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for the


Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Assessment

Updated September 17, 2018 For more information, please contact: Robert E. Smith, Ed.D. Email: Phone: #3080

Table of Contents Chapter One: Background and Institutional Statements .............................................................................................................. 1

Academic Program Review................................................................................................................................................. 1

Referencing Key Institutional Goals ................................................................................................................................... 2

Goals of the General Education Program ............................................................................................................................ 3

Chapter Two: Guidelines for Development of Self-Study ............................................................................................................. 5 Appendix 1: Guidelines for Department Discussions in Preparation for Program Review ................................................. 5

Guidelines for Organizing and Writing the Self-Study ........................................................................................................ 8

Office of the Chancellor ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education ........................................................................................................................ 8 Procedures and Standards for University Operations .................................................................................................................. 8 Procedure/Standard Number 2016-2017 .................................................................................................................................... 8

Review of Academic Programs and Programs in Support of the Student Experience ........................................................ 8

Appendix A: Five-Year Academic Program Review Template .................................................................................................... 11 DESCRIPTIVE INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 12

NAME OF PROGRAMS, AWARDS, CIP CODE, AND DELIVERY METHODS ..................................................... 12

CURRICULUM OVERVIEW AND MAP ........................................................................................................... 13

PROGRAM LEVEL STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES .................................................................................... 14

SUPPORT FOR PROGRAM STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES BY OFFERINGS FROM OTHER ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS ............................................................................................................................................ 15

PROGRAM’S MISSION, VISION AND ITS ROLE IN THE UNIVERSITY’S MISSION ............................................. 16

FACULTY and PROFESSIONALS .................................................................................................................... 17

SUMMARY OF STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS WITHIN THE DEPARTMENT ....................................................... 19

BUDGET ....................................................................................................................................................... 20

PROGRESS ON PREVIOUS GOALS .....................................................................................................................................21

Program Appraisal ............................................................................................................................................................22

REVIEW OF PROGRAM PERFORMANCE ....................................................................................................... 22

RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................................................... 23 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................................................................... 23 Reflection and Review ............................................................................................................................................................... 23 PLANNING ................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Additional Comments ............................................................................................................................................................... 25 Summary of External Reviewer’s Assessment: ........................................................................................................................... 25 Appendix A................................................................................................................................................................................ 26

Curriculum Overview ................................................................................................................................... 26

Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 Example Academic Map .............................................................................................................................. 27

Appendix C ................................................................................................................................................................................ 30 List of Program Courses ............................................................................................................................... 30

Appendix D ................................................................................................................................................................................ 31 Student Learning Outcomes Program ......................................................................................................... 31

Appendix E ................................................................................................................................................................................ 32 Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Reports ................................................................................... 32

Appendix F ................................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Master Course Syllabi .................................................................................................................................. 33

Appendix G-1 through G-3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 34 G-1: Faculty, Professionals, and Staff Vitae (Attach/insert copies of Vitae/Resumes) ................................ 34

G-2: Adjunct Faculty (Attach/insert copies of Vitae) .................................................................................. 34

G-3: Undergraduate and Graduate Student Achievements (e.g. list all publications, presentations, awards, etc. by students enrolled in the program) ..................................................................................... 34

Appendix H ................................................................................................................................................................................ 35 Progress in meeting Five-Year Program Review Goals ................................................................................ 35

Appendix I ................................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Analysis of Program Metrics ........................................................................................................................ 36

Appendix J ................................................................................................................................................................................. 37 Results of University Review Process .......................................................................................................... 37

Chapter Three: The External Review ......................................................................................................................................... 38 Guidelines for the External Review ..................................................................................................................................38

Procedures for External Review .......................................................................................................................................38

External Reviewer Timeline ..............................................................................................................................................39

Chapter Four: Academic Program Review Timeline .................................................................................................................. 41 Chapter Five: Academic Program Review Certificate ................................................................................................................ 43


Chapter One: Background and Institutional Statements Academic Program Review Program reviews are required by the Board of Governors and are intended to improve the resources and quality of the academic offerings, ensure the utilization of resources, and determine the program’s effectiveness. The Program Review process advances opportunities for academic planning and budgeting and assesses that the program satisfies state-level review requirements. This requirement is outlined in: Board of Governors’ Policy 1990-06-A: Academic Degrees; Board of Governors' Policy 1986-04-A: Program Review.

