACC.HTMLLIB

6. your_TSO_userid.ACC.ISPPLIB

7. your_TSO_userid.ACC.ISPTLIB

8. your_TSO_userid.ACC.LOADLIB

Step 2.

The next step of the installation procedure is to define ACC CICS LIBRARY, TRANSACTIONS and

PROGRAMS to CICS. Use JOB DFHCSDUP to add ACC objects to your CICS DFHCSD file. Please

notice that ACC CICS LIBRARY object refers to acchlq.ACC.LOADLIB to ACC loadlib library. You

need to provide actual value to acchlq before running this JOB. Review CMDSEC and RESSEC

attributes in ACC CSD transaction definitions with respect to your site security policies.

It might also be necessary to make <your_TSO_userid.ACC. LOADLIB> library available to your

DB2 WLM controlled Stored Procedure address space JCL procedure in STEPLIB concatenation. This

will be necessary if you plan to use ACC JDBC based access to DB2 related data and resources (ACC

Java Applet or ACC WAS Servlets).

Step 3

ACC use EXEC CICS INQUIRE and EXEC CICS SET general API commands to control CICS

system resources. It is using EXCI CICS technology to access CICS from TSO/ISPF environment.

The CICS security exposure when using ACC is no different from that of using standard CEMT

facility, Therefore, you might consider using RACF to protect ACC transactions and programs. In this

case you should activate appropriate CICS related RACF resource classes and set XTRAN, XPPT, XPCT,

XCMD and XRES CICS startup parameters. You can use DFHSIT parameter CMDSEC(ALWAYS) to

force all transactions, including AAC KKR* transactions, to use CMDSEC functionality.

Review and tailor CICSRACF JOB, providing the actual values for ACC CICS administrator and

operator as well as for CICS started task and EXCI DFHAPPL FACILITY RACF profile. Use

CICSRACF JOB to add ACC objects to your CICS RACF definition profiles.

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Step 4

The next step of the installation procedure is to install ACC objects definitions. Use the following

CICS RDO facility command:


You might want to include KKR group to your CICS Startup List using command similar to this:

CEDA ADD GROUP(KKR) LIST(your_CICS_startup_list)

Step 5

The next step is to verify ACC installation. Use the following ACC Main Menu start transaction:


You should see Main Menu panel as described in ACC Users Guide Manual. Try some INQUIRE and

SET ENABLED ... functions against ACC objects to check functionality of the system.

Step 6.

The next step is to enable ACC TSO/ISPF support and to set your ACC ISPF environment and profile

variables. The TSO/ISPF support is of a particular value for those CICS regions that do not provide direct

VTAM terminal support as, for instance, AOR or FOR configurations (Application Owning Region- File

Owning Region). It is also valuable for any CICS region type, as it provides full control of CICS

resources using TSO/ISPF environment.

In order to enable ACC TSO/ISPF support for CICS run KKR100 clist using the following TSO

command from ISPF option 6.

EXEC your_TSO_userid.ACC.CLIST(KKR100)

providing your actual names for <your_TSO_userid>. Set <your_TSO_userid > to your ACC data set

High Level Qualifier.

It will copy your original ISPCMDS table from <your_TSO_userid>.ISPF.ISPPROF library and

amend it to contain your ACC ISPF start command in your <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.ISPTLIB ISPF

table library. This library is to be made available for ACC users as the first one in ISPTLIB library

concatenation for your TSO/ISPF JCL procedure. Another solution is to copy new <ISPCMDS> member

from <your_TSO_userid>.ACC. ISPTLIB library to your current ISPTLIB library. Note that in that case

you will replace your original ISPCMDS table with new version of the same table, containing all the old

ISPF command definitions in addition to the new definition added to ISPCMDS table by KKR100 clist


Enter the following values on displayed panel

ISPF APPLICATION ID - ISPF application name (e.g. CICD)

ISPF COMMAND NAME - ISPF ACC start command (e.g. KKR1)


EXCI USER ID - User ID Authorized to use EXCI interface

CICS SYSTEM ID - CICS system local name (e.g. CICS)

CICS TRANSATION ID - CICS mirror transaction name (e.g. KKR0)

It is possible to set a number of ACC environments in the same CLIST execution. However every

ACC ISPF environment (ISPF APPL. ID, ISPF COMMAND NAME) should set unique set of values.

Each new ISPF ACC environment setup should refer to a specific CICS region.

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In order to activate ACC ISPF CICS interface you must enable CICS EXCI support. You should add

SDFHEXCI CICS library to your TSO procedure STEPLIB file definition or alternatively, put

SDFHEXCI library on MVS linklist library definition. It is necessary to activate ISC CICS function as

well as to install and set opened IRC support. Follow the relevant instructions concerning MRO and

EXCI functionality as documented in CICS System Installation Guide.

Please note that default CICS CPMI mirror transaction name might not be protected from public use.

