Achieving & Maintaining Database Compliance for HIPAA · 2017-01-04 · data masking and separation...

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Achieving & Maintaining Database Compliancefor HIPAA

Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPPA

Cover your Bases with HexaTier

Complying with HIPAA can be confusing, especially with so many products providing protection on only a portion of HIPAA regulations.

Database security provides protection on the actual data. With HexaTier, you can:

Discover exactly where all of your HIPAA resides: In what databases, tables, and columns.

Discover what individuals, servers, applications, and systems have access to everydatabase.

Create rules to protect HIPAA-sensitive data at the database, table, and column level.

Create separation of duties

Mask HIPAA sensitive data, including patient information, payment information, and

This paper shows exactly what parts of HIPAA you can comply with using HexaTier. You’ll see

compliance HIPAA regulations that HexaTier helps you satisfy. These functions are provided out-of-the-box, with minimal installation time and absolutely no changes needed on your

HIPAA and Database SecurityNaturally, all of the information about patients, their health situation, billing, and personal data is stored in the databases of the organizations providing health services. Databases can

Unfortunately, such solutions fall short. It’s necessary to provide access to the database by the employees and by the programmers, database administrators, and remote access contractors

of protection for organizations who want to protect their core data and comply with HIPAA and other regulations while still giving access to those who need it.

Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPAA

What is HexaTier?

for databases, with over 28% of the HIPAA requirements met as soon as HexaTier is installed

The innovative, robust HexaTier UDS ensures the safe handling of all your sensitive information, including patient records, billing information, and credit cards.

The 4 main areas of the Universal Database Security solution are as follows:

Database SecurityStops SQL injection attacks and blocks unauthorized database access, providing full separation of duties (SOD).

Dynamic Data Masking

unauthorized users such as developers and CRM users.

Database Activity MonitoringMonitors database access and activity and tracks before-and-after audit values. Real-time alerts help provide full compliance with regulatory requirements.

Compliance ReportsAd-hoc and scheduled reports which provide compliance reports as required by SOX. Give auditors exactly the reports they need right when the request it.

How does HexaTier work?

HexaTier is a software-based solution that analyzes and approves every request to a database server or cloud-based database server. In other words, every single request going to your database, no matter what the source, needs to pass through HexaTier’s software and be approved before it reaches the actual database. This provides complete coverage and real-time ability to stop unauthorized access of any sort or from any source.

As software, HexaTier can be deployed on premise or in cloud infrastructures. It sits inline, in front of the database. Because of its strategic location, as a shield to all of the database, HexaTier can perform a wide range of protective activities, from SQLi protection through data masking and separation of duties, as outlined in the next section.

Application HexaTier Database Server

Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPAA

You can see exactly how many people have admin privileges, what privileges they have, and when they are using their privileges. Most companies don’t even have an organized accounting of who can access the databases. Not only do individuals access databases, but other databases and processes may have direct access. All of this is visible through HexaTier’s scan.

Built-in rules for database protection from SQL injection attacks

Discovery of HIPAA-sensitive information in the databases

etc., and can provide a report of what tables store sensitive data.

Masking of HIPAA sensitive information at granular level(per table, per column, per user, user group)

ensure that developers and testers can work on the system, without seeing the data. You can also create rules that allow physicians to view only their patient’s personal data, but get information on diagnoses and statistics from other doctors, without seeing the patient details.

Hiding database existence and locationBecause it works as a proxy, HexaTier allows you to have applications access the address of HexaTier, and mask the actual identity of the databases. This adds another layer of protection against malicious attacks.

Separation of dutiesEvery user can be granted only the permissions that are necessary for the particular role of that user. Separation of duties provides granular-level permissions, such that nobody has access to any part of the data that they do not need for their particular role.

Real-time alerts, reporting, and auditing capabilitiesReal-time alerts provide the ability to intervene immediately with any suspicious or malicious behavior. Advanced reporting capabilities provide a variety of reports, described below, as well as customized reporting. Much of HIPAA compliance is based on reporting and auditing, and HexaTier provides a full suite of reporting capabilities for all activity on the organization’s databases.



Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPAA

Line-by-Line HIPAA Compliancewith HexaTier

where they apply to databases. In particular, HexaTier provides Administrative Safeguards as outlined in HIPAA Citations 164.308 and 164.312, as described below.

Implement security measures to reducerisk of security breaches.

Implement procedures to review system activity

Ensure protected health information (PHI) is accessed only by authorized people.

Create authorization and supervision ofPHI access.

Ensure access of PHI records is appropriate

Implement procedures to terminate PHI access.

Implement policies and procedures for authorizing access to electronic records.

Isolation health clearing house functions to separate PHI from other operations.

HexaTier’s flagship product delivers a unified database security solution that includes Database Activity Monitoring and Dynamic Data Masking.

HexaTier Database Auditing includes real-time knowledge and reporting of all activities performed on the database, including what individual performed each action.