Background: Periodic program review is a best practice in American higher education that involves stakeholders in the continuous improvement of existing academic programs and programs in support of the student experience. Such review includes an analysis of past performance that is used to inform present and future directions and decision-making. The review process must be integrated with strategic-planning and budgeting processes, with regional and specialized accreditation processes, and with student-learning outcomes assessment. Criteria that direct the implementation of this policy can be found in the System Procedure/Standard for review of academic programs and programs in support of the student experience.

Program reviews play a vital role in the University’s student success strategy. The program review schedule (based on reviews every five) serves as a key component for assessment initiatives through its identification of priorities for the coming cycle. Below are programs for review this cycle.

Academic Programs Scheduled for Five-Year Reviews in 2018-2019


Communication Communication Studies (BA) CAS Health Studies Public Health (BS) CHS

Hospitality, Recreation and Tourism Management

Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management (BS) Recreation Services Management (BS) CBM

Modern Languages, Philosophy, and Religion Interdisciplinary Studies (BA/BS) CAS


Referencing Key Institutional Goals The self-study should include an explanation of the departmental connection and support of the institutional policies and goals. Explain your departmental link and support of the following:






Goals of the General Education Program (As approved and presented in the 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog)

GE Standard I: SLO I Standard University-Wide Student Learning Outcome I requires students to: Demonstrate an understanding of their role as citizens of a diverse, global society Courses seeking to meet the SLO I Standard must: (i) Require students to engage in particular activities, and (ii) Use direct assessment to demonstrate improvement of student skills in particular areas. GE Standard II: Critical Thinking Standard Courses seeking to meet the Critical Thinking Standard must: (i) Require students to engage in particular activities, and (ii) Use direct assessment to demonstrate improvement of student skills in particular areas. GE Standard III: Communication Standard Courses seeking to meet the Communication Standard must: (i) Require students to engage in particular activities, and (ii) Use direct assessment to demonstrate improvement of student skills in particular areas. GE Standard IV: Information Literacy and Technological Skills Standard Courses seeking to meet the Information Literacy and Technological Skills Standard must: (i) Require students to engage in particular activities, and (ii) Use direct assessment to demonstrate improvement of student skills in particular areas GE Standard V: Scientific Standard Courses seeking to meet the Scientific Standard must: (i) Require students to engage in particular activities, and (ii) Use direct assessment to demonstrate improvement of student skills in particular areas. GE Standard VI: Create and/or Critique Standard Courses seeking to meet the Create and/or Critique Standard must: (i) Require students to engage in creative and/or analytical processes, and (ii) Use direct assessment to demonstrate improvement of student skills in particular areas. GE Standard VII: Student Learning Outcome VII Standard Courses seeking to meet the Student Learning Outcome VII Standard must certify by qualifying under the Matrix of Certification that follows. General Education Committee – SLO VII Matrix for Certification GE Standard VIII: Quantitative Standard Courses seeking to meet the Quantitative Standard must: (i) Require students to engage in particular activities, and (ii) Use direct assessment to demonstrate improvement of student skills in particular areas GE Standard IXa: Level II Writing Standard Courses seeking to meet the Level II Writing Standard must: (1) be a 200 or 300 level course, (2) require ENGL 103 as a prerequisite, (3) incorporate multiple writing assignments with at least one of the assignments requiring multiple drafts, (4) use the assessment of writing assignments to determine at least 30 percent of a student’s overall course grade, and (5) have an enrollment cap of 26 students or less. Additionally, to meet the Standard, courses must address each of the three Areas listed on the following pages in the manner specified under the Area headings. GE Standard IXb: Level III Writing Standard Courses seeking to meet the Level III Writing Standard must: (1) be a 300 or 400 level course, (2) require completion of a designated Level II Writing course as a prerequisite, (3) incorporate multiple writing assignments with at least one of the assignments requiring multiple drafts, (4) use the assessment of writing assignments to


determine at least 30 percent of a student’s overall course grade, and (5) have an enrollment cap of 22 students or less. Additionally, to meet the Standard, courses must address each of three Areas on the following pages in the manner specified under the Area headings. GE Standard X: First Year Experience Standard Courses seeking to meet the First Year Experience Standard must: (i) Equip first-year students to make an effective transition to university studies and campus life by providing a deeper understanding of the aims of higher education, its value to them, and the skills, habits, and practices required to achieve those aims. (ii) Use direct assessment to demonstrate improvement of student skills in particular areas.


