ACC Stave 3 And 4 Vocabulary

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Transcript of ACC Stave 3 And 4 Vocabulary


Aught“zero, nothing; anything”

If you have aught to teach me, let me see the wisdom in it.

Opulence“seeming to be abundantly

wealthy or rich”

He displayed such opulence that it seemed as though he had

money to burn.

Declension“a downward slope or bend”

“That looks like a rather steep declension!”

Cant“insincere talk, especially about

religion or morals”

“Did you hear what she said! She did not mean a word of it! It was just her usual insincere cant.”


Washing dirty pots and pans was an odiouschore for her.

Whims“impulsive or irrational


Sometimes he is just at the mercy of his various whims and fanciful


Sidled“moved in a sneaky or secretive

manner”Fred sidled secretly inside using

the back door because he did not want anyone to see him.

Almshouse“a poorhouse”

If he does not watch his gambling, he may very well end

up in an almshouse.

Precepts“a guide or rule for morals or

actions; a guideline”

Many religions follow the precept that it is important to treat others as you, yourself

would like to be treated.


Pendulous“hanging downwards and

capable of swinging from side to side”

The pendulous blossoms hung from

the heavy branches.

Beetling“overhanging; prominent”

Beetling out over the ocean, the cliff stood prominently

in the harbor.

Offal“internal parts of an animal, such

as the heart or liver”

It was suggested that the manufacturers stop using bovine offal in their baby food.

Sepulchers“burial vaults, tombs, graves”

Her grandfather had been buried in the family’s sepulcher.

Bereft“deprived; parted from,

abandoned”Having never been out of the country

by herself, she felt bereft from her family

Calico“white or unbleached cotton with

no printed design”

Sarah wore a calico dress to the opening event.

Hoarding“saving; keeping warm”

Because of his memories of the great depression, the man started to hoard his money.

Persevered“to carry on (persist) in the face of discouragement or difficulty”

He was determined to persevere in the triathlon even though he was becoming

short of breath.

Intercourse“mutual dealings;

communication between two people”

Their intercourse over the new plans for the renovation project took place

during many phone calls.