Post on 16-Oct-2021

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The advent of summers is the beginning of New hopes! New aspirations! Excellence can only be achieved if the time is utilized wisely. A blissful summer break is here. It is the right time for honing skills and talents. The aim is to build the students into global citizens, groomed up to be effective change agents of the society. The active engagement activities have been designed to ignite your thought process and make you aware of the global concerns. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS  

Students will do any ONE of the activities mentioned below.

You may take the help of the internet, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias to collect information and pictures.

Label your project appropriately related to the activity in your presentation. Make your project presentable and attractive for display. Submit your activity on the scheduled date given to you. Prepare yourself for the presentation in which you are expected to speak about your activity,

your learning experience, and the change it brought about in you. ACTIVITY 1: CREATING AN E-COMIC BOOKLET A comic strip is either one panel or three panels that tell a story or a joke.Key elements of a comic strip include character, setting, and plot — all conveyed in a few frames through a combination of pictures, captions, and dialogue. Educational comics may provide support in dealing with feelings and attitudes towards health conditions, as well as improving understanding of factual information. Reading comic books allow readers to process information a little differently than other forms of media like novels. The illustrations can help readers to comprehend information in a better manner.

Comic Books For Reference (Students can take inspiration from the characters and stories given below)

The Calvin and Hobbes- Tenth Anniversary Book : Bill Watterson Wallace the Brave: Will Henry Hilda and the Troll: Luke Pearson Timbertoes: John Gee The Adventures of Tintin: Georges Remi

Students will prepare an attractive an e-comic booklet by incorporating the following:

Characters  You are required to use the above characters. You can name them as well as add other

characters. Setting

The E-comic booklet should be in the form of a PPT (Power point Presentation). It will basically comprise of 6-8 comic strips exhibiting a story infused with humour.

Students can also create the e-comic booklet using,  INSTRUCTIONS FOR CREATING AN E-COMIC BOOKLET

The e comic booklet can comprise of 6-8comic strips incorporating characters and settings. Slide 1: Cover page (Name, Class and Section) Cover page needs to be attractive. Slide 2– 10 : One comic strip on each slide expressing a story. Slide 11 – Feedback/ Your experience/ the knowledge you gained/ Scope of Improvisation

Paper Size: A3 Font Size – 12 Font – May vary Orientation – Landscape Margin – Narrow Illustrations should be clear, colourful and appropriate Mention the page numbers



ACTIVITY 2 – THE FABLE TABLE: Storytelling for a better World A Fable is a literary genre: a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects. Through reading fables, children gain a sense of understanding about the world around them. They become more aware of human nature and feelings. They see the process that goes into decision making and the consequences that come as results of those decisions.

Fables for Reference (Students can take inspiration from the characters and stories given below)

Panchatantra Stories Hitopadesha Tales Aesop’s Fables Jataka Tales

Students will create a fable to invoke sensitivity towards life on land and encourage them to

protect, restore and preserve plants and animals. The fable should be in the form of storyboard on PPT (Power point Presentation) Students can also create the fable using,


Students will do the activity in PowerPoint. Slide 1: Name of the activity (The Fable Table) student’s name, class and section. Slide 2: An attractive cover page for the fable, including its title. Slide 3 onwards: The fable in the form of storyboard. Word Limit should be 250-300 words. Last Slide: Feedback/ Your experience/ the knowledge you gained/ Scope of Improvisation Paper Size: A3 Font Size – 12 Font – May vary Orientation – Landscape Margin – Narrow Illustrations and dialogues to be based on the topic. Illustrations should be clear, colourful and appropriate. Mention the page numbers SAMPLE OF THE FABLE GIVEN BELOW:


Suggested Reading List 

The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S Lewis The Secret Garden by Frances Hodson Burnett The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer The Hidden Pool by Ruskin Bond Mary Poppins: Pamela Lyndon Travers The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me:

Students will submit the above mentioned activities on 13 June 2021 in their respective Google

Classrooms of English with complete Name, Class –Section and Roll number.


Aim: To understand various aspects around quality of education provided in India and change in access of education during time changes.

Material Required: A4 sheet, pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, colours.

Q1. Observe the graph given below and answer the questions:

1. How many girls (per 100 boys) were there in Elementary Education in 2000-01?

2. What is the difference between the number of girls (per 100 boys) in 2013-14 in Upper elementary education and Secondary education?