In this case you should select ACC specific mirror transaction name (e.g. KKR0) and create synonym of

CPMI transaction in your CSD CICS system definition file, using program name DFHMIR. This way you

can control access to ACC ISPF interface using RACF CICS generic transaction profile. The appropriate

KKR0 transaction definition is provided in KKRCSD file. In addition to this security definition, you can

consider creating appropriate RACF generic data set profile to protect access to ACC data sets containing

ACC startup clist and ISPF panel definitions.

You can use the following ISPF COMMAND name to start ISPF/TSO ACC CICS session from any ISPF

command line e.g.:


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Similarly, in order to enable ACC TSO/ISPF support for DB2 run KKR200 clist using the following TSO

command from ISPF option 6.

EXEC your_TSO_userid.ACC.CLIST(KKR200)

Enter the following values on displayed panel

ISPF APPLICATION ID - ISPF application name (e.g. DB2D)

ISPF COMMAND NAME - ISPF ACC start command (e.g. DB2D)

DB2 SUBSYSTEM ID - DB2 system name (e.g. DB2D)


It is possible to set a number of ACC environments in the same CLIST execution. However every

ACC ISPF environment (ISPF APPL. ID, ISPF COMMAND NAME) should set unique set of values.

Each new ISPF ACC environment setup should refer to a specific subsystem.

You can use the following ISPF COMMAND name to start ISPF/TSO ACC DB2 session from any ISPF

command line e.g.:


ACC DB2 facility uses DSNESPCS plan name of SPUFI to get access to IFI DB2 interface. Anybody

authorized to use SPUFI should automatically get access to ACC DB2 function. This most likely relates

to the DB2 administration group community function. Therefore, it is not necessary to do anything else or

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more to start using ACC DB2 facility now. You are done with setting up ACC DB2 online snapshot


It is worth to mention at this point that ACC has capabilities to work in distributed environment among

number of host CICS systems. It is possible to traverse from one CICS system to another using either

MRO or ISC link as well as dynamic ACC CICS server selection function of ACC main menu panel

(PF3). In order to enable this functionality you should install ACC on all CICS systems that are likely to

participate in this kind of cooperative CICS control scenario. Please note that this scenario will be valid

only for adjacent CICS regions linked by MRO or ISC connection. There is no available support for a

daisy chaining functionality in the ACC architecture.

Step 7

The next step is to optionally generate CICS data conversion table to provide data conversion support

between Win CTG CICS client and CICS server sites. Run this optional step only if you plan to use ACC

CWS HTML interface or any Java based interface.

You can use KKRCNV file stored in <your_TSO_userid.ACC. COPYLIB> library to amend your

DFHCNV table, by adding ACC related entries to existing DFHCNV table source. Othervise you can use

the predefined DFHCNV table, which was stored in LOADLIB library. Note that this predefined

conversion table provides support for conversion of ASCII to EBCIDIC data for page codes 437 and 037,

respectively. You might still need to regenerate DFHCNV table in case your installation use different

page codes. Make sure to make NEWCOPY to this newly generated DFHCNV loadmodule. Check ACC

DFHCNV page code definition against your site page code and possibly change it as appropriate.

The ACC provided conversion table comes also with entries necessary to support CWS HTML

interface. If you already use CWS support, remove these entries from KKRCNV definition, so as not to

duplicate these entries.

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Step 8

Enable Internet access to your CICS resources using BMS/HTML interface. To enable this interface it is

necessary to copy HTML skeletons from <your_TSO_userid.ACC. HTMLLIB> to your CICS HTML

skeleton library, which is normally allocated to your CICS startup procedure using DD name DFHHTML

(note that library concatenation will not work!). In addition to this, it is necessary to enable CWS support

as documented in CICS System Installation Guide. This normally amounts to setting SIT WEB=YES

parameter, registering CICS to TCP/IP stack, as well as installing CICS resource group DFHWEB and

starting WEB listener using CWBC transaction. Please note that you should enable system resource

protections, perhaps using RACF, as with any CWS Transaction Bridge based solution.

After having set your CWS environment you should be able to start ACC transaction using your browser

with URL similar to the following:

Step 9

Create ACC Stored Procedure definition.

Review and edit <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL(STORPROC) JCL providing valid name for

PSBKKRP0 stored procedure creator name (????????) as well as WLM ENVIRONMENT (????????)

name. Set DB2 subsystem name(DSN) and DSNTIAD utility program library name. Finally provide JOB

JCL statement and submit the JOB. You should have appropriate DB2 administrative authority to run this


Please notice that you should also set your WLM environment accordingly, to provide for triggering

PSBKKRP0 DB2 WLM Managed Store Procedure processing.

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The following z/OS commands can be used to verify and control WLM Managed Store Procedure





The following DB2 commands can be used to verify and control WLM controlled stored procedure




Step 10

The objective of this step is to setup ACC CICS historic monitoring data collection and analysis


It is to generate DB2 CREATE TABLE…, LABEL ON…, CREATE VIEW…SQL DDL statements,

DB2 utility LOAD DATA…control statements and SORT program dictionary based on CICS MCT

monitoring table content.

