Academic Zodiac ~ Zodiaco accademico

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Transcript of Academic Zodiac ~ Zodiaco accademico

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First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved.

 No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial

 purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


 Alla scoperta del proprio vero cielo natale

Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Un approccio moderno all'astrologia è anche un invito all'intervento dell'astronomia, per 

quanto attivissima nelle ultime scoperte. Nel riformare lo zodiaco avevamo il pieno aiuto

della Harvard MPC e quello della NASA JPL. Oltre al integratore della NASA, usavamo

anche Solex di Aldo Vitagliano, al quale vanno i nostri complimenti e le nostre simpatie.

Uno zodiaco scientifico richiede calcoli appropriati, che nell'ultima analisi provvederà a

risolvere il computer di bordo. Lo zodiaco locale cosi entra nell'era spaziale tramite

l'astrologia. L'astrologia è un tema presente ma non acclamato nell'ambito delle

conferenze della IAU.

Applicando l'astronomia all'astrologia, l'astrologo finalmente nuota in un cielo reale.

Anche nel fare solo un tuffo dove l'acqua celeste è più blu, uno si può ritenere iniziato.

Basta infatti consultare le effemeridi della NASA per sapere il proprio vero segno natale.

In ultima analisi, il cielo natio è quello reale, siccome non si può parlare di cieli

alternativi. Anche la più pia interpretazione astrologica del cielo reale dipende

dall'astronomia, cioè dall'osservare i cambiamenti e processi celesti in un modo studioso.

In altre parole noi siamo invitati a scoprire il nostro vero cielo natale.

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Il cielo rappresentato da se stesso e quello originale. Senza intrudere nelle tradizioni

vediche, abbiamo riformato lo zodiaco per l'uso nell'era spaziale. Lo sistema case detto

del Cartesio è perfettamente abile nel produrre oroscopi anche su una nave spaziale in

tempo reale. Anche rimanendo fermamente sul nostro pianeta Terra, lo zodiaco

accademico definisce posizioni zodiacali sconosciute agli astrologhi, come Venere in

Pegaso, Mercurio in Sestante o Luna in Orione. Gli ascendenti levanti invece cambiano

con l'epoca, stando alla legge della precessione.

Ci è sembrato giusto osservare gli ascendenti ad est, invece di inventarli altrove.

Misurando il presente set d'ascendenti ne troviamo precisamente 16. 16 dunque le

costellazioni che escono ad est nell'oroscopo. Moltissime invece quelle che non escono ad

est nell'epoca presente. Enumeriamocele pure tutte per filo e per segno.

Guardando ad est, noi oggi non avvisiamo molte delle costellazioni che uscivano nei

secoli passati. Cosi nessuno oggi nasce con l'ascendente Bilancia oppure Ariete. Il testo

originale qui usato, rende le costellazioni inesistenti riguardo ad est, e con ciò non

ascendentali, in corsivo grassetto. Le costellazioni che non escono ad est nell'epoca

 presente, e con ciò non rappresentano l'ascendente natio sono le seguenti.


The ascendant set was measured at east. There are 16 ascendants rising at east for the present epoch. The

ascendant set was of course measured for different epochs with the appropriate results published, as there

are 88 ascendants in a precession cycle. At the present epoch, the following zodiacal constellations do not 

rise at east: Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Crater,

Corvus and Libra. Taurus is rising at east for only five minutes in a daily cycle. In the next cycle,

Venus will rise in Pegasus at east, thus announcing the new aeon.

Klaudio Zic martedì 2 giugno 2009 23.17.00 CET Venezia, Italia

Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from

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First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved.

 No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial

 purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.


Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

The following FAQ resumes the basic precepts of RTRRT & scientific astrology. We

wrote the Academic Zodiac with respect, in addressing it as an inorganic initiator, that is

transcendent being, much as in accosting the planets and centaurs in evocation. The

appropriate reverence goes to the set of Precessed Ascendants for the current epoch, the

16 rings of power being the rulers of the planet, and presently the greatest among the 360.