Chapter Two: Guidelines for Development of Self-Study Completion of the self-study portion of the Academic Program Review will generate an important dialogue between and among faculty regarding the department’s overall goals for its students, providing insight into (or reaffirming) the departments’ stance on fundamental concepts: What do we want our students to learn? Are they learning it? Do we have the resources necessary to optimize their learning experiences? Beginning the Dialogue about Program Review Program reviews must necessarily begin with conversations among the faculty. To assist in this process, “Guidelines for Department Discussions in Preparation for Academic Program Review” have been compiled (please see Appendix 1 in this chapter). There is NOT an expectation that every question be answered; rather, the questions posed are designed to guide development and context for the completion of the review. Organizing and Writing the Self-Study Rather than having each department “re-create the wheel” in terms of content and its arrangement, an itemized checklist has been developed. Appendix 2 in this chapter provides such a bulleted checklist of the required content for the self-study portion of your program review. As you write your document, simply follow the outline as presented. Appendix 1: Guidelines for Department Discussions in Preparation for Program Review This template serves as a guideline for faculty discussion both in advance of the program review and as the document is developed. The questions follow the same progression of topics as recommended for the content of the self-study. Many of the questions listed in this template are quoted from Program Review and Educational Quality in the Major, a publication of the Association of American Colleges and Universities (1992). Association of American Colleges, W. C. (1992). Program Review and Educational Quality in the Major: A Faculty Handbook. Liberal Learning and the Arts and Sciences Major. Volume 3. Section 1 - Mission and Purpose

1. Relationship for the Program to University Mission and Goals 2. Areas of Concentration

a. What is the relationship of the program to the University’s mission and goals? b. What are the areas of concentration? What are the purposes of these

concentrations? Section 2 - Plan of the Curriculum

1. Rationale for Current Plan/Progression of Courses 2. Overview of Curricular Structure (discuss all that apply) 3. Strengths of Program related to External/Professional Factors

a. (e.g., internships, research) 4. Curricular Challenges and Opportunities


• How was the curriculum plan established? • Is there a general education taken by all students? • Is there structure in the middle range of courses? • Are students introduced early to the modes of inquiry and methodology of the

discipline? • Do students understand both the strengths and the limitations of the methodology

and perspectives of the field? • How does the capstone experience that provide students with an opportunity to

integrate the learning that has occurred throughout their college experiences? • What are the strengths of the program as related to specific external and/or

professional factors (e.g., external demands, discipline-specific expectations)? • What particular opportunities are afforded students enrolled in this program? • Does the program assess which courses critically influence students’ decisions on

whether or not to major in the program? 3- Department Learning Goals

1. Overarching Learning Goals 2. Specific Learning Objectives

4 - Student Learning Outcomes

1. Departmental Assessment Plan 2. Methods Used to Assess Student Performance in Relation to Learning Goals and

Objectives 3. Engagement of Students in Assessment Activities 4. Using Assessment Results 5. Assessment of General Education 6. Student Learning Outcomes Challenges and Opportunities

5 - Enrollment and Student Profile: Past Five Years

1 Enrollment Challenges and Opportunities 6 - Alumni Perceptions of the Program

1. Method Used to Solicit Alumni Opinions 2. Synopsis of Alumni Responses 3. Possible Implications/Opportunities

7 - Faculty Profile

1. Faculty Profile 2. Faculty Workload 3. Faculty Challenges and Opportunities


8 - Adequacy of Library Holdings

1 Library/Research Challenges and Opportunities 9 – Facilities

1. Current Status of Assigned Facilities 2. Facilities Challenges and Opportunities

10 - Action Plan for Next Five Years

3. Review of Status of Action Plan from Previous Program Review 4. Action Priorities (using “Challenges and Opportunities,” as presented in previous

sections as basis for prioritization) 11 - External Review

5. External Review


Guidelines for Organizing and Writing the Self-Study

Office of the Chancellor Pennsylvania’s State System of Higher Education

Procedures and Standards for University Operations Procedure/Standard Number 2016-2017

Review of Academic Programs and Programs in Support of the Student Experience

Approved by:___________________________

Chancellor Date: _______________________________

History: Revised :

Additional History: Related Policies, Procedures or Standards: Board of Governors’ Policy 1990-06-A: Academic Degrees; Board of Governors' Policy 1986-04-A: Program Review Additional References:

I. Introduction

The purpose of this procedure is to communicate the instructions, processes, and standards regarding review of academic programs and programs in support of the student experience within the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education as required in Board of Governors' Policy 1986-04-A: Program Review.

