ACS Chess Championships IPSSAR Maffioli Sister School ...

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Transcript of ACS Chess Championships IPSSAR Maffioli Sister School ...

1330 Friday 5 June 2015 Dear Members of the Loyola College Community

Over the last fortnight there have been a number of events that have taken place in the life of our College community and I am delighted to be able to share these in this newsletter.

Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea This event was held on Thursday 28 May to raise funds for Cancer research. Students flocked to their respective Houses to support this important project organised by the Captains of Christian Service, Matthew Carty (12 KSSD) and Madeline Leahy (12 KCMC) in collaboration with Mr Lynch, Deputy Principal ~ Ignatian Mission and Identity.

ACS Chess Championships I congratulate the team of boys who represented the College in the ACS Chess Championship competition hosted this year by Loyola College. The boys under the direction of Mr Kuhlmann played very well. IPSSAR Maffioli Sister School Hospitality Visit We welcome Mr Alessandro Stulfa and the six Hospitality students from our Italian sister school who will be with us over the next 4 weeks. I thank the families who will be caring for the students on weekends during their stay. Examinations The examination period commences next week for senior students and will be followed by examinations for students in Years 8 and 9. I urge students to focus on their studies during this busy and demanding time to ensure their semester report accurately reflects their best efforts. I wish all students the very best and hope that their efforts will be rewarded. Royal Commission into Institutional Response to Child Sexual Abuse The enquiry into sexual abuse of children in Church institutions has featured strongly in the media in recent weeks with the Royal Commission hearings in Ballarat being the most recent. The evidence presented reveals an utmost betrayal of trust by a minority who preyed on the most vulnerable. It is a dark and indeed sad time in our Church history and the truth must now come out, justice must be served and genuine attempts for healing and reconciliation must be made. It is at this time that the Church and by this I mean ‘we the people of God’ needs its people the most. It needs our prayers and support for the victims and their families, it needs our prayers and support for the priests of today who continue to serve God in our parishes and do wonderful work in providing spiritual leadership and pastoral care. The Easter story, the basis of our beliefs as Catholics is a story of hope. As this tragedy of the past unfolds we might well say that we are at a Good Friday point. Let us pray that in time and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can all move beyond this to again feel that we are a Church of the Resurrection.

LPFA 35th Anniversary Ball I thank the LPFA Ball Committee for organising this event which was held last weekend at the Emerald Reception Centre. It was a wonderful evening of celebration marking Loyola's 35 years of providing Catholic Education and I was pleased to be able enjoy the night with members of the College community.

Principal’s Leave This will be my final newsletter for this term as I will be taking Enrichment Leave and Long Service leave from 11 June going on a Charism Tour to Ireland, Spain and Italy with a group of school leaders from Catholic schools around Victoria. This experience will enable me to reflect on the charisms of various religious orders which have founded many schools in Australian including of course the Jesuits. I will also be taking some Long Service Leave and will return to the College on 20 July. During my absence Ms Cairns will be Acting Principal

This is Trinity Term peaking with two important feasts Pentecost and Trinity Sunday. It is timely that we reflect on how we allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in us and be God’s active voice in the world. Each one of us can bring Jesus’ Good News of Salvation to others, the Good News that God offers His Love unconditionally if only we are prepared to say yes Lord. I close this newsletter with a Trinity prayer that was presented at a recent Principals’ Conference I attended:

Spirit of God on the waste and the darkness, Hovering in power as creation began. Drawing forth beauty from clay and from chaos, Breathing God's life in the nostrils of man.

Come and sow life in the waste of our being, Pray in us, form us as children in the Son. Open our hearts to yourself mighty Spirit, Bear us to life in the three who are one.

Joseph Favrin Principal


“Don’t Mess with Marriage”

Re: Pastoral Letter from the Catholic Bishops of Australia to all Australians on the ‘Same-Sex Marriage’ Debate


As the debate about ‘same-sex marriage’ gains momentum nationally, the Australian Catholic Bishops believe it is important to highlight the meaning of marriage. Given the implications of redefining marriage, today we are issuing a pastoral letter to the Catholic community.

You will be aware this week, in the context of the Irish referendum, both the Labor Party and the Greens have announced they will introduce draft legislation to allow two people of the same sex to marry. Marriage is both a personal relationship between a man and a woman, and the protective institution for their children. Marriage includes an emotional union, but it goes further than that. It involves a comprehensive bodily and spiritual union of a man and a woman.

This union of a man and woman is the natural reproductive and protective environment for raising children. Marriage is the foundation of the family unit, which is in turn the first cell of society. If the union of a man and a woman is different ~ not the same ~ as other unions, then justice demands that we treat that union accordingly. If marriage is an institution designed to support people of the opposite sex to be faithful to each other and to the children of their union it is not discrimination to reserve it to them.

The Christian tradition teaches that every human being is a unique and irreplaceable person, created in the image of God and loved by Him. Because of this, every man, woman and child has great dignity and worth which can never be taken away. This includes those who experience same-sex attraction. They must be treated with respect, sensitivity and love.

Redefining marriage in the way now proposed would see marriage reduced to a committed, affectionate sexual relationship between any two people. All marriages would come to be defined by intensity of emotion rather than a union founded on sexual complementarity and potential fertility. Husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, will be seen to be wholly interchangeable social constructs, as gender would no longer matter.

Chair of the Bishops Commission for Family, Youth and Life, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP said, “It is unjust, gravely unjust, to legitimise the false assertion that there is nothing distinctive about a man and a woman, a father or a mother; to ignore the particular values that real marriage serves; to ignore the importance for children of having a mum and a dad, committed to them and to each other for the long haul. Children have a right to grow up with their natural mother and father, where possible. We should not be redefining marriage so as deliberately to exclude a child growing up with either their mother, their father, or both their parents. “If the civil law ceases to define marriage as traditionally understood, it will be a serious injustice and undermine that common good for which the civil law exists. “Surely there are other ways of honouring the friendships of same-sex attracted and other people without further deconstructing marriage and the family,” Archbishop Fisher said.

Pastoral Letter<> on Same-Sex Marriage

Loyola Grandparents are warmly invited to celebrate

the Feast Day of Jesus’ Grandparents, Saint Anne and Saint Joachim,

with their grandchild or grandchildren at our

Annual Grandparents’ Mass Friday 24 July 2015

Celebrated by Monsignor Greg Bennet, Vicar General

St. Ignatius Chapel, Old Loyola at 9.45am followed by Morning Tea

To obtain your free tickets please visit Bookings open Saturday 6 June at 9.00am

and close Friday17 July at 9.00am. As places are limited, grandparents are advised to secure their tickets soon.