The RTRRT are sets of magick tools. All the said tools are invisible and discrete, thus

generally mental in nature, in their application. Apart from the Personal Cosmic

Secretary, their installation and consequent application is instant. The RTRRT perform in

minutes, with the expected results materialized in five minutes to several days,

depending on the personal power of the operator and magic circumstances as well. Instant

magick means what it says, as one is immediately capable of producing any intended

events in real time. The RTRRT act in bending, hacking and changing the event matrixright here, right now. Any occurrence can be changed, even in the past. Why walk the

 plank of future bad habits along with succumbing to ominous astrological transits when

one can direct one's futurity according to one's own plan? Nowadays it is possible to

make miracles in minutes right upon your first RTRRT download.

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Scientific astrology has nothing to do with any astrology of the past, as it hosts zodiacal

and ascendental positions that were never recorded before. You never knew that your Sun

was in Orion, much as the Masonic Philadelphia skies were mum about Serpens Cauda.

Scientific astrology is the discovery of your true horoscope as written by the real magical

astronomic stars. The field is a separate one, having no association with Vedic tradition

or whatever western derivation of the Sumerian system. One will hardly trace any

minimal association with Egyptian, Chinese or Mayan astrology, even in meeting

unavoidable sympathies with the native Navajo, Guam and Hopi tradition. Even if the

zodiacal position of Venus in Hydra was known to the Ancients, we do not have firsthand

information. Even if Venus rising in Pegasus was known to Dante, he does not record it.


The RTRRT are instant magick. Can you start right now? Yes, that is precisely the idea!

Anyone can start producing miracles in one's own life right here, right now!


Astrology offers an instant divination system that anybody can learn in twenty minutes.

By anybody we mean boy, florist and butcher. One does not need any astrologer in order 

to calculate the day of one's own marriage in minutes. Of course, marriage is but an

example. The businessman will seek contract along with excellent stock exchange timing.

The lover will calculate a lifetime of love in quarter an hour and the healer will know the

 best times to counteract or exorcise a disease.


After a brief initiation, one is capable of divining the year and month of any marriage in

minutes. The divination process requires no special talent, astrological or astronomical

skill, ephemeris, computer, pen or paper. All calculations are done by heart, on the fly, by

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sheer memory. It would be impolite to consult a laptop during a romantic dinner, thus the

astrologer and nobleman performs predictive synastry by heart.


The Academic Zodiac is the natural environment of the planets. In other words, we

discovered nothing new: we just visited the planets in their own natural habitat. After a

twenty minute visit, we inspected the starry environment of the planets, thus delineating

Venus in Pegasus, Mercury in Sextans and Moon in Orion. Such zodiacal positions were

never known or delineated before, but the e.g. the WTC horoscope shares Moon in Orion

with Obama's own natal chart! Unlike the western or eastern horoscope systems,

scientific astrology derives from astronomic experience and is as such fully accountable

in every respect. We have the proof that a dwarf planet is in its exact astronomic position,

e.g. Pluto rising in Eridanus, while others may at best pursue their fancy.


1. Academic Zodiac (22 IAU constellations).

2. Precessed Ascendant set (16 IAU constellations) for the current epoch.

3. Universal Cartesian house system. (12/24 N&D houses)

4. RTRRT (Personal Future Changing Technology).


 Newly categorized dwarf planet 2007 OR 10 and centaur 2007 JG43 have recently been

delineated within our universal Cartesian house system. How was that possible? Our 

constant research and development made it possible. Our delineations date from 1992

QB1, extending further from Varuna to Eris. All delineations were produced with the

object still unnamed by the astronomical community. That is, we follow a dwarf planet,

comet or centaur from its first days when it is discovered by the scientists. We publish the

first ephemeris for any newly discovered object, for the benefit of the astrological

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community. As the astrologer does not have an early access to data, ours is the first

information for the general public. Thus, the first dedicated Eris publication was sold as

early as Aug 1st 2005. There are some 6 GB (sic) of dedicated as well as downloadable

Eris material online! We delineated all the dwarf planets in the 12 houses as well as

named and unnamed centaurs, along with relevant classes of objects, from Apoheles to

the outer guardians. Our is mission to serve the astrological community with the best

lateral solutions out of the eastern-western trap in which it fell in its best wish to adapt to



Klaudio Zic is a modest European writer and composer, abiding in Venice area. Albeit

scientific astrology claims over 2000 (sic!) publications, much like Giger, the Author is

never available for public appearance. In disliking the use of Internet, the Author has

chosen not to be online at all.

