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Research ArticleA Cloud-Based Mobile System to Improve Project ManagementSkills in Software Engineering Capstone Courses

Andres Neyem , Juan Diaz-Mosquera , and Jose I. Benedetto

Computer Science Department, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Correspondence should be addressed to Andres Neyem;

Received 17 August 2017; Revised 3 April 2018; Accepted 10 June 2018; Published 5 July 2018

Academic Editor: Marıa D. Lozano

Copyright © 2018Andres Neyem et al.+is is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License,which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Capstone project-based courses offer a favorable environment for the development of student skills through an approach in-corporating theoretical and practical components. However, it is often difficult to successfully coordinate between students,stakeholders, and the academic team. +e absence of suitable tools for addressing this issue, along with time constraints, oftenprevents students from attaining the expected course outcomes. +is raises the question “How can we improve project man-agement skills in computing majors through the use of technology-enhanced learning environments?” +is paper presentsa Cloud-based mobile system for supporting project management under a framework of best practices in software engineeringcapstone courses. +e Kanban approach was used as a core of the proposed system. Kanban boards are very popular in thesoftware industry today. It has been empirically shown that they provide increased motivation and project activity control due totheir inherent simplicity. +is helps the students and academic team be aware of the project context as it aids in preventingambiguities, flaws, or uncertainties in the development of software artifacts.

1. Introduction

Project management is a valuable skill that university stu-dents should develop in order to achieve greater success inthe industry. To develop this skill, students require enablingenvironments that establish the conditions necessary to putknowledge into practice. Project-based courses have provento be the right space for working on this skill; in thesecourses, students work as a team to face the challenge ofdeveloping projects with real-world limitations and needs.

+rough project-based learning courses, computer sci-ence and software engineering students have the opportu-nity to exercise the professional skills they will need afterobtaining their degree. Projects with real-life constraintsbased on the needs and specifications of actual clients areparticularly relevant as they are themost effective in bridgingthe gap between industry and academia. Having the abilitiesto deal with the management of projects is fundamental forsuccess in this context. +rough these abilities, it is possibleto maintain a greater level of organization of the activitiesthat are being carried out. Beyond that, being able to

correctly manage projects allows for the development ofbetter action and contingency plans, since eventual issuesthat hinder progress may be foreseen in advance.

For universities, teaching project-based courses is a bigchallenge that involves heavy responsibilities in providingenvironments where students can develop their professionalskills [1]. +e IIC2154 course at the Computer ScienceDepartment of the Engineering School at Pontificia Uni-versidad Catolica de Chile is a capstone course designedaround this vision. +e intent of the course is to providea capstone experience that integrates the knowledge gainedfrom all the previous courses in the curriculum by workingon a project with realistic challenges. +e blended approachbetween practical and theoretical components in theteaching of software engineering can bring relevant resultsbecause it encourages the development of products closer toproduction quality [2, 3].

In these kinds of courses, as projects move forward, thecomplexity surrounding them increases substantially.Charts, statistics, metrics, and reports in general becomevery important to understanding the real state of projects.

HindawiMobile Information SystemsVolume 2018, Article ID 6371793, 16 pages

+us, learning tools take on even more importance as theyallow academic teams to follow students’ learning process.Some investigations are focused on metrics and strategiesaligned with the application of project management abilitiesand software development methodologies such as Scrum,XP, or Kanban [4, 5]. Although these proposals present freshapproaches in the same vein as our work, they lack a unifiedecosystem for supporting project management activities.From this perspective, the aid of technological tools thatsupport the activities of students while managing theirprojects is essential.

+ere are different ways to provide technological solu-tions for the implementation of a unified learning envi-ronment. Some teams only use shared Excel files for thesetasks; however, there are more sophisticated tools available,such as Microsoft Project, that allow for more detailedspecification and control of activities. Nevertheless, ap-proaches like those mentioned above lack the flexibility thata Cloud-based mobile system can provide. +ese systemsoffer a mobile point of access (mobile devices) to thefunctions of management and teamwork in projects througha cloud architecture that maintains traditional interfacessuch as desktop web browsers.

In this paper, we present a novel approach that tries to fillthe gap between software tools and the development ofproject management skills by providing a technology-enhanced learning environment. +is includes tools andanalytics for seamless integration with a proven best practicecapstone course framework that allows professors andstudents to derive as much benefit as possible. +is approachpresents a Cloud-based mobile system that supports thework of students offering tasks, requirements and test cyclemanagement features, tracking, social charts, and other toolsfor improving project management skills in capstone projectteams. Moreover, this platform produces data-rich activity,letting software practitioners and researchers understandhow software development teams work using data sciencefor empirical software engineering [6].

+e remainder of this article is structured as follows:Section 2 presents the state of the art through a literaturereview on practices and tools used as support for projectmanagement. Section 3 presents the technology-enhancedlearning environment for capstone project teams. Section 4presents an evaluation of the Cloud-based mobile systembased on empirical evidence gathered from the capstonecourse over a year and a half. Finally, Section 5 presentsconclusions and future work related to this research.

2. State of the Art

+is section presents the results of a literature review onstudies in two areas: studies in software engineering edu-cation that define the key elements for the development ofeffective capstone courses and a series of articles that in-vestigate the use of various technologies for supportingproject management activities. +e results of this literaturereview provide the foundations for the design and imple-mentation of this proposal.

2.1.DevelopingCapstone Experiences in Software Engineering.Capstone courses give students the opportunity to dem-onstrate integrated knowledge and growth in their careers.Real-life projects have become a staple of software engi-neering capstone courses in several universities due to theirpedagogical value in bridging the academic and industryworlds [7]. Moore and Potts wrote one of the first reports ofa software engineering capstone course [8]. +ey proposeemulating an industrial organization through the use ofa Real World Lab. In this lab, projects are provided byindustrial sponsors who act as clients, delivering consulting,reviewing, direction, and resources. +e use of Mini-Task,a development process based on the waterfall life cycle, wasalso suggested to students. However, this cycle is open tochanges after the first iteration in order to include methodsand techniques they found useful. In the same vein, Sebern[9] also proposes a Real World Lab where students enrollafter taking other software engineering courses, thereforeensuring some experience in developing software projects. Itrelies on the collaboration of real clients who provide stu-dents with existing software, aiming for the application ofreverse engineering instead of forward engineering, asprojects developed from scratch can either be of limited sizeor have a high risk of not reaching a functional product.

