Acceptance- Test Driven Developmen · ATDD Process 1) Get the top priority requirement from (the...

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Transcript of Acceptance- Test Driven Developmen · ATDD Process 1) Get the top priority requirement from (the...

Acceptance-Test Driven Development Julian Goddard


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Interactive seminar

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Business case for ATDD

Agile review

Description of ATDD and TDD

Comparison between ATDD and TDD

How to use ATDD on your projects


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Introduction - Julian Goddard

Commercial software contractor – 15 years

Medical Safety Critical software – 10 years

Planes and trains, SC software contractor – 10 years

Facilitated various Agile and Software Development Forums over the last 5 years

Interested in quickly developing robust, safe software 2014 Plaxion Limited. All rights reserved.

Introduction - The audience

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Business case for ATDD

Business case for Agile

Because Agile is a philosophy it is possible to just implement some of the practices (such as ATDD, TDD) that follow the philosophy

Each Agile practice provides some of the potential benefit, ATDD being one of the major contributors

ATDD and TDD will be described later15/04/15(c) 2014 Plaxion Limited. All rights reserved.

Business case for Agile

Project benefits - RAVER - Risk MitigationA - AdaptabilityV - Visible Progress

E - Early Value

Personnel benefits - WoCoMoWo - Work-rateCo - Communication

Mo - Motivation15/04/15(c) 2014 Plaxion Limited. All rights reserved.

Project benefits - Risk Mitigation

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Project benefits - Adaptability

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Project benefits - Visible Progress

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Project benefits - Early Value

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Personnel benefits - Work-rate

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Personnel benefits - Communication

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Personnel benefits - Motivation

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Business case for Agile

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Agile TraditionalProductivity(Communication & Motivation)

Higher Lower


Higher Lower

Robustness(Risk Mitigation & continuous testing)

Higher Lower

Costs(all of above)

Lower Higher

Agile review

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Agile review - Summary

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Agile review - Manifesto Values

Individuals and interactions

over processes and tools

Working software

over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration

over contract negotiation

Responding to change

over following a plan

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Agile review - Manifesto Principles (summary)

Cooperation between project sponsor and

development team

A continuous stream of requirements in

priority order

Iterative, incremental deliveries of

working software

Continuous adaption of development

processes 15/04/15(c) 2014 Plaxion Limited. All rights reserved.


Automated build


Burndown/burnup chart

Continuous, iterative, incremental development

Daily stand-up meeting

Definition of “Done”


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Agile review – PracticesPlanning poker(Point estimation)






User stories


Agile versus Traditional

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Agile Traditional

Empirical Pre-definedProcess

Just-in-time Fixed at StartRequirements

Evolves Big design up front


Integrated & Verbal

Remote & WrittenCollaboration

Self organising & Empowered

Managed & Directed


Agile review – project from A to B

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Agile review – project from A to B


Agile review – project from A to B

(c) 2014 Plaxion Limited. All rights reserved.


Agile review – project from A to B

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Agile review – project from A to B

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A project is developing from A to B in an environment

A is usually fully understood but sometimes won’t be

B may not be fully understood until the development has started

The planned route may change

The environment may change

Examples: a leopard chasing a gazelle / driving to work

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Agile review – project from A to B

Agile review - Philosophy

Embracing Change at any time during the project

Being flexible

Being proactive and reactive

Frequent preview and review

Continually reassess and adapt

In one word: Agile

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Agile review - Implementation

IterativeSCRUM / Sprints / phases

Incremental progressionComplete at end of every cycle

Practices such as ATDD and TDD

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Description of ATDD

An Agile practiceATDD 2010+, derived from TDDTDD 2000+ (Kent Beck, Extreme Programming) derived from Unit testsUnit tests 1995+





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ATDD Process

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SimplestHigh PriorityRequiremen


Use (or write simplest)

Acceptance Criteria

Use (or write simplest)

Acceptance Criteria

Write SimplestAcceptance Test





When AT passes

ATDD Process1) Get the top priority requirement from (the top priority

feature in) the backlog

2) Use (or write simplest) Acceptance Criteria to write the new simplest Acceptance Test (AT)

3) Add the new AT to the Failing AT set

4) Initiate development of the simplest solution for the requirement

5) Check the Failing and Passing AT sets frequently

6) Move passing ATs from the Failing AT set to the Passing AT set

7) When Failing AT set is empty, phase is complete15/04/15(c) 2014 Plaxion Limited. All rights reserved.

