ADA reflections

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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Transcript of ADA reflections

I never really thought of the implications of Americas with Disabilities Act, (ADA), as it

pertains to technical writing or other media until I was assigned this discussion post. I now

realize this is an instrumental part of creating any written work or creating a website. I now

understand the effect and consequences of the discriminating against the disabled and why the

law was created. The ADA was created to protect anyone with a physical or mental impairment

which tremendously renders one’s ability to perform activities.

When looking at ADA in the workplace you must provide reasonable accommodation for

your target audience whether that might include all or part of Braille, magnification techniques,

audio and or narrative of text. Websites are definitely not exempt from these requirements.

Personally I have someone in my life who is disabled and I am an advocate of the ADA.

All writers should comply with ADA standards in ensuring that you have a good line of

communication with your complete audience and avoid your company paying penalties and fines

for non-compliance in ADA laws. As I mentioned earlier my mother is that someone in my life

who I love very dearly, I have seen her struggle through the years until the ADA laws finally

were fully enforced and accommodating the disabled. She and countless others surely have

benefited from the ADA federal regulations.