Acheive Success By Giving -- The Business of the Future

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Transcript of Acheive Success By Giving -- The Business of the Future

Hello, I am Dave Shirley


The Business Of The Future

Are You Struggling For Success?



Your Vision!




How All The Working For You?

Well, it Was Tough For


But before I found the Success I have Now, I struggled

When most people hear my story then they usually think I am an overnight

success story. That couldn’t be further from the Truth … let me explain, I

can remember it like it was yesterday… but it was in 1993

I was a mechanic… working two Jobs to support my Family, I had a wife and 2

kids… and like most other people, money was tight and we were just getting by

paycheck to paycheck

My Wife was Stressed to the point that often she simply just broke down from

the pressure, fear of losing our home for not making rent overshadowed any

chance of what one might consider a normal life.

I remember once as we sat on the corner of our makeshift bed. We only had a mattress and box springs and a old dresser that I had picked up at a garage sale.

That night I sat with her, as tears rolled out of her bloodshot eyes, and I held her trembling hands so tight that I thought I might break them if I was to grip any tighter.

Her fear for us was real and was only amplified by the fact that I Was never home, that seemed to only complicate the situation.

Simply put, Yes we desperately needed money, but she needed me, her husband, to make her world simple and OK.

I remember far too many sleepless nights, as I would lie awake and listen to her cry, and pray Lord… deliver us a blessing… to save our family.

I remember one night I was just sitting there in our living room praying and I asked God… is there nothing better? I had always believed that God would hear prayers, and answer those that call upon his Name.

But finally, I too, simply gave up… and come to the realization that I was just going to have to accept that this is how life is going to be…

Little did I know that my prayer was going to be answered or so I thought… I want you to visualize our situation. A Wife, two kids and a Husband (Me) working two jobs, fighting with his blood sweat and tears to pay the bills, doing all I knew how to make our simple “life” work.

As Remarkable as one would expect an answered prayer to be …the Very next day a friend ask me a question?

Dave do you need to make some extra money?

That’s a crazy but real story that I want to share with you today because it builds the framework that will control my life over the next 15 years on a Roller Coaster ride called Success and Failure.

I want you to Understand… I Struggled for so many years… Let me tell you more about this “Roller Coaster” Ride on the Next Page!

At this point in my Life I was Struggling … Just to Pay Our Bills!

I remember that days well, I was working in a Garage Nebraska. One of our regular customers came in for work on his Car… he dropped it off as normal and left and I was always the one he asked to do the work!

On this day I had just finished his maintenance right at the time when he arrived to pick up his car.

Looking back, it’s almost funny now… to hear his words. He came in and said Dave… Would you be interested in making some money, 3-500 extra a month… you know… if it would not inter fear with what your currently doing?

I said Sure! I need Money! … so tell me… What’s it about? He Said…well I can’t tell you right now… you know… it’s probably not right for you anyway! LOL!

Then he just laughed and left.

I thought … that’s strange… why would someone ask me if I wanted to make some extra money… then tell me it was not right for me?

I tried to just brush if off as the week progressed, but the more I thought about it… because I did need the money… the angrier I got!

The next Wednesday, I drove to his house… no cell phones then… and knocked on his door.

I remember this very clearly! He answered the door, and I simply said Hey, what’s this Job about?

I need that Money!

We talked for 10 minutes or so… and he said Dave, if you want to know what this is about, you and your wife need to be here tomorrow night at 7PM Sharp!

Don’t be late! After a few words… I said Ok and left… still with no measurable knowledge of what “Making Money” was going to require me to do.

The next night we went to the meeting and I tell you…. I was blown away … I saw a Simple Plan to create a “Home Business” … and as he showed us the business plan I got excited…

I for one… left there seeing in my mind… A home business… and how this… this solid plan was going to work.

As he explained it… I just needed a Simple solution… to what only seemed like to me a permanent problem … and all I had to do was help other people, start their own… Home Business!

I left there believing that if I Showed a few friends and family… my business would grow and I could easily make the money we needed in a few short months.

I left excited… almost feeling like a “child on Christmas morning” and I Couldn’t wait for everything to start…

I Guess you could say… at this Point I bought in… on Mr. MLMBut there is more!

Because the next Day… I Start Slaying my Relationships and My Friends and Family!

That’s what they want right… Go to Your Friends and family first!

Bad Decision!

Dave… Make a List of All Your Friends And Family….