This is an optional step. As ACC comes with pre generated members $CCICS, $DCICS, $LCICS,

$SCICS, $TCICS, for CICS/TS5.1 default MCT=NO members, you can use them as long as you use

CICS/TS5.1 with parameter MCT=NO. However, as every CICS site might generate its own, unique

MCT table content, the SMF CICS monitoring record layout is also unique and needs to be reflected in

DB2 CREATE TABLE definition and all the other CICS monitoring related definitions that comprise

ACC CICS historic monitoring data collection and analysis framework.

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Program PSBKKRC0 is designed to create dynamically all these definitions out of MCT SMF dictionary

record created by DFHMNDUP utility or by CICS itself at startup time. The definitions will be output to

the following files identified by DD statements:







Review and edit <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL(DDLCICS0) JCL to provide actual values for MCT

table libraries names, MCT table suffix and SYSID and CICS GAPPLID and SAPPLID.

Please notice that every DDLLIBx file might contain up to 8 individual definitions corresponding to the

max 8 CICS MCT SMF dictionary records found in DICTIN file. DICTIN dataset might be separate

dataset or actually the same dataset identified by SMFIN DD statement. Any MCT record found in

DICTIN file will be ignored but the processing of PSBKKRC0 will continue. The TABLE name referred

to in PSBKKRC0 created definitions corresponds to SAPPLID parameter of DFHMNDUP MCT control

statement or relevant CICS created MCT dictionary record. Another words TABLE names to contain

CICS monitoring data correspond to CICS APPLID.

Moreover, the PSBKKRC0 generated CICS monitoring records will be output into max 8 different files

identified by corresponding DD statements with names equal to CICS SAPPLID coming from CICS

MCT dictionary records, either generated by DFHMNDUP or CICS itself.

Accordingly, you should modify LOADCICS, PSBKKRC0 and PSBSRTC0 skeleton JCL to provide

actual DD statements names, corresponding to CICS monitoring records SMF input stream, instead of

CICS1 and CICS2 and possibly up to CICS8 DD names.

Please notice that the program PSBKKRC0 is design to accept both compressed and not compressed SMF

110(2) CICS monitoring records. Therefore, there is no need to uncompress these records, before

processing them by the program PSBKKRC0.

Step 11

The objective of this step is to prepare for DB2 statistics records delta processing. DB2 sends current

statistics data periodically to SMF.

The DB2 statistics data values are cumulative data from the last restart of DB2 subsystem. With this

respect they are not very useful for trend analysis and exceptions capturing. ACC Historic data capture

framework attempts to capture DB2 statistics data delta values between two adjacent DB2 statistics data

capture times. It is doing so by calculating a delta values between previous DB2 statistics data values and

current DB2 statistics data values.

For this purpose it is necessary to capture previous DB2 statistics data SMF records first, to be used as

base values in the following ACC DB2 Historic statistics data processing. JOB <

your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL(LOADDB20) is used to create this first DB2 base statistics data SMF

dataset. Please notice that all PSBKKRB0 JOBs should contain similar processing as far as DB2 statistics

data is concerned (no need for this function for accounting data PSBKKRB0 processing). JOB

LOADDB22 provides appropriate steps for this purpose. Review this JOB for later JOB modeling. Run

JOB LOADDB20 for initial DB2 statistics records delta processing.

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Please notice that the program PSBKKRB0 is design to accept both compressed and not compressed SMF

100 DB2 statistics and SMF 101 DB2 accounting trace records. Therefore, there is no need to uncompress

these records, before processing them by the program PSBKKRB0.

Step 12

Create ACC Historical Data Database Objects.

Review and edit the following four JOBs located in <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL JCL library


2. DDLCICS0 – CICS monitoring historical data definition

3. DDLCICS1 – CICS statistic historical data definition

4. DDLDB2 -- DB2 statistics and accounting trace historical data definition

5. DDLMQ - MQ statistics and accounting trace historical data definition

They contain references to DB2 DDL CREATE TABLE …, CREATE VIEW … and LABEL ON …

statements provided in <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.DDLLIB library. Review and edit DDL members in

DDLLIB library providing appropriate values for ACC DB2 historical data database names and

tablespace names, before running the above four JOBS.

Run respective JOBs to create DB2 tables which are to contain CICS, DB2 and MQ related statistics and

performance (CICS monitor and DB2, MQ accounting trace) data originating from SMF logs.

Step 13

Review and amend <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.DDLLIB(L*) members providing actual DB2 historical

data database table creator id. These members contain DB2 LOAD utility control statements to load data

into DB2 tables. Review and amend the following JOBs to load data into DB2 tables:

Use the following JOBs to load historical data to DB2 database:

1. <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL(LOADCICS) CICS data

2. <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL(LOADDB20) DB2 data (delta)

3. <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL(LOADDB21) DB2 data

4. <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL(LOADMQ) MQ data

Run respective JOBs to load statistics and performance (CICS monitor and DB2, MQ statistics and

accounting trace) data originating from SMF logs into DB2 tables.