An eventual reply by e-mail is however possible in terms of initiation. How does the

Author read his e-mail if he is not online at all? The e-mail in need of a reply is usually

 by a registered RTRRT initiate. The secretary's assistant reads it and furthers accordingly,

so that it reaches the Author possibly in a couple of days. E.g. it is being faxed to him by

his secretary, generally known as Alixe. Details retained. Initiation can be downloaded,

thus enabling a true seeker in immediately starting to think and act like a magical being.

There is a growing variety of sites from which all kind of RTRRT and scientific astrology

material is procurable. One of the main historical sites remains 

with almost 2000 publications! Anybody using web search will find dozens of affiliated

sites and social networks where the material is readily available for download. However,

our recommendation goes to the editorial series, which tips the scales to the stargates of 

astrology. In tipping off the reader, the editorials often provide bonus material as packed

in an informal way for the true RTRRT initiate and incipient astrologer.

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Initiates were curious whether RTRRT stands for Masonry. One could say that in being

an RTRRT initiate, one is even grander than any Mason. The RTRRT are of great

assistance to sincere 32nd degree Masons in helping the planet grow according top racial

initiation. As the RTRRT can solve any problem on the three planes, they can help any

initiate, even important public figures to be incarnated in the next age to come. The

RTRRT tradition is especially cherished with the central European nobility, with little

lodges springing out according to European tradition. In the USA, the RTRRT are mostly

used in curing cancer, initiating pagans as well as a miracle factor within O.T.O. ritual.

Several initiates asked about horoscopes. The true RTRRT initiate often already has one,

as any registered neophyte will be eager to attune to the magical world of scientific

astrology. The report is often rather bulky as containing up to 500 MB or multimedia

material. Of course, basic love affairs and marriage are known to the minute. The

meridian constellations take care of your financial enterprises. Health and healing is

 provided by dedicated RTRRT publications. Dedicated services are mailed to the client

along with personal initiation. A member of the Monaco nobility boasts a 1008 pp report.

She says that she prefers this personalized magical diary to her Veyron, because it tells

her where to go even out of this world, where the Bugatti can not go. The report acts as

guardian angel. We also call guardian angel the eastern star. This star is not available

from conventional horoscopes for the masses. As the person leaves one's old personality

 behind, a new world under the true astronomic skies appears in guarding one's steps,

much as an Egyptian guardian angel star would safeguard our discrete community 12 000


Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from

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First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved.

 No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial

 purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


 Astrological issues as solved by scientific astrology

Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.



Zodiacal offset today is measured between two and six signs. During the past 2000 years;

users, clients and professionals were hardly confident about their proper zodiacal

 positions. E.g. as concern the Sun, the client was sometimes defined by a western and in

other times by an eastern Sun sign. Sometimes both Sun signs were adopted! Albeit

ridiculous, this praxis persisted even in “professionals”. Someone even invented a

combination between the “two systems”, as they called them. To make things worse,

someone invented something like “western sidereal astrology” that of course was sidereal

only in its name. When people got used in believing in one nonsense, they easily adapted

or switched to another, thus buying further contradiction. The result was that they were

unsure of their own Sun sign. In the past 2000 years, the proper trajectory of the Sun was

neglected by “astrologers”. Moreover, nothing was known of the lunar zodiac, the path of 

Venus and mercurial zodiac. Let it be noted that at the time when the Academic Zodiac

was proclaimed, zodiacal offset was unknown even to astronomers, who desisted from

any zodiacal research long ago.

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All zodiacal problems were conclusively solved by the year 2006, after years of research.

The zodiac that defines the true motion of the planets has been called the Academic

Zodiac. This zodiac has a total of 22 constellations. The Academic Zodiac represents the

first scientific zodiac in human history. Being based on IAU and NASA standards, it

affords for maximum precision in predictive astrology. The flagship direction of 

scientific astrology is the secondary angular direction. The Academic Zodiac is especially

suited in centaurean astrology and the study of the new dwarf planets, in serving as

natural environment for the research of the newly discovered astro-phenomena.