+e Software Factory is another capstone course pro-posal based on the idea of hands-on experience developedacross two semesters [10]. In this course, students developprojects either from scratch or undertake maintenanceprojects. Different roles are assigned to students according totheir seniority. +e main focus of the course is to meetindustry requirements by educating computer science en-gineers in mastering modern technologies and processes,guaranteeing a solid and persistent knowledge. On the otherhand, Robillard et al. [11] propose a capstone course calledStudio in software engineering, where all teams have todevelop the same project using UPEDU (the Unified Processfor Education). To enroll in this course, students have to firsttake a software engineering course. +ey reported that mostteams’ effort was devoted to a few disciplines and that thelearning curve of the process only lets development begin inthe second half of the course.

Moving onto learning approaches based on agile soft-ware practices, Mahnic [12] uses an agile approach in hiscapstone course. Even though students were enthusiasticabout the agile approach, the development would have beenmore organized and more easily planned if they had notsometimes missed a more detailed up-front design thatwould have offered them the complete picture. +is courseencourages the use of agile practices; however, since it alwaysuses real clients, the clients themselves make sure thatstudent teams work toward building the product they wantwithout losing focus. Vanhanen et al. [2] describe anothercapstone course that uses an ad hoc agile-based process withindustrial clients. +e interesting feature of this study is thepresence of a mentor, who assists and provides orientationduring the entire semester. Undergraduate students par-ticipate as developers while master’s students act asmanagers. Students considered the course stressful and la-borious, but also extremely rewarding.

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Weissberger et al. [13] propose a capstone course wherestudents work on software maintenance projects, althoughin this case, the client is always the university. Before takingthis course, students must already be familiar with severalsoftware engineering concepts they are expected to take fulladvantage of (e.g., stand-up meetings, pair programming,and burndown charts). Stettina et al. [14] describe the de-sign, planning, and continuous improvement of anothercapstone course on software engineering. +ey conducteda survey to validate their findings. In this survey, they askstudents about their satisfaction related to the project, theteamwork and communication within the project, the use ofstand-up meetings, and the use of meeting minutes. Finally,Neyem et al. [15] propose a best practices framework forconducting computer science capstone courses, which is theone implemented in our case study. It involves a project-based approach for enhancing the learning experience, aswell as an integration of various agile practices and tools.+egoal of this framework is to familiarize students with bestpractices for developing high-quality software on par withcommercial standards found in today’s top softwareindustries.

2.2. Project Management Tools. Unlike in the industry,project management tools for the development of academicactivities are not normally used in educational environ-ments. In some cases, students prefer to take advantage ofinformal ways of managing and collaborating on projects; anexample of this is Google Docs [16, 17]. However, it is knownthat proper project management tools are essential for thesuccessful planning and managing of projects [18].

When students are working on projects, it is importantthat all members remain aware of the tasks that others areworking on. Kanban tools are an example of tools focused tothis end. +ey allow for the better visualization of tasksthrough a Kanban Board. +ese tools have proven to bea suitable option for the coordination of work groups [19].Generally, these kinds of tools have a focus on general-purpose projects; two examples in this category are Asanaand Trello [20]. +ere are more tools in the market forsupporting project management based on the Kanbanmethodology; the paper in [19] presents an extensiveanalysis of those. Two of the most known tools are Kan-banery and JIRA [21]. While the first is offered for free tocharitable organizations and open source projects, thesecond requires a hefty subscription fee after 10 users.

Kanban tools are used to manage the flow of materials orinformation in a process [22]. +ese tools drive teams tovisualize the workflow, limitWork In Progress (WIP) at eachworkflow stage, measure the cycle time (i.e., average time tocomplete one task), make process policies explicit, andimprove collaboration [23–25]. Kanban tools can be definedas shared workspaces because they support cooperative tasksand provide a virtual space where information can be sharedand exchanged [26]. It is very important to recognize therelevance of the virtual space in these tools. +e virtual spaceenables users to clarify team members’ awareness of thecurrent production issues and forthcoming tasks [24].

Ahmad et al. [23] present an empirical study that in-vestigates factors that users of Kanban tools consider to beimportant. It was found that the top two benefits of Kanbantools are the improved visibility of work and improveddevelopment flow. +ese benefits help enhance communi-cation and collaboration within teams and related stake-holders. Under Kanban, a project is broken down intosmaller pieces, and team members progressively finish theseWIPs one by one, resulting in a constant flow of completedwork items to customers. However, it was discovered thatteams found it challenging to see the big picture throughthese smaller pieces. +is suggests a need to provideawareness to team members of how each WIP relates to theothers and the state of the project as a whole.

Oza et al. [27] performed a study that analyzes how theKanban process aids software teams’ communication andcollaboration. +is study collected data on a software de-velopment team that developed a mobile payment softwareproduct in six iterations over seven weeks. Data were col-lected through questionnaires at the end of each iteration.+e team was part of the Software Factory, which is anexperimental laboratory that provides an environment forresearch and education in software engineering establishedby the Department of Computer Science at the University ofHelsinki. +e team included eight engineers and a coachfrom the Software Factory. +e study found that the use ofKanban had a high impact on both communication andcollaboration in the initial iterations.