JOBs LOADAJCL and LOADBTCH contains variations of the first four for the purpose of modeling.

ACC provides a Historical Statistics and Performance Data collection and analysis framework. Feel free

to amend/customize whole load process to suit your needs. Specifically, you can exclude some of the data

loaded into DB2 tables. Programs PSBKKRB0 for DB2, PSBKKRC0 for CICS and PSBKKRQ0 for MQ

are design to tolerate DD statement omission. You eliminate certain data stream by simply omitting its

respective DD statement.

You can also limit the amount of data loaded into DB2 tables by applying SORT filtering capabilities

before submitting input file for DB2 LOAD utility. Use <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.DDLLIB(S*)

members as SORT program dictionary definitions to apply data filtering. Use

<your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL(PSBSRT*) JCL skeleton members to create actual DB2 LOAD JOBs

with data filtering function. ACC SORT filtering function might be of a special significance to limit the

amount of performance data (CICS monitoring and DB2, MQ accounting trace data). You can load data

for only specific transaction or user or combination of these and some other attributes. Use normal SORT

dictionary expression to specify filtering criteria.

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Review and edit the following four JOBs located in <your_TSO_userid>.ACC.CNTL JCL library

1. UNLDALLO - allocate unload VIEW datasets

2. UNLDCICS - unload CICS VIEW for SSIS transfer monitoring datasets to SQL Server

3. UNLDDB2 - unload DB2 VIEW for SSIS transfer monitoring datasets to SQL Server

4. UNLDMQ - unload MQ VIEW for SSIS transfer monitoring datasets to SQL Server

Run these JOBs to prepare monitoring data transfer to SQL Server using SSIS packages. The historical

data definition and data transfer framework is located in Historic directory.

Step 14

The objective of this step is to create an optional Microsoft SQL Server ACC historic monitoring data

collection and analysis framework. Instead of DB2 based ACC CICS historic data database you can opt to

have a Microsoft SQL Server ACC CICS historic data database. ACC INSTALL process creates directory

Historic with separate subdirectories for CICS, DB2 and MQ related object definitions.

They contain cmd files for creating CICS, DB2 and MQ related SQL Server databases. It might be

necessary to review CREATE DATABASE statement before running relevant cmd scripts for each

individual database.

1. Create_CICSMON.cmd CCICSDBMON.sql


3. Create_DB2ACCT.cmd CDB2DBACCT.sql

4. Create_DB2STAT.cmd CDB2DBSTAT.sql

5. Create_MQACCT.cmd CMQDBACCT.sql

6. Create_MQSTAT.cmd CMQDBSTAT.sql

Additionally, every subdirectory contains a set of Windows cmd files tailored to run process of ftp-

transform-load data from mainframe platform into MS-SQL Server database.

Each subdirectory contains in turn the following subdirectories with their out listed content:

1. cbl COBOL definition equivalent to a statistics or performance data set layout

2. data statistics or performance data set content

3. dtsx MS Data Transformation Services object definition SQL 2008

4. ftp ftp control statement

5. log log file

6. sql sql CREATE TABLEe definition equivalent to a statistics or performance data set layout.

Please notice that cmd ftp control data scripts are tailored with mainframe TCP/IP address as well as your

mainframe user ID and mainframe password. It is also tailored with dataset names consistent with

mainframe based dataset naming convention.

For CICSMON data you should develop new dtsx package to load CICS monitoring data into SQL server.

Use cbl CICS monitoring record data layout while building CICS monitoring data corresponding dtsx

packages. The specific CICS monitoring record COBOL and SQL layout should be first created using

program PSBKKRC0, then they should be transferred to Win platform, to be subsequently used in dtsx

data conversion definition. Additionally, you should use CREATE TABLE statement to create SQL table.

Finally, you should create dtsx using SQL Server Visual Studio 20xx package, to support CICS

monitoring data transfer, convert and load process into SQL table.

You should first run mainframe based statistics and performance data collection related JOBs before

attempting to run SQL Server related part.

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Please notice that the monitoring data dataset naming convention is consistent between Mainframe

platform and Win platform, when using SSIS packages to transfer data. Therefore, you should avoid

changing dataset naming convention, except for acchlq element, unless you do it both in JCL and

Historical data ftp framework.

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Step 15

Install ACC JAVA applet and/or JAVA servlet application interface. ACC JAVA support comes in a form of EAR

file to be deployed into WebSphere Application Server. Follow normal WebSphere AP Enterprise Application

deployment process using AdvancedCommandCenter.ear file located in JAVA directory.