The booking site will state when the limit of places has been reached. The option of being on a waiting list will then be offered.

As this is a formal event all students are required to wear winter uniform with blazer.


Sorry Day

Last week was NAIDOC Week which raises awareness about the effects of current and past treatment of Aboriginal people in Australia. This year’s Sorry Day Ceremony was organised by the VCAL class under the direction of Ms Elly Keating as part of our Full School Assembly. Students presented the symbols of the Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islands flags, the College Message Stick, the branch of a gum tree and a Coolum of earth from the site of the College’s Indigenous Garden which will be opened later this year. The design and construction of this garden is a VCAL class project. These symbols together with the speeches, video clips and prayers assisted the community to reflect of the current and past situations of our Indigenous people. The Full School Assembly finished with a personal message of solidarity and support to the Loyola College from Cathy Freeman. This was the first event of this type that the VCAL students have organised and they are to be commended for their efforts. Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea ~ A Loyola Young Vinnies and House Committee Event.

On Thursday 28 May, six simultaneous Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea events were run in House areas. This was a community building event that allowed our House Captains, their helpers and the students from Loyola Vinnies opportunities to show leadership and raise funds in the fight against cancer. Particular thanks to Mrs Salwa Fischmann, LPFA Co~President who approached a number of local business that donated donuts, drinks and cakes.  

Youth Ministry Nineteen Year 11 Youth Ministry Students from St Mary’s and surrounding parishes attended a three hour presentation and workshop organised by Sr. Nelia, and hosted by Fr. Steven Rigo and the parishioners of St Mary’s. The Archdiocesan Office for Youth presented on the evening and took the students through a range of Youth Ministry related topics.

A key aim of the Youth Ministry Program is to connect young people with Parish. It is the intention of these students to organise an event for young people in the parish in early Term Three. Year 12 Reflection Day ~ Friday 12 June Normally on Reflection Days students are asked to bring a $5 donation to contribute to a College Charity. However, this year the Year 12 students are going assist others a little differently. About 40 of the Year 12 students have opted to participate in the previous night’s Winter Sleep Out. Each of these students are going to be allocated four to five students who are asked to sponsor them by giving them any one of the following items ~ a $5 donation, food, winter clothing, scarf, gloves, coat or fleece jacket or a toiletry item or pair of thongs. Students participating in the Winter Sleep Out will be allocated a shopping bag to collect their sponsorship items. On Friday 12 June, all Year 12 students are asked to be at the front of Old Loyola by 7:50am and returning to the College at 4.30pm. Students will travel by bus to the Abbotsford Convent to participate in the annual Year 12 Reflection Day. Students may wear neat casual clothes and are asked to bring any of the following: a choice of a $5 donation, food, winter clothing, scarf,

gloves, coat or fleece jacket, toiletry item or a pair of thongs that can be donated to Ozanam House, a shelter for homeless men. These materials will be given to one of the students participating in the Winter Sleep Out.

a small item that has meaning or a story attached about themselves.

Lunch and drink unless they wish to purchase it from one of the cafes onsite.

The day will conclude with a liturgy celebrated by Fr Gerry Healy SJ in the original Convent Chapel at 1 St Heliers St Abbotsford.

Mr Christopher Lynch Direct Line: 9433 0227

Winter Sleep Out Loyola College will be involved in the Winter Sleep Out again this year. This is a national event that raises awareness about the issue of homelessness. The first opportunity for Year 12 students to participate is Thursday 11 June. Students will leave from the College and travel to Ozanam House. During the evening they will have dinner at Lentil As Anything and observe the work of the Soup Van. Upon returning to the College at approximately 10:30 pm, the students will sleep outside. This event is organised by the Loyola Young Vinnies and is open to Year 12 students. There will be opportunity for Year 11 students on Friday 7 August. Permission forms are available from Mr Lynch.  FROM HOME~COLLEGE~PARISH LIAISON

Mission Conference

Over 300 participants, were gathered in Sydney on 18~20 May, for Australia’s premier Second Catholic Conference on Mission ~ One Heart Many Voices 2015. It was a multi~sectoral dialogue on the theme Living the Joy of the Gospel and Leading

Mission. The event was organised as a combined effort of Catholic Mission and Catholic Religious Australia. The whole spirit of the event was presented by outstanding keynotes, four panel discussions and up to thirty workshops by leaders of mission across many Catholics sectors including parish, school, health and aged care, education, social services and more. Attendees had an opportunity for personal renewal as well as professional development as members of different congregations and staff of different organizations from renowned speakers and leaders in mission and ecology from across global spectrum including Fr Stephen Bevans, Dr Maryanne Loughry, Professor Patrick Dodson and Fr. Denis Edwards and so many others. Fr. Noel Connolly, chair of the Australian Mission Network and Head of Mission Studies at the Columbian Mission Institute, presented the themes drawn

on the vision of Pope Francis in his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium. He said that the aim of the Conference is to give those out on the streets, bruised, hurting and dirty, a vision that will unite, encourage, sustain and enable them in their various vocations. The event was extremely inspiring, enlivening and well organized. The input is not only informative but challenging. Women's Reflection Morning The following is Mrs Antonella Dalla~Vecchia reflection on participating in the Women’s Reflection Morning. I was thankful for the invitation to participate in the Women's Reflection Morning on Saturday 30 May. I was really looking forward to having some me time where I could solely focus on reflecting on my faith. I have a very busy life and without wanting to, I don't make it a priority to just sit and be still. It's not very easy to do when you feel you're running at 100 miles an hour. But this was the opportunity I needed to allow God to speak to me. The gathering included beautiful women who were all there for the same reason ~ taking time out from their busy lives in prayer and reflection. It was led by a very gifted spiritual director, Ms Jacinta Bright, who guided the group to contemplate on Jesus' message. We had time as a group to hear each other's journey and then time alone to reflect on our own lives. We were given different prayers and questions to read, an opportunity to walk the Labyrinth and even find a quiet space to be in the presence of God. I felt blessed and privileged to share in this experience. It was a reminder to me about the importance of quiet prayer and meditation and how much you can receive by nurturing your faith. Thank you again Sister Nelia and Jacinta for giving up your time and sharing your gift of faith. We all received a special living orchid gift which I've placed on my kitchen window sill. It will be a daily reminder of our special morning together.