3. How much increase was observed in the number of girls (per 100 boys) in Secondary education from 2000-01 to 2013-14?

Q2. From the following table, prepare one bar graph each for the year 2007 and 2016:

Public Education Spending as a percentage of GDP in BRICS Economies

ECONOMY PERCENTAGEIndia 2.6% China 3.2% Russia 4% Brazil 4.4%

South Africa 5.5%

ECONOMY PERCENTAGEIndia 2.9% China 4.3% Russia 3.6% Brazil 5.7%

South Africa 6.9%

Analyse the graphs and state your conclusion in 5 points. (Eg: In 2007, South Africa spent maximum amount as compared to other economies)

Analyse the graphs and state your conclusion in 5 points (eg In 2007, South Africa spent maximum amount s compared to other economies

YEAR 2007

YEAR 2016

Q3. Observe the graph given below and answer the questions:

1. What is the percentage of enrolment done in government institution in 2010-11?

2. What is the projected percentage of enrolment done in private (unaided) institution in 2030-31?

3. What is the difference between the percentage of enrolment done in private institution- unaided and aided in the year 2013-14?

Note: Students will submit the above mentioned activities in their respective Google Classroom of Maths with complete Name, Class-Section and Roll Number.



“NATURE’S OASIS‐ Microgreens” 


 Microgreens are vegetable greens, harvested just after the cotyledon leaves have developed. They are used as a nutrition supplement, a visual enhancement, and a flavour and texture enhancement. Microgreens can add sweetness and spiciness to foods.

They provide necessary nutrients for the eyes, skins, bone development, healthy digestive system and also protect against inflammation, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, overly boosting the immune system.

Chefs use colourful microgreens to enhance the attractiveness and taste of their dishes with distinct delicate textures and unique flavors, such as sweet and spicy.

Activity‐ Students will plant and harvest microgreens in their kitchen garden and will keep 

a digital track of the process through pictures and use it in their power point 

presentation/small video (3‐4 minutes)  

Given below are the steps to grow microgreens in your kitchen garden: 

Step -1 Students are required to take a layer of soil/Wet tissue/Wet cotton/Jute bag in any disposable plate or burger packet at home.

Step 2‐Sprinkle the seeds (Methi, Coriander, Spinach, etc) on the soil surface (use seeds 

available at home) Cover the seeds by sprinkling on them a thin layer of soil. 




Step 3‐ Water the seedlings with a sprayer. Cover the tray with a plate or a lid. When you 

observe that seeds have germinated, remove the cover. 



Step 4‐ Record your observations by clicking pictures. 


Points to be taken care of while making video or PowerPoint presentation (3‐4 min) are 

given below: 

Introduction of the topic. Name of seeds they have used. Nutritive value of microgreens. Procedure of growing microgreens in your kitchen garden. (pictures to be clicked as

various stages of their growth) Benefits of eating Microgreens in our daily diet. Dish or salad you have prepared using them.

NOTE: Students will submit their work in their respective Google Classrooms of Science with 

complete Name, Class –Section and Roll number 





 ‘I believe that education is the civil rights issue of our generation. And if you care about 

promoting opportunity and reducing inequality, the classroom is the place to start. Great 

teaching is about so much more than education, it is a daily fight for social justice’. 

Woody Allen  

Students of class 6th will be doing the research work on Reduced Inequalities. In light of 

this theme students are requested to make PPT/E Brochure. 


Learning Outcome‐  

It will help students gain better perspective on the need of equality 

Once the need of equality is respected and understood inequality will automatically 

be minimized. 


General Instructions for  PPT(Roll No 1 to 20) 

This is a group activity. 

It should be :                                                                                                                          

a.self explanatory and well organized  

b. well researched 

c. include your Name, Class and Section 

d. submitted on google classroom 



General Instructions for E Brochure(Roll No 21 to 40) 

This is a group activity 

It should be: 

a. self explanatory with relevant pictures 

b. well researched 

c. include your Name, Class and Section 

d. submitted on google classroom  


Students will be divided into groups of 10 each and they will draw a comparison between 

the following states  

a. Delhi and Sikkim( Roll No 1 to 10) (Students will make PPT) 

b. Himachal Pradesh & West Bengal(Roll No 11 to 20)(Students will make PPT) 

c. Rajasthan & Tamil Nadu(Roll No 21 to 30) (Students will make E Brochure) 

d. Assam & Punjab (Roll No 31 to 40) (Students will make E Brochure) 

Students will make the PPT(Roll No 1 to 20) & /E Brochure (Roll No 21 to 40) covering 

various aspects such as 

Language, Food, Architecture, Clothes people wear, Climate, Religion practiced, Dance, 














Criteria for Assessment 


Timely Submission 


Note: Students should submit their work in the Google classroom of Computer Application with complete name, class, section and roll number. A separate post will be created for the submission of work.


