Accident Chart Analysis

Post on 08-Sep-2015

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Accident Chart Analysis

Transcript of Accident Chart Analysis

  • Woman in a Coma Marguerite dar Boggia

    A woman has been seriously injured. Will she live? This young lady was born on June 17, 1959 at 11:01 p.m. in Hastings, MI. She was on a motorcycle with a friend when they were struck by a car on June 11, 1990. She has been in a coma ever since, in a fetal position. For health we study the Rasi Lagna (natal Ascendant) and its lord; also the 8th house and its lord, and the Sun (which is the karaka or indicator for health), and the Atma Karaka (the planet with the highest degree in the chart). We also study the Moon Ascendant and its lord. In this chart we will find that some of these factors interact with the lords of trik (6, 8, 12) houses, are located in trik houses, and aspect natural malefics and a maraka (death dealing planet, the lords of the 2nd and 7th houses). When the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th houses are in mutual aspect with the lords of an auspicious house, an Arishta Yoga is formed. Arishta implies a misfortune, a challenge in life, past karma catching up to us. Planetary Indicators Saturn rules the 1st house of Capricorn. It is retrograde in the adverse 12th house, in an enemy's sign and it is lord of the 2nd house. Therefore it is a maraka. Worse still, it occupies the 22nd Drekkana. (The 22nd Drekkana is found by finding the 8th house of the Drekkana chart.) It can act as a malefic under the appropriate transits and dasha periods. There is a mutual aspect between Saturn in the 12th house and Sun and Mercury in the 6th house, both trik houses. Sun is lord of the 8th house and is a natural malefic. The fact that it is the lord of the 8th house is not so adverse, but because it is the lord of the 64th Navamsa, it becomes very malefic. (To find the 64th Navamsa count four houses from the Moon in the Navamsa chart). The Sun associates with Mercury in the 6th house and afflicts Mercury, the lord of the 6th house. Mercury is in its own sign and is strong. The 6th house signifies disease and accidents. An aspecting planet is itself influenced by the house or the planet it aspects. Planets aspected by either the lord of the 22nd Drekkana or planets occupying the 22nd Drekkana play an important role in connection with health. Here Saturn occupies the house of the 22nd Drekkana. The Ascendant and lord of the Ascendant represent the body. Saturn as the lagna lord is under heavy affliction from Mercury and the Sun. Mercury is in its own sign but it is hemmed in by the malefics Sun and Mars. When the accident occurred she was in a Mercury/Mercury/Saturn Vimshottari dasha period. The Mahadasha of the 6th lord, Mercury, in the 6th house associating with the 8th lord, Sun, and aspected by Saturn from the 12th house, resulted in a serious life-threatening accident. The Sun, in an enemy's sign, associating with Mercury will give effects of itself and of the 8th house. The 8th lord can bring sudden death, lingering illness and a change in the life of the native. From Mercury (the Mahadasha lord), Saturn is lord of the 8th in the 7th and is in a maraka house. The Sun is lord of the third of longevity and short distance travel and is aspected by Saturn, the lord of the 8th. Mercury is lord of the 4th house of vehicles. From the Moon, Mercury, as lord of the 12th, aspects Saturn in the 3rd of longevity and travel. Saturn is also lord of the 4th of vehicles. Mercury also aspects the Sun, the karaka for health. We can see from every angle (Moon Lagna, Sun Lagna and Mahadasha Lagna) that a vehicle was involved in travel resulting in an accident and a serious health problem. Natally, she has Mars, a natural malefic, afflicting the lagna and afflicting Venus, a Yoga Karaka (the most auspicious planet for that Rasi Lagna). Mars and Venus are conjunct within a degree and 15 minutes. Venus loses the planetary war to Mars since its degree is slightly higher than the degree of Mars. The Sarpa Drekkanas are very adverse for health if a chart is prone to disease. These are the 2nd and 3rd Drekkanas of Cancer, the 1st and 2nd Drekkanas of Scorpio and the 3rd Drekkana of Pisces. In this chart Mars and Venus fall into the 2nd Drekkana of Cancer and Jupiter falls into the 1st Drekkana of Scorpio. Venus is lord of the 5th (trikona) house of children and the 10th (kendra) house of career. The aspect of the Yoga Karaka, Venus, on the Ascendant and the fighting spirit of the 3rd and 6th houses keep her alive, preventing her from passing away. Venus is also the Chandra (Moon) lord and also the 8th lord from the Moon. Its association with Mars ruined its ability to protect the native's health. Mars and Venus are in the 7th house and therefore can act as marakas. The native had two children. There is also sorrow and misfortune for her young children.