Birthdays Greetings & best wishes to the following staff and students who will be or have celebrated their birthday at this time. Staff Mrs Suzanne Treglia Mr Tony Chirico Mr George Ioannidis Mr David Ferrante Mr Clarence Nicholas Mrs Fiona Chapman Mr Dinh Tran

Students Mayssaloun Asmar 10 MSOL Zane Costello 8 ADFE Heidi Ginn 7 FCTG Jake Lorefice 10 AJFT Dayna Rizzi 11 KCMC Tiffany Trajcevski 8 XMAC Peter Jory 8 FECG Madeleine Kleyn 7 FPTC Brandon Pergolini 8 KNSH Danielle Sapiano 11 CPJK Natalie Lunardi 8 XCLH

Justin Nikolaidis 9 KNSH Elisa Harrison 10 KCMC Adam Scire 8 ASKC Richard Abiharb 10 CPFH Luis Giordano 12 ASJM Katia Minnelli 9 FMJL Ishka Munasingha 7 ASKC Gemmila Oktay 10 XLMC Thomas Ward 9 XMCU Julian Eliopoulos 11 ASKC Emma Jolly 9 CJWP Luca Marazita 9 MFVE

Sr Nelia Llanto SJBP Direct Line 9433 0265

Jesse-Leigh Boskovski 10 CTFO Benedict Douglas 10 CTFO Sam Agati 7 KGCW Darcy Collins 8 CAJM Claudia Dionisio 10 MMBM Grace Meagher 11 MDHT Patricia Nagel 7 MGKK Madison Rule 9 KSLP Stephanie Santamaria 11 XMCU Liam Gray 10 FMJL Damian Haramis 8 MKMS Hunter Hurst 9 ASLS Ryan Pitts 11 FCTG Danielle Ripper 8 FPTM Georgina Zealley 7 CIKE Ilona Abdouka 10 ALEH Zac Camilleri 11 AJFT

Geordie Gavrilidis 8 FMJL John Mastrogiannis 11 MMCB Caden Murray 7 AEGR Jacob O'Connor 10 XLMC Deakon Cousins 7 XJBI Shanice Williams 10 XLCR Matthew Carty 12 KSSD Joshua Ostrowsky 10 CJSI Daniel Petrucci 9 XLCR Tyler Vinar 9 AEGR Natalie Berkman 11 XMAC Grace Cooper 11 FSKE Lachlan Cooper 11 FMJL James Henderson 11 FLTH Sophia Ocon 9 CAJM Maria Turcios 10 FECG Michael Zammit 11 XCLH

Elyssa Zancan 11 MAML Massimo Cardamone 8 MSOL Justin Coleiro 9 MMCB Angus Dowling 7 FECG Joshua Dowling 7 FMRB Jessie Hill 10 ADFE Elisa Keith 10 XAFR Nikolas Nanos 8 FCTG Thomas Pitts 9 CPJK Tanya Vo 12 XCLH Angus Garrard 10 FCTG Luke Giudice 12 KAMM Kayla Liwanag 8 AHPL Ishtar Abdouka 12 AEGR Tony Fasciani 10 KSSD Brianne Keogh 12 FMRB Jordyn Steward 9 CPFH


Call for Donation of Gifts, Vouchers or Funds for St Ignatius Day Walkathon Highest Fundraisers

Planning is well underway for our celebration of St Ignatius Day which this year will take place on Friday 31 July ~ the actual feast day of St Ignatius. After our celebrations last year, students were invited via email to make suggestions and recommendations to make our celebrations even better and

these are currently being considered by the St Ignatius Day Student Planning Committee which consists of representatives from the Years 11 and 12 VCAL classes, the Loyola Student Council and the College Committee. Our St Ignatius Day celebrations have two very important aspects. Firstly we celebrate with a great sense of fun and community on the day with Mass, a walkathon, free lunch provided by the LPFA, rides, and a talent quest. Secondly and most importantly we celebrate as a community of faith and service seeking to live out the Gospel of Jesus in providing much needed funds via our College Walkathon for our six House Charities: Chisholm House ~ Caroline Chisholm Society Flynn House ~ St Vincent de Paul Society (Diamond

Creek Parish) MacKillop House ~ MacKillop Family Services Mannix House ~ Jesuit Social Services Brosnan Centre McAuley House ~ Tika Peru Xavier House ~ Jesuit Mission

As a means of encouraging our students to be innovative in their fundraising activities each year we have sought from College families and supporters the donation of a number of prizes to recognise the highest individual and Mentor contributors in our College Walkathon.

Donations may include goods, vouchers, or funds to purchase vouchers and will be formally acknowledged at forthcoming College Assemblies and via the Ignatian on a number of occasions. Please contact me at the College on 9433 0250 or to discuss the possibility of making such a donation of goods, vouchers or funds. The generosity of Loyola families and supporters will be greatly appreciated in celebrating the generosity of our students. Parent Education Seminars Loyola College highly regards it partnership with parents and guardians and values them as the first and primary educators of our students. To support parents and guardians in this vital role, the College seeks to offer a variety of support mechanisms. One such support strategy is the opportunity to attend Parent Education Seminars highlighting a variety of issues relevant to the development and wellbeing of our students. Earlier this year the College conducted a Seminar on Parent Engagement and in July parents and guardians will have the opportunity to be involved in two Parent Education Seminars.

On Tuesday 21 July the College will host Dr Richard Gaillardetz as the keynote speaker at the Staff Spirituality Day that will be open to parents and guardians. Dr Gaillardetz is a highly regarded speaker and is the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College and the Director of Graduate Studies. Born

and raised in a military family, he spent much of his childhood and youth traveling and developed a lifelong appreciation for the diversity of peoples. After completing collegiate studies at the University of Texas, he devoted the next two years of his

Mr Tony Chirico Direct Line 9433 0250

life working as a campus minister in Denton, Texas. He then returned to his studies undertaking a Master of Arts in Biblical and was hired by the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth, primarily to teach in small urban and rural parishes that could not afford their own professional adult education ministers. Enjoying the teaching aspect of this work he began doctoral studies at the University of Notre Dame. On completing his doctorate studies, Dr Richard Gaillardetz has held a number of key academic positions at universities and colleges across America focusing on theology and continuing his passion for pastoral work. He is a highly regarded theologian scholar and has authored numerous articles and books. At Loyola College Dr Gailardetz will address the issue of Wrestling with Tradition: Faith, Doubt and Questioning in the Church Today in three 90 minute sessions which will include group discussion and a question and answer session. Parents and guardians who wish to attend this event which will be held during the school day on a student~free day are referred to the details in this edition of the Ignatian. One week later on Wednesday 29 July the College will conduct a Parent Education Seminar entitled Helping Your Child Flourish. The Seminar will provide the College with an opportunity to introduce parents and guardians to the principles of Positive Psychology through an Ignatian lens which has been a focus of staff professional learning since August last year and will be introduced into student curriculum and wellbeing programs in the 2016 school year. The Seminar will be conducted by Loyola College staff members and will be a wonderful opportunity to explore an approach to wellbeing that has at its core the aim to allow individuals to flourish and full appreciate all that is good within themselves, others and the world around them. Parents and guardians who wish to attend this event, which will be held at the College commencing at 7.30pm, are referred to the details in this edition of the Ignatian. FROM COLLEGE ARCHIVIST

Expanding The Curriculum ~ 1983 Technology had brought great change to lifestyle and industry in the early 1980s with the dawn of the micro-chip. Loyola College recognised the necessity for students to develop a knowledge of the practical uses of computers ~ including programming, their privileges and limitations and their effect on life in general. So in 1983 Computer Studies was introduced at Year 10 as a one unit elective. The continuing establishment of a broad curriculum was a major focus for the growing student population at Loyola College and planning of the 1984 curriculum began in the first term of 1983. One of the important features of this planning involved the development of programs for students

embarking on Year Eleven in 1984 ~ Loyola College’s first group of senior students.