He told me the Very first thing I needed to do was make a list of all the people I knew, and all my friends and Family… As you will hear in a moment… this has the format of what I now call the Dreaded call them and Kill it Plan!

Called Friends

So that’s what I did, we went home and made a list that night of everyone we knew… and over the next few weeks and even months I harassed each and every one… with my new “save the world” home business opportunity!

Most of my Friends Just questioned me…

With every NO and they were all No’s… my excitement soon faded into my perceived reality that MLM was a SCAM and that there was absolutely no way something like this could ever be done!

Not by me… and really not by anyone!

But I press on… trying to find the “Yes” the one’s that would help me build my Dream… or for me (pay my bills) !

Reality struck my world… quite differently.

My friends disowned me and I experienced what I thought at the time was the Darkest part of my life… as I talked on the phone and failed… my Hope, my Plan, My Dream and our future crumbled!

I kept pushing… against resistance and got nowhere…

I kept pushing… against resistance and got nowhere…and as my mind drifted back to my youth, my mother’s words ringed out… filling the emptiness inside… ” David… you can’t do anything right”…

So, I Quit

I quit the business, I squashed the Dream, and gave up on the better life!

The image and reality was etched in Stone… Struggle, Dave that’s your life! And that’s all its going to be…

It’s funny, that my image of it was so narrow, so shallow!

And that would play out in attempt after attempt to prove Mother wrong! I guess you could say I was pre-destined to try this Home Business “thing” as… again as a new friend and neighbor introduced us to yet another opportunity.

I Can’t Believe I Started Second business …

Of course his argument seem perfectly sound and “it sounded” much like the Solution to more time, more money and more freedom that I had heard before…

I immediately refused him on his offer 5-6 times…

In my mind… it was all just some crafty idea to make the guy on top a ton of money, while all the “Monkeys” who do all the work… swing through the trees searching the forest for “the ones” the few that say Yes… and few do!

My position… No more Scams… Say no to Mr. MLM

I guess I became the Salesman on why not to have a Home business! And I had a Long distinguished list of Reasons or Limiting Beliefs!

•It’s a Scam•Only the Top People make money•I am not Smart Enough•Its Simply to hard•My friends hate me•and the list goes on…

I knew, with all that I was… that this was never going to work… not now, not in a Million Years! Lets just bury this chapter of our life and forget it!

But, I am dumb I guess… or maybe that fire was just not completely extinguished, and after months of Steady conditioning my friend convinced me to give his opportunity a try.

I was Done! Done! Until a friend convinced me on trying one more time…

I was tired of the MLM Game… but A Friend would Change My Mind…Down another Rabbit Hole I go…

The Crash

I was still against it, up to the very… bitter end… all until one day when I came home to my wife who said… Honey, this new business… we can do this….

And she was right! We enrolled and over the next few months we sponsored 30-35 people into this new business and hit our target income of $ 300-500 a month.

I had finally after all this time, after all the struggle, found success… I was a Proud Home Business Owner and My wife was happy, because we got to work and spend more time together!

– My goal– Spend more time with my Family

For the first time in my life, I knew beyond any doubt that my Dream of Time, Money and Freedom was coming true and I could not wait to show others…


Then the Crash came. I had developed the abilities to enroll people almost at will into our new home business… but sustaining that was another story.

You see, what do you do… when all those people finish with their own “Hot List”?

Their list of Friends and Family?

What do you do? When their well runs dry?

It was easy to recruit, but then people after about 3 months just start dropping out, almost faster than you can count… and no amount of help, advice, begging will change it…

In my business model… I had no plan to sustain their engagement, no plan to stay in constant contact… in those days… there was no Mastermind Face book groups… and as my people Quit… my business completely failed.

I don’t know if you can Imagine it, but I was really done this time! There was no way I could ever have the Courage, the Will, the Empowerment to rebuild this again… You can’t sustain it! I was Done!

Did not want to try a business again because I could not sustain the growth

More importantly… If I could not get long term results for myself… how was I going to get long term results for others… which was more important to me than even my own Success.

Our friends and family… the so called “Hot List” was Exhausted… Hell I was Exhausted!But I had one Major problem, a problem greater than all this combined… I still had “The Dream”

If I Could Not Get Results Myself How Could I Get Results For Others

In the bottom of my heart, with all the knowledge inside… I knew this Home business thing could work… with the right people!