As astrology came into the hands of the profane some 2000 years ago, precession was

forgotten due to lack of observation. In a fixed sky, the Sun remained forever in Aries at

spring equinox. There was no change of ages in a perpetual age of Aries. In denying

 precession, someone thought to use the zodiacal set instead of the proper ascendants.

Much as the ages never changed, so the ascendant set remained virtually the same. The

zodiac was nailed to a fixed sky where absurdly the same zodiacal constellations rose at

east forever. Much as someone born with Sun in Virgo is nowadays classified as

“Scorpio”, so ascendant Pisces is seen as “Capricorn”. Capricornus, much as Scorpius,

the proper pronunciation, do not rise at east at the present epoch.


The ascendant set was measured at east. There are 16 ascendants rising at east for the

 present epoch. The ascendant set was of course measured for different epochs with the

appropriate results published, as there are 88 ascendants in a precession cycle. At the

  present epoch, the following zodiacal constellations do not  rise at east: Scutum,

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Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Crater, Corvus and Libra.

Taurus is rising at east for only five minutes in a daily cycle. In the next cycle, Venus will

rise in Pegasus at east, thus announcing the new aeon.



In the past, astrologers were very unsure as to the proper house placement of the planets.

With dozens of house systems adorning the desktop of the amateur, astrologers became

more confused than ever. The problem created would be lesser in magnitude with the

astrologers being unsure, then with those who naively believed in every house system

that came their way, as serving their purposes best. House systems crashed already at

Oslo latitude and were surely unfit for a race gearing up for space travel.


The universal Cartesian system was introduced after lot of experimentation with various

 proposals, such as a 24 house system. The Cartesian system serves multiple purposes, as

it clearly shows the cardinal points, e.g. Venus rising at due east in Hydra. Moreover, the

new house system is quite capable of performing in alien galaxies, on a speeding

spacecraft, as well as underwater. Sea-quakes are no longer a mystery for astrology and

 babies born on Mars already have their zodiacal environment. Divorce, bankruptcy or 

even bad surgery are matter of the past, as the proper placement of the planets warrants

accuracy in any astrological analysis.

Klaudio Zic

Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from

Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or 

Transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise,without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.

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First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2009, Copyright © 2009 By Klaudio

Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or 

otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

SUNNY 2010

Copyright © 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

The report covers the Sun's journey through the year 2010. An ephemeris is included by

 NASA JPL. The main conjunctions of the Sun with the major stars are shown in

graphical representation. The conjunctions are angular, whether with the stars near to the

ecliptic or those rather apart from the path of the Sun.

The purpose of the report is referential in an incipient astrologer. Note that the report is

 based on the real positions of the Sun in an astronomic environment. According to

scientific astrology, there is no difference between astronomy and astrology. This simple

 postulate was always generally accepted, now submitted in its pragmatic form.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are Copyright © 1995 - 2009 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from

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*******************************************************************************Ephemeris / PORT_LOGIN Sun Apr 26 02:44:55 2009 Pasadena, USA / Horizons*******************************************************************************Target body name: Sun (10) {source: DE405}Center body name: Earth (399) {source: DE405}Center-site name: GEOCENTRIC*******************************************************************************Start time : A.D. 2010-Jan-01 00:00:00.0000 UTStop time : A.D. 2011-Jan-01 00:00:00.0000 UTStep-size : 1440 minutes*******************************************************************************Target pole/equ : IAU_SUN {East-longitude +}Target radii : 696000.0 x 696000.0 x 696000.0 k{Equator, meridian, pole}Center geodetic : .000000000,.000000000,.00000000 {E-lon(deg),Lat(deg),Alt(km)}Center cylindric: .000000000,.000000000,.00000000 {E-lon(deg),Dxy(km),Dz(km)}Center pole/equ : High-precision EOP model {East-longitude +}Center radii : 6378.1 x 6378.1 x 6356.8 km {Equator, meridian, pole}Target primary : Sun {source: DE405+DE406}Interfering body: MOON (Req= 1737.400) km {source: DE405}Deflecting body : Sun, EARTH {source: DE405}