The trend observed prior to 1983 indicated that a higher proportion of students entered tertiary studies or the workforce at the completion of Year 10; however this was changing with the youth unemployment figure at 25% and rising. Staff recognised that a larger number of students would continue their secondary education beyond Year 10, and as the College prepared for this first group of senior students, the mission was to design an appropriate curriculum to satisfy a broader range of abilities, interests and objectives. Staff visited various schools and colleges to observe their senior programs, reported at staff meetings and listened to reports from curriculum bodies. Parents were invited to attend and contribute to this planning at curriculum days as well as presentations of the Year 11 curriculum at the Loyola College Community Association meeting in August 1983. FROM DEPUTY PRINCIPAL (TEACHING AND LEARNING)

L5 Continues in Term Two At our recent Teaching Staff Meeting, we introduced the final step of L5, Step Four, Independent Practice. The four principals behind Independent Practices are: 1. Be clear about and model behavioural expectations 2. The activity should focus on the achievement of the

objective 3. All students should have to master the skill or knowledge

independently 4. Provide opportunity for extension Staff worked in Faculty teams to discuss and share responses to some focus question on Independent Practice and then were led through an independent practice activity. I would like to acknowledge the work of Mr Jeremy Ives (Head of Performing Arts), Mr Chris Lynch (Deputy Principal ~ Ignatian Mission), Mrs Helen McGlone (Head of Student Services), Mrs Melanie Paino (Head of Health and Physical Education) and Mr Philip Kamay (Action Research Team

Mrs Monica Baron Direct Line 9433 0767 Monday to Thursday

Ms Bernadette Donnelly Direct Line: 9433 0233

An Invitation to Loyola Parents and Guardians.

Loyola College will present the second of its 2015 Parent Seminars

A Day With Dr Richard Gaillardetz Leading American Theologian

Tuesday 21 July (A Student~Free Day)

8.50am ~ 3.40pm

Wrestling with Tradition: Faith, Doubt & Questioning in the Church Today

Loyola parents and guardians are invited to come and join the Loyola College staff as Dr Gaillardetz develops this theme over three 90 minute sessions including an opportunity for group discussion and a question and answer session.

To register your attendance please access

Bookings open at 9.00am on Saturday 6 June

and close at 4.00pm on Tuesday 14 July. All parents and guardians welcome.

An Invitation to Loyola Parents and Guardians.

Loyola College will present the third of its 2015 Parent Seminars Helping Your Child Flourish

An Introduction to Positive Psychology Through an Ignatian Lens

Wednesday 29 July 7.30pm ~ 9.00pm.

Come and join other Loyola parents & guardians over tea and coffee to learn about the principles of Positive Positives as understood within our Ignatian Charism.

The Seminar will provide an opportunity to learn about Loyola’s new whole~school approach to student wellbeing. Find out how you can help protect your child by teaching them the key ingredients for mental fitness and flourishing in life by: Boosting Positive Emotions Building your Child’s Strengths Developing Positive Relationships Finding Meaning and Pursuing Worthwhile Goals Achieving Goals and Creating a Sense of Accomplishment

To register your attendance please access

Bookings open at 9.00am on Saturday 6 June and close at 9.00am on Friday 24 July.

All parents and guardians welcome.

Member) for their leadership and role modelling to the staff regarding Step Four. L5 at Loyola College (1) The Lesson Opening

What? Why? How? Goals?

(2) The Introduction to New Material What’s new? Keeping them engaged? Do they understand?

(3) The Guided Practice of New Material Show them how Practise together

(4) The Independent Practice Do it on your own Do they have a skill checklist?

(5) The Lesson Closing What did we learn today? Why did we learn it? How do they know they learnt it?

2016 Transition Parents and guardians will receive their 2016 Transition package in the first week of Term Three. This package outlines the process and includes a number of important documents for parents and guardians to complete and return to the College, as part of the re~enrolment of their child in 2016. All students’ subject choices will be again entered online via our Web Preferences program. Parents and guardians will receive their online user name and password in the 2016 Transition package. Year 9 to 11 students will be taken through their Transition process with senior members of staff at a course guidance interview. Year 7 to 11 students will also receive a Student Subject Handbook and hear from each of the relevant Heads of Learning at level assemblies. Mrs Curcio is also available for any individual careers guidance. Here are some important dates for your diary: Tuesday 4 August: Year 9 ~ 10 and Year 10 ~ 11 Senior

Transition Information Evening 6:30pm ~ 8:30pm Thursday 6 August: Year 10 Transition Interviews during

Periods 1 ~ 4 (Parents and Guardians welcome) Monday 10 August: Year 11 Transition Interviews during

Periods 1 ~4 (Parents and Guardians welcome) Tuesday 11 August: Year 9 Transition Interviews during

Periods 1 ~ 4 (Parents and Guardians welcome)


Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) is a new initiative provided by the Victorian Government to lower income families. It will be run over 4 years and provide

payments for eligible students to attend camps, sports and excursions. Families with a child under 17 who hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card or are a temporary foster parent as at the first day of Term 3 may be eligible to receive the CSEF. Parents who receive a Carers Allowance on behalf of a child or any other benefit or allowance not income tested by Centrelink are not eligible for the CSEF unless they also hold a valid Health Care Card, Pension Card or are a temporary foster parent. The amount payable for secondary school students is $225.00. This will be paid to Loyola College for all eligible parents and will be applied against the Global Fee on the Fee Account which incorporates all camp and excursion costs. Payments are expected to commence from the start of Term 3 each year with an expectation that they are all finalised by the end of Term 3. Application forms should be completed and lodged with the College before the end of Term 2 as payments are made during Term 3. Application forms are available on application form on the College website or at the College Reception. For more information about the CSEF, visit FROM HEAD OF STUDENT SERVICES

I would like to introduce and welcome two new Learning Support Assistants to the Student Services team for the remainder of the year. We welcome Mrs Annette Hodgson and Mrs Laura Popescu who will be working in classrooms supporting students to reach their potential. As winter descends, we become increasingly conscious of student wellbeing. If a student is unwell, it is preferred that they stay home until better. In the event of a student needing to go home due to ill health can I remind parents of the procedures in place at the College. Students are not permitted to telephone home and make their own arrangements. Students must present to the First Aid area where they will be assessed by the support staff and if necessary, staff will contact parents and a decision made on the best method of support. Students returning home due to illness must be collected and taken home. They are not permitted to leave on their own. This is to ensure their safe passage and O H & S. Let’s hope this winter is a gentle one.

