Active Movements -

Post on 22-Dec-2021

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Transcript of Active Movements -

Active Movements


Dr. Safa Ahmed


Active movement

• Movement performed within the unrestricted ROM (range of motion) controlled by the voluntary contraction of the muscles

Classification of active movements

• Free active

• Assisted active

• Resisted active

Free active exercise

• In which the working muscle is subjected only to the forces of gravity acting upon the part moved or stabilized.

• It is performed by the muscular effort of the patient without assistance or resistance of an external force other than gravity.

Active assisted exercise

• Exercise in which a muscle strength is inadequate to perform the movement so an external force (manual or mechanical )is applied to compensate for the movement.

Principle of assistance

• The assistance applied should be in the direction of the muscle action.

• It must be sufficient to assist the muscle action but not substitute it.

• As the muscle action increase the assistance should decrease proportionally.

Active resisted exercise

• Exercise where the forces of resistance are offered to the working muscle (manual or mechanical). These forces are systematically increased to develop the strength and endurance of the muscles.

Manual resisted exercise

• A form of active resistance exercise in which the resistance is applied by the therapist to either a dynamic or static muscular contraction.

Mechanical resistance exercise

• Any form of active resistance exercise in which the resistance is applied by the use of mechanical equipements.

• They include progressive resistance exercise, active resistance exercise and overload training.

Involuntary movements

• Movements that are not controlled or performed consciously by the person.

• Such movements include:





Reflex movement

• It is an involuntary, instantaneous movement in response to a stimulus.

• There are several types of human reflexes including: deep tendon reflexes, reflexes of the cranial nerves and reflexes observed in infants.

• Deep tendon reflexes include: biceps reflex, brachioradialis reflex, triceps reflex, knee jerk and ankle jerk.

Peristaltic movements

• Involuntary worm like movement of the digestive tract where the muscle fibers contract to propel the contents.

• It consist of a wave of contraction passing along the tract.

Visceral movement

• Movement caused by contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscles that line the internal organs.

• The smooth muscles are involuntary muscles and so their movements.

Cardiac movements

• The heart muscle is an involuntary striated muscle that contracts to pump blood to the circulation to provide the tissues with the necessary oxygen and nutrients and remove waste products.