Adult refugee & immigrant students define global citizenship using Power Point

Post on 03-Jul-2015

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MIDTESOL2011 presentation

Transcript of Adult refugee & immigrant students define global citizenship using Power Point


Angy Folkes (teacher)

Alemayehu Guye

Asfaha Gebremichael

Ephrem Ashagre

Virginia Perez Pelayo

Toshpulat Yuldashev

MIDTESOL 2011 Presentations St. Louis University

Adult Refugee and Immigrant

Students Define Global Citizenship

Using PowerPoint.

Here teachers and others can

share Power Points for free.

Look for our presentations here.

Student presenters are attending the International Institute of

Metropolitan St. Louis, a site for St. Louis Public Schools Adult

Education and Literacy.

They have had either completed a basic computer class or demonstrated

basic computer skills prior to attending the 3 week PowerPoint class.

Creating a basic Power Point was a great way to strengthen what we had

learned from our textbook and work book in the Basic computer class.

(Welcome to Computers for ESL Students 2nd edition (Adendorff, Olivia and Wooden, Lois.

2009. Labyrinth Publications) Welcome to Computers for ESL Students 2nd Edition: Workbook

(Adendorff, Olivia and Wooden, Lois. 2009. Labyrinth Publications)

1. We researched on the internet, and learned to move back and forth with

one or more programs open.

2. We learned quickly how to right and left click because we copied

Google images and pasted them onto our Power Point slides.

3. We learned how to use a smart board and shared our presentations in

our English classes.

4. We learned how to email a Power Point when a USB drive didn’t work

and we are learning about citing sources.

5. We shared definitions of Global Citizenship.

6. We are learning about communities (MIDTESOL) outside the


7. We discussed the good and the bad of our presentations.

A Quote by Paulo Freire"Liberating education consists of acts of cognition,

not transferrals of information"

Source: Pedagogy of the Oppressed

“Angy’s awareness of the global connections in peoples’ lives

informs her approach to English language instruction. (Auerbach,

2001: Cambell, 2001) Angy readily invites her students to bring their

preoccupations and struggles into the classroom, a telltale sign of

teaching English from a critical language awareness perspective. She

explained, “I was raised to respect the value of … a bachelors degree

but I also learned to respect not having a degree. I … value what each

individual brings into the classroom.” In this approach, attributed to

Brazilian educator Paulo Friere, students name and share experiences

in order to analyze them, construct knowledge collaboratively, and

join their voices in addressing them. This model of teaching English

connects the challenges that learners face in their local context with a

global movement.”

Source: Adult Education Teachers

Designing Critical Literacy PracticesBecky Rogers & MaryAnn Krammer, Taylor & Francis Group

A Quote about our teacher

How teachers can use PowerPoint

in and out of the classroom:


clipsSound clips



Current photos

Copy & paste

She sat in the middle of the


She didn’t sit in the back.

My race against breast cancer.

Global warming.

Write a letter to President Obama.

Dear President Obama,Please give everyone a

free bicycle………

Join a group.

Future presidents of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan

I can make my classroom more

student centered by putting their

names or photos into my lessons.

Don’t talk on your cell phone in


I can use it to teach vocabulary and

life skills that are linked to CASAS


It gets the students’ faces out of

their books so that they are better

heard when practicing a dialogue.

Students can own their learning by

typing a picture story together on Word.

My favorite is creating slides to a song.

What a Wonderful World

I see trees of green

Red roses too

Even beginners can create a short

PowerPoint and present it to their


PowerPoint can bring the world to

our classrooms.

And our students to the world.


MIDTESOL Conference(Midwest States Teachers of English as a Second or Other Language)

University of Northern Iowa

With a scholarship award we rented a mini van.

We attended conference sessions.

Days Inn in Cedar Falls, Iowa.

We each presented a few slides about ourselves and our native country.

We had dinner at the world’s

largest Truck stop on I 80.

Nursing home visit

They went for a tractor ride on an

Illinois farm.

New Salem State Park in Illinois.

Where President Lincoln lived as a young man.

Future presidents of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan

This land

was made

for youand me!

Their English and computer skills got better with

the practice from the trip and they have

continued to use these skills 5 years later on the

job, at college, in the community and while

keeping in touch with each other on Facebook.

“Action is embedded in the critical consciousness

raising of my students. Action is part of being a citizen.

Be it learning to read a children’s book to their child, or

attending MIDTESOL. Students are learning more

about their social world and how to be agents in their



Global citizenshipBy Asfaha Gebremichael

“My country is the world and my

religion is to do good.”

• Global citizenship is a new word to me

• But I do have a little understanding of what

it means. I think it means to bring a world

into one village legitimately.

• This means you can solve problems easily.

And you can eradicate the differences of creed;

race and eliminate global warming. I am sure,

you understand our world is the victim of

greedy people, big corporations and others.

• Finally I would like to tell you what Thomas

Paine said (British author ) he was a

pamphleteer “My country is the world and

my religion is to do good. ”

• please we ought to fallow him.

• This is an Eritrean refugee camp in Ethiopia Shimelba. It was established 2004 as a second camp. I was there for two years and referred to the capital Addis- Ababa for about 37 months .I want to introduce you the living situation . In the single hut, there are 4 to 8 people. Each person is assisted by world food program (WFP) :15 kg of wheat ,1kg white bean ,1 tea cup salt , 3 laundry soaps and 0.9Lit of oil per month . As you see in the picture -- no electric supplies .The only one is for baking traditional food (injera) and soup. You have to go some where esle to fetch dry wood.

This is the tyrannous and


Esaiyas Afewerki

This is Eritrean refugee camp in

Ethiopia shimelba

Please see this interview that you can

understand a lot about the tyrant leader

at Youtube

Talk to Al Jazeera-president Isaias Afewerki



We hope for this universal concept to be workable.

In the near future we hope to see global citizenship diversify!

II believe in the human mind being heard first in order to regroup the

outstanding skills, using services that are natural, in their local domain.

Highlight of experiences

I had been participating in some rural development programs as a program


This project was overseen by save the children/NGO-Norwegian missionary

donors . I also had sometimes been residing in refugee camp/ UNHCR, but

participated in similar field to implement basic civil and social infrastructures

which includes incentives to local citizens who lived within the same boundary.

Society’s Participation In A Community Based Technology Project

Matching inputs ~ giving individuals ideas so that they can fully participate in the community is

key. This will enable them to create new skills for a better understanding of society.


In general, simplicity, moderate skills, obtained local materials, social relationship and reliable

information is needed.

Always they are

innocent and

curious. They will

be real and perfect

global citizens.

Who participates in the project.

A Community Based Technology Project:

Mud bricks for housing.

Benefactors of the projects.

Find the source of a Spring water.

The source of a spring is ready.

Are you thirsty?



I am from Uzbekistan, which is

located south of Russian and north

of Afghanistan


Uzbekistan has vast natural resources, minerals, exports a gas, gold, uranium, cotton fiber and etc. at big volumes. It has had a vast irrigated lands and 300 sunny days in a year. The extent of unemployment is enormous. 6-7 million from 28 million people live abroad in search of work. Still the majority of population lives in poverty and misery, living on less than $1 per day to per person. Many scholars, students and workers are engaged to gathering cotton for 60-75 days every year in the rural farming communities.

Uzbekistan is among the 10 most corrupt countries in the world. The officials, mostly senior, quickly become rich at the expense others by embezzlement, bribery, alien raids. They use foreign assets to this in the country.

On the13 of may 2005 in Andijan

a demonstration began against the

Karimov regime.

President Karimov commanded to

shoot at demonstrators.

In Andijan about 700 people were


Opportunity to defend human rights and freedom of citizens has been

impossible, absolutely. Any protest of citizens is brutally suppressed without

delay. Organizers of demonstrations and active participants have been

arrested, physical and mental torture and sentenced to lengthy prison terms for

being not guilty of “terrorism, religious and political extremism in a constitutional

basis, and drug trade”, etc.

Uzbek people are highly intimidated by endless terror and torture, lawlessness

of police and state security agencies, who with the connivance of the

government do whatever they want to demonstrate their power over people.

• The tyrant dictator Islam Karimov has been the

president of Uzbekistan for 21 years. He doesn’t

like democracy and his people.

• Karimov was caught stealing, but he is not afraid

of punishment and takes all possible steps to

stay President until his death.

Uzbek Unrest and Victims

We are against dictatorship

president Karimov.

We engage in struggle and we resist

against the dictatorship in


We are the Birdamlik Movement



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Human Rights

What are Human Rights?

• Human Rights are those liberties, faculties and institutions about

basic goods that include all people because of their human condition

to guarantee their dignity.

• They are independent of particular factors, such as status, sexual

orientation, and ethnicity.

Do I have a Human Rights?

• Yes!, we have. They are inherent to the person, they are

also irrevocable, intransmissible and irreducible.

• They are the conditions that allowed create a integral relation

between the people and society that allowed to them be a Juridical

person, letting to made a identification with himself an with their


They do not depend on the exclusively given rights of the Constitution

because they are independent of the law of everyone country.

.Where do they come from?

• Human Rights come from the Natural Rights, since ancient times we found

some reference for example, we found some idea about them in the ancient

Greek Literature.

Where do they comes from?

The first intents to limit the exercise of the government power and

create laws to protect the human rights were “nationals”:

The Magna Charta of 1215

The law of habeas Corpus of 1689

The Bill of Rights of 1689.

The first Declarations of the

modern world

The Declaration of Independence 1776

The French Declaration of the men and

Citizen Rights of 1789

What were the most important Declarations of an

International Character?

The declaration by United Nations 1942

Eleanor Roosevelt argument in the United Nations were to be effective

internationally it should not concern itself with nations, but with the

rights of mankind

The Declarations of Human Rights of the United Nations


Do you think that since that moment there haven’t

been anymore violations to the Human Rights?

No, unfortunately no

• There have been a lot of violations of

Human Rights by all the world

In “News for You”, a weekly Publication from New Readers

Press there was news:

Eye for an eye Law.

Is it possible to mutilate or torture to punish the aggressor?

What is the opinion of Amnesty International?

Civil Rights

Amnesty International was founded in


• Is an independent worldwide human- rights organization it works to free

people imprisoned for their beliefs, color, ethnic origin, sex, religion, or

language, provided they have neither or nor advocated violence, also works

for fair an speedy trials for political prisoners an for an end to torture and


The first International Criminal Tribunal is

established in the Hague to deal with war

crimes in the former Yugoslavia in 1993

There is no Justice in

the world

The World is JustThere is some Justice in

the world



The journey to the safest place:

it takes a lot of process for the


Refugees suffer a lot when they run away from their home due to political

crisis, prosecutions, detention, torture.

They spend their time in detention with out social justice for themselves

or their home land.

They go to a neighboring country to save their life and to feel safe.

great opportunity to participate in this big eventsgreat opportunity to participate in this big eventsgreat opportunity to participate in this big events

In the country of refuge they face other difficult times because of lack of proper

documents. I am one of the victims who has gone through a very difficult time

as a refugee for over 15 years. The host country relocates all refugees to the

remote areas where there is no proper educations, healthcare, and access to

the basic fundamental rights for man kind. That’s why most refugees who come

to America do not understand English. It is hard for them to understand and

communicate easily, find job to become independent and successful in a new


Many refugees across the globe are uprooted from their home

country because of bad leadership and leaders who stay on

power too long.

Dada refugee camp in Nairobi Kenya

The horrible refugee life

Climate change affects each and every one all over the world, for this reasons

the world leaders should come together with lasting solutions in order to save

the planet.

We better do the best we can as a citizen of all nations.

Climate change :Effects

Global climate has already had observable effects on the

environment .The potential future effects of global climate

change include more frequent wild fires, longer periods of

drought in some regions and an increase in the number,

duration and intensity of tropical storms

I hope the world leaders come together with the lasting solutions .

We would like to thank my teacher Angy the International Institute,

the St. Louis Literacy Roundtable and MIDTESOL for giving me this

great opportunity to participate in this big event.


Do you agree….their teamwork,

willingness to lead,

eagerness to study,

critique of the world,

hope to better the world,

and participation at MIDTESOL past and present

demonstrates what global citizenship looks like?

Here teachers and others can

share Power Points for free.

Look for our presentations here.