Deflecting GMs : 1.3271E+11, 3.9860E+05 km^3/s 2̂Atmos refraction: NO (AIRLESS)RA format : HMSTime format : CALEOP file : eop.090424.p090716EOP coverage : DATA-BASED 1962-JAN-20 TO 2009-APR-24. PREDICTS-> 2009-JUL-15Units conversion: 1 AU= 149597870.691 km, c= 299792.458 km/s, 1 day= 86400.0 sTable cut-offs 1: Elevation (-90.0deg=NO ),Airmass (>38.000=NO), Daylight (NO )Table cut-offs 2: Solar Elongation ( 0.0,180.0=NO )*******************************************************************************Date__(UT)__HR:MN Cnst***************************$$SOE

2010-Jan-01 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-02 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-03 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-04 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-05 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-06 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-07 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-08 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-09 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-10 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-11 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-12 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-13 00:00 Sgr 

2010-Jan-14 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-15 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-16 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-17 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-18 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-19 00:00 Sgr 2010-Jan-20 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-21 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-22 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-23 00:00 Cap

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2010-Jan-24 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-25 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-26 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-27 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-28 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-29 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-30 00:00 Cap2010-Jan-31 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-01 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-02 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-03 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-04 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-05 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-06 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-07 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-08 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-09 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-10 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-11 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-12 00:00 Cap

2010-Feb-13 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-14 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-15 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-16 00:00 Cap2010-Feb-17 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-18 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-19 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-20 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-21 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-22 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-23 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-24 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-25 00:00 Aqr 

2010-Feb-26 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-27 00:00 Aqr 2010-Feb-28 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-01 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-02 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-03 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-04 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-05 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-06 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-07 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-08 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-09 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-10 00:00 Aqr 

2010-Mar-11 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-12 00:00 Aqr 2010-Mar-13 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-14 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-15 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-16 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-17 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-18 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-19 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-20 00:00 Psc

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2010-Mar-21 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-22 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-23 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-24 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-25 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-26 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-27 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-28 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-29 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-30 00:00 Psc2010-Mar-31 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-01 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-02 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-03 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-04 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-05 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-06 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-07 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-08 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-09 00:00 Psc

2010-Apr-10 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-11 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-12 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-13 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-14 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-15 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-16 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-17 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-18 00:00 Psc2010-Apr-19 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-20 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-21 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-22 00:00 Ari

2010-Apr-23 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-24 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-25 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-26 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-27 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-28 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-29 00:00 Ari2010-Apr-30 00:00 Ari2010-May-01 00:00 Ari2010-May-02 00:00 Ari2010-May-03 00:00 Ari2010-May-04 00:00 Ari2010-May-05 00:00 Ari

2010-May-06 00:00 Ari2010-May-07 00:00 Ari2010-May-08 00:00 Ari2010-May-09 00:00 Ari2010-May-10 00:00 Ari2010-May-11 00:00 Ari2010-May-12 00:00 Ari2010-May-13 00:00 Ari2010-May-14 00:00 Ari2010-May-15 00:00 Tau

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2010-May-16 00:00 Tau2010-May-17 00:00 Tau2010-May-18 00:00 Tau2010-May-19 00:00 Tau2010-May-20 00:00 Tau2010-May-21 00:00 Tau2010-May-22 00:00 Tau2010-May-23 00:00 Tau2010-May-24 00:00 Tau2010-May-25 00:00 Tau2010-May-26 00:00 Tau2010-May-27 00:00 Tau2010-May-28 00:00 Tau2010-May-29 00:00 Tau2010-May-30 00:00 Tau2010-May-31 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-01 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-02 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-03 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-04 00:00 Tau

2010-Jun-05 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-06 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-07 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-08 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-09 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-10 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-11 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-12 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-13 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-14 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-15 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-16 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-17 00:00 Tau

2010-Jun-18 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-19 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-20 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-21 00:00 Tau2010-Jun-22 00:00 Gem2010-Jun-23 00:00 Gem2010-Jun-24 00:00 Gem2010-Jun-25 00:00 Gem2010-Jun-26 00:00 Gem2010-Jun-27 00:00 Gem2010-Jun-28 00:00 Gem2010-Jun-29 00:00 Gem2010-Jun-30 00:00 Gem

