Active Isn\'t Optional!

Post on 26-May-2015

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Know anyone that lost money in there retirement accounts last year? I fix that problem!

Transcript of Active Isn\'t Optional!


Building on StrengthAEGON N.V. was ranked one of the world’s top companies in 2007 by Forbes in its annual ranking of the world’s biggest and most powerful public companies.3

23 The Forbes Global 2000 is based on a composite measure of sales, market value, assets and profits. Market value as of February 28, 2007. Published March 29, 2007 on

Active Management vs. Passive Asset Allocation

Third-Party Money Management firms

introduce active management strategies that monitor your account daily and provide both

defensive and offensive disciplines.

Active Management vs. Passive Asset AllocationWhat is Passive Asset Allocation?

What is Active Management?

• A strategy for investors to manage risk by allocating investments among a broad array of asset classes and holding such assets for an extended period of time regardless of market conditions.

• Contrary to Passive Asset Allocation, the portfolio holdings are adjusted on a continuing basis in response to market and economic conditions.

Mission Statement

To create financially independent families by growing and protecting their wealth through active money

U.S. Household WealthNet Worth Number Percentage

Negative or Zero 11,058,460 10.40%$1 to $199,999 60,884,675 57.20%

$200,000 to $499,999 19,082,351 17.90%$500,000 to $999,999 8,777,203 8.20%

$1,000,000 to $4,999,999 5,632,907 5.30%$5,000,000 to $9,999,999 682,707 0.60%

$10,00,000 to $19,999,999 259,649 0.20%$20,000,000 or More 108,538 0.10%

106,486,490 Households. All dollar values are in 2003 dollars.Calculated at the Center on Wealth and Philanthropy at Boston College.

85.5% Don’t Receive the same quality service As the wealthy