Separation of duties and prevention of SQL injections ensure that only the proper individuals can access the database tables containing PHI. Data masking ensures that those others who need to use the database for administrative purposes can view only masked data.

HexaTier provides capabilities for specifying exactly what access is available to each application or user. Access privileges can be defined granularly, down to the level of table, column, or row.

Database monitoring means that alerts and reports can tell exactly the activities that are performed on the database by each individual. Suspicious or unauthorized behavior can be flagged or prevented.

The HexaTier solution makes it simple to remove access rights to all or part of the data or databases.

Both automated and manual capabilities for individual and group access definition are available through HexaTier.

A number of functions are available to ensure databases are safe from other organizations. Limited authorization, or authorization with data masking can prevent clearing houses and other outside organizations from accessing data. Advances SQLi protection means that database commands from other databases or organizations are analyzed for authorization and even if a partner company is compromised, HexaTier will protect the organization’s data.




164.308(a)(3)(ii) (A)

164.308(a)(3)(ii) (B)

164.308(a)(3)(ii) (C)


164.308(a)(4)(ii)(A) (A)



How HexaTierApplies


Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPAA

Allow authorized access to PHI records.

Monitoring of log-in attempts.

Assign unique IDs for individual user tracking

Encrypt stored PHI.

Record and examine activity in systems containing health information.

Ensure data integrity by preventing inappropriate altering or deleting of data.

Detect and authenticate that data has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner.

Authenticate that the individual seeking access is actually the person they claim to be.

Protect data transmitted over an electronics communications network.

Ensure that when data is electronically transmitted, it is not altered in an unauthorized fashion.

Encrypt transmitted PHI.

By implementing a database firewall, you can feel confident that when you implement a program to allow health care professionals and patients to access data, you won’t be compromising other data. SQLi protection ensures that when you give access to a user, they will not be able to take malicious action to get unauthorized data.

HexaTier monitors all access and attempted to access, whether by individuals or by other systems.

Tracking of individuals is implemented only for database users (admins, developers, testers).

Data masking automatically hides and encrypts data, showing dummy data to developers and admins who are not authorized to view PHI

All activity on databases and database records is tracked and full reports and auditing are available.

It’s possible to limit or even eliminate the ability of all administrators to delete record. Policies can be enforced to limit or prevent alteration of records. Because all changes are tracked, in case someone authorized makes an unauthorized change, it is possible to detect precisely what happened and revert and restore records.

Full auditing capabilities provide complete reporting of any alterations or deletions of data, such that it is easy to corroborate if any unauthorized activities occurred.

The database firewall can include a variety of criteria for verification, including specific IP address, domain, geography, and other criteria as well as password protection.

When using outside developers or testers, it is possible to send masked data, so that no PHI data is exposed to unauthorized

is transmitted to authorized individuals.

The system can be set up to accept only specific types of changes for electronic records accepted from other systems.

Data masking is able to prevent transmittal of PHI in a format that can be read by others.

164.308(a)(4)(ii) (B)

164.308(a)(5)(ii) (C)












How HexaTierApplies

Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPAA

HexaTier Compliance Reporting

This report lets you see all users who have not logged in for any length of time, letting you easily see which users are eligible for having their privileges revoked.

This report lets you easily pinpoint the security risk that exists when users are not forced to change their passwords periodically.

This report lets you see any user who has not changed his/her password in the past x number of days.

Inactive Database Users Login Name Login Create Date Last Login

Jesse 01/04/11 1/4/2011 8:00 AM

KayKay 12/04/11 1/3/2011 5:55 PM

Newton 01/08/12 2/4/2013 5:07 PM

Amanda 01/01/13 1/4/2013 10:22 AM

Database Users with Passwords that never expire Login Name Login Create Date Last Password Update

Daniel 01/04/11 1/2/2014 8:00 AM

Danielle 12/04/11 1/3/2014 5:55 PM

Ariel 01/08/12 2/4/2014 5:07 PM

Yu 05/12/12 9/4/2014 4:57 PM

Terry 01/01/13 10/4/2014 10:22 AM

Database Users with Passwords that haven’t changed in 90 DaysLogin Name Login Create Date Last Password Update

Eli 02/14/14 02/14/14

Tim 08/01/09 10/01/09

Sue 08/01/09 10/01/09

Mia 07/26/09 09/26/09

Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPAA

Changes in User Settings

Event Time Username Application Name Action Query Affected User

5/22/20148:33 AM

4/06/2014 7:21 PM

2/28/2014 6:33 AM

5/19/2014 4:53 AM






Dynamic CRM


REVOKE Object Permissions (Transact-SQL)

DENY Schema Permissions (Transact-SQL)






GRANT permission [ ,...n ]

TO principal [ ,...n ] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] [ AS granting_principal ]

REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] <permission> [ ,...n ] ON [ OBJECT :: ][ schema_name ]. object_name [ ( column [ ,...n ] ) ] { FROM | TO } <database_principal> [ ,...n ] [ CASCADE ] [ AS <database_principal> ]

DENY permission [ ,...n ] } ON SCHEMA :: schema_name TO database_principal [ ,...n ] [ CASCADE ] [ AS denying_principal ]

noissimrep ] ROF NOITPO TNARG [ EKOVER[ ,...n ]

{ TO | FROM } database_principal [ ,...n ] [ CASCADE ] [ AS revoking_principal ]

period. This report includes changes made by the user after his rights were changed.

