"Accelerating Deep Learning Using Altera FPGAs," a Presentation from Intel

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Transcript of "Accelerating Deep Learning Using Altera FPGAs," a Presentation from Intel

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 1

Accelerating Deep Learning Using

Altera FPGAs Bill Jenkins

May 3, 2016

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 2

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• Accelerated FPGA innovation from

combined R&D scale

• Improved FPGA performance/power

via early access and greater

optimization of process node


• New, breakthrough Data Center and

IoT products harnessing combined

FPGA + CPU expertise

Altera and Intel Enhance the FPGA Value Proposition

Accelerated FPGA investment

Operational excellence


• Superior product design capabilities

• Continued excellence in customer

service and support

• Increased resources bolster long-term


• Focused, additive investments today

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 4

• Extracting features from data in order to solve predictive problems

• Image classification & detection

• Image recognition/tagging

• Network intrusion detection

• Fraud / face detection

• Aim is programs that automatically learn to recognize complex patterns and make

intelligent decisions based on insight generated from learning

• For accuracy, models must be trained, tested and calibrated to detect patterns

using previous experience

What is Machine Learning?

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 5

• Human expertise is absent

• Navigating to Pluto

• Humans cannot explain their expertise

• Speech recognition

• Solution changes over time

• Tracking traffic

• Solution needs to be adapted to particular cases

• Medical diagnosis

• Problem is vast in relation to human reasoning capabilities

• Ranking web pages on Google or Bing

When to Apply Machine Learning

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 6

Value Proposition of Machine Learning

X 35ZB/s =


Variety of


Volume x

Velocity =


Separating Signal

from Noise

Provides Value

Data is the problem Revenue Growth

Cost Savings

Increased Margin

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 7

• A network of interconnected neurons, modeled after biological processes, for computing approximate functions

• Layers extract successively higher level of features

• Often want a custom topology to meet specific application accuracy/throughput requirements

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)

Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner. Gradient-based Learning Applied to

Document Recognition. IEEE98

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 8

CNN Computation in One Slide

Inew 𝑥 𝑦 = Iold





𝑥 + 𝑥′ 𝑦 + 𝑦′ × F 𝑥′ 𝑦′

Input Feature Map

(Set of 2D Images)


(3D Space)

Output Feature Map

Repeat for Multiple Filters to Create Multiple

“Layers” of Output Feature Map

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 9

What’s in my FPGA?

• DSPs

• Dedicated single-precision floating point multiply and accumulators

• Block RAMs

• Small embedded memories that can be stitched to form an arbitrary memory system

• Programmable Interconnect

• Programmable logic and routing that can build arbitrary topologies

• Compute architecture with high degree

of customization

X +

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 10

• 1 TFLOP floating point performance in mid-

range part

• 35W total device power

• Use every DSP, every clock cycle compute


• 8 TB/s memory bandwidth to keep the state on


• Exceeds available external bandwidth by

factor of 50

• Random access, low latency (2 clks)

• Place all data in on-chip memory compute


Why an FPGA for CNN? (Arria 10)

X +

X +

X +

X + M20K




Fine-grained & low latency

between compute and memory

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 11

CNNs on FPGAs — Scalable Architecture

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 12

Market Demands Scalability for Machine Learning

• 1000s of Classes

• Large Workloads

• Highly Efficient (Performance / W)

• Varying accuracy

• Server Form Factor

Cloud Analytics Transportation Safety

• < 10 Classes

• Frame Rate: 15–30fps

• Power: 1W-5W

• Cost: Low

• Varying accuracy

• Custom Form Factor

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 13

Old Approach

• Parallelism across the “face” of the

kernel window, and across multiple

convolution stages

• Low hardware re-use

Different Parallelism in CNN

New Approach

• Parallelism in the depth of the kernel

window and across output features

Defer complex spatial math to

random access memory

• Re-use hardware to compute

multiple layers

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 14

Scalable CNN Computations — In One Slide




accum Output

Feature Map

“Slide” No data movement. Addressing an on-chip RAM!


Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 15

Scalable CNN Architecture on FPGA (1)



On-Chip RAM


Filters (on-chip RAM)

# o

f P





Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 16

Scalable CNN Architecture on FPGA (2)

• Array size

(x, y)

• Clock rate

• External memory


Calculated throughput &

resource utilization

• Layer


• Given resource constraints,

find optimal architecture

• Ex. AlexNet on A10-115 is 52x26

for 800 img/s @ 350 MHz

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 17

• Choice of parallelism has large impact on end compute architecture and properties of solution

• Defined a scalable approach to CNNs on the FPGA

• Not tied to specific FPGA device

• Not tied to specific CNN topology

• Design Methodology:

1. Fit largest possible accelerator network on FPGA (52x26 on Arria 10)

• Limited by DSP Blocks & M20K (RAM) Resources

2. Tile network onto available accelerator

• Decompose filter window into 1x1xW vectors for dot product

Scalable CNN Architecture on FPGA (3)

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 18

AlexNet Competitive Analysis — Classification

System (Precision, Image, Speed)1 Throughput Est. Board


Throughput /


Arria 10-115 (Current: FP32, Full Size, @275Mhz) 575 img/s ~31W 18.5 img/s/W

Arria 10-115 (Optimized: FP32, Full Size, @350Mhz) 750 img/s ~36W 20.8 img/s/W

Arria 10-115 (Estimate: FP16, Full Size, @350Mhz) 900 img/s ~39W 23.1 img/s/W

Arria 10-115 (Estimate: 21b, Full Size, @350Mhz) 1200 img/s ~40W 30 img/s/W

2 x Arria 10-115 Nallatech 510T Board

2400 img/s ~75W 32 img/s/W

cuDNN4 on NVIDIA Titan X Source: NVIDIA Corporation, GPU-Based Deep Learning Inference: A Performance and

Power Analysis, November 2015

3216 img/s 227W 14.2 img/s/W

• Further algorithmic optimization of FPGA possible

• Expect similar ratios for Stratix10 vs. NVIDIA 14nm Pascal

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 19

Getting Started with CNNs on FPGAs


Machine Learning




Scale & Speed of Devices

Better Compute Architecture

Math Optimization (Winograd, FFT)

Optimized RTL / HLD

(Current Intel PSG focus,

original MSFT focus)

Tune Problem

to Platform

Simplify network topology

Reduce precision / use fixed point

Create more local neuron structures

Integrated training and classification

(Current i-Abra and partner focus)

Not Mutually Exclusive

Combine for Optimal Solution

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 20

Overview: Design Flow Using CNN IP


Collection Data








Improvement Strategies

• Collect more data

• Improve network




Choose Network

• Use framework (e.g. Caffé,


• Choose based on experience

or limits of execution engine

Train Network

• An HPC workload

• Requires data to be pre-


• Weeks to Months process

Execution Engine

• Implementation of the

Neural Network

• Flexibility, performance &

power dominate choice



Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 21

Overview: Design Flow for CNN Using Partner


Collection Data









Neural Pathways

• Integrated Network

selection and training

• Capable of acceleration in


• Minutes to hours process

Neural Synapse

• Implementation of highly

efficient Neural Network

• Built in FPGA fabric with




Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 22

• New opportunities to increase the FPGA value proposition

• Accelerated FPGA investment driving product innovation to increase your

performance and productivity

• Increased operational excellence to accelerate time-to-market

• Expanded product portfolio to arm you with new solutions for your most

challenging applications

• Come join us at our booth to see a demo of machine learning on FPGAs

Join Us on Our Journey Together…

How can Intel + Altera help your business grow?

Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 23

• Altera Website

• Altera SDK for OpenCL Page (www.altera.com/opencl)

• Technical Article “Efficient Implementation of Neural Network Systems Built

on FPGAs, Programmed with OpenCL” (www.altera.com/deeplearning-


• GPU vs FPGA overview online training (available mid-May)

• CNN on FPGA whitepaper (available mid-May)

• “Machine Learning on FPGAs” web page (available mid-May)

• Embedded Vision Alliance Website

• Technical Article “OpenCL Streamlines FPGA Acceleration of Computer Vision”


Copyright © 2016 Intel Corporation 24

Intel technologies’ features and benefits depend on system configuration and may require enabled hardware, software or service activation. Performance varies

depending on system configuration. No computer system can be absolutely secure. Check with your system manufacturer or retailer or learn more at www.intel.com.

Software and workloads used in performance tests may have been optimized for performance only on Intel microprocessors. Performance tests, such as SYSmark

and MobileMark, are measured using specific computer systems, components, software, operations and functions. Any change to any of those factors may cause

the results to vary. You should consult other information and performance tests to assist you in fully evaluating your contemplated purchases, including the

performance of that product when combined with other products.

© Intel Corporation

Slide 18

Footnote 1. Configurations:

AlexNet configurations on Arria 10-115 FPGAs optimized via IP - tested by Intel PSG

For more information go to https://www.altera.com/content/dam/altera-www/global/en_US/pdfs/literature/pt/arria-10-product-table.pdf

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