ATDD Exceptions

New AT passes immediatelyNew AT is wrong solution to requirement already implemented: duplicate requirement

Never able to get New AT to passNew AT is wrongNot possible to implement solution: requirement is unachievable

New AT passes, but other AT failsNew AT is wrongRequirement is wrong: reverse it out and reconsiderRequirement is mutually exclusive with another: ditto

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ATDD Benefits

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Focus on






ATDD Benefits

Encourages development work to be focused on meeting requirements

Encourages development of testable solutions for the requirements

Encourages requirements to be testable

Confirms when requirements have been met (the right code has been built)

Identifies overlapping and mutually excusive requirements

Ensure project does not regress15/04/15(c) 2014 Plaxion Limited. All rights reserved.

ATDD Costs

If the project is going to be tested against requirements

the benefits of using ATDD reduce testing costsusing ATDD reduce downstream costs

If the project is not going to be tested against requirements

using ATDD reduce downstream costs

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Description of TDD

A long-established Agile practice





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TODO listTODO list

TDD Process

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Select Simplest


Write a Test toConfirm the behaviour

Write a Test toConfirm the behaviour

Test should FailSince code not


Test should FailSince code not


Write simplest codeTo pass the test

Test should PassTest should Pass

Commit all

TDD Process

1) Keep a local TODO list, continually refining the operations therein

2) Find the simplest thing on the list

3) Build a new test for it

4) Run the new test which should Fail indicating code not implemented yet (other tests still pass)

5) Fabricate the simplest possible solution

6) The new test should now pass (and other tests should still pass)

7) Commit the source to the configuration management system

8) Repeat

9) When the TODO list is empty, we are done

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TDD Exceptions

New Test passes first time

New Test is wrong

Code already built: TODO list is out of date

New Test fails after new code is written

New Test is wrong

New code is wrong

New Test always fails

New Test is wrong

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TDD Benefits

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Simplest TestSimplest Test Focus on

Passing Test

Focus on

Passing Test





Good Code


Good Code


TDD Benefits

Encourages development to be focused on passing tests

Encourages development of testable code

Rapidly produces robust code (we have built the code right)

Low-level tests closely linked to function of code

Written by the developer, for the developers

Ensures code does not regress

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TDD CostsIf the project is going to be verified:

the benefits of using TDD reduce verification and rework costsusing TDD will reduce downstream costs such as failures in the fieldThese savings may cover the costs of TDD

If the project is not going to be verified:using TDD will reduce downstream costs such as failures in the fieldThese savings may cover the costs of TDD

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Compare ATDD and TDD

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ATDD TDDTest Level High Low

Test Sets Failing &Passing


Failed Test duration Long Short

Coupling to requirements High Low

Coupling to code Low High

Number of Tests Low High

Developer written No Yes

Automated Yes Yes

Steps to using ATDD1) Build/purchase an automated Failing/Passing Acceptance Test


2) Ensure that there are Acceptance Criteria for the requirements, agreed with the project sponsor

3) Write Acceptance Tests, add to Failing AT set

4) Run Acceptance Tests frequently

5) Optional: Organise features/requirements into prioritised list

6) Optional: Implement solution in phases / sprints / iterations

7) Optional: Use TDD – can be done by coding engineers

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Conclusion ATDD is worth using to increase quality and reduce costs

Conclusion ATDD is worth using to increase quality and reduce costs

Other aspects of Agile software development are strongly recommended: continuous, iterative, incremental development, TDD, etc.