  • The Moon in Libra in the 10th house aspects the 4th house of mother. The Moon as karaka for mother receives a malefic aspect from Mars in a maraka house. Saturn by its 10th aspect afflicts Rahu in the 9th house bringing sorrow to father. The Sun is also karaka for father. Its malefic aspect bodes ill for father. Rahu is in the 12th house from the Moon in Virgo. Its dispositor is Mercury, which is besieged by malefics in a trik house. Jupiter in this chart acts as a functional malefic as it rules the 3rd house of travel and the 12th house of hospitals, loss and misery. It is on a zero degree and therefore it is weak. As it is retrograde in the 11th house, it loses some of its power to protect. Instead it brings challenges into the life. Jupiter, as the lord of the 12th, can also act as a maraka. It aspects Mars and Venus in the 7th house and also Ketu in the 3rd house of short distance travel. Jupiter also aspects the 5th house of children. The two children are without their mother. Both children were born in the Saturn Mahadasha. Moon and Venus exchange houses. Moon as lord of the 7th and Venus, the karaka for spouse, both aspected by Mars, indicate challenges in her love life. She was divorced. The Moon receives no benefic aspect whatsoever. There is also an exchange of Nakshatra rulers. Saturn is the ruler of Ketu's Nakshatra and Ketu is the ruler of Saturn's Nakshatra. They will give the results of their houses: 12th representing hospitalization and 3rd, representing traveling. Divisional Chart Indicators In the divisional or varga charts, we especially examine for health the Ascendant, the lagna lord, the Sun, the 8th house and 8th lord, the Chandra lagna and Chandra lord, and the Atma Karaka. We also consider the Mahadasha lord, Mercury, in effect at the time of her Accident. In the Navamsa, Mars afflicts the Gemini ascendant and a debilitated Mercury, lagna lord. Mars is lord of the 6th house and again acts as a maraka in the 7th house. It associates with and afflicts Venus, the lord of the 12th (hospitals) and the 5th. Mars by its 8th aspect afflicts exalted Jupiter in the 2nd house. Mars also afflicts Saturn, lord of the 8th house in the 2nd (maraka) house. The affliction to Saturn is most important as it is the lagna lord in the natal chart. It represents the health of the native and her body. In the Navamsa the Sun is debilitated in the 5th house. It is lord of the 3rd house of travel. It receives no benefic aspect. Retrograde Jupiter as lord of the 7th is a maraka. It aspects debilitated Mercury in the 10th house. The Moon is exalted in the 12th but it is afflicted in the Rahu/Ketu axis in Taurus. Moon rules the 2nd so it is a maraka aspecting the 6th house of accidents. Mars is the 7th lord from the Moon for the Chandra lagna and is in the 8th house. Venus again is the Chandra lagna lord afflicted by associating with Mars, the 6th lord in the Navamsa. In the Drekkana chart Taurus is the lagna. Saturn is debilitated in the 12th and it again aspects Mercury in the 6th house. Mercury as lord of the 2nd house is a maraka. Mars is in the 7th and it again afflicts the Ascendant, the Sun in the 2nd house and Venus as lord of the rasi, Taurus. This varga chart is viewed for initiative, courage, for siblings, for success through one's own efforts. In the Dwadasamsa, the lagna is Leo. Saturn (lord of the 6th) is debilitated in Aries and there is a mutual malefic aspect between Mars and Saturn. Mars also afflicts Mercury, the Sun and the Leo ascendant. This varga chart is used to determine past karma, parents, and heredity. The Atma Karaka represents the soul. It is the planet with the highest degree. In this chart it is the Moon which is afflicted by Mars. From the Moon in the Rasi, Mercury is lord of the 12th and it is aspected by Saturn, the lord of the 8th, and also by the Sun, lord of the 11th. Dr. Charak says that a retrograde lagna lord even if it is in the lagna offers no protection against disease. Here Saturn is retrograde and in the 12th house. The dasha of the 6th lord coincides with disease, injury or operation. Malefics in the 6th house protect against disease but afflicted malefics may not necessarily do so. Here the Sun is afflicted. Involvement of the 8th house lord, the Sun, brings in an element of incurability as well as a separation. The Yogini dasha, at the time of her accident, was Rahu/Venus/Sun. Rahu is aspected by Saturn, a maraka, from the 12th house of hospitalization. Rahu is disposited by Mercury, which as mentioned above, is heavily afflicted. Venus is afflicted by associating with Mars. The Sun is lord of the 8th afflicted by Saturn and Mercury, the trik lord of the 6th. In Jaimini Chara dasha, Virgo was in operation so Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Ketu and Rahu were all in aspect. The Shad Bala for her Sun is 625 virupas or 1.67 rupas. That is quite high. It indicates that her Sun is strong. According to the research of Marcello Borges, in past lives, she might have had leadership ability, great self-confidence, determination. She was a dominant personality and was very self-willed. The Shad Bala for her Moon is also high. It indicates her ability to be friendly, to get along well with others and to be liked. Moon and Mercury