(B), 164.308(a)(3)(ii)(C), 164.312(d)

Changes in User Access Rights (Part 1)

Event Username Application Action Query Affected User Queries Run after Time Name Chanted Right

5/22/2014 8:33 AM

5/19/2014 4:53 AM

4/06/2014 7:21 PM

2/28/2014 6:33 AM







DENY Full-Text Permissions (Transact-SQL)

REVOKE Object Permissions (Transact-SQL)





GRANT <permission> [ ,...n ] TO <database_principal> [ ,...n ] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] [ AS <database_principal> ]

GRANT permission [ ,...n ] ON SCHEMA :: schema_name TO database_principal [ ,...n ] [ WITH GRANT OPTION ] [ AS granting_principal ]

DENY permission [ ,...n ] ON FULLTEXT { CATALOG :: full-text_catalog_name | STOPLIST :: full-text_stoplist_name } TO database_principal [ ,...n ] [ CASCADE ] [ AS denying_principal ]

REVOKE [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] <permission> [ ,...n ] ON [ OBJECT :: ][ schema_name ]. object_name [ ( column [ ,...n ] ) ] { FROM | TO } <database_principal> [ ,...n ] [ CASCADE ] [ AS <database_principal> ]

Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPAA

Changes in User Access Rights (Part 2: Queries run after changes to User Access Rights)

Login Name Query Run Date of Query







SELECT * from credit_cards WHERE (con-cat(year,’-’, month, ‘-01’) < CUR-DATE())

select patient_id,max(month(RECEIVED_DATE)) AS Mnth, max(year(RECEIVED_DATE)) AS Yr, ACCESSION_DAILY_KEY

SELECT * FROM credit_cards WHERE month = MONTH(CURDATE()) AND year = YEAR(CURDATE())

Database Users with Administration PrivilegesLogin Name Login Create Date System Administrator

Eli 05/14/14 YES

Tim 05/08/14 YES

Sue 04/27/14 YES

Mia 04/27/14 NO

This report displays all queries made by the user after his rights were changed.

(B), 164.308(a)(3)(ii)(C), 164.312(d)

This report gives you a full list of all database users with administrative privileges.

This report displays all the administrative logins that occurred in the past 7 days.

(ii)(B), 164.308(a)(5)(ii)(C)

This report displays all the administrative logins that occurred in the past 7 days.

(ii)(B), 164.308(a)(5)(ii)(C)

Latest Database Administrator LoginsLogin Name Login Date & Time Originating IP Application Name

Sue 5/19/2014 11:53 AM SAP

Tim 5/12/2014 4:01 AM

Tim 5/11/2014 2:37 AM Dynamic CRM

Latest Database Administrator Actions

Login Name Login Date & Time Originating IP Application Name Database Name Action (query)





5/19/2014 11:53 AM

5/11/2014 2:37 AM

5/10/2014 8:37 PM

5/12/2014 4:01 AM





SELECT * FROM shop WHERE price IN (SELECT MAX(price)FROM shop GROUP BY article);;


select name fromids left join tokens on ids.eid = tokens.eidwhere ids.typedef = true

Achieving & MaintainingDatabase Compliance for HIPAA

ConclusionsWhen it comes to protecting patient records, the closer you get to the record itself, the better your protection is. Database protection like HexaTier doesn’t just protect the access to data; it protects the data itself. Each and every database request needs to go through HexaTier before it touches your database. This methodology provides the closest protection possible, in real-time.

relevant for your organization, so you know exactly what coverage you get, and you can show

out-of-the-box, with minimal installation time and absolutely no changes needed on your network.

HexaTier UDS provides 4 lines of coverage:

Database Firewall using a reverse proxy that intercepts each and every command and

command is valid, issued by the proper user and permissible. Separation of duties is


Auditing is available in real-time as well as in retrospect. Not only can you know exactly who has accessed the databases and in what capacity, you can receive alerts of any suspicious behavior in real-time and prevent unauthorized access. In cases of suspicious behavior, you will know immediately instead of at the time of a scheduled audit.

Data masking means that developers, contractors and testers can use a fully-functioning production database, without actually seeing the real data. Masked data performs as real data without any of the exposure risks of data. Masking makes it possible to grant full access to DBAs without compromising privacy.

Reports provide accounting of security threats that were prevented and insight into

auditors and administrators exactly the reports needed. Built-in reports are appropriate for HIPAA and other types of auditors.

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