2010-Jul-01 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-02 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-03 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-04 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-05 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-06 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-07 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-08 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-09 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-10 00:00 Gem

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2010-Jul-11 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-12 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-13 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-14 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-15 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-16 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-17 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-18 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-19 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-20 00:00 Gem2010-Jul-21 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-22 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-23 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-24 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-25 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-26 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-27 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-28 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-29 00:00 Cnc2010-Jul-30 00:00 Cnc

2010-Jul-31 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-01 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-02 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-03 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-04 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-05 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-06 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-07 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-08 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-09 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-10 00:00 Cnc2010-Aug-11 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-12 00:00 Leo

2010-Aug-13 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-14 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-15 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-16 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-17 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-18 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-19 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-20 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-21 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-22 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-23 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-24 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-25 00:00 Leo

2010-Aug-26 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-27 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-28 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-29 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-30 00:00 Leo2010-Aug-31 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-01 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-02 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-03 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-04 00:00 Leo

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2010-Sep-05 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-06 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-07 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-08 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-09 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-10 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-11 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-12 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-13 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-14 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-15 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-16 00:00 Leo2010-Sep-17 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-18 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-19 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-20 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-21 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-22 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-23 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-24 00:00 Vir 

2010-Sep-25 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-26 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-27 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-28 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-29 00:00 Vir 2010-Sep-30 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-01 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-02 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-03 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-04 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-05 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-06 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-07 00:00 Vir 

2010-Oct-08 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-09 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-10 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-11 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-12 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-13 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-14 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-15 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-16 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-17 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-18 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-19 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-20 00:00 Vir 

2010-Oct-21 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-22 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-23 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-24 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-25 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-26 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-27 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-28 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-29 00:00 Vir 2010-Oct-30 00:00 Vir 

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2010-Oct-31 00:00 Vir 2010-Nov-01 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-02 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-03 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-04 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-05 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-06 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-07 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-08 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-09 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-10 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-11 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-12 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-13 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-14 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-15 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-16 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-17 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-18 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-19 00:00 Lib

2010-Nov-20 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-21 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-22 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-23 00:00 Lib2010-Nov-24 00:00 Sco2010-Nov-25 00:00 Sco2010-Nov-26 00:00 Sco2010-Nov-27 00:00 Sco2010-Nov-28 00:00 Sco2010-Nov-29 00:00 Sco2010-Nov-30 00:00 Sco2010-Dec-01 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-02 00:00 Oph

2010-Dec-03 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-04 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-05 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-06 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-07 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-08 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-09 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-10 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-11 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-12 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-13 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-14 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-15 00:00 Oph

2010-Dec-16 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-17 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-18 00:00 Oph2010-Dec-19 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-20 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-21 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-22 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-23 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-24 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-25 00:00 Sgr 

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2010-Dec-26 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-27 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-28 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-29 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-30 00:00 Sgr 2010-Dec-31 00:00 Sgr 2011-Jan-01 00:00 Sgr $$EOE*******************************************************************************Column meaning: TIME

Prior to 1962, times are UT1. Dates thereafter are UTC. Any 'b' symbol inthe 1st-column denotes a B.C. date. First-column blank (" ") denotes an Calendar dates prior to 1582-Oct-15 are in the Julian calendar system.Later calendar dates are in the Gregorian system.

The uniform Coordinate Time scale is used internally. Conversion betweenCT and the selected non-uniform UT output scale has not been determined for 

UTC times after the next July or January 1st. The last known leap-secondis used over any future interval.

NOTE: "n.a." in output means quantity "not available" at the print-time. Cnst =Constellation ID; the 3-letter abbreviation for the name of the

constellation containing the target center's astrometric position,as defined by IAU (1930) boundary delineation. See documentationfor list of abbreviations.

Computations by ...

Solar System Dynamics Group, Horizons On-Line Ephemeris System4800 Oak Grove Drive, Jet Propulsion LaboratoryPasadena, CA 91109 USAInformation: : telnet:// (via browser)

telnet 6775 (via command-line)Author :