  • represent the mind and mental abilities. Both are afflicted and receive no benefic aspects. This indicates restlessness in the nature, a desire for change, to be easily bored, an inability to concentrate, and oversensitivity. The Ascendant is in the Nakshatra of Shravana. The Moon is the ruler of this Nakshatra. The Moon is afflicted by Mars. The Moon is on a degree that is mrityu bhaga (a fatal degree). Saturn is in the Nakshatra of Mula and its ruler is Ketu. Its dispositor is Jupiter which is retrograde on a zero degree. Mercury is in the Nakshatra of Ardra, which is ruled by Rahu. The dispositor of Rahu is Mercury. Mars and Venus are in the Nakshatra of Ashlesha. Its ruler is Mercury and Mercury is under heavy affliction. Transiting retrograde Saturn at about 0+ degrees had just entered Capricorn, her 1st house of health. It aspected Ketu in the 3rd house of travel, Mars and Venus in the 7th house and the Moon, lord of the 7th, in the 10th house. From its retrograde position, Saturn, also aspected natal Saturn in the 12th house and the planets in the 6th house. The 1st house is weak as it has only 23 bindus in the Ashtakavarga. Transiting Jupiter was in Gemini opposing transiting Uranus and Neptune in Sagittarius, while transiting Mars was in Pisces, the 3rd house of travel, aspecting the planets in the 6th house of accidents and aspecting her natal Moon and Rahu. Grappling with Destiny Is destiny preordained? Was this accident avoidable? I do believe that by our present thoughts and actions we are creating our future destiny. In past lives we created our present vehicles or bodies. (We have more than one subtle body). According to the Alice A. Bailey books, karma is imposed by the lipika lords on the permanent atoms in our causal body (which is not a real body but a mental sheath housing the soul). The permanent atoms are the nucleus around which our future etheric, astral and mental bodies are built. Because our vehicles at this point of evolution are unrefined, we experience the negative influence of Saturn and the malefics. The process of evolution and development is very slow. When asked for the best way to speed up the process of development the Tibetan Master, Djwal Khul, replied: "Meditation, meditation, meditation." We tap higher energies when we contact our soul. The rate of vibration of every atom and cell increases and our higher chakras are stimulated. Purity in the life and service are also very important. Every illness or accident is a working out of past karma. I do believe that there is a Law of Grace. Our soul can bring about an immediate healing. We can also receive help from those capable of invoking healing energies. Will this woman recover or pass away and if so, when? My best speculation would be that she will pass away when transiting Saturn is within 1% of her Imum Coeli and Neptune reaches within 3% of her Ascendant degree. Neptune rules comas. This would be in Mercury/Jupiter Vimshottari dasha around May 4, 2001. If she returned to her body, she may find the pain too excruciating and decide to leave. My hope is that she either recover completely as soon as possible or pass away. Marguerite dar Boggia can be reached at