II. Definitions

A. Academic Programs: All programs defined in Board of Governor’s Policy 1985-01-A: Requirements for Initiation or Change of Credit-Based Academic Programs. This includes all undergraduate and graduate academic degree programs (academic majors) along with all tracks/concentrations, academic minors, and certificates (undergraduate and graduate).

B. Programs in Support of the Student Experience: A broad network of programs and services delivered either in-person or virtually that directly contributes to students’ educational experiences and fosters student success. Examples of such programs may include the library, student life, enrollment services (e.g. undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions, bursar, and registrar), public safety, judicial affairs, financial aid, counseling, athletics, residence life, Greek life, student union and student activities, health and wellness programs, career services, academic support services, diversity and inclusion programs, tutoring, advising, and disability services. Each university shall determine what programs in support of the student experience should perform a program review.


III. Procedure/Standard A. Types of Reviews

i. Full Review: A full review is for academic programs not subject to specialized accreditation to include the criteria outlined below.

ii. Modified Review: A modified review is for academic programs subject to specialized accreditation consisting of the accreditation review, the accreditor’s recommendations/suggestions, and criteria for the full review not addressed in the accreditation review. Exceptions to the modified review will be given on a case-by-case basis by approval from the Chancellor or designee.

B. Criteria for Review of Academic Programs A self-study shall be conducted for all academic programs scheduled for review. Full reviews of academic programs shall use the criteria and context in Appendix A. Modified reviews of academic programs shall be determined by each university to meet the needs of programs that have specialized accreditation. At a minimum, a modified review must contain all criteria outlined in Appendix A for full program review.

C. Criteria for Review of Programs in Support of the Student Experience Each university should identify all programs in support of the student

experience they wish to review and develop criteria that meet the needs of the university. These criteria should promote institutional effectiveness by ensuring program and service quality; integrity; continuous improvement; and to include the alignment of resources, planning, and assessment to support the university’s mission.

D. University Processes

Ensuring timely reporting to the Office of the Chancellor, each university will create their own processes and associated timeline for academic program review.

E. Academic Program Review Schedule

i. Full Program Review: In accordance with Policy 1986-04-A: Program Review and in consultation with each university, the Office of the Chancellor-Academic and Student Affairs shall create a schedule for each academic program’s full review that will occur on a five-year cycle. The university president (or designee) or the Chancellor (or designee) may require a shorter review interval for a given programs. If a full program review is required that is less than a five-year cycle, the next full program review for that program will occur five-years from submission of the last report.

ii. Modified Program Review: Modified program reviews will be performed on a schedule determined by the specialized accreditation organization. If the review cycle for a program with specialized accreditation is every ten years or longer, the academic program will need to conduct a full-program review every five-years between the review for specialized accreditation. (e.g. full program review year 5,


modified review year 10, full program review year 15, modified review year 20, etc.). Exceptions to the modified review will be given on a case-by-case basis, university presidents (or designee) may request an exception (to include rationale and latest accreditation review) to the Chancellor (or designee).

F. Evaluation for Academic Program Review i. Internal Evaluators: Committees appointed or designated to review

self-study documents and make recommendations about the program in question should include at least two people not directly responsible for the program; these may include faculty or administrators from other units, students, and/or alumni.

ii. External Evaluators: External review of existing academic programs and programs in support of the student experience is a standard practice in higher education. The purpose of the external review is to garner additional perspectives on program strengths and weaknesses from individuals in the field or a closely related field who are affiliated with other institutions. Except under special circumstances, external evaluations are to be from outside the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

G. Reporting By August 15, each University president or designee shall submit to the

State System Office of Academic and Student Affairs the complete program review for each academic program review completed during the year.

IV. Attachments

Appendix A: Academic Program Template for Full Program Review V. Implementation: As of August 15, 2019, Academic program reviews due will be required to

use the new processes and criteria established in this System Standard/Procedure for Program Review.


Appendix A: Five-Year Academic Program Review Template

PA State System of Higher Education

Academic Program Review Template



This section describes the academic department, staffing, and budget.


Table 1 Name of Programs, Degrees, CIP Code*, and Delivery Methods

ACADEMIC PROGRAM List of active programs, majors (with concentrations), minors and certificates.



