Access 2015 Open Quiz Prelims+Answers+Finals

Post on 07-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Access 2015 Open Quiz Prelims+Answers+Finals


GENERAL RULES• The quiz consists of 30 questions.• Quizmaster ki sun lena. Please.• Infinite bounce and pounce for Q1-24, buzzer

henceforth• Round 1 – Differential Pounce (Q1-18)• Round 2 – Long Connect (Q19-24)• Round 3 – BUZZER! (Q25-30)

no tie breakers pl0x

DIFFERENTIAL• If 6 teams get it on Pounce, 0• If 5 teams get it on Pounce, 5• If 4 teams get it on Pounce, 10• If 3 teams get it on Pounce, 15• If 2 teams get it on Pounce, 20• If 1 team gets it on Pounce, 25• -15 for a wrong answer on Pounce• 10/0 for direct/passed

Q. 1Identify the blanked out part.

This is a theory given by Masahiro Mori about reaching a stage of repulsiveness/unease after robots become familiar aesthetically/functionally.

(image on next side)

Uncanny valley

Q. 2Snapcash was created in partnership with which entity, touted as a “fast and easy way” for Snapchatters to exchange money within the Chat feature?


Q. 3 Connect 1. Zishaan Hayath- Co-Founder & CEO of Toppr.com2. Shiladitya Mukhopadhyay & Sahil Anand- Co-

Founders of Rasilant Technologies3. Amit Raj & Anshul Gupta- Co-Founders of Box 4. Gaurav Munjal- CEO at Flatchat and Co-Founder at

Unacademy5. Kunal Shah- Co-Founder & CEO at Freecharge

TVF Pitchers

Q. 4 Which website shows this error page ?


Q. 5What is this “program” for ?

(image on next slide)

Delhi Govt Odd-Even rule

Q. 6This is a blog run by Brandon, who is a Google employee, which has gone viral recently. What problem/solution to a problem does he discuss on his blog?

Silicon valley housing problem, Brandon started living in a truck

Q. 7 Put funda

YouTube Awards

Q. 8What did this image give rise to, in the world of technology?

(image on next slide)

Google Images


Q. 9The phrase maachis hai? first started appearing online in late 2014, mostly through Black Twitter. On October 8th, 2014, Twitter user @itsIsaaaaaaac posted the tweet “maachis hai? never means maachis hai? now a days lol”

On November 14th, 2014, Twitter user Start3rPack posted a “the maachis hai? Starter Pack” featuring four photographs indicating the pack would contain comfortable socks, pajamas, and a Trojan magnum.

Netflix and Chill

Q. 10 Who owns this device, that garnered a lot of publicity lately?

Ahmed (his clock)

Q. 11

The comic is titled “What does XKCD mean?”

Q. 12 Identify the blanked part

Data Science

Q. 13Kimoji is an app launched recently that includes a high functioning keyboard, with an eerie set of emojis. The founder of this app is successful across multiple dimensions, who is the founder?

Kim Kardashian

Q. 14Connect

The 1977 Trinity

Apple II, Commodore PET, TRS 80

Q. 15Which company, whose name literally means a small, wooden structure that housed a ship's equipment. It was renamed to Tandy Corporation after Charles D. Tandy bought the company in 1962. In 2000, the company shifted back to its original name.

Which company?


Q. 16These two companies are related to each other in ways more than one. However, one of them was formed almost 20 years back, and the other one is barely a month old.

Their codes of corporate governance are nearly identical. Only difference being of a 3-word phrase.

What is the phrase?

Don’t be evil

Q. 17• Identify the lady and the company she heads.

Elizabeth Holmes, Theranos

Q. 18What first in the world of telecommunication was introduced by this company?

First SIM card


lol jk

lng cnct

Q. 19 +50/-25I am a founding developer of maachis, the Open Source software used by over 22% of the web, including this site. The website says maachis is “a state-of-the-art semantic personal platform” but more importantly it is a part of who I am. Like eating, breathing, music, I can’t not work on maachis. The project touches a lot of people, something I’ve recently begun to appreciate. I consider myself very lucky to be able to work on something I love so much.

Who am I?

Matt Mullenweg of Wordpress

Q. 20 +40/-20According to the author, this language has two slogans. The first is "There's more than one way to do it", commonly known as TMTOWTDI. The second slogan is "Easy things should be easy and hard things should be possible"

Who is the author, and which language?

Larry Wall , Perl

Q. 21 +30/-15Which Linux distro’s name stems from the fact that the distribution started as a private side project with no intended commitment?

(to prevent it from being taken too seriously at first, the author gave it a humorous name, which stuck even after it became a serious project)

Slackware (Patrick Volkerding)

Q. 22 +20/-10Likes: spring, cesaria evora, slashdot, chelsea, finally seeing something obvious for the first time, daydreaming, coming home, sinatra, sundowners, durbanville, flirting, string theory, particle physics, linux, python, mp3s, reincarnation, snow, mig-29s, travel, lime marmalade, mozilla, body shots, leopards, the african bush, rajastan, snowboarding, russian saunas, weightlessness, broadband, iain m banks, alastair reynolds, skinny-dipping, fancy dress, flashes of insight, the inexplicable, post-adrenaline euphoria, convertibles, country roads, clifton, the international space station, artificial intelligence, machine learning, wikipedia, kitesurfing, manx lanes.

Dislikes: admin, legalese, salary negotiations, public speaking.

Whose likes and dislikes are these?

Mark Shuttleworth

Q. 24 +5/0His interest in computers began with a Commodore VIC-20, at the age of 11 in 1981, initially programming in BASIC – and later in assembly language. After the VIC-20 he purchased a Sinclair QL, which he modified extensively, especially its operating system. "Because it was so hard to get software for it in Finland, he wrote his own assembler and editor (in addition to Pac-Man graphics libraries)" for the QL, as well as a few games. He is known to have written a Pac-Man clone named Cool Man.

Who are we talking about?

Linus Torvalds

TEST BUZZERS!!!1!!1!one!!eleven!1!1!!

Q. 25This was an article published on an European website after the Paris Attacks. Identify the blank which is from the world of technology.

(image on next slide)


Q. 26• An aid for the disabled. Akin to the physically

challenged using a walking stick, the mentally challenged use a _______• slang for one's own johnson • The beginning of the end of intelligent civilization

Urban Dictionary definitions of what?

Selfie Stick

Q. 27Maachis is a color motion picture process invented in 1916 and then improved over several decades. It was the second major color process, after Britain's Kinemacolor, founded in Boston in 1914 (incorporated in Maine in 1915) by Herbert Kalmus, Daniel Frost Comstock, and W. Burton Wescott.



Q. 28

Beast, Zuck’s dog

Q. 29

Marissa Mayer

Q. 30Acquiring Pearl gave helped this company own life and pension outsourcing business from Pearl Group alongside the domain knowledge of life and pension underwriting business.

Which company acquired Pearl Group?