Ahmad et al. in [28] conduct a systematic review in orderto analyze the current trend of Kanban usage in softwaredevelopment and to identify the benefits and challenges ofthe tool. +ey report that there is little existing scientificliterature that addresses the use of Kanban tools for softwaredevelopment in spite of increasing interest among de-velopers. Similar to the previous study on the imple-mentation of Kanban at a software development team, thesystematic review found that team communication andcoordination with stakeholders is improved by using Kan-ban. Furthermore, the visualization of tasks with Kanbanenables developers to understand the overall direction ofwork and helps themmanage the workflow.+is differs fromthe results of the empirical study in [27], where some teamsfound it challenging to see the big picture.

Cicibas et al. in [18] make an interesting comparisonbetween project management tools, including Assembla,BaseCamp, DotProject, GanttProject, Liquid Planner, Ar-temis View, and Primavera, among others.+is work definesa series of criteria for evaluating each tool, including taskscheduling, resource management, collaboration, timetracking, project effort estimation, risk assessment, report-ing, document management, communication tools, and soon. It was found that Artemis View is the most complete toolaccording to the criteria defined. Artemis View is an in-tegrated enterprise project and resource management ap-plication that runs on Windows and web-based platforms.

Last but not least, according to Schwaber [29], mostpeople responsible for managing projects have been taughta deterministic approach to project management that usesdetailed plans, Gantt charts, and work schedules. +e agile

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methodology Scrum is the exact opposite. Scrum outlineshow to guide a project along its optimal course, whichunfolds as the project proceeds. Previously mentioned toolssuch as JIRA and others such as Pivotal Tracker follow thistrend. +e platform proposed in this work is based on thisapproach combined with some of the criteria outlined in[30]; this will be shown in more detail in the next section.

In summary, the review of the selected literature showsthat Kanban is a promising tool to adopt for software de-velopment and project management. Adoption of Kanbanhas been shown to improve both communication and col-laboration within teams and between related stakeholders.Visualization with Kanban is repeatedly mentioned as animportant feature to facilitate project management.

3. The Proposed Cloud-Based Mobile System

3.1. 'e Architecture of the Cloud-Based Mobile System.+e architecture of this system incorporates both a server-hosted component and a mobile client for interacting withthe system while in the field. We define such mobile andCloud Computing (MCC) solutions as Cloud-based mobilesystems [31]. We opted for this computational model asmobile devices are becoming a popular way to access ed-ucational content, and traditional m-learning has certainlimitations [32] that can be overcome with an MCC ar-chitecture. Additionally, there is evidence in the literaturethat these applications succeed in promoting teamworkand collaboration [33] in this context. From here onwards,the term mobile devices will refer to both tablets andsmartphones.

Figure 1 shows the general architecture of the proposedsystem. Its functionalities are separated into three maincomponents: (a) a Cloud-based backend service for com-putational and data storage purposes, (b) aWeb applicationto enhance collaboration and analysis between studentsand academic teams, and (c) a mobile application thatprovides the core Kanban functionalities present in the webapplication.

+e mobile component communicates with the webapplication via a RESTful API to synchronize data; however,it has its own local database to enable offline operation. Itsmain purpose is to collect personalized information abouta group member’s work routine and contributions and tonotify them of any relevant status change of any task that wasassigned to them.

+e proposed platform underwent development for twoyears by the academic team of the capstone course at thePontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile. It seeks to cover allthe basic needs of modern agile software projects and toseamlessly integrate them with an academic tool intendedfor tracking and evaluating individual progress. We drawattention to the latter, as the primary focus of our solution isits pedagogical value. +e platform’s features include sup-port for formal methodologies, requirements management,teammanagement, software testing, customer collaboration,and documentation [34]. Moreover, in line with our edu-cational necessities, the platform also supports learninganalytics that help to monitor the advance of the projects(Section 3.3) and options to generate standardized docu-mentation for arbitrary software projects and for the courseand a public API that allows third parties to query thisinformation for more in-depth analysis (e.g., processmodeling, data mining, etc.).

Without the proposed platform, it would be very difficultfor the academic team to keep track of the progress made byeach individual student in each different project. Further-more, the data recorded in this platform allow offering morecomplete feedback to the students about the aspects in whichthey are succeeding or failing. In contrast, previous editions ofthe capstone course that lacked support of specialized in-formation technologies made it almost impossible for theacademic team to offer personalized guidance, and insteadtheir input was mostly limited to global observations on thestatus of the projects. Additionally, with no tool to centralizeall the information relevant to each project, the practicalapplication of formal agile methodologies was rather limitedand project management mostly relied on guesswork. On top

Cloud administration

Cloud-based backendWeb app

Web browser enabled devices

IT department

Native mobile app

Scalable database




Scalable storage

Figure 1: General architecture of the proposed Cloud-based mobile system.

4 Mobile Information Systems

of that, the focus on learning analytics of this platform offersa deeper value for both students and teachers, since it enablesthe platform to be not only a generic project management toolbut also a platform enriched with knowledge.

So far, we have placed our focus on the area of softwaredevelopment; however, Conforto et al. show positive ex-periences in applying agile project management enablers inindustries not related to software [35]. With this in con-sideration, the Cloud-based mobile system is modularlydesigned to allow for noncomputing industries to disablefunctionalities irrelevant to their respective fields yet stillbenefit from the many advantages of agile practices.

In order to determine the project management charac-teristics of our proposed system, we created a comparative table(Table 1) following the comparison criteria proposed byAhmad and Laplante [30]. Our main focus is to show whatfeatures can be used in the proposed system in the web andmobile application. It is important to highlight that the mobileversion does not support reporting, as lack of UI spacemakes itdifficult to display this kind of information in a comprehensivemanner.+is feature can be better supported in a web browser.