Number of Credits Required for Completion

CIP Code

Delivery Methods Check all that apply

Face to Face




1. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 2. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 3. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 4. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 5. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ How to complete Table 1: List the name of the program along with the award, CIP* code, credits required for completion and all delivery method(s). For concentrations, use a single line for each concentration, repeating the major. The CIP code for each row containing a concentration should be the CIP

assigned to the concentration. *CIP= Classification of Instructional Program. **Interactive Television If additional rows are needed, please insert additional rows.


CURRICULUM OVERVIEW AND MAP Please include the following items for each degree program (and all associated concentrations), minor, and certificate.

Academic Progression Map for undergraduate programs and similar documents for graduate programs (see example in Appendix B)

List of Program Courses (Appendix C) Curriculum Map (see Appendix D) Program Student Learning Outcomes (see Appendix E) Official Master Course Syllabi (See Appendix F)

Table 2 Curriculum Changes during Review Period

ACADEMIC PROGRAM List separately as in Table 1.

Date Change Took Effect

Semester & Year or Calendar Date

Reason for Change Description of Change

How to complete Table 2: Describe curriculum changes (e.g. changes to major requirements, addition/deletion of concentrations) made to the program over the previous five years. Include the date and the reason for the changes; when applicable, note assessment results that prompted the change. At a minimum include all changes that have gone through the university curriculum approval process. Provide a summary of changes in electives Table 2 Discussion (if needed):



Provide an overview of the plan for assessing student learning and results for each academic program. (Attach full plan and assessment results for each program in Appendix E.)

Program1 Assessment Plan Overview At a minimum, please answer the following questions:

• _____________________________ Are students meeting the program learning outcomes at the level you planned for? If not, what needs to change? If so, to what do you attribute students’ success?

• _____________________________ Especially point to how the department has incorporated the results of your assessment process back into the curriculum or department/program efforts i.e. closing the loop.

Program2 Assessment Plan Overview At a minimum, please answer the following questions:

• _____________________________ Are students meeting the program learning outcomes at the level you planned for? If not, what needs to change? If so, to what do you attribute students’ success?

• _____________________________ Especially point to how the department has incorporated the results of your assessment process back into the curriculum or department/program efforts i.e. closing the loop.

Program3 Assessment Plan Overview At a minimum, please answer the following questions:

• _____________________________ Are students meeting the program learning outcomes at the level you planned for? If not, what needs to change? If so, to what do you attribute students’ success?

• _____________________________ Especially point to how the department has incorporated the results of your assessment process back into the curriculum or department/program efforts i.e. closing the loop.



Table 4 Support for Program Student Learning Outcomes by Offerings from Other Academic Departments

Academic Program List separately as in

Table 1.

Department Name, Course Identifiers, Course Name and Description of Support

Provided (courses from other departments, tutoring, writing center, and so forth)

Program Requirement

Program Elective

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

How to complete Table 4: If relevant, describe the manner in which the offerings of other departments/offices satisfy core and elective requirements and support the student learning outcomes of the program. Describe support from non-instructional units such as writing center, tutoring, etc.



Table 5 Strategic Alignment of Academic Programs University

Mission Statement

Vision Statement


Mission Statement Vision Statement


Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Table 5 Discussion: Describe how the program supports and is aligned with the Department, College, and University missions.



Table 6 Summary of Current Full-time Faculty*, Academic Preparation,

Professional Certificates, Licensures and Degrees Earned, Post-Doctoral Studies and Activity Faculty &


Highest Degree


Year Highest Degree


Institution Awarding Highest Degree

Professional and/or

Scholarly or Creative

Activity during the Review Period**

Research or Creative


Teaching Assignments

How to Complete Table 6: *Include Full-time Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty employed during the most recently completed academic year. List in alphabetical order by Surname /Family name. **Provide current resume/CV for all listed faculty, and professionals, in Appendix G-1. In lieu of providing full details in Table 7, the department/program can highlight the professional and/or scholarly or creative activities during the review period directly on the CVs. See Appendix G-1 Faculty and Professional and Vitae.


Table 7 Description of Adjunct Faculty* Qualifications and Professional Development Adjunct Faculty Name

Highest Degree


Year Highest Degree


Institution Awarding Highest Degree

Academic and Professional Preparation

How to Complete Table 7: *Include Full-time Temporary, Part-time Temporary, and Regular Part-time Faculty (RPT) employed during the Review Period. List in alphabetical order by Surname /Family name. In Appendix G-2, provide current resume/CV for listed faculty who taught key courses in a program and/or taught in the program for more than two years.

