Accounting and Advanced Accounting. 1.College Level Accounting (Pilot) Assessment 2.College-Level...

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Transcript of Accounting and Advanced Accounting. 1.College Level Accounting (Pilot) Assessment 2.College-Level...

Accounting and Advanced Accounting

Technical Skills Attainment Tests

1. College Level Accounting (Pilot) Assessment

2. College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) – Financial Accounting Examination

3. NOCTI Accounting (Basic) Assessment

4. NOCTI Accounting (Advanced) Assessment

State Approved Tests for Accounting Secondary Level


B. NOCTI requires a Site Coordinator and a Monitor1. It cannot be the instructor of the class taking the

test2. We had counselor and principal

C. All login codes and student scores get emailed to the Site Coordinator

D. MARSS person will need the student scores to input into report that is sent to the MDE


A. When to give the test?1. Evaluate Duties and BluePrints.2. Pre-tests are available

a. Must be complete by November 30b. Time frame between administering the pre-test and post-test

B. Study Guides - cost1. Come with online feature and booklet2. My error or learning experience –

a. Both booklet and online have EXACT same questionsb. Questions never changec. Just have students do the online feature

C. Booklet tells you to spend 1-2 months studying

Preparing for the Test

A. Two tests1. Performance2. Written – MDE required

B. 3 hour test1. 1 sitting 2. 3 separate sittings

a. Once student logins, it takes them directly to section on

b. Students canNOT go back to previous sectionsc. Test will tell students the total number of questions

(148), not the section number of questions – anxiety levels went up

Test Options

A. Duties – areas covered in the test

B. Accounting Test includes 8 Duty areas

C. Test results are separated into the Duty areas for your site and by individual student – you get to see these!!!

Test Duties

1. Journalizing2. Posting3. Payroll Preparation4. Banking and Banking Procedures5. Merchandise Inventory6. Completion of Accounting Cycle7. Locating Source Data8. Mechanical and Electronic Accounting


8 Duty Areas for Accounting

A. Cost Sheet

B. BluePrints

C. National Averages

D. Online Systems – where you take the test

NOCTI Website Information

Results – Site (12/17/2010)

Duty DescriptionNat'l

Average (12/17/2010)

State Average


6,508 5 11

1 Journalizing 52.0 60.0 64.82 Posting 54.1 49.5 72.23 Payroll Preparation 52.7 47.3 64.24 Banking and Banking Procedures 52.2 50.4 61.75 Merchandise Inventory 50.5 51.4 63.26 Completion of Accounting Cycle 50.0 48.2 64.57 Locating Source Data 56.2 62.0 74.58 Mechanical and Electronic Accounting Devices 61.8 63.1 67.8

Total 52.9 53.0 65.7

My students ranged from 43.2 – 89.9 with one (1) student falling below the state and national


Results –By Student

Nat'l Average

# of my students below by

dutyDuty Description

1 Journalizing 52.0 42 Posting 54.1 13 Payroll Preparation 52.7 24 Banking and Banking Procedures 52.2 15 Merchandise Inventory 50.5 26 Completion of Accounting Cycle 50.0 27 Locating Source Data 56.2 08 Mechanical and Electronic Accounting Devices 61.8 4

Total 52.9