In order to enable INTERNET/INTRANET access to your ACC managed CICS and DB2 resources

you should install the following products on your selected server:

1. HTTP server IBM HTTP Server or similar.

2. Java Application server IBM WebSphere Application Server or similar.

3. JDBC driver IBM JDBC Universal Driver - optional.

4. CICS Transaction Gateway for Java IBM provided – optional.

5. CICS Client IBM provided – optional.

The required JDBC V4 universal driver db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar as well as CICS CTG

CTGCLIENT.JAR jar files are provided in JAVA directory. Use WebSphere Application Server

Enterprise Application installation guidelines and the following screen shots to install ACC

INTERNET/INTRANET access support.

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Step 16

Customize …/AdvancedCommandCenter.ear/ file to provide actual TCP/IP address,

port number and other parameters to connect to CICS and/or DB2 subsystem.

You can configure ACC and set appropriate JAVA and application parameters according to the

following list.

UserID= optional parameter; you should use it only in special environment where you protect your

workstation by access password or where CICS security is not compromised by exposing CICS User

ID with administrative functionality to the public (e.g. testing environment). User ID is the CICS

User ID that should be authorized to run CICS mirror transaction.

Password= optional parameter; you should use it only in special environment where you protect your

workstation by access password or where CICS security is not compromised by exposing CICS User

ID with administrative functionality to the public (e.g. testing environment). This is the CICS User


Protocol= optional parameter {tcp://, http://, ssl://, https//, local:, auto://) This parameter has the

same meaning as corresponding CICS Transaction Gateway for Java parameter. Set it to tcp:// if you

plan to use TCP/IP protocol to communicate with your CICS Transaction Gateway for Java

Use http:// value if you use http protocol to communicate with your Gateway. This value is

appropriate to communicate with the Gateway over Proxy or Firewall server which might block any

TCP/IP traffic and the same time allow for http traffic. Note that http protocol is a non-persistent

protocol and it might produce worst performance then TCP/IP protocol. Nevertheless it might be

appropriate to use this protocol in INTERNET network environment. Make sure that this protocol is

enabled for your CICS Transaction Gateway for Java system.

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You can use local: value if your KKR1 JAVA application will run on the same platform as your

CICS Client software. You will not require CICS Transaction Gateway for Java to be active when

you use local: protocol.

Use ssl:// protocol to use TCP/IP protocol with SLL support for secure Internet communication.

Additionally, for Client Digital Certificate support you might use Ccert=Yes parameter to request

client digital certificate class name and password to be provided by end-user. It will only be required

if you set CTG to request client authentication.

Use https:// protocol for HTTPS protocol using SLL support for secure communications over

Internet. Please not that the https:// protocol is supported only with V3.0 or higher of CICS

Transaction Gateway for Java. For detail explanation of all the protocols see CICS Gateway for Java

User Guide.

Finally, use auto:// protocol if you want to leave a decision of which protocol to use to CICS

Transaction Gateway for Java. It will dynamically select appropriate protocol at run-time depending

on your CICS Transaction Gateway for Java setup. ACC KKR1 default value for this parameter is

auto:// and it is consistent with CICS Transaction Gateway for Java default value for this parameter.

Host= optional parameter. It should be set to your CICS Gateway for Java host URL. When

KKR1 is run in applet environment, then ACC will use KKR1.htm host base URL value, which is

appropriate when both your WWW server and CICS Gateway for Java are running on the same

server. If you omit this parameter when KKR1 is run in JAVA application environment then, ACC

will use your local host base URL value – this would only be appropriate if your host would be

selected to run CICS Gateway for Java. Otherwise, set this parameter to your actual CICS Gateway

for Java URL value. You can set this value, using either symbolic URL notation or explicit, actual

TCP/IP address using doted-decimal notation.

Port= optional parameter. You should set it to your actual CICS Gateway for Java. TCP/IP port

number. The default is 2006 – consistent with CICS Gateway for Java default port number.

Transaction=optional parameter. The default value for this parameter is null which allow CICS to

select default CICS mirror transaction. It will be either CPMI or CVMI depending on particular

platform. Please note that you might want to protect mirror transaction and define the same access

security profiles as for all the rest ACC transactions. In that case use value KKR0 (or equivalent) and

define KKR0 transaction as synonym of CPMI transaction.

SYSID=optional parameter that specify CICS server system ID. Default value is CICS.

CS= optional parameter. This is the parameter to specify user Client Security class. Specify

fully qualified JAVA packed name. You can use one of CICS Transaction Gateway for Java sample

security classes, which come in security package or you can develop a unique class of your own. The

default value for this parameter is null.

SS= optional parameter. This is the parameter to specify user Server Security class. Specify

fully qualified JAVA packed name. You can use one of CICS Transaction Gateway for Java sample

security classes, which come in security package or you can develop a unique class of your own. The

default value for this parameter is null.

SVRID=optional parameter that specify CTG CICS server system ID. You might want to use this

parameter only if you start ACC session before you start CTG itself. It will establish your preferred

CTG CICS server ID for your first ACC session process. The value set by this parameter should be

consistent with one of the CICS server names established by CTG configuration file.