Finally, in both the mobile and the web applications, thecore functionalities are centered around “task representa-tions” (from here onwards simply tasks) based on the Kanbanboard philosophy. It has been empirically shown that theyprovide increased motivation and project activity control dueto their inherent simplicity [24]. While Kanban tasks are nomore than granular jobs, our proposed system takes this ideafurther by allowing participants to enrich them by linkingthem to other modules in the project. As such, the Kanbanboard serves as the hub for the entire application. +is toolcan be found at the following address, under the section“educational tools”:

3.2. Mobile Application. +e mobile application acts asa companion app for the web platform. Its primary purposeis to notify students whenever the status of a task assigned tothem changes. It also features the most commonly usedfunctions of the web platform in a user interface optimizedfor small screens. +is allows students to check the globalstatus of the project, modify a task, or share a comment on

a relevant matter with the group, even while on the move(e.g., meeting with a client offsite).

In order to reach the widest audience possible, theAndroid platform was chosen for the development of themobile component, as it had over 85% of the global mobileOS market share in 2016. Multiplatform and mobile webtools were discarded, as we were interested in tapping intothe latest Android-exclusive functionalities.

+e mobile application features the core functionalitiespresent in the web application (Figure 2), while the least usedfunctions are relegated to the web platform. In the appli-cation, users can manage several organizations and projects(Figure 3(a)). +e highlight of the application is the Kanbanboard (Figure 3(b)). It enables users to see the same globalprojects overview as in the web counterpart. Here, we in-clude functionalities for creating (Figure 3(c)), editing, anddeleting tasks, assigning tasks to different users, submittingtask progress reports to keep track of the overall time de-velopers have dedicated to them, file sharing, flag raising,and the ability to share comments between teammates.

All user input is immediately recorded in an offline da-tabase, enabling lag-free offline operation. Server synchroni-zation is handled by an Android sync adapter.+is allows us tobundle and defer sync operations to a later date. In cases wherenetwork connectivity is not available, the OS will trigger thesynchronization subroutine only once it returns. It will keepdoing so until communication with the server is successful. Atthe same time, the server will send sync requests wheneverthere is an update to a relevant task via push notifications. +eclient can then sync the data back and inform the user on whathas changed specifically. Events of interest can be customizedto ensure the user is not interrupted by any minor change.

Figure 2 shows an overview of the different layers of themobile application. +e entire application uses state-of-the-art technologies to ensure best practices with regards to codestructure, performance, and battery life. +e UI was de-veloped using Android’s data binding library and archi-tecture components. +e data layer was made by leveragingROOM, Google’s latest Android ORM. Lastly, synchroni-zation management is delegated to the operating systemthrough Android’s sync adapter pattern to allow for networkoperation bundling with other applications as well.

+ere are two synchronization cases that warrant furtherdetail: client-server conflicts and large file handling. Sinceour platform is decentralized, there exists the possibility forconflicts to arise when different users modify the same taskfrom different clients. In this scenario, a default client-firstconflict-solving policy eliminates the need for manualconflict solving. While this policy introduces some bordercases in which some data may be lost, in practice, theseinstances are very rare and therefore deemed an acceptablecompromise in favor of usability. On the contrast, ourapplication allows users to share arbitrary documents withone another through a file attachment mechanism. No filelimit is imposed, so when it comes to media, for example,there is the possibility of dealing with files in the order ofseveral hundred megabytes.+is requires handling with carenot only because network interruptions may be frequent, butalso because high network traffic through a mobile network

Table 1: Project management criteria: comparison of web andmobile application.

Mobile Web(1) Task scheduling(2) Resource management(3) Collaboration(4) Time tracking(5) Estimation(6) Risk assessment(7) Change management(8) Project analysis/report(9) Document management(10) Communication tools(11) Process development method(12) Portfolio management

Fully supported; partially supported; not supported.

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may result in significant financial costs to the end user. Forthis reason, our platform works in conjunction with theDropbox file-sharing application, which already implementsreasonable file synchronization policies and a resumableupload protocol. Users wishing to share files through ourmobile client are therefore first asked to download theDropbox application to their devices.

+e last module of interest in the mobile client is the timereporting component. Users can access this component fromthe task options menu (Figure 4(a)) and configure theirmobile device through our application to keep track of timewhen they start working (Figures 4(b) and 4(c)). +e user can

then safely either close the application or turn off the screen.Once he or she has finished working, he or she can return tothe application and choose to stop time tracking so that theclient can log the session. If the user does not want to time hisor her work session, it is also possible to manually log anarbitrary amount of time at any moment. Users are expectedto follow proper work ethics to not abuse the system.

Finally, to enhance productivity, alternating work in-tervals with short period breaks is also suggested. Studiesshow frequent short breaks that contribute to improvingboth productivity and wellbeing [36], especially if accom-panied by physical activities. Our mobile client can therefore

Mobile Web

Kanban board


Local DB Sync adapter

UI Data layer Network layer

DropboxFile system

Figure 2: Mobile application overview.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 3: Mobile client Kanban flow: (a) organizations and projects listing, (b) Kanban board module, and (c) create task screen.

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be configured to notify the user at regular intervals when totake a short break and when to resume working.

3.3. Web Application. +e web application is built usingHTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, with Ruby on Rails as a server-side framework. +e deployment process is standardized byCapistrano, which, among other benefits, enables fast rep-lication of the application on different servers.

Figure 5 shows the Kanban board: a virtual shared spacethat offers the entire team a global view of the project, along

with all the tasks currently being worked on. Teammemberscan assign tasks to one or more teammates, update theirstate, share their input via comments, and categorize themthrough labels. As previously stated, the Kanban board is oneof the most effective ways to visualize the workflow andenable student teams to take control over what is to be doneand what is currently being worked on.

In the web application, students have the ability to keeptrack of a project’s requirements. +ese can be associatedwith tasks registered in the Kanban board. User stories or usecases can be created to reflect the requirements desired by

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4: Mobile client time reporting flow: (a) task options menu, (b) time reporting module, and (c) burst option selected.

Figure 5: Kanban board in the web application.

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stakeholders (Figure 6); additionally, tasks can be linkedwith test cycles with the purpose of ensuring the high qualityof the software artifacts delivered.

