active citizenship week

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Brochure for South Dublin Active Citizenship Week 2010

Transcript of active citizenship week

South Dublin County Active Citizenship Week 201027th Sept. - 1 Oct.

Creating an active South Dublin County

Marcu wisi vehicula enim, vitae lobortis est sapien ut erat. Curabitur lectus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur et tortor at dui venenatis commodo. Aliquam ultrices.

Nam dolor. Aliquam fermentum. Nullam convallis urna nec nunc. Aenean tincidunt tristique lacus. Praesent nunc justo, accumsan in, tincidunt at, venenatis in, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nunc tellus, iaculis quiss.

Donec eu ante. Pellentesque quis est eu pede laoreet elementum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia.

Fusce id mauris. Suspendisse ante est, pulvinar quis, vehicula eget, sagittis ut, odio. Pellentesque rutrum euismod nisl. Nunc sollicitudin sollicitudin pede. Fusce in pede. Phasellus vitae eros. Aliquam odio. Duis vitae velit non wisi dignissim pellentesque.

Donec elit eros, convallis ut, euismod eget, aliquet eu, lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae. Fusce id mauris. Suspendisse ante est.Nam dolor. Aliquam fermentum. Nullam convallis urna nec nunc. Aenean tincidunt tristique lacus. Praesent nunc justo, accumsan in, tincidunt at, venenatis in, felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque nunc tellus, iaculis quis, volutpat.

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South Dublin County Active Citizenship Week

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Active Citizenship Week27th September - 1 October2010

Registration form

Tricia Nolan, South Dublin County Volunteer Centre,Unit F, Block 2, Exchange Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24Phone 01 462 8558. Email: tricia@volunteersouthdublin .ie

South Dublin County Active Citizenship Week

What is Active Citizenship Week?The aim of Active Citizenship Week is to promote and celebrate the wonderful contribution made by our citizens to the daily life of South Dublin County and to encourage the positive participation of those who are not already involved.

We are asking community and voluntary organisations plus businesses in the county to consider organising an event or a celebration to promote citizenship during the week.

Below you will find some helpful guidelines for organisations planning an Active Citizenship Event:

1. BrainstormTake some time with colleagues within your organisation/group to discuss ideas for Active Citizenship Week considering the issues that are most relevant to your area.

2.! Plan Your EventDecide what type of event you would like to host (see over for some ideas). Common active citizenship themes include:

• Environmental Responsibility • Social responsibility• Civic responsibility • Volunteering • Political Engagement• Corporate Social Responsibility.

Decide where and when you will host your event and how you will promote it in your local area.

3.! Register Your EventRegister your event with us by filling out the attached form and we will help promote it as part of Active Citizenship Week. All event registrations received before the Friday 18th September 2010 will be listed in the Active Citizenship event guide which will be published on various websites across the county and in media releases. It is the responsibility of event organisers to ensure the information provided for their event is accurate and correct.

Get Involved