CCert= optional parameter. This is the parameter to specify that you require Client Digital

Certificate dialog to start ACC session. The dialog will provide means for entering Client Digital

Certificate class name and key ring password. Use this parameter only if you require client

authentication during SSL TCP/IP session. Note that you can use SLL TCP/IP protocol without client

certification. The only valid value for this parameter is: Yes.

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Database1= DB2 descriptive name/DB2_TCPIP_address:port/DB2Location/Procedure

provide up to 8 Database1, Database2, Database3, … parameters pointing to 8 different DB2


In addition to the above configuration, you should configure CTG.ini file to provide CICS TCPIP address

and port. Follow CICS Transaction Gateway configuration guidelines provided in CTG Administration

Guide to customize access to your CICS resources.

Please notice that the same set of parameters are applicable for KKR1.cmd and KKR2.cmd files provided

to run KKR1 for CICS and KKR2 for DB2 ACC Java interface applications.

ACC installation will create a directory structure outlined in the following picture. It will create KKR1 for

CICS and KKR2 for DB2 cmd files, fully tailored to access ACC mainframe environment using Java

application interface.

Please notice that it will also create two shortcuts on your desktop to access ACC_CICS KKR1 and

ACC_DB2 KKR2 cmd files respectively.

However, to complete ACC mainframe Java access you should have completed the mainframe ACC

installation part first. Namely, you should configure CTG for CICS access and you should configure DB2

stored procedure ACC environment.

You should configure your WWW server to accept requests to access documents stored in ACC\Java

directory. You would probably want to restrict access to this directory for authorized group of users only.

This directory contains two files: KKR1.HTM and KKR1.JAR, which are starting HTML document and a

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compressed KKR1 JAVA class file, respectively. KKR1.jar file contains KKR1.class. You will probably

want to add additional JAR file to HTLM ARCHIEVE HTML tag, containing all

package classes required for client side interface. Otherwise, leave it unchanged if you prefer to load CTG

client classes dynamically from the network. You might add yet another .JAR file, if you plan to use SSL

support together with Client Digital Certificate class.

Furthermore, you should ensure that either CICS client and/or CICS is running on the same server as

CICS Transaction Gateway for Java. In case of z/OS platform you should enable EXCI interface to your

CICS environment, which is used by CICS Transaction Gateway for Java.

After you start CICS Transaction Gateway for Java, you can request KKR1.HTML document from any

JAVA enabled Internet Browser or any JDK Applet viewer which in turn will request and start KKR1

APPLET, that implements JAVA GUI client class for ACC server system. Once again, ACC JAVA GUI

Client features the same functionality as PC3270 interface and provides access to the same set of CICS


Please note that JAVA applet starts with User ID and Password entry panel. ACC has been configured to

provide values of SYSAD for both User ID and Password fields. These values are stored as parameters in

KKR1.HTML file and they are there to facilitate the initial setup of the system. You would probably want

to eliminate this initial setup by simply modifying KKR1.HTML file and removing two lines referring to

UserId and Password parameters.

After having set your ACC WAS environment you should be able to start CICS monitoring session using

your browser with URL similar to the following:


Similarly, you should be able to start DB2 monitoring session using your browser with URL similar to the


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Furthermore, you should be able to start CICS monitoring session using Java applet within your browser

with URL similar to the following:

Finally, you should be able to start DB2 monitoring session using Java applet within your browser with

URL similar to the following:

However, it might be necessary to configure your Java security profile to allow to run Java Applet within

Internet Explorer context. The following screen printouts will provide you with necessary guidelines to

set your Java Security to allow for ACC applet execution within Internet Explorer context.

Java Security Dialog Windows location

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Java Security Applet Blocked warning

Java Security Applet Blocked warning

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Java Security ACC CICS APPLET setup

Java Security ACC DB2 APPLET setup

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While setting ACC Java interface please refer to IBM documentation concerning CICS Transaction

Gateway for Java that is available in IBM CICS Internet and External Interface Guide manual.

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Advanced Command Center was implemented to satisfy operations demands to automate CICS/TS

procedures. The objective of the system was not to breach any security mechanisms that might be in place

of a particular site. With this respect ACC system use general API and SPI CICS system commands to

comply with standard CICS security framework based on RACF object definitions.

Job CICSRACF contains basic RACF ACC object definitions, in relation to the following ACC security


ACC system uses the following CICS SPI commands:

INQUIRE <resource>



EXTRACT EXIT<resource>



SET resource

DISCARD <resource>

All ACC transactions are defined with security attributes:



ACC assume the following CICS SIT parameters:









ACC use CICS transactions with names starting with prefix KKR. The following RACF profiles define

access to ACC KKRx transactions:



ACC use CICS programs with names starting with prefix PSBKKR. The following RACF profile defines

access to ACC PSBKKRxx programs:


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ACC use CICS TS Queue Templates with names starting with prefix Kx. The following RACF profile

defines access to ACC Kx++++++ TS Queue:


ACC WEB interface use CICS document templates with names starting with prefix PSBKKR. The

following RACF profile defines access to ACC PSBKKRx DOCTEMPLATE:


You can modify provided ACC security framework to comply with your local CICS security framework.