Figure 7 shows the teamwork-reporting module of the webapplication. Managers and members of the academic team canuse this tool to visualize the contributions of each teammemberthrough various charts. Users can see their reported hours bycategories such as feature development, testing, analysis, and soon. Moreover, the web application enables visualization of thetasks cataloged as finished and reported hours through labels,among other reports.+ese options allow users to apply severalfilters over the information. If users need more detail, they canclick on the bars to display related information.

Figure 8(a) shows a breakdown of a teammate’s contri-butions.+is is a burndown chart that displays the current rateof work done against an ideal rate that is calculated accordingto the daily rate of team productivity defined by users.

Additionally, this report allows users to check the number oftasks in the backlog or tasks with a “finished” status that theyhave reported each day. Figure 8(b) is a well-known chart in theworld of Scrum, called a cumulative chart. As the name implies,this chart shows the sum of work accumulated along differentstages of a project in progress. +is chart allows for visualizingthe workload according to different categories, letting usersdecide where the project needs the most attention.

+ere is also a feature where students can visualize themain topics in a project in a treemap (Figure 9). It uses textmining techniques to select the most relevant words andshows these according to the level of relevance (tiles ofdifferent sizes). +is feature can help students and the ac-ademic team to determine where they should pay moreattention and apply better project management strategies.

In software project management, providing traceabilitybetween a task and its associated code becomes a key factor

Figure 6: Requirements module.

Figure 7: Summary of reported user hours.

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for maintaining wider tracking of project activities. For thisreason, the web application in this work is integrated with thecode repository platform GitHub. +rough this special fea-ture, users can easily revise code changes, in the same way ason GitHub (Figure 10).

+e last feature of interest is the Process Mining- (PM-)based Student Teamwork Assessment. It implements PM tech-niques [37] to provide descriptive process models (Figure 11(a))using the information from the proposed system. It helpsto understand the workflow inside each project team.+e line thickness denotes the level of interaction betweenactivities, and the color of each box represents the frequencyof each activity (darker colors mean higher frequency). +isview allows the students and the academic team to identifysituations out of the ordinary in order to take proper actionand also to identify strong points in management behavior.

Likewise, PM allows identifying interactions between teammembers, as the graph in Figure 11(b) represents.+e nodes inthis graph show a flow between an administrator figure andmembers of their team; in other words, it corroborates that theadministrator works as the central axis of the project.

3.4. Cloud Service as a Backend. +ere are multiple ways todeploy backend services in cloud computing architectures.

One is to implement the whole backend logic using thesoftware distribution model IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).In this scenario, users have total control of their applications,data, runtime environments, and operating systems. In IaaS,users do not need to spend time on the complexity of buildingand maintaining the physical infrastructure typically associ-ated with developing and launching an app.

Backend as a Service (BaaS) is another option, consistingof a cloud computing approach for providing services thatshould be able to be easily accessed. It aims for an integratedway of using a shared pool of computing resources orservices that can be rapidly distributed with minimalmanagement effort. It reduces the internal complexity that







































ng h



Finished (right axis)Backlog (right axis)





ber o

f tas







































ber o

f tas





BlockedSprint backlogArchived

Todo this week webTodo this week appTodo this week api

In progressDoneBacklog


Figure 8: Agile reporting: (a) breakdown of a teammate’s contributions and (b) cumulative chart of a teammate’s contributions.










Figure 9: Treemap with the main topics in a project.

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developers of these services have to face, offering commonpreset features such as user management, push notifications,storage, social networking integrations, triggers, and soforth. In essence, the advantages of using this approach formobile and web apps are as follows:

(i) Availability on demand: the services can be used andaccessed at any time.

(ii) Agile and fast provisioning: it is not necessary to setup complex environments; furthermore, scalabilityfor apps is easily achievable.

(iii) Multiple access support: the services can be accessedthrough the Internet from different kinds of devices.

(iv) Security: offers centralized solutions for authenti-cation and authorization.

(v) Better processing capability: complex tasks can beprocessed in the backend, reducing computationaltime compared to devices with limited resources.

+e backend for our proposed Cloud-based mobile systemis built with a two-fold approach. It uses Firebase (as an in-stance of BaaS) and the Ruby on Rails (RoR) framework (as aninstance of IaaS).With Firebase, we share and distribute data toseveral users and several devices and platforms. To achieve this,we adopted the Firebase Cloud Messaging technology, whichwas used to send nonsensitive information from the cloudservice to mobile devices for providing push notifications.

+e IaaS component of our system contains a RESTfulAPI deployed on Amazon EC2 that provides all the servicesfor project management activities. Only authenticated usersare allowed to interact with our web services. For storagepurposes, our cloud system uses high availability Amazonservices such as RDS (Relational Database Service) and S3(Simple Storage Service). In this way, our whole ecosystemrelies on Amazon technologies, which allows for easyhorizontal and vertical scalability.

4. Evaluation

+e following section serves to demonstrate the positiveresults of using our Cloud-based mobile system to supportthe development of project management skills. +e

evaluation was conducted by carrying out 15 projects over 3semesters (2016-1, 2016-2, and 2017-1) at Pontificia Uni-versidad Catolica de Chile (PUC). Ourmain focus is to studythe participants’ perceptions of the project managementskills that they acquired using the Cloud-based mobilesystem proposed in this work. Additionally, we study therelevance of the tool in accomplishing this objective. Tocomplement this study, we also include an analysis of theclients’ opinions on the work carried out by our students andthe final deliverables they received.