ACTIVITY: “Health that is a real wealth ” - E- Poster

Students to make an E- poster based on any 6-8 best exercises that keep our body and mind healthy. Students may use pictures of the exercises mentioning the benefits of each one of them in French.


You can take help from internet to search for the content exploring following sites:

You can use word document/ PPT or app like Canva for designing the E-poster. The work should be presentable and attractive for display. Mention the name of the activity clearly while submitting it. Submit your work on scheduled date.






“The Key to healthy life is having a healthy mind”

Note: Students will submit the Active Engagement Program Activity on 13 June 2021 in their respective Google Classroom of French with complete Name, Class-Section and Roll No.



saovana krao svacC poya va Aahar¸ rho svasqa saara saMsaar.

rho raoga tao kaosaaoM dUr ¸ na dvaa[- Kanao kao haoM maja,baUr..

inamnailaiKt svaasqyavaQa-k poya pdaqaao- maoM sao iksaI ek yaa dao kI ica~ saiht saUcaI banaakr ]nako paoYak t%vaaoM kI jaanakarI e4 saa[ja SaIT pr p`stut kIijae.]na paoYak t%vaaoM kI ]plabQata AaOr hmaaro SarIr kao haonao vaalao laaBaaoM ka BaI ivavarNa dIijae.yaqaasaMBava rMgaIna ica~aoM ka p`yaaoga krko [- paosTr BaI banaa sakto hOM.iksaI ek psaMdIda poya kao banaanao kI ivaiQa ilaiKe AaOr banaato hue svayaM ka ica~ BaI lagaa[e.

lassaI yaa CaC

Aama ka pnnaa

jalajaIra zMDa[- yaa kosar va baadama Sarbat

naIMbaU panaI yaa iSakMjaI

maOMgaao Saok yaa banaanaa Saok


  Apnao gaRhkaya- ko p`stuitkrNa maoM inamna ibaMduAaoM kao Saaimala ikyaa jaa sakta hO :

1‐ svaasqyavaQa-k gauNa ilaKkr ica~ saiht p`stut kIijae.

2‐ inaiht paoYak t%vaaoM kI jaanakarI dIijae.

3‐ SarIr kao haonao vaalao laaBaaoM ka ivavarNa p`stut kIijae.

4‐ iksaI BaI ek manapsaMd poya banaanao kI ivaiQa ilaiKe.

5‐ Aap Apnao p`stuitkrNa maoM ApnaI tsvaIr³faoTao´ BaI lagaa sakto hOM.

6‐ yah saBaI kaya- Aap e 4 saa[ja rMgaIna SaIT pr kr sakto hOM.

ek AcCI pustk hmaaro ivacaaraoM kao ek na[- raoSanaI p`dana krtI hO ijasasao Aap duinayaa kao nae najaire sao doKto hOM.]saI naja,ire kI raoSanaI maoM Aap kuC nayaa kr yaa saIK sakto hOM.

At: Aapko &anavaQa-na hotu kuC raocak khainayaaM dI jaa rhIM hOM, ijasao Aap pZ,kr ek nayaa AnauBava p`aPt kroMgao. 1‐ maM~ (mauMSaI p`omacaMd) 

2‐ namak ka daraogaa (mauMSaI p`omacaMd) 

3‐ saaonaa ihrnaI (mahadovaI vamaa-) 

4– mamata (jayaSaMkr p`saad) 




ivaYaya: saMskRt

1 pHcaflaanaaM¸ pHcapuYpaNaaM¸ pHcavaRxaaNaaM saica~M vaNa-nama\.


2 “svaasqya saMrxaNama\” [it ivaYayao pHcavaa@yaaina laoKnaIyaaina.

yaqaa − yaaogaaByaasa: svaasqyavaQa-k: Bavait.

3− “vaRxaaraopNasya mah<vama\” [it ivaYayao iBai<ap~M (Chart) inamaa-Nama\.