People that wanted the freedom that only the lifestyle of the Successful could bring.

And there was only one place to turn…

The InternetI guess you could say “I still Got the itch”, so I decided that the only way to build a sustainable Home business from this model was to turn to the Internet.

I had to have a System that would bring me in new members FASTER than the ones that quit and leave, and I did not have a Global plan… A plan that took my message of Financial Freedom to the World.

My dream of this better lifestyle took on a completely new look and a New Mission… to employ Internet Marketing.

My plan was Simple, I simply went to Google and typed in “Make Money”

So I went to Google and after just a few searches I came up with 10-15 things that would help me, take my message of hope to hundreds of thousands of people a day… it was almost a Plan too good to be true!

I Tried allot of different systems for lead generation, how to build a business Online, Other Business ventures including Post Cards, Amazon E-Books, and Affiliate Marketing.

I even published my own E-book on Amazon… now I am a Publish Author… that’s Got to Sell! However, seems my reality continued to follow me and over the course of the next 3-4 years, I had invested all I could borrow… and had ran up a debt of about 200K…

Internet Marketing turned out to be Hard, full of systems that don’t work, people that don’t tell the truth.. and shinny object syndrome that causes you to jump from opportunity to opportunity…

•I had no Focus•No solid Plan•No Clarity!

I guess you could say that I had become the world’s #1 Expert on what didn’t work… or what not to do!

But at least, I was an Expert at Something!

I totally got sucked in by the hype found when marketing online… and that 200k had to be paid back and I simply had no clue… what I was doing or what I was going to do!

I can remember it vividly… out of all the struggles I had experienced in trying to make a Home business work… this had to be the darkest time of my life… the truest lowest of lows!

I had not only failed at success… I had Failed my Family!

It could not get any worst or could it? My wife was frantic, she had completely lost all confidence in me, and my vision of being a Super Star on the Internet… to her this was Serious and her attitude charged with Rage!

That was the day that she said… Either Stop or I it’s Over, because you have lost all grip with reality… you’re Crazy!

Not only have you spent our money… but now… because you won’t listen, You won’t stop… looks like you have took our future as well.

I was angry at her… for killing my Dream… but she did not do it… it was my Fault! I had to Man up and take responsibility not only for the past… but for the future as well… and if she was going to be apart of that… I needed Help!

Professional Help! And My time was short!

My Life in a Home Business… And MLM


Or Was it?

I found the Key to Success!


Give and it Shall Be Given unto you!

Luke 6:38King James Version (KJV)38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom.

For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

You control, what you get, by what you Give!


That Changed My Life!

How can it Change Yours?

Become part of a worldwide shift in the way Your dreams can be achieved!

Something truly extraordinary is occurring this decade.

A phenomenon that is sweeping the globe and the way that we can simultaneously achieve our dreams and help the world we live in.

It's called the shared economy

It is disrupting traditional industries, creating multi-billion dollar companies and re-distributing wealth as we know it.

Together..... We Are Changing The World

You can achieve your dreams by helping others!

Over one billion people worldwide are members of Cooperatives!

The CrowdSharing Cooperative is similar to traditional businesses but instead of corporate owners, it belongs to the people who use it.

Members who are organized to provide themselves with the goods and services they need.

One in six people are taking control of their future with self-sustainable incomes.

The CrowdSharing CoOp allows a like-minded group of individuals to work together for common goals.

It takes the corporate shared economy, its wealth and redistributes it to the many not the few.

“Five sharing economy sectors alone could generate a whopping $335 billion in revenues by 2025!” … Forbes Magazine

In the past, individuals attempted to use crowdfunding to contribute to their

goals, however this was met with limited success.

Now the sharing community moves to an entirely new level of success with

CrowdSharing, the ability of our Society to contribute billions to the


Introducing the next generation of sharing.....

The CrowdSharing Cooperative is similar to traditional businesses but instead of corporate owners, it belongs to the people who use it.

Members who are organized to provide themselves with the goods and services they need.

The CrowdSharing CoOp allows a like-minded group of individuals to work together for common goals.

It takes the corporate shared economy, its wealth and redistributes it to the many not the few.

We are the evolution of sharing and creating wealth for our members simply by helping others around the world.

“CrowdSharing is one of ten ideas that will change the world!”… TIME Magazine

Welcome to the new phenomenon of Cooperatives and CrowdSharing.

Welcome to the society that brings dreams to life and creates a better world.

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