+e proposed tool is used throughout the course, but itespecially helps students to show their progress in weeklymeetings with the academic team. +is is a process that isfundamentally based on the information recorded by thestudents on the platform.+edata containedwithin include therecord of hours used in the development of the activities andthe registration of requirements and test cycles for the de-veloped software artifacts. All of the above may be furthercomplemented by attaching arbitrary documents that areshared through the application. With this information, theacademic team can offer better support to the students(e.g., early detection of risks and establishment of contingencyplans). It is important to highlight that our intention is to showthe platform as awhole; therefore, we evaluate the experience ofthe students in regard to the complete approach offered in thecourse and not only in regard to the web and mobile tool usedin an isolated context. In this section, we describe the back-ground, the participants, and the instruments used. +en, wediscuss the findings that emerged from the quantitative andqualitative analyzes from the students. Finally, we show theopinions of real clients regarding aspects such as productquality, communication, and their perceptions on the projectmanagement abilities developed by students.

4.1.Experiments:Context andParticipants. +e evaluation ofthe platform was carried out with a total of 146 students withdifferent levels of expertise in the area of software devel-opment. +ese students belong to the capstone course incomputing science major at the Computer Science De-partment. In this evaluation, we incorporated the opinionsof 15 clients on the work done by the students. During the

Figure 10: GitHub integration.

10 Mobile Information Systems

course, students follow a general outline of the best practicesframework [15], which consists of five phases: previouswork, introduction and three separate software developmentsprints. +e previous work phase should focus on projectselection; the introduction phase should emphasize teachingcourse methodology and applied software engineeringprinciples; and finally, the software development sprintsdelve into the actual practical development (requirements,design, coding, testing, and deployment).

Over the course of three semesters, the capstone course wasable to encompass a large group of projects. +ese includestartups, established businesses, foundations, and universityprojects. Among those that stand out the most, we have oneproject consisting of a technological platform to carry outonline evaluations and interact with amultimedia encyclopedia(images, videos, and 3D) on anatomy; another one consistingof a system for generating conference-focused websites thatallow users to create and manage the flow of events of this typein an intuitive way; and a third one consisting of the devel-opment of embedded systems to be used as beacons for a moreuser-participatory marketing and advertising strategy.

+e aforementioned projects, along with 12 others, in-volve the development of web, mobile, and embedded sys-tems. +ese projects have an average of 10 members (anadministrator included) who share different tasks throughoutthe duration of the course. +ese activities demand a highlevel of management and teamwork as they are frequentlyinterconnected. Moreover, these activities represent differentchallenges that students have to face. Among the list ofchallenges are the integration of external systems, the de-velopment of APIs, the construction of e-commerce systems,the implementation of payment systems, and the develop-ment of notification modules, among other activities.

4.2. Instruments and Data Collection. A survey was con-ducted at the end of each semester in order to collect

quantitative and qualitative data and analyze them accordingto the focus of this work.+is research used a mixed-methodapproach with a concurrent design, meaning quantitativeand qualitative questions were asked in parallel or in thesame survey [38]. In this survey, we included three open-ended questions intended to assess the development ofproject management skills amongst the students. Addi-tionally, clients were asked one more questions intended toevaluate the overall experience of the course. We sent thissurvey to 146 students (52 in 2016-1, 49 in 2016-2, and 45 in2017-1) and 15 clients during the three semesters of thecapstone course. +e level of participation varied in eachsemester.

+e data gathered from the open-ended questions allowus to perform a qualitative analysis with the participants’opinions. Details on the contents of the survey are availablein Table 2. Question number 3 evaluates the achievementlevel that participants perceive for that item and comprisesfour possible scores. +e evaluation scale considers 1 as“unsatisfactory,” 2 as “developing,” 3 as “satisfactory,” and 4as “exemplary.”

4.3. Results. According to the participants’ opinions, inoverall, the mixed approach between the proposed systemand the methodology implemented in the capstone coursegave positive results. +e qualitative data were analyzedusing the grounded theory method in empirical softwareengineering [39]. +e following is a specific analysis for eachresearch-related question asked in the survey.

4.3.1. Question 1: Approach Evaluation. By analyzing thefirst open-ended question, we discovered that the proposedsystem played an important role in carrying out the work oftask planning. Some participants stated that task planningwas carried out weekly and that the proposed system allowed

Edit task62

Unassign task20

Assign task229

Start task



17 5 42












Test task8

Finish task231

Archive task170

Commit changes80

Process task68

Add comment14


AdministratorTeam member


Figure 11: Process mining approach: (a) PM model from capstone course project and (b) identifying team interactions using PM.

Mobile Information Systems 11

a clear division of tasks through the Kanban approach(Quotes 1 and 2).

Quote 1: Using a system like the one we used in the coursehas been fundamental for better task planning.

Quote 2: 'e system’s Kanban approach allows a cleardivision of activities.

Being able to define tasks and prioritize them and es-tablish their time limits has allowed for a better managementof the functionalities that the students have to deliver(Quotes 3 and 4). In addition, the implementation of userstories promoted by the system has also allowed for betterorganization (Quote 5).

Quote 3: 'e number of tasks that are programmed in thesystem for eachweek has allowed us to exercise our organizationalskills, since we need to prioritize the development of each one.

Quote 4: 'e use of the system and its integrated GoogleCalendar feature has allowed us to organize the deadlines ofthe tasks that must be delivered.

Quote 5:Using user stories and being able to define severalrequirements per week has helped us a lot.

4.3.2. Question 2: Tool Evaluation. We addressed thisquestion from three perspectives: the utility, the user expe-rience, and the learnability of the tool.+e students’ responsesand their respective analysis are approached in that order.

From a utility perspective, the responses led to thediscovery that regardless of the required time for registeringinformation in the proposed system, students considered ituseful as it enabled more control over their projects (Quotes6, 7, and 8).

Quote 6: I am aware that the use of tools such as theKanban board proposed in this course made our project moreorganized.

Quote 7: 'e proposed system mainly offers order. An-other aspect is that the group members can visualize theactivities that everyone is performing. Really, if we used it witheven more dedication we could obtain greater benefits.

Quote 8:With the tasks organized by phases in the tool wehave a better perspective of what we have to do.