Table 7 Discussion: Describe and assess the numbers and qualifications of adjuncts teaching in the program.



Table 8 Summary of Student Achievement during Review Period Program Publications, Exhibits,

Performances, Presentations, Programs, and Activities

Awards, Honors,


Grants, Prizes,

Fellowships, Scholarships


Graduate Students

Undergraduate Students3

How to complete Table 8: Include notable Full-time and Part-time Graduate and Undergraduate Students enrolled in a program during the Review Period. List all achievements (e.g. publications, presentations, awards, etc.) by students enrolled in the program in Appendix G-3.



Please provide an overview and analysis of the previous five-year budget for each specific program addressed in this review. The intent is to provide an individual, analytical review of each specific program’s budget. If some aspects of the budget are shared among several programs (departmental budget), please list budget components that are shared and explain how the costs are proportioned among all programs. If expenditures were made that benefited the program but were not departmental/program expenditures (i.e. Technology Tuition Fee Funds, university renewal/replacement funds etc.), please identify these program investments. Describe any budgetary challenges that have impacted achieving program goals and overall program performance. Include all capital investments that have been made for the program/department over the previous five years. This list should some or all of the following as applicable:

• New Positions • Educational/Instructional Technology Enhancements • Educational/Instructional Equipment and/or Supplies • Facilities/remodeling • Travel

o Faculty (conferences, professional development) o For undergraduates and graduates (conferences, professionalism, competitions,

and the like)



Please provide an overview and analysis of any results from previous goals. Please provide this overview and analysis for each program being reviewed. If there were challenges in working toward the goal, please detail these challenges. Especially point to how the department has incorporated the results of your assessment process back into the curriculum or department/program efforts i.e. closing the loop. Please do not paste plans or charts of data, these will be included elsewhere in the review. Write a short description of the plan, results, and program improvements.


Program Appraisal


Appendix I contains data provided by the Office of the Chancellor and any additional data relevant to the performance of each program. Please provide an analysis of each metric. If the previous program review identified goals associated with any data element, indicate if the goal was met and if not, what challenges or external factors existed that prevented the goal to be met? Describe any developments within the profession, region being served, or the Commonwealth that identifies an anticipated need, or lack thereof, for the program in the future. Include market research if available. At a minimum Appendix I should include metrics for 1) enrollment, 2) completions, 3) student credit hours, 4) four-year and six-year graduation rates, and 5) retention. If the program has not met the completion criteria (listed as red on the report) in the latest Program Sustainability Report or is a program of concern (listed as yellow on the report), the program review must include an analysis of why the Program Sustainability criteria is not being met or is a program of concern. If the program is not meeting the criteria or is a program of concern, in addition to the analysis, the program review must include one of the following recommendations:

1. The university may determine the program is meeting the mission and goals of the university and System as currently offered and recommend no changes occur.

2. The university may recommend a reorganization or other modification with the intent of increasing the program’s long-term sustainability. This could include curricular modifications and or changes in the promotion and recruitment for the program. The university will determine if a program will be placed into moratorium during this process.

3. The university may recommend a program be placed into moratorium and initiate the moratorium using established curriculum processes and subsequently discontinue the program.

4. In consultation with other universities, a collaborative approach may be recommended for similar programs across multiple universities.

Additionally, if programs have the potential of not meeting the established quantitative thresholds outlined in the System’s Procedure and Guidelines for Program Sustainability Process, the program review must include goals and recommendations addressing Program Sustainability for the next program review. Please note: Your assessment plans and any reports will appear in Appendix E; do not duplicate them here. Use this section for a brief overview of your program performance and its most recent results. Specifically, you should write a short description of the results and improvements to your programs that stem from the assessment process. This description should give a sense of how and when data were collected as well as when and who discussed the results and devised actions in response. You should especially point to how you have incorporated the results of your assessment process back into your curriculum or program efforts and “closed the loop.” Please include the factors to which you attribute the successes and increases in the strength of the program. The overview should be analytical and demonstrate the ways in which assessment is being used to inform, improve, and enhance the program’s curriculum.



