Adolescent is a Period of Storm and Stres1

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Adolescent is a period of Storm and Stress? Discuss.

Introduction:- Adolescence is a time of “storm and stress”. Adolescence is

a period of time between childhood and adulthood. This is the age when one

can either make something of his life or destroy it all, this is the time when a

person makes those friends who changes the how he looks at life and how he

faces it. An adolescent's main goal these days is to fit in and not be different

from their peers. In this paper I will explore the probabilities of the

following grievances experienced by the adolescent youth which are drugs,

suicide, and homelessness. Adolescence is the developmental stage between

childhood and adulthood; it generally refers to a period ranging from teen

years through 20s. As now life is growing more complex, however,

adolescents are increasingly cut off from the activities of their elders,

leaving most young people with education as their sole occupation.

Inexorably, this has isolated many of them from the adult world and has

prolonged their adolescence. Now almost all over the world the adolescent

years have become marked by violence to an alarming degree. The

phenomenon of teenage suicide has become particularly disturbing, but risk-

taking behaviors of many sorts can be observed, including alcohol and drug

abuse. Adolescents only want to have fun and go to parties. They get

addicted to drugs and start to revolve their lives around drugs. Some get

arrested and others encounter death. Adolescents need to hear stories and be

able relate themselves with the stories. Major stress includes parent discord,

being physically or sexually abused and alcohol or drug abuse. Many

adolescents try to commit suicide than who actually succeed, and the

methods used may be unfledged. There is a propensity to treat alleged minor

attempts as attention seeking, theatrical and of no importance.


Adolescence being a period of ‘storm and stress’ – a perspective

which was introduced by Hall (1904) and supported by the psychoanalytic

tradition (Freud, 1958) and Erikson’s (1968).

Definition of Adolescence as a time of identity crisis – was popular

for most of the 20th century. In this view, adolescence is characterized as an

inevitably turbulent process; accompanied by negative moods, a problematic

relationship with parents and risky behavior, including delinquency

(Deković & Buist, 2004). Even though the notion that adolescents would

have a despondent temper is (cautiously) supported – adolescents experience

slightly more negative emotionality than children. It was also determined

that for most adolescents, the relationship with parents does not become


Despite these findings, the increase of internalizing and externalizing

problem behaviors in this developmental stage indicates that the idea of

adolescence as a tumultuous and on occasion miserable period, cannot just

be discarded. Reasons for this discomfort were introduced by different

scientific disciplines. It is more specifically the interaction between

biological-emotional, cognitive and social indicators that is most referred to

in this case.

1. Biological-emotional development

2. Cognitive development

3. Social conditions

1. Biological-emotional development:- From a biological perspective,

the despondent moods adolescents endure can be clarified by the bodily

changes they go through. Even though the direct effects of changes in

behavior-activating hormones (such as testosterone) are often referred to as

the number one explanation. Another observation consists that could add to


this incomplete explanation consist of the late maturation of the prefrontal

cortex (PFC). Furthermore, drastic changes in the neurotransmitters

dopamine and serotonin reason and self emotional stimuli in the limbic

system of the brain occur during adolescence. These cause the individual to

simultaneously experience a heightened sensitivity for stress and a lowered

susceptibility for rewards.

2. Cognitive development:- It acquires abilities such as memory or

problem solving skills, undergo a vast evolution during adolescence.

Adolescents acquire the ability of abstract and hypothetical thinking. They

can picture situations that did not (yet) occur – for instance, their time

perspective broadens which makes them able to contemplate their own

future – and they are able to discuss conceptual constructs (Steinberg, 2002).

They also obtain the capacity to combine and generalize different factors in

search for an explanation of the matters they are confronted with, in this way

exercising logic-deductive reasoning (Lehalle, 2006). Furthermore,

adolescents become more aware of events in their surroundings, but are not

yet able to put them in the right context (Lewin, 1939). His adevelop the

ability to consider the ideas and lso conditions of others, but at the same

time still lack the capacity to distinguish between what they think.

3. Social conditions:- This is the process were adolescents grow out of

their childhood years and aspire the status of an adult person. Expectations

of significant others amplify these aspirations; adolescents are encouraged to

act mature, ‘childish behavior’ is frowned upon. A strong desire for

independence is thus created (Greenberg, 1977; Lewin, 1939; Moffitt, 1993).

This desire however sharply contrasts with the restrictions that adolescents

experience in reality, such as a lack of money or a lack of authority. In daily

life, most decisions are still taken by others (in most cases by parents).


Hence, the individual does not obtain full access to an adult position, but

lingers between child and adult status. However, for some of them

acceptance by peers is difficult to obtain.

Therefore peer-relations can also be a source of stress in adolescence.


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