Some students highlight the fact that they can easilynavigate through the different functionalities of the tool

(Quote 9). +ey also highlight the characteristics related tosocial awareness such as roles, activities, privileges, andgroup history that can be easily identified and used in theplatform (Quotes 10 and 11).

Quote 9: 'e navigation in the tool is simple; havingorganizations and projects in a hierarchical way makes themanagement of these very practical. On the other hand, thecentral functionality, “the Kanban board,” is very flexible andallows adapting the projects to the needs of each work team.

Quote 10: To know what my teammates are doing, I wouldread the titles in the tasks on the Kanban board. If I wantedmore details, I would open the tasks and look at the description.

Quote 11: In my case, being the team leader, I have toconstantly check what my teammates are doing. I do that indifferent ways, for example by chat, face-to-face meetings, shareddocuments or with the activities registered on the Kanban board.

In the context of tasks, it is important to know theanswers to the following questions: who, what, where, when,and how. Some features of the proposed system allowedstudents to answer these questions (Quotes 12 and 13).

Quote 12:'e notifications at the start of the system let ussee who created or modified the tasks.

Quote 13:'e visualization of requirements and test cyclesis useful to better understand what is going on in projects.

From a user experience perspective, some students seethe Kanban board feature as a way of incentivizing their ownwork. Watching the work of the other students can generatepositive motivation (Quote 14). Moreover, the design of theplatform makes them feel comfortable due to the distri-bution of the content and the style used for the mobile andweb application (Quotes 15 and 16).

Quote 14: I think that the Kanban (board) has a largebenefit. On the one hand, I can see howmuch work the rest of theprojectmembers are doing.'is can incentivize you toworkmore.

Quote 15: 'e tool handles a good balance both in thecombination of colors and the distribution of its character-istics. It’s nice to work on the tool; it even allows some degree ofinteresting customization.

Quote 16: In my opinion, the style of the web and mobiletools is quite modern and intuitive. 'e tool really allows youto have a real immersion in a project with agile methodologies.

Table 2: Questions in the survey.

Question Category Participant(1) What do you think was the approach that allowedyou to exercise the development of the ability“organizational skill” during the course?

Open-ended Students

(2) What do you think about the proposed tool asa means of support for the development of yourproject?

Open-ended Students

(3) At what level were you able to develop projectmanagement skills (such as planning, scheduling,tracking, and teamwork) present in a softwareproject?

Multiple choice Students

(4) What are your opinions about the work done bystudents in the capstone course (strategiesimplemented, tools used, students’ performance,delivered product, etc.?

Open-ended Clients

12 Mobile Information Systems

Some participants highlighted more aspects that theyfound attractive when using the proposed system (Quotes17 and 18). Some even recognized that the system couldbe helpful in a business environment (Quote 19). +is isan important finding, because it lets us understand theimpact that the system might have on the working ex-perience of the participants.

Quote 17: 'e system helps you set short goals and vi-sualize them in the Kanban board.

Quote 18:With the system, I can see howwellmy teammatesare doing. Besides watching what they do, I can help them or askfor help if they are doing something related to what I have to do.

Quote 19: Actually, I would use the proposed tool forproject management in my future working life.

Regarding the learnability of the tool, it was noted thatthe first contact of the students with the tool was not difficult.+e ease of access, the proper location of the menus, anddesign similar to tools widely known in the market let thestudents quickly learn how to use the tool (Quotes 20 and21).

Quote 20:'e first time I tried the tool it reminded me ofTrello. For me it was very easy to understand how to use thetool.

Quote 21: I have already had the opportunity to use toolsof this style; I can say that the learning curve for this tool is nottoo steep.

4.3.3. Question 3: Performance Level. As we previouslymentioned, this question used a four-point scale. Un-satisfactorymeans that the participant felt he or she was notable to demonstrate understanding of the knowledge andskills referred to in this question. Developing indicates thatthe participant felt able to demonstrate understanding of theknowledge and skills referred to in this question, however,only in the case of environments similar to the one seen inthe course. Satisfactory refers to the ability that the partic-ipant has to describe, apply, and solve problems using theknowledge and the skills referred to by this question;moreover, the participant can face and overcome situationsin settings different from that of the course. Finally, Ex-emplary means that the participant felt able to show masteryof the knowledge and skills involved in the question, beingable to synthesize, organize, plan, manage, evaluate, and/orteach others, in diverse situations covered by the question.

According to the results, the participants considered thatthey had gained the skills required tomanage projects properly.All responses indicated that participants had acquired a satis-factory or exemplary level (Figure 12) of understanding. It isinteresting to note that in all cases, the approach used in thecapstone course influenced the development of project man-agement skills, and we are certain that the Cloud-based mobilesystem was a relevant support in that regard.

4.3.4. Question 4: Client Opinions

(1) Product Quality. +roughout the capstone course, dif-ferent types of projects are carried out, which representa great technical and coordination challenge both for the

students and the academic teams. Despite the complexity ofthe projects, the students have been able to present productswith similar quality to that of professional software devel-opment companies.

Generally, clients declare that the projects developed bythe students meet the objectives expressed throughout thecourse. In accordance with the requirements, in the largemajority of cases, 100% of the requested functionalities areachieved (Quotes 22 and 23). +e approach that allowsobtaining these results is the clear and timely administrationof all the activities that take place in the projects through themanagement tool that this proposal presents.

Quote 22: I was surprised with the product delivered bythe students. I can assure that they fully complied with ev-erything we had talked about from the beginning.

Quote 23: 'e platform that the students made demon-strates how professional they can be. I have in my handsa product that is ready to be put into production.

Some clients stated that they received more than theyexpected. When they came to the capstone course, they hada basic idea of what they are looking for; however, at the endof the course, they were left with the satisfaction of havingobtained a product that could put into practice what theyhad imagined (Quotes 24 and 25). +e combination ofa framework that coordinates the clients, students, andacademic team well and a management tool that allows fora detailed follow-up of the tasks, their managers, and thestate of these, constitutes for us the success of our approach.