Mr Mark Arnavas

Mrs Helen McGlone Direct Line: 9433 0245 

Members of the Loyola College Community are warmly invited to a wonderful evening

of musical performances



Enjoy performances from all College ensembles

Big Band  Concert Band Guitar Army Junior Choir Rock Bands Strings Ensemble Senior Choir Symphonic Band Training Band VCE Music Soloists

Refreshments will be available from the Friends of Music.

Entry on gold coin donation. Also join us for the Instrumental Concert

on Thursday 18 June in OL 135.


Cybersecurity ~ Who goes there, friend or fiend? Is Facebook, and other social networking technologies, a tool for evil or for good? Both, actually. It is a great way to keep in touch with friends and families, particularly those overseas. But unfortunately it is also a medium through which scammers hope by ply their nefarious trade. What should parents and guardians be teaching their children to help keep them safe as they navigate their online world? The following may be useful strategies: 1. Keep their contact information and location private or

protected by privacy controls. 2. Never send images to strangers. 3. Passwords are private except to parents. 4. Don’t trust anyone in cyberspace unless they are

personally known. 5. Don’t post or email any images that they would not want

the world to see. 6. Don’t post or email any material containing hate speech,

alcohol or drug references. This may be detrimental in the future.

7. Agree on downloads. What apps are okay? Which video sites? What games?

8. Encourage critical thinking. They should ask who posted this and why? This will help them find trustworthy information, and it will also help avoid online scams that deliver spyware and viruses directly to the home computer.

9. Don’t respond to unpleasant or suspicious communications. If it is of a criminal nature, save it and report it to the police; otherwise, trash it.

10. Remember that parents and guardians are role models and as such need to be mindful of their own online habits.

11. Keep channels of communication open. Prevention is better than cure.

How does one protect oneself from online scammers? When one engages in online social networking, one may post pictures of oneself, make catch~up plans with friends, and generally chat about what one has been up to and where one has been. But, sadly, it also offers a plethora of unscrupulous individuals and organised cyber~crime syndicates an irresistible opportunity to gain access to people, for example via Facebook, Twitter, online gaming or via email in an attempt to exploit and defraud them of their money. Scamming is where one person, a cyber~thief, pretends to have a legitimate financial need and exploits the generosity and naivety of another in order to obtain that person’s bank account or credit card details, with the ultimate aim of ripping money off that person. How effective is a home antivirus at stopping electronic scum and villainy such as viruses, worms and trojans from infecting

and spying on the home computer and passing personal information back to cyber criminals? The truth is that there is no antivirus software or firewall in the world that is capable of securing personal bank account details on a computer if these details are unknowingly and freely offered to phishing scammers! How? Read on… Ever gone fishing? One casts out a line and waits for a bite. Hopefully the hook does its job and, hey presto, one gets a catch. On the Internet this is called ‘phishing’ ~ same sound, different spelling; one is legal and the other is not, at least in most developed nations. It is what cyber criminals do ~ they try to trick children and adults into freely handing over their parent’s or their own credit card details. No firewall needed here. What’s interesting about this type of scam is that it is not asking for money; actually, it is asking to put money into one’s bank account, to then withdraw it at a later date and possibly leave some money in one’s account as a thank you for being so helpful. But don’t be fooled! If the person is a stranger, then the person is most likely not a friend, but a fiend, intent on convincing one to allow them to basically give away money for nothing, when in reality what they really intend to do is steal money out of one’s bank account. These scams usually originate from organised crime syndicates operating in countries such as Nigeria and Russia, where there are no laws forbidding such practices, meaning there is no way for a person to get their money back! What should one do if one receives such emails? Add the sender to the email ‘blocked senders list’, then delete the email. There is no substitute for parental involvement in a child’s online activities. Parents and guardians should establish an ongoing conversation with each of their children about his or her various experiences, providing guidance whenever necessary. Importantly, parents and guardians should go online themselves and join a social networking site or get involved with friends in a chat room. Parents and guardians should be familiar with the space their children are playing in. To learn more about banking scams, go to Complaints about general content on the Internet can be made to ACM at FROM CAREERS CO~ORDINATOR

CAREERS NEWS For further information regarding any of the items below, see Mrs. Curcio in Careers Education Office ~ A070. Loyola Careers Website Members of the Loyola College community are encouraged to visit the Loyola Careers Website to stay up to date with the latest information about university

Mr Victor Dalla~Vecchia Direct Line: 9433 0258

Mrs Daniela Curcio Direct Line: 9433 0220 

and TAFE, jobs in demand, subject selection and transition to name a few. Please contact Mrs Curcio if you require any further information. Year 12 Career Conversations Compulsory Career Conversations with our Year 12 Students will commence on Monday 15 June and conclude at the end of Term 3. Students have been informed that each appointment is 20 minutes in length and should not be booked during a scheduled school event or when they have a scheduled SAC or assessment. The conversation is designed for students to further gauge an understanding of how they will go about embarking on their career journey. Students are provided with a PDF copy, attached to an email of all items discussed including but not limited to course preferences, SEAS applications, scholarships and resume guidance. Students are expected to book their appointment online at Wanting To Study Medicine? Year 12 students wishing to study medicine at Monash University next year will be required to sit the Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test UMAT. Registration to sit this Test is required by 5.00pm on Friday 5 June with the Test taking place on Wednesday 29 July. Further details are available at Experience ACU The Experience ACU Program at Australian Catholic University gives students the opportunity to sample the degree of their choice. This is achieved by meeting staff and current students, and experiencing aspects of the selected course. This Program is available to Years 10~12 students to learn about industries and careers, hear helpful tips in preparing for university, and enjoy the entertainment and fun campus atmosphere. This Program will take place on Monday 29 June at the ACU Melbourne Campus, Fitzroy and Tuesday 30 June at the ACU Ballarat Campus. Further details are available on or 1300 275 228. University Of Melbourne News ~ UniExperience Year 11 students who are first in their family to consider tertiary study are invited to the Parkville Campus on Thursday 9 and Friday 10 July. UniExperience gives students the opportunity to experience university life first~hand. The two~day program offers a range of sessions covering all aspects of tertiary study including on~site accommodation in a residential college, campus tours, information about courses, workshops covering transition to university, scholarships and study skills, and social activities and the chance to meet current students. The cost of $100 covers all accommodation and meals. Places are limited with applications made via Selection will be based on reasons for wanting to participate as outlined in the application. Further details are available on 8344 7508 or  

35th Anniversary Ball Sponsors

On Saturday 30 May the College Community celebrated the 35th Anniversary of Loyola College in style at a Dinner Dance that provided for a wonderful evening of fun, food and music for all in attendance. The experience was further enhanced by many gifts and donations that were packaged as door prizes and raffle prizes drawn on the evening.