Specifically, you can disable some of security facilities defined for ACC. Evaluate applicability of ACC

provided framework for your local CICS security framework.

ACC system programs are written in Assembler language and are delivered in XMIT library


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Four tables drive ACC system: PSBKKR00, PSBKKR01, PSBKKR02, PSBKKR03 and PSBKKR04.

They contain EXEC CICS INQUIRE commands output keywords lists as well as object type lists and

command names applicable to a particular object.

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CICS Provision.

Advanced Command Center use programs written in Assembler, interfacing with CICS through

general CICS programming interface (EXEC CICS statement).

To allow CICS resources control and inquire activities from ACC environment, you should provide

appropriate authority to every individual user or group of users to execute EXEC CICS INQUIRE and

EXEC CICS SET commands against certain CICS resources (file, transactions...). In addition to normal

ACC CICS TRANSACTION RACF protection, you can additionally set CMDAUTH and RESAUTH

CICS attributes according to your installation authorization policy. ACC programs were generated using

CICS attribute CEDF(NO) to prevent ACC programs from being changed or tampered with dynamically

by operators.

ACC display CICS STATISTICS function depends on CICS STATISTICS being turned on. Make

sure your CICS subsystem has this function set on. You can toggle CICS STATISCTICS ON/OFF using

ACC or CEMT. You can also turn STATISTICS ON using CICS startup table DFHSIT or JCL CICS

startup procedure SYSIN override.


being turned on. Make sure CICS MONITOR PERFORMANCE is enabled. You can toggle CICS


PERFORMANCE ON using CICS startup table DFHSIT or equivalent technique.

Additionally, you need to turn ACC PERFORMANCE function ON using PERFORMANCE START

option. You can dynamically START and STOP ACC PERFORMANCE function using KKR1


However, you can also START ACC PERFORMANCE function using CICS startup table

DFHPLTPI together with DFHSIT table or JCL CICS startup procedure SYSIN override. Use DFHSIT

table INITPARM option to specify START PERFORMANCE function buffer depth. The ACC

PERFORMANCE buffer depth is a number of DFHMNT records to be kept online in ACC


You specify the ACC START PERFORMANCE function during CICS startup using DFHPLTPI

table similar to the following specification. Please notice that PSBKKRX0 program need to be called

during second phase of CICS startup (DFHDELIM).






Additionally, you can specify the ACC buffer depth using DFHSIT option similar to the following:


When you use ACC START PERFORMANCE function, you can specify the number of CICS

performance records to be stored in ACC internal buffer. The default is 180 records. Please note that each

CICS V23 default CICS monitor PERFORMANCE record occupy 1746 bytes. Selecting large number of

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records will result in the use of large area of CICS memory. ACC CICS TRANSACTION

PERFORMANCE records are stored in ACC buffer in a wrap-around fashion.

Although default CICS monitor PERFORMANCE record occupy 1746 bytes, you might enlarge its

length by building your own MCT table, using DFHMCT macro, perhaps to include additional

information reflecting IMS database usage, contained in DBCTL - RMIDATA User Dictionary MCT

monitoring points. It will extend CICS monitoring PERFORMANCE record by additional 256 bytes.

Likewise, you might enlarge MCT record by your own MCT EMP monitoring points. ACC system

will account for these customizations and will calculate a real number of CICS performance records to be

stored in ACC internal buffer. If you enlarge CICS monitoring record using MCT table, the real number

of CICS performance records to be stored in ACC internal buffer is going to be smaller than 180 or

indeed, this number which you specify using OPTION field during START PERFORMANCE operation.

This is because the ACC CICS monitoring PERFORMANCE records buffer size is calculated based

on the record length 1746. When the real record number is bigger the number of records to fit into ACC

buffer is smaller. ACC PERFORMANCE DISPLAY function will always display real CICS

MONITORING record length as well as real number of CICS monitoring records kept in ACC buffer, in

a wrap-around fashion.

STOP ACC PERFORMANCE function will flush and release ACC PERFORMANCE records

buffer. However, you can SUSPEND ACC PERFORMANCE function on order NOT to lose just

gathered data. You can examine the data in the buffer while keeping ACC PERFORMANCE function

suspended. ACC SUSPEND function will preserve the data buffer giving you a chance to examine data

using functions like COUNTER, INTERVALS, DFHTASK, DFHSTOR, IMPACT etc. Later on, you can

RESUME ACC PERFORMANCE function to, once again, start gathering CICS TRANSACTION


You can dynamically select up to 8 different TRANSACTIONS, TERMINALS, USERS or

PROGRAMS to be monitored by ACC PERFORMANCE function. You can do it by simply selecting

appropriate set of TRANSACTIONS, TERMINALS, PROGRAMS or USERS and running

PERFORMANCE function against selected subset. It is necessary to have your ACC PERFORMANCE

function STARTED before you make your selection. It is possible to RESET your selection by using


function, you select all the transactions to be monitored by ACC PERFORMANCE function.