Quote 24: I am not an expert in technology, which is whymy ideas could be a bit difficult to understand; however, thecapstone students managed to understand my requirementsand make software with more than I expected.

Quote 25: I can say that the students in charge of myproject knew how to make and guide me towards a productthat exceeded my expectations.

(2) Communication with Clients. Communication with cli-ents was achieved in different ways, through formal meetingsand in-progress presentations, while periodically using thecourse’s project management tool. Clients had the ability toaccess the Kanban board where all the pending, in-process orcompleted activities within the project, were recorded(Quotes 26 and 27).

Quote 26:When I wanted to know what the students weredoing, it was enough for me to go to the Kanban board and seethe activities registered by them.

0 0






Unsatisfactory Developing Satisfactory Exemplary

Performance levels

Number of answers

Figure 12: Results of question 3.

Mobile Information Systems 13

Quote 27: 'rough the tool I found an easy way to leavecomments about the functionalities that were being developedfor my project, in this way I clarified the doubts of the studentsin a timely manner.

(3) Perceived Project Management. Clients expressed theiropinion on how they viewed the management of the projectscarried out by the students. During the three project de-velopment cycles, they could see how the activities aimed atdelivering functional software artifacts were being managed.Having the requirements, the test cycles and the activitiesclearly divided by phases, categories, and priorities wasa clear indicator of good management (Quotes 28 and 29).

Quote 28:'eway in which I perceived that students werehaving good project management was noticing that they hadclearly defined roles and tasks for each member, and they werequite supported by the platform that manages the course.

Quote 29: I thought it was excellent that there wasa clearly defined timeline where it was established what wasgoing to be done and under what priority in each cycle of theproject.

In each of the meetings with the clients, the studentsrelied on indicators generated by the tool, which reportedthe hours of work employed in the management and de-velopment of the project.+e clients declared that it was easyto see the level of commitment of the students when vi-sualizing the charts that the tool offers (Quotes 30 and 31).

Quote 30: 'e students were very transparent in showingand explaining the time spent in the development of thefunctionalities proposed by us by using the tool.

Quote 31: With the indicators shown by the students wecould clearly notice the time and commitment with which ourproject was developed. I consider in general terms that thestudents knew how to work together and manage the projectvery well.

5. Discussion and Conclusions

+is paper presents a novel Cloud-based mobile system forassisting students in a capstone course in software engi-neering. +e combination of the tool and a framework ofbest practices in the capstone course generated positiveresults for the development of different skills in students.+is work places special emphasis on skills relevant toproject management, which we consider to be one of themost important aspects in the correct execution and controlof tasks in work groups.

+e proposed tool involves a series of features that revolvearound a Kanban approach, which offers better visualizationand monitoring of the activities defined in a project during itsdifferent stages. +e MCC component of this system isfundamental in more broadly supporting the development ofproject management skills and therefore teamwork. In thiscontext, the mobile part of the tool is a subset of features thatcomplements the entire proposed system.

+e analytics or visualizations presented in this work arean important source of information that allows both thestudents and the academic team to identify different aspectsof work and performance within the projects. It is important

to highlight that this work is largely based on the use oflearning analytics, which offer a way to use the academicinformation offered by the capstone course to understandand subsequently optimize learning and the environmentswhere it takes place. Our proposed system is a suitableenvironment for converting information into knowledgeusing different techniques in the area of Data Science forEmpirical Software Engineering; specifically, we present inthis work, an approach using process mining and textmining techniques.

+e evaluation instrument used in this study allowed usto recognize that the proposed system had an impact on thestudents’ work experience. However, we must recognize thatthis would not have been possible without the frameworkestablished in the course that motivated a greater organi-zation of the activities they carried out. +is frameworkencourages students to rely on the information registered inthe proposed system to be able to better control and track theprojects, especially in weekly meetings, where progress inthese projects is shared with the academic team.

+e investigation bridges two separate worlds: academiaand industry. With the proposed platform, greater possi-bilities are offered to students to recognize and live a soft-ware development experience that is more similar to the realworld. Web and mobile platforms are a means to facilitatethe process of organizing student tasks and carrying outbetter course coordination by teachers. At the end of eachsemester, surveys are conducted that allow us to obtain moreevidence about the application of our approach. Inthe future, we hope to integrate additional features with theproposed system, among which we have considered thedevelopment of a recommendation system that will offerstudents assistance in the activities or tasks they want toaccomplish. +is system will consist of the consolidation ofknowledge or experiences of other people who performedsimilar activities in the past. It will use this information tooffer suggestions based on how the affected people were ableto overcome such problems before.

Another approach we seek to pursue in the future ismachine learning. With information captured from oursystem and consolidated in a training database, we want todiscover special factors for objectively determining, assessing,and predicting student teamwork outcomes by applyingmachine learning methods to the training database [40].Moreover, we want to promote the participation of studentswith the proposed system through gamification strategies thatgenerate better-defined spaces of collaboration.

In summary, the evidence obtained from research dataleads us to conclude that systems of this type in educationalenvironments can generate a significant influence on thefuture work experience of students. +is is derived from theanalysis of the opinions obtained from the survey. +e workconducted in this study presents a technology-enhancedlearning environment where a framework of best prac-tices in capstone courses converges with MCC componentsfor the support of student and academic team activities. Inessence, this approach constitutes a proposal to improvelearning and teaching of critical skills for the proper pro-fessional development of students.

14 Mobile Information Systems

Conflicts of Interest

+e authors declare that there are no conflicts of interestregarding the publication of this paper.


+e authors would like to acknowledge the ComputerScience Department, the Education Engineering Unit of theEngineering School, and the VRA FondeDOC for thecontinued support of this course. Finally, the authors wouldlike to thank all the students from the IIC2154 capstonecourse who were involved in this educational researchproject.


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