Describe the current personnel, physical and fiscal resources that carry out the program goals and objectives: Please provide an analysis of the program’s personnel resources. Are they meeting the needs of the program’s goals and objectives? Are there factors that are contributing to the some program goals or objectives not being met? Please provide an analysis of the program’s physical resources. Are they meeting the needs of the program’s goals and objectives? Are there factors that are contributing to the some program goals or objectives not being met? Are resources sufficient to successfully operate the program? Please provide an analysis of the program’s financial resources. Are they meeting the needs of the program’s goals and objectives? Are there factors that are contributing to the some program goals or objectives not being met? Are resources sufficient to successfully operate the program? Are there sources of funding other than regular university funds? e.g. grants

ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS Discuss the extent to which your students demonstrate competencies in their chosen career. Add any data related to certification exams, employer and alumni surveys as applicable. Please describe any notable trends in student characteristics or demographics. Describe any trends in technology or how technology is used that has had or will have an impact on the program. What are the top trends in the discipline/field or related discipline/field, and how do they relate to existing curriculum and co-curricular experiences? If appropriate, include: online delivery systems, experiential learning, internships, research or service opportunities for faculty, professionals, staff and students, external advisory boards, collaborative programs, and partnerships. What areas of collaboration, either internal or external to the System have been explored? What was the outcome? If appropriate, include articulation agreements, memorandums of understandings, affiliation agreements, instructional locations, additional locations, preferential admissions (if a graduate program), advisory councils, shared courses, exchange programs, interdisciplinary programs, etc. Reflection and Review Based on data and analysis provided, please list areas of improvement where previous goals were not met or new priorities of focus for the program.


PLANNING Program Goals, Action Plan, and Timeline for Next Five Years - Chart Goals Action Plan Steps to be taken (include

dates and milestones) Anticipated Resources


Describe how will progress on each goal be measured using direct and indirect measures where

applicable? Additional Comments Please provide additional comments not addressed in other areas that would be helpful for a full program assessment. Summary of External Reviewer’s Assessment:


Appendix A Curriculum Overview


BS Degree Major and major-related courses (60 credits) 100/200 level prerequisites and requirements 15 credits 300/400 level requirements 27 credits Specialization courses 12 credits Major Electives 3 credits Seminar 3 credits Total 60 credits General education courses (42 credits) Wellness 3 credits Composition, math, and speech skills 9 credits Science distribution 6 credits Social sciences distribution 12 credits Humanities distribution 12 credits Total 42 credits Free Electives 18 credits Total 120 credits

Include all major and major-related courses. If concentrations are offered, please list all courses associated with each concentration.


Appendix B

Example Academic Map

Include an Academic Map that outlines the course sequence as appropriate for FT students over an 8 semester period and if applicable a course sequence if designed as degree completion for non-traditional students. An example Academic Map is included below.

A Suggested Sequence of Required Courses (2018-2019 Catalog) Freshman Year

Fall Spring

____ 4 BIO 120 General Zoology OR BIO 125 General Botany

____ 4 BIO 125 General Botany OR BIO 120 General Zoology

____ 4 CHE 101 General Chemistry I ____ 4 CHE 102 General Chemistry II ____ 3 ENG 101 English Composition I ____ 3 ENG 102 English Composition II ____ 1 UNI 100 First-Year Seminar ____ 3 General Education Course ____ 3 General Education Course Total 15 Total 14

Sophomore Year Fall Spring

____ 4 BIO 215 Cellular and Molecular Biology OR BIO 248 General Ecology

____ 4

BIO 248 General Ecology OR BIO 215 Cellular and Molecular Biology

____ 3 Basic Calculus OR Calculus I ____ 4 CHE Organic Chemistry I

____ 3 General Education Course ____ 3 General Education Course ____ 3 General Education Course ____ 3 General Education Course ____ 3 General Education Course Total 16 Total 14

Junior Year Fall Spring

____ 4

BIO 3XX Plant or Animal Physiology OR BIO 3XX Plant or Animal Anatomy

____ 4 BIO 3XX Plan or Animal Physiology OR BIO 3XX Plan or Animal Anatomy

____ 3 CHE 341 Organic Chemistry II Lecture ____ 4 BIO 318 Genetics

____ 1 CHE 342 Organic Chemistry II Lab ____ 3 Unrestricted Elective

____ 3 MAT 215 Statistics ____ 3 *General Education ____ 3 *General Education Course ____ 3 *General Education Course Total 17 Total 15


Senior Year Fall Spring

____ 3 BIO 478 Evolution ____ 4 PHY 122 General Physics II ____ 3 ENS 495 Design & Analysis ____ 4 Related Elective ____ 4 General Physics I ____ 3 Related Elective ____ 4 Related Elective ____ 3 Unrestricted Elective Total 14 Total 14

Notes: • This academic map is a suggested four-year schedule of courses based on degree

requirements in the undergraduate catalog. This sample schedule serves as a general guideline to help build a full schedule each term. Milestones, courses, and special requirements necessary for timely progress to complete a major are designed to keep students on track. This program is designed for students who desire a strong, diverse background in the sciences.