START ACC PERFORMANCE function is to enable ACC CICS XMOUT exits, which will

continually gather CICS TRANSACTION performance data in ACC buffer. You can examine the

settings of ACC PERFORMANCE function by using ACC INQUIRE PERFORMANCE function. You

can also use ACC INQUIRE EXITPROGRAM function to see whether ACC PERFORMANCE function

is ON. When it is ON, you will see PSBKKRX1 and PSBKKRX2 CICS XMOUT exits being ENABLED

and STARTED. When it is STOPPED you will no longer see these particular exits on the list.

Note: You can set Client-Server ACC architecture between two or more host CICS systems. Follow

general CICS ISC/IRC guidelines to set this kind of environment. ACC will enable you to control your

multiple CICS systems, crossing over dynamically selected ISC/IRC link. To support this functionality

you should install ACC system in each environment. This ACC feature can be of a particular value for

FOR-AOR configurations (File Owning Region-Application Owning Region) which do not provide on-

line access to AOR system resources.

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DB2 Provision.

ACC also features STATISTICS, ACCOUNTING and DSNZPARM data display functionality as

well as capturing current SQL statement being executed for all individual DB2 SQL statement running

threads. It also allows to issue DB2 command as well as to capture command output onto browse screen.

ACC DB2 functionality used from CICS environment is available for DB2 subsystem that is currently

connected to CICS subsystem running ACC facility. It is available for any DB2 subsystem if used from

TSO/ISPF environment or from INTERNET/JAVA/WLM/SPAS environment.

ACC includes a historical performance data reporting system framework which uses DB2 and

optionally, MS SQL Server database as a data store for data. You can use it to process utilization and

throughput statistics data written to SMF log data sets by DB2 system. You can use it to analyze and store

the data into DB2 or MS SQL Server database, and present it in a variety of forms.

The ACC DB2 functionality depends on DB2 MONITOR trace being turned ON with appropriate set

of CLASSES and/or IFCID active. ACC DB2 functionality is based on IFI (Instrumentation Facility

Interface) technology and is subject to all relevant DB2 imposed rules for this particular interface. You

can use ACC to display a snapshot of DB2 STATISTICAL data as well as all DB2 ACTIVE THREAD

ACCOUNTING data, NOT necessarily only the DB2 THREADS connected to CICS.

You can also display active SQL statement being executed by any active DB2 thread. It applies only

to DB2 threads executing SQL statement at the time of ACC thread display SQL statement operation.

The same functionality is available in ACC distributed environment, using ACC JAVA Applet,

Servlet and Internet based interface.

Keep in mind that as of DB2 Version 10, the STATIME subsystem parameter no longer control

IFCIDs 0001, 0002, 0202, 0217, 0225, and 0230, and the corresponding trace records are written at fixed,

one-minute intervals. As of DB2 Version 10, the STATIME subsystem parameter applies only to IFCIDs

0105, 0106, 0199, and 0365. This change might significantly increase the number of DB2 statistics

records loaded into ACC DB2 statistics database tables, compared to the previous DB2 versions. You

might want to factor for this in your ACC DB2 Historic statistics data processing, by increasing the size

of DB2 Statistics tables tablespace allocation.

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IMS Provision.

ACC also features IMS command functionality. It allows to issue IMS command as well as to capture

command output onto browse screen.

The ACC IMS functionality depends on IMS DFHDBMP PSB being enabled in IMS control region.

It also require IMS startup parameter AOIS=S.

ACC IMS functionality is based on ASMTDLI interface and is subject to all relevant IMS imposed

rules for this particular interface. You can use ACC to display a snapshot of IMS activity, NOT

necessarily only the IMS THREADS connected to CICS. You can issue any IMS command using ACC

IMS COMMAND option. The same functionality is available in ACC distributed environment, using

ACC JAVA Applet, Servlet and Internet based interface.

There is a predefined support for the following IMS DBCTL related commands:









ACC displays IMS DATABASE and PROGRAM configuration data, read directly from IMS runtime

environment, subject to an initial selection criteria, as for any other ACC displayed list controlled by

panel kkr96.

There is a predefined support for the following IMS DATABASE related commands:











There is a predefined support for the following IMS PROGRAM related commands:




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MQ Provision.

ACC includes a historical performance data reporting system framework which uses DB2 and

optionally, MS SQL Server database as a data store for data. You can use it to process utilization and

throughput statistics data written to SMF log data sets by MQ system. You can use it to analyze and store

the data into DB2 or MS SQL Server database, and present it in a variety of forms.

The ACC MQ functionality depends on MQ TRACE STAT and ACCTG being turned ON with

appropriate set of CLASSES.You can use ACC to extract, store and analyze MQ STATISTICAL data as

well as all MQ THREAD ACCOUNTING data from SMF log.