Acing the Interview

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Acing the Interview. FACILITATOR ’ S NAME Date. Objectives. Define interviews Explain how to prepare for an interview Discuss how to conduct yourself in an interview Discuss how to follow up after an interview. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Acing the Interview

1Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Acing the Interview


2Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

• Define interviews

• Explain how to prepare for an interview

• Discuss how to conduct yourself in an interview

• Discuss how to follow up after an interview


3Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

(Michael Jordan)

4Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

What is an Interview?

An interview is a meeting between two or more people to elicit facts about the interviewee.

Interviewer:•Check qualifications

•Gather information not in resume

•Perform in interview

•Your fit with the company

•Your motivation

•Evaluate you

Interviewee:•Describe experiences and skills

•Check out the company

•Evaluate the employer

5Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Types of Interviews

Phone Interviews

Panel Interviews

One-on-One Interviews

6Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Preparing for the Interview

7Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

• Know which job they called you for and reread the job description

• Know key information about the company

• Search the internet

• Talk with current employees

• Talk to vendors or customers

Research the Employer

8Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Your Resume told WHAT you did; The Interview tells HOW you did it

Telling Your Story

• Be prepared to sell yourself to show how you did what you stated in your resume

• Create a monologue that sells your professional abilities

• Prepare yourself for that “Tell me a little about yourself” question

• Create a “30-second commercial”

9Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)


Use the following template to create your own 30-second commercial:

GREETING: Hello, my name is ___________________.

EXPERIENCE and EXPERTISE: I have ___ years of experience in the ______________________industry with expertise in___________________ and _______________________.

STRENGTHS: My strengths are __________________and ____________________________.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: I have been recognized for ____________________.

JOB SEARCH STRATEGY: I am interested in expanding my experience into____________________________________.  

“30-Second Commercial”

10Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

• Write a statement to describe the skills and services you have to offer an employer.

• Use concise and clear language• Sell your professional abilities and experience• Emphasize your strengths and link them to the needs

of the employer• Use descriptive statements or specific examples of

your acquired skill and abilities• State the kind of position that you are seeking

“30-Second Commercial”

11Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Interview Questions and Answers

• Practicing helps with organization, focus, and sincerity

• Be aware of illegal questions

• Contact Dept of Human Rights or local employment office

12Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)


Don't Prepare Answers. Prepare Stories.

13Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)


• “Tell we about the time when…”• “Describe a situation in which you …”

• Make sure your answers are on PAR!

• Highlight your experience by showing:

Problem (problem/situation addressed)

Action (skills/tools used)

Response (result)

14Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

• You are judged on your thinking skills

• Prepare 5-10 questions for the interviewer

• Stay away from salary and benefits questions until an offer is made, unless the interviewer brings it up

Prepare Your Own Questions

15Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Dress for Success

• You only get one chance to make a first impression

• Look professional, confident, and competent

• Wear the appropriate dress for the employer

• When in doubt, better to be over-dressed than under-dressed

16Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Prior Preparation

• Rehearse route to interview prior to interview

• Be on time - 15 minutes early

• Bring note pad and pen to interview

• Have copy of resume and know what it says

17Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

• Your actions, manner, and appearance add up to your body language

• Body language gives off non-verbal information about yourself

• May make the difference in a pool of excellent candidates

• Applies to phone interviews as well

Be Aware of Body Language

18Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

The Handshake

• Whole, firm handshake

• No two handed shake

• Use same method for both men and women

• Practice, Practice, Practice!

19Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Eye Contact

• Most powerful tool of non-verbal communication

• Can be used by interviewers to judge enthusiasm, sincerity, and for possible inconsistencies in responses

• Look directly at interviewer, but don’t stare

• Look at the panel interviewer asking the question, but do not discard the remaining panel members

20Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)


• Indicates level of interest

• Sit erect and lean forward while interviewer is talking

• Knees together and feet flat, back straight

21Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Use Natural Gestures

• Use normal hand gestures if you do so while talking

• Don’t go overboard with hand gestures

• Be aware of nervous habits

• Rehearse in a mirror

22Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Be an Active Listener

• Concentrate on what the Interviewer is saying

• If you are unsure of a question, paraphrase the question, ask for confirmation before proceeding

23Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)


• Speak clearly and at a natural pace

• Compose your answer, pause, breath and answer the question

• Make your answers sound natural and not like they are being read from a script

• Rehearse your responses to increase confidence in your answers

• Stay away from acronyms and the use of jargon

24Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Interviewer’s Body Language

• Indicator of the interviewer’s level of interest/engagement

• Adjust your responses based upon interviewer’s body language

25Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

• First impression is important, but last impression tends to linger

• Watch your body languageo Keep head upo Smileo Maintain eye contact

• Ask for business card

• Make your notes

• Consider what you still want to say

Ending the Interview Gracefully

26Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Practice Interview Questions and Answers

• Work in triads• Take turns answering the question

on the 3x5 card• Answer questions using PAR• Observers: give feedback and add

any additional answers• Spend 5 minutes per person

YRRP Website for Handouts:Acing the Interview

27Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Thank You Notes

• A professional MUST

• Send it by email or snail mail

• An opportunity to give additional information and your interest in the position

• Contact references

28Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Analyze Your Performance

Not every interview is successful, but every

interview is a chance to improve!

YRRP Website for Handouts:Acing the Interview

29Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

• Define interviews

• Explain how to prepare for an interview

• Discuss how to conduct yourself in an interview

• Discuss how to follow up after an interview


30Acing the Interview (MAR 2013)

Acing the Interview