The Ball Committee of Mrs Julie Merrett, Mrs Kim Garth, Mrs Jaki Carre~Riddell and Ms Anthea Trainor, the LPFA and Loyola College wishes to thank and congratulate the following sponsors and ask the College Community to be generous in supporting them.

Academy Photography Bundoora Newsagency

By the Blades Salon Cake Cravings by Danielle Centorrino Technologies Complete Dry Cleaning

Daniel O'Reagan ~ Fletchers Diamond Valley De Santis Vision Consultants

EcoLab Eltham Office Choice

Flynn House Mentor Groups Ivanhoe Cycles

JM Administrative Services Kings & Legends Promotions

Lifestyle Portraits Louie Lee Feltrin

Matilda Zupan ~ Ray White Bundoora Nancy's Skin Care Centre

Sally Saviane Zanetti Cafe Bar Ivanhoe

The Ball Committee would also like to thank the following for their support:

Mr Joe Favrin Mr Tony Chirico

Mrs Maureen Lonsdale Mr Mark Leary

Mr Sean Simpson The parents, students and staff of Flynn House

Mr Phillip Kamay Mrs Tania Dunne

Brianna Booth (11 XLMC) Abby Foster (11 MFVE) Emily Garth (11 XJBI)

Mia Sifonios (11 FPTM) Louie and the Party Boyz

The Emerald Reception Centre, Thomastown


A New Co~Curricular Activity ~ Junior Concert This year the College will be conducting its inaugural Junior School Performing Arts Concert. We are hoping to get many students involved in this event which will occur on Thursday 17 September. Rehearsals will be commence shortly and students can participate in singing items, dance pieces, acting scenes or items which are a combination of these activities. Whilst many junior students have already shown interest and are auditioning for lead roles, we still want more students to participate and hope to see the junior students shine on stage. Further details are available from the Music Office ~ OL143 ~ or email Mrs Boyle. Parents and guardians are invited to keep the date free on the calendar as it promises to be an entertaining and enlightening evening showcasing our wonderful Year 7 and Year 8 students. FROM DIRECTOR OF SPORT

ACS Sport Results 19 ~ 28 May

Senior Boys’ Sport Football 1st XVIII Loyola 9.8: 62 def by Westbourne12.12:84 Best: Mitchell Elzink, Daniel Akuei, Daniel Kotroczo Football 1st XVIII Loyola 4.5:29 def by St Leonard’s 9.12: 66 Best: Joel Tolli, Jack Woodfull, Curtis Taplin Football 2nd XVIII Loyola 6.3:39 def Westbourne 4.4: 28 Best: B.J Douglas, Dhiraj Shivukumar, Steven Grocock Football 2nd XVIII Loyola 9.13: 67 def St Leonard’s 4.5:29 Best: Angus Lapedota, Ed Mason, B.J Douglas Soccer 1st XI Loyola 1 def Westbourne 7 Best: Marcus Baschetta, Nathan Ostrowsky, Peyton Papadatos Soccer 2nd XI Loyola 9 def Westbourne 0 Best: Vincent Nativo, Edward Mason, Matthew Emmanuele Soccer 2nd XI Loyola 5 def St Leonard’s 2 Best: Matthew Filipi, Anthony Boyle, Jack Emmerson Tennis 1sts Loyola 3/33 def by Westbourne 9/58 Best: Ryan O’Meara, Xavier Fabri, Nick Jolly Tennis 2nds Loyola 0/18 def by Westbourne 12/72 Best: Nicholas Hart, Jake lorefice, Darcy O’Riordan Tennis 1sts Loyola 9/65 def St Leonard’s 3/42 Best: Liam Gray, Julian Cirianni, Ryan O’Meara Tennis 2nds Loyola 7/50 def St Leonard’s 5/41 Best: Jake Lorefice, Bryce Ognenis, Kyle Steindl Volleyball 1sts Loyola 0/52 def by Westbourne 4/100 Best: Thomas Irons, Thomas Kelly, Claude Sarmiento Volleyball 2nds Loyola 1/56 def by Westbourne 3/77 Best: Tristan Biro, Jarrod Fuller, Jack Taynton Volleyball 1sts Loyola 1/66 def by St Leonard’s 3/98 Best: Thomas Irons, Tyler Costello, Claude Sarmionto Volleyball 2nds Loyola 3/105 def St Leonard’s 2/102 Best: Marcus Privitelli, Tristan Biro, Aidan

Senior Mixed

Badminton Loyola 2 def by Westbourne 14 Best: Dominic Brown~Downes, Stephanie Mackenzie, Jack Cherubin Beach Volleyball A Loyola 3/90 def Westbourne 2/76 Best: Josh Glasby, Miriam Saso, Patrick Collier Badminton Loyola 0 def by St Leonard’s 16 Best: Sean Russell, Navishka Fernando, Caroline Qin Beach Volleyball A Loyola 0/36 def by St Leonard’s 6/63 Best: Josh Glasby, Danielle Akuei, Ethan Simpson Beach Volleyball B Loyola 0/28 def by St Leonard’s 3/63 Best: Adam Carrazza, Kaitlyn Sammut, Georgia Dal Santo

Senior Girls’ Sport TableTennis 1sts Loyola 7/40 def Westbourne 9/42 Best: Bec Spiros, Kath Booth, Isabella Kitanov TableTennis 1sts Loyola 7/35 drew with St Leonard’s 7/35 Best: Rebecca Spiros,Emma Perri, Natalie Perri TableTennis 2nds Loyola 5/25 def Westbourne 11/47 Best: Victoria Lee, Aleesia Sotiropoulos, Olivia Curtis TableTennis 2nds Loyola 13/60 def St Leonard’s 3/14 Best: Victoria Lee, Alana Davies, Katia Frazzetto Netball 1sts Loyola 52 def Westbourne 47 Best:” Matilda Minichilli, Rhiannon Garraway, Greta Miller Netball 2nds Loyola 10 def by Westbourne 46 Best: Logan Carr, Brianna Taylor, Shayla Welsh Netball 3rds Loyola 17 def by Westbourne 18 Best: Jess Tobin, Mia Yallouridis Taylah Mellis Netball 1sts Loyola 26 def by St Leonard’s 32 Best: Chloe Knight, Rhiannon Garraway Kayla Pentony Netball 2nds Loyola 25 def St Leonard’s 19 Best: Logan Carr, Madeline Anderson, Brianna Taylor Netball 3rds Loyola 17 def by St Leonard’s 34 Best: Mia Yallouridis Futsal 1sts Loyola 1 def Westbourne 0 Best: Ashlea Salvaggio, : Ericah Goldman, Adab Sekhon Futsal 1sts Loyola 2 def St Leonard’s 0 Best: Ashlea Salvaggio, Pooja Garung, Annelise Patterson Hockey 1st XI Loyola 5 def by Westbourne 6 Best: Lara Kolar, Lauren Rizzi, Danielle Sapiano Hockey 1st XI Loyola 1 def by St Leonard’s 5 Best: Lara Kolar, Lauren Rizzi, Danielle Sapiano Basketball 1sts Loyola 33 def by Westbourne 41 Best: Crystal Grech, Brianne Keogh, Michelle Alban Basketball 2nds Loyola 16 def by Westbourne 49 Best: Renee Sulyok, Ashlee Zavan, Stacey Daisley Basketball 3rds Loyola 28 def Westbourne 10 Best: Danielle Williams, Diana Favrin, Erin Fischman Basketball 1sts Loyola 32 def St Leonard’s 19 Best: Crystal Grech, Ruby Tolli, Michelle Alban Basketball 2nds Loyola 10 def by St Leonard’s 31 Best: Erin Fischman, Renee Sulyok, Brianna Weekes Basketball 3rds Loyola 31 def St Leonard’s 4 Best: Stacey Daisley, Jessica Abbott, Sarah Fisher

Year 9 Boys’ Sport Soccer Loyola 6 def St Leonard’s 1 Best: Matthew Loutrakis, Peter Kearney, Nick Sanchez Volleyball A Loyola 3/89 def St Leonard’s 1/83 Best : Justin Lopez, Jacob Cain, James Horner Volleyball B Loyola 3/101 def St Leonard’s 1/80 Best: Tom Frajsman, Jack Carvaggiou, Nick Schmidt Football Loyola def St Leonard’s ~ Forfeit Tennis Loyola 2/35 def by St Leonard’s 10/66 Best: Tom Davidson, Andrew Nagel

Mrs Julie Boyle Direct Line: 9433 0723

Mr Justin Abbott Direct Line: 9433 0238

Year 9 Girls’ Sport Table Tennis Loyola 9/43 def Thomas Carr 7/35 Best: Bridgette Balzarolo, Stephanie Sansonetti, Naomi Graham Netball A Loyola 16 def by St Leonard’s 21 Best: Keely Welsh, Charlotte Fell, Nikita Ho Netball B Loyola 19 drew with St Leonard’s 19 Best: Pareen Gulati, Julia Emmanuele, Olivia Martinelli Hockey Loyola 0 def by St Leonard’s 7 Best: Cassidy Gleeson, Naimph Kearney, Kate Kearney Basketball A Loyola 18 def by St Leonard’s 28 Best: Julie Heaven, Olivia McCudden, Kirby Gallagher Basketball B Loyola 9 def by St Leonard’s 26 Best: Sarah Catania, Emma Condello, Sophia Ocon Table Tennis Loyola 6 def by St Leonard’s 10 Best: Jackie Cowley, Lara Cannizzaro, Claudia Di Donna

Year 8 Boys’ Sport Football Loyola 7.13: 55 def St Leonard’s 2.10: 22 Best: Daniel Herlihy, Sam Castles, Ryan Sturgess Soccer Loyola 2 def by St Leonard’s 4 Best: Dominic Brennen, Gianluca Samatidis, Thomas Radobuljak Volleyball A Loyola 3/97 def St Leonard’s 1/78 Best: Grant Parsons, Nick Collinson, Joey Bowman Volleyball B Loyola 0/77 def by St Leonard’s 4/101 Best: Alex Tsalacopoulos, Christian Merrett, Riley Gittens Tennis Loyola 3/29 def by St Leonard’s 9/62 Best: Fabian Mueller, Daryll Cheche, Rhys Humphrey Football Loyola 27.9: 171 def Thomas Carr 1.0: 6 Best: Sam Philp, Sam Prentner, Hayden Bolzon Soccer Loyola 7 def Thomas Carr 0 Best: Daniel Gangi, Thomas Radobuljak, Gianluca Samatidis Volleyball A Loyola 1/66 def by Thomas Carr 3/95 Best: Connor Arrowsmith, Tiernan Plant, Nick Collinson Volleyball B Loyola 2/79 def by Thomas Carr 3/101 Best: Nick Genovese, Jackson Long, Tennis Loyola 9/60 def Thomas Carr 3/28 Best: Joshua Nair , Rhys Humphrey, Daryll Cheche

Year 8 Girls’ Sport

Table Tennis Loyola 13/50 def St Leonard’s 3/16 Best: Talia La Ferlita, Ashleigh Mackenzie, Sarah Johnston Basketball A Loyola 59 def St Leonard’s 13 Best: Stephanie Fell, Bianca Keogh, Natalie Lunardi Basketball B Loyola 43 def St Leonard’s 18 Best: Julia Grobaira, Georgia Burn, Jess Ikhtear Netball A Loyola 11 def by St Leonard’s 19 Best: Emily Gigliotti, Claudia Rizzo, Kate Ceraso Netball B Loyola 10 def by St Leonard’s 15 Best: Emma Spiby, Aoife Kearney, Laura Spiby Hockey Loyola 1 def by St Leonard’s 5 Best: Letitia Law, Trinity Garraway, Natasha Panucci Table Tennis Loyola 11/50 def Thomas Carr 5/24 Best: Talia La Ferlita, Ashleigh Mackenzie, Sarah Johnston Basketball A Loyola 41 def Thomas Carr 12 Best: Amelia Dunn, Tahlia Chesser, Bianca Keogh Basketball B Loyola 22 def Thomas Carr 10 Best: Julia Grobaira, Georgia Burn, Jess Ikhtear Netball A Loyola 36 def Thomas Carr 13 Best : Emily Woods, Kate Ceraso Emily Gigliotti Netball B Loyola 23 def Thomas Carr 15 Best: Laura Spiby, Aoife Kearney, Annelise Zamparo Hockey Loyola 3 def Thomas Carr 0 Best: Letitia Law, Sophie Federico, Natasha Panucci

Year 7 Boys’ Sport Football Loyola 14.12:96 def St Leonard’s 7.1: 43 Best: Jarrod Carty, Alex Azzopardi, Marco Mancuso Tennis Loyola 5/42 def by St Leonard’s 5/47 Best: David Sha, Joshua Jordan, Alastair Routley Volleyball A Loyola 4/100 def St Leonard’s 0/69 Best: Caden Murray, Brenton Edwards, Joshua James Volleyball B Loyola 1/88 def by St Leonard’s 3/89 Best: Aaditya Shelat, Rick Mardes Luke Baz Soccer Loyola 1 def by St Leonard’s 2 Best: Thomas Di Santis, Jordan Thlasselis, Aaron Cines Football Loyola 10.17: 77 def Thomas Carr 0.2 :2 Best: Toby Wright, Lachlan Reed, Dom Akuei Tennis Loyola 7/52 def Thomas Carr 5/53 Best: David Sha, Joshua Jordan, Joel Farrell Volleyball A Loyola 1/63 def by Thomas Carr 3/93 Best: Aaditya Shelat, Caden Murray, Kelvin Yo Volleyball B Loyola 0/47 def by Thomas Carr 4/100 Best: Luke Baz, Nikola Stojakovic, Julian Bui-Viet Soccer Loyola 6 def Thomas Carr 2 Best: Jason Georgiadis, David Leong, Johan Milanovic

Year 7 Girls’ Sport

Table Tennis Loyola 8/41 def St Leonard’s 8/36 Best: Taylah Wright, Hannah Belinic, Lucy Kim Hockey Loyola 1 def by St Leonard’s 5 Best: Alana Leahy, Mia Di Muzio, Georgina Zealley Netball A Loyola 28 def St Leonard’s 7 Best: Susie Patsouras, Sarah Williams, Madeline Kleyn Netball B Loyola 14 def St Leonard’s 12 Best: Mikayla Milan, Celeste Sammut, Renee Ripper Basketball A Loyola 35 def St Leonard’s 14 Best: Mia Collier, Tyra Clayton, Mia Murphy Basketball B Loyola 24 def St Leonard’s 2 Best: Jessica Durante, Charlotte Philp, Grace Frost Table Tennis Loyola 7/30 def by Thomas Carr 9/40 Best: Thea Tohme, Hannah Belinic, Lucy Kim Hockey Loyola 0 def by Thomas Carr 7 Best: Chantelle Dokos, Phoebe Taplin, Emily Warren Netball A Loyola 7 def by Thomas Carr 15 Best: Susie Patsouras, Kelly Shannon, Alexia Tomasello Netball B Loyola 12 def by Thomas Carr 14 Best: Renee Ripper, Paige Stubna Celeste Sammut Basketball A Loyola 30 def Thomas Carr 21 Best: Chanel Dinh, Mia Collier, Trinity Mills Basketball B Loyola 32 def Thomas Carr 16 Best: Chelsea Long, Grace Frost, Charlotte Philp


Loyola Parents & Friends Association

July Working Bee Development of

Indigenous Garden Saturday 25 July

9.00am to 12.00noon

LOYOLA COLLEGE SUNDAY PARISH MASSES: DIAMOND VALLEY DEANERY Student Absence Tel: 03 9433 0248 St Damian’s Bundoora: Saturday 5.30pm, Sunday 8am, 10am Email Sacred Heart, Diamond Creek: (1st Saturday of Month) Reception and Fees Office: 8am~5.00pm Monday to Friday 7.15pm, St Peters, Hurstbridge Library: 8.00am~5.45pm, Monday to Thursday Sunday 9.00am, Sacred Heart

8.00am~5.00pm, Friday Our Lady Help of Christians, Eltham: Saturday 6pm; Uniform Shop: Tuesday 8.00am ~ 9.00am and Sunday 9am, 11am Wednesday 3.15pm ~ 4.00pm St Mary’s Greensborough: Saturday 6.30pm; Sunday 8am, 10am, 5pm St Thomas. North Greensborough: Saturday 6pm; Sunday 10.30am MASS AT LOYOLA: Our Lady of the Way, Kingsbury: Saturday 6pm; Sunday 8am, 10am For Masses see “From Deputy Principal ~ Ignatian Mission St Martin’s Macleod: Saturday 6pm; Sunday, 7.30, 8.30 (Italian), 10am and Identity” St Francis of Assisi, Mill Park: Saturday 6.30pm; Sunday 9am, 10.30am, 5pm St Francis Xavier, Montmorency: Saturday 6pm: Sunday 8.30, 10.30am WHAT’S ON AT WATSONIA



8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 June Queen’s

Birthday Holiday ~ Office Closed

Years 8 & 9 N Day VCE Unit 4 Classes

Commence Years 7 & 8 ACS

Training Period 5

VCAA GAT for all Students in Unit 3 & 4 Studies

No Unit 4 Classes

No ACS Sport

Years 10 & 11 Examinations Commence

Year 9 ACS Training Period 5

Year 12 Winter Sleep Out 3.45pm~7.00am

Iggy’s Restaurant 6:00pm

Year 12 Reflection Day ~ Abbotsford Convent

Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


15 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June 21 June

Years 8 & 9 Examinations Commence

Years 7 & 8 ACS v Overnewton College

No ACS Sport College Board

Meeting 7.30pm ~ College Boardroom

Year 7 N Day Years 8 ~ 11

Examinations Conclude

Year 9 ACS Training Period 5

Iggy’s Restaurant 6.00pm

Student Free Day Staff Professional

Development Day

Feast of St Aloysius Gonzaga


22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28 June

Semester 2 Classes Commence

Distribution of Ignatian

Student Casual Dress Day

College Assembly (Full Winter College Uniform including blazer) Periods 3 & 4

House Cross Country Carnival for Years 7 & 8 Students

Winter Music Concert 7.30pm

Loyola Companions Hall

Year 10 & Senior ACS v Overnewton College

Iggy’s Restaurant Open 6.00pm

House Cross Country Carnival for Year 9 Students

DOWAL & DOCAL Meetings 3.45pm ~ 5.15pm

Iggy’s Restaurant 6.00pm

Trinity Term Concludes

Presentation Ball 7.30pm Ivanhoe Centre

Presentation Ball 7.30pm Ivanhoe Centre