
Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Accord

Walk To Equality :

Ensuring safety and empowerment of women

Team details:

Team coordinator : Richa Priyanka

Team members : Utsav Sharma, Abhishek Roy, Debjani Sarkar, Prapti Bhardwaj

College : KIIT University

Picture : Ankur Gupta, KIIT

UNDP reports that India is the second worst country for women in South Asia.

The growing crime rates and the almost static growth is so apparent. The

need of the hour is to change the mindsets of the Indian population and to

help the women realize their rights as an individual in India.

Ankur Gupta

Ankur Gupta

Ankur Gupta

1. Have you ever felt that indiscrimination on the basis of sex has affected your growth as a woman?

2. Have you ever been molested in any way?

3. Do you feel safe in India?

4. Do you know the safety number you should call, when in danger of any kind of harassment for

immediate help (apart of 100)?

5. Do you know about the Sexual Harassment of Women (prohibition, prevention and redressal) Act,


6. Do you know about the law against stalking and voyeurism?

7. Do you know what share you hold in your paternal and ancestral property?

8. Do you feel that your family follows patriarchy?








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



P.S. A survey was conducted in the KIIT University's girl's hostel, involving the girls who are currently in second year of engineering to know about

their status and view point on their immediate social background and to check about their awareness of the general laws that

exist for their own security and empowerment. "Y" stands for "yes" while, "N" stands for

"no". The unawareness about their personal rights among girls who can be considered properly educated and have well access to all the

information on a regular basis was shocking. If this is the case of the Urban literate class, what must be for the illiterate rural women. Moreover,

No e of the girls took a o e t to ad it that they do ’t fi d I dia safe for the selves.

Intensifying the safety and empowerment of women by the large

scale spread of INFORMATION

Proper report should be provided to the individuals regarding all the

complaints registered and the action taken as per the legal


• Holding campaigns on a customary basis in rural as well

as the urban India involving all sects and age groups. Campaigns

• Preaching about the laws, the rights and the provisions

that the government has made for all the females.

Familiarity with

the plans

• Educating them about the little things that play an

important role in survival, like counting, checking time,

rectifying the expiry date on the medicine, etc. Education

• Spreading the safety number and the contact details of the

people and organization to refer to in case of any help or

query. Safety provisions

Involvement of NGOs, the victims and the women who need an

economical support for the campaigns.


Commission for


Chief Secretary of

the State

District Magistrate

Various groups of

students that are

above 18.

NGOs, victims and


The Panchayat

NGOS, Self help

groups, the victims

and the needy

Teachers, doctors,

volunteers from


On the base functioning level, the campaigns and information spreading would be done by groups of women. These may be

the victims, the needy, members of an SHG or an NGO, the unemployed, the literate, the doctors, teachers and nurses and

the students. A group of five would be given the responsibility of educating a group of 50 on a customary basis.

The reports would be directly administered by the District Magistrate in the urban areas and the Panchayat in rural areas.

All the final reports should be re-checked by the Chief Secretary and then submitted finally to the National Commission for


50% of the funds required for the functioning of the campaign,

earned via small projects involving women who want to use their

craft to get an employ

•Posters, Newspapers, Radio and

Television advertisements on a

frequent basis.

•Funding the NGOs and economic

support to the victims and the

needy involved in the operation.



•Street dances and plays, organizing

events, initial funding of the small

scale employment.

•Funding the NGOs and SHGs and

economic support to the people

involved in the full time operation.



There are a y o profita le stude t’s group i all olleges here e a i ol e the stude ts a o e 18 years of age i the campaign. We can start small scale entrepreneurship to generate a large fraction of the project expense.

The government has provisions for supporting various SHGs and NGOs. Corporate Social Responsibility can also be exploited

to generate funds.

INR 1 crore

per annum.

INR 50 lakh

per annum.

Ensured growth in the impact survey conducted right after one year

of implementation, considering the same group of people surveyed

before the execution.

•Though the program will take a lot of time to establish a strong and helpful working framework, it

will be very sustainable. With appropriate monitoring mechanisms, we can ensure long life to the



•Once it spreads to the roots, it will spread virally and very effectively. It will touch every single

sector of women, every single age group and class. Both the rural and urban India will be equally


Mass Coverage

•The spread of information can help in reducing many prejudices and helping the women to know

about the powers given to them by the government. It can make them feel more secure about

themselves and can eradicate the fear to take a step against a crime. The crime rates will reduce

with the increasing number of complaints registered and actions taken.

Safety and Empowerment

By the end of one year of implementation of the scheme, we can conduct a survey on the same wide variety of women we

chose to inquire before the survey for the statistical analysis and know what exact impact is the program putting on the

society. The monitoring mechanism would be made strict for the effective working of the program. Involving the victims, the

needy and the people who are responsible morally for the society like the teachers and doctors will ensure the reduction in


No specific source of fund generation for campaigning through

the program. C




n a





We cannot possibly make a

completely fool proof system

considering the current

corruption status of the


People may not show much

interest in the adverts and



e a





We have no proper source of

funding for the

implementation of the problem.

It will take time to build up.

It will take a lot of time to

involve a large number of

victims in the program as very

often, they are not willing to

face the world.




• Large scale

involvement of

media in the




• 100%


should be

females. S





ent • Helping women

start small scale


p for earning their


Laws concerning women empowerment already

has innumerable provisions, with their

potentials of fool proof implications. Yet due to

societies lack of knowledge about these laws,

women consider these rightful weapons as false

sense of security. With proper knowledge of

these laws crime concerning women is bound to

go down. There are terms that grant women an

entitlement to food, shelter, clothing, education,

safety, employment and an equal status with

respect to men in the society. Spreading

awareness about the power our constitution

provides to women will prove as a stepping

stone towards brighter future for women


You edu ate a man; you educate a

man. You educate a

woman; you

educate a

ge eratio .

Thank You!


Sources and references::

NCW :: Laws related to women in India.