• A grade of “C” or better in 31 hours of biology courses used for the major AND in all courses required in non-Biology area of your audit

• BIO 120 and 125 are prerequisites to all upper-level BIO courses • Elective Requirements: A total of 11 credits of electives must be BIO courses • Specific concentrations are available within the biology major including:



Appendix C List of Program Courses

(*Provide separate table for each program)


Course Label

Course Number

Course Title Delivery Method Program Required

Program Elective


Online Blended ITV

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐


Appendix D Student Learning Outcomes Program This is an example of a curricular map.

(*Provide separate table for each program)


Interdisciplinary Studies (example)

Learning Outcome Types: 1. General Education 2. Majors 3. Minors/Tracks 4. Experiential 5. Graduate

Required Academic Courses and/or Learning Opportunities

Elective Academic Courses and/or Learning opportunities




t Yea

r Ex



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CS 4









2 SLO 1: Presentation Skills I I R - - - A, D I R - - - R A

2 SLO 2: Theory, Research & Practice - I R R A A, D A, D I - R - - - -

2 SLO 3: Social Responsibility I R A R - - A, D - - - - A, D - - 2 SLO 4: Leadership - - I - - - A, D I I - - - - - 2 SLO 5: Human Relational Interaction I R A, D - - A A, D - R - - - - - I = Concept/Theory/Skill(s) is Introduced R= Concept/Theory/Skill(s) is Reinforced A = Concept/Theory/Skill(s) is Applied D = Program Level Assessment Data is collected - =Not Applicable Note: A curriculum map is a guide and a diagnostic tool, identifying curriculum sequencing, gaps, and redundancies. How to complete Appendix D: Provide all student learning outcomes for the program. 1. Major, 2. General Education, 3. Minors/Tracks, 4. Co-Curricular/Experiential (All high-impact practices: Internships, undergraduate research, study aboard, professional conferences, leadership and engagement opportunities, campus employment, scholarship and creative arts experiences)


Appendix E Program Level Student Learning Outcomes Reports

For each program, please provide a detailed report that shows the plan to assess program-level outcomes, as well as the assessment results and associated actions. If your institution uses TracDat to assess student learning outcomes, you can attach the TracDat Unit Four-Column Report for each program. If another system is used, please attach a report that is similar in format to the sample below.

Program-Level Student Learning Outcomes Report Program Learning Outcome Measures Results Actions Outcome 1: Description Outcome Status: Year(s) Assessed:

Measure 1: Measure 2: Measure N:

Outcome 2: Description Outcome Status: Year(s) Assessed:

Measure 1: Measure 2: Measure N:

Outcome N: Description Outcome Status: Year(s) Assessed:

Measure 1: Measure 2: Measure N:


Appendix F Master Course Syllabi

Attach/insert the approved Master Course Syllabi for Required and Elective Courses


Appendix G-1 through G-3 G-1: Faculty, Professionals, and Staff Vitae (Attach/insert copies of Vitae/Resumes) G-2: Adjunct Faculty (Attach/insert copies of Vitae) G-3: Undergraduate and Graduate Student Achievements (e.g. list all publications, presentations, awards, etc. by students enrolled in the program)


Appendix H

Progress in meeting Five-Year Program Review Goals For the department and each program, please provide a report showing annual progress in accomplishing the goals from your previous program review. If your university uses TracDat to chart your annual progress in meeting these goals, then you can simply insert the TracDat report, “Annual Progress in Meeting Program Goals” from your Program Review SharePoint site.

Annual Progress in Achieving Program Goals Program Goal Measures Annual Update Goal 1: Description Goal Status: (Met or Completed; Work in Progress; Not Started; No Longer Relevant)

Measure 1: Measure 2: Measure N:

Year 1: Update on Progress Year 2: Update on Progress Year 3