Addison High School - February/March Students of the Month

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Addison High School - February/March Students of the Month



Sponsored by Addison High School’s Student Assembly

Fr. Joe Comstock

“Joe not only has the highest grade in Biology, but he has accomplished this while wrestling. He asks great questions in class and participates actively in class discussions. I often ask Joe to tutor or help another classmate who is struggling. I know I can count on Joe to help others.”

-Mr. Wesche

“Joe is a pleasure to have in class. He is very knowledgeable and conscientious. He likes to learn and always has valuable information to contribute to class discussions. I look forward to having Joe in other classes.”

-Mrs. Braman

Fr. Josh Cox“Josh is a hardworking student who completes all of his assignments on time and asks for more work! He often helps other students during class and always participates.”

-Mr. Colson

Fr. Kylie Bruner

“Kylie is a positive member of our school community; she leads by example and is a hard worker. Kylie seems to enjoy life and it’s nice to have that here at Addison High School.”

-Mr. Vansickle

Fr. Blake Kurdys

“Blake is a very hard working individual. He is also one of the most polite and respectful freshman I have had this year.”

-Mrs. Haag

Fr. Andrew Ambs

“Andrew is a great asset to my class. He is always striving to learn more. He volunteers to go to the board and help others daily. He keeps up with his class work while playing 3 sports and being a member of Key Club, making him a great student-athlete and student participant.” -Mrs. Lakatos

So. Amber Conley

“Amber is a very conscientious student and exhibits many qualities that would qualify her for student of the month. Amber goes beyond the call of duty when it comes to the following:

-Good Citizenship-Politeness-Helpfulness-Good Grades”

-Mr. Marcum

So. Aaron Horton

“Aaron has done everything that has been asked of him and, as a result, he is achieving at a high level in Algebra II. He is on time, attentive, and participates regularly. He is a great asset to the classroom.”-Mr. Kubish

“Aaron is a hard working student who always strives to do his best. He is always prepared for class and is a very responsible young man. He is polite and respectful to adults and his peers. He also participates in football and track after school. Aaron is an all around great student.”-Mrs. Badders

So. Maddie Peterson

“Maddie is not only a good student, but she also exhibits so many positive traits both in the classroom and out that lend to her being my student of the month. Maddie is focused, hard-working, and dependable. She is a student I can always count on to participate, to be respectful, and to help another student out. I enjoy Maddie’s laid-back sense of humor and positive nature.”

-Mrs. Freshcorn

“Maddie is a hardworking student who is very pleasant to have in class and really makes a good contribution to class.”

-Mr. Bradstreet

So. Derek Douglas

“Derek always comes to class prepared and ready to work hard. He strives to improve and is always willing to help.”

-Mr. Gietek

Jr. Eethan Childers

“Eethan is currently receiving A’s in both of the classes he is in. He is at school almost everyday with a friendly attitude. He is always respectful and works hard on his assignments. Although he has always worked hard in my classes, I understand that this is a significant improvement over his past school experiences. Keep up the awesome work Eethan. It’s great to have you at Addison!”

-Mrs. Brown

Sr. Brooklyn Tosh

“Brooklyn has gone above and beyond her duties as an Editor for the Yearbook by taking on extra responsibilities and designing spreads despite not having the class anymore. She exhibits a desire to create the best book that ALL students will enjoy. The entire yearbook staff has benefited from her dedication to the quality of its production, and I am very grateful for all of the time and energy she has put into this project. I also know she puts this same dedication into her other classes and responsibilities, making her a great leader within the Addison Schools Community.”

-Mr. McCall

Sr. Angela Hoffman

“Angela is a student who has great attendance, a positive attitude, and is fun to be around. She carries herself with style and class. Good luck after graduation!”

-Mr. VanSickle