ADT - Data Structures Web view@return the node that is this nodeÕs right child */ public...

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Transcript of ADT - Data Structures Web view@return the node that is this nodeÕs right child */ public...



Information Technology Department


IT 212: Data Structures with JAVA



This document is extracted from the text book:

Data Structures and Abstractions with Java


Frank M. Carrano

Prepared by Samira Lahmar

Second Semester 1427-1428/2007

Edited by Nadia Al-Ghreimil

Second Semester 1430-1431

Edited by Mashael AlDuwais

Second Semester 1435-1436

This copy belongs to: __________________________________

NO modifications to this document are allowed.

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Private Class Node

private class Node


private T data; // entry in the sturucture

private Node next; // link to next node

private Node(T dataPortion)


data = dataPortion;

next = null;

} // end constructor

private Node(T dataPortion, Node linkPortion)


data = dataPortion;

next = linkPortion;

} // end constructor

private T getData()


return data;

} // end getData

private void setData(T newData)


data = newData;

} // end setData

private Node getNextNode()


return next;

} // end getNextNode

private void setNextNode(Node nextNode)


next = nextNode;

} // end setNextNode

} // end Node



/** An interface that describes the operations of a bag of objects.

public interface BagInterface < T >


/** Gets the current number of entries in this bag.

@return the integer number of entries currently in the bag */

public int getCurrentSize ();

/** Sees whether this bag is full.

@return true if the bag is full, or false if not */

public boolean isFull ();

/** Sees whether this bag is empty.

@return true if the bag is empty, or false if not */

public boolean isEmpty ();

/** Adds a new entry to this bag.

@param newEntry the object to be added as a new entry

@return true if the addition is successful, or false if not */

public boolean add (T newEntry);

/** Removes one unspecified entry from this bag, if possible.

@return either the removed entry, if the removal was successful, or null */

public T remove ();

/** Removes one occurrence of a given entry from this bag, if possible.

@param anEntry the entry to be removed

@return true if the removal was successful, or false if not */

public boolean remove (T anEntry);

/** Removes all entries from this bag. */

public void clear ();

/** Counts the number of times a given entry appears in this bag.

@param anEntry the entry to be counted

@return the number of times anEntry appears in the bag */

public int getFrequencyOf (T anEntry);

/** Tests whether this bag contains a given entry.

@param anEntry the entry to locate

@return true if the bag contains anEntry, or false otherwise */

public boolean contains (T anEntry);

/** Creates an array of all entries that are in this bag.

@return a newly allocated array of all the entries in the bag */

public T [] toArray ();

} // end BagInterface

Using Array to implement ADT bag

/** A class of bags whose entries are stored in a fixed-size array.

public class ArrayBag < T > implements BagInterface < T > {

private final T [] bag; // array of bag entries

private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 25;

// default size of bag

private int numberOfEntries;//current number of entries in bag

public ArrayBag ()



} // end default constructor

/ Implementations of the public methods declared in BagInterface go here.

// Locates a given entry within the array bag.

// Returns the index of the entry, if located,

// or -1 otherwise.

private int getIndexOf(T anEntry)


//implementation goes here


// Removes and returns the entry at a given index within the array bag.

// If no such entry exists, returns null.

private T removeEntry(int givenIndex)


//implementation goes here


} // end of class ArrayBag

A linked implementation of ADT bag

/** A class of bags whose entries are stored in a chain of linked nodes. The bag is never full.

public class LinkedBag < T > implements BagInterface < T > {

private Node firstNode; // reference to first node

private int numberOfEntries; // current number of entries in bag

public LinkedBag ()


firstNode = null;

numberOfEntries = 0;

} // end default constructor

/ Implementations of the public methods declared in BagInterface go here.

private class Node // private inner class



} // end Node

} // end of class LinkedBag




An interface for the ADT stack.


public interface StackInterface


/** Adds a new entry to the top of this stack.

@param newEntry an object to be added to the stack */

public void push(T newEntry);

/** Removes and returns this stacks top entry.

@return either the object at the top of the stack or, if the

stack is empty before the operation, null */

public T pop();

/** Retrieves this stacks top entry.

@return either the object at the top of the stack or null if

the stack is empty */

public T peek();

/** Detects whether this stack is empty.

@return true if the stack is empty */

public boolean isEmpty();

/** Removes all entries from this stack */

public void clear();

} // end StackInterface

Using array to implement ADT Stack


A class of stacks whose entries are stored in an array.


public class ArrayStack implements StackInterface


private T[] stack; // array of stack entries

private int topIndex; // index of top entry

private static final int DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY = 50;

public ArrayStack()



} // end default constructor

public ArrayStack(int initialCapacity)


// the cast is safe because the new array contains null entries


T[] tempStack = (T[])new Object[initialCapacity];

stack = tempStack;

topIndex = -1;

} // end constructor

// Implementations of public methods go here.

// Doubles the size of the array stack if it is full

private void ensureCapacity()


} // end ensureCapacity

} // end ArrayStack

A linked implementation of ADT Stack


A class of stacks whose entries are stored in a chain of nodes.


public class LinkedStack implements StackInterface


private Node topNode; // references the first node in the chain

public LinkedStack()


topNode = null;

} // end default constructor

// Implementations of public methods go here.

private class Node



} // end Node

} // end LinkedStack




An interface for the ADT queue.


public interface QueueInterface


/* Adds a new entry to the back of this queue.

@param newEntry an object to be added */

public void enqueue(T newEntry);

/* Removes and returns the entry at the front of this queue.

@return either the object at the front of the queue or, if the

queue is empty before the operation, null */

public T dequeue();

/* Retrieves the entry at the front of this queue.

@return either the object at the front of the queue or, if the

queue is empty, null */

public T getFront();

/* Detects whether this queue is empty.

@return true if the queue is empty, or false otherwise */

public boolean isEmpty();

/* Removes all entries from this queue. */

public void clear();

} // end QueueInterface

Using array to implement ADT Queue


A class that implements the ADT queue by using an array with one unused location.


public class ArrayQueue implements QueueInterface


private T[] queue; /* circular array of queue entries and one unused location*/

private int frontIndex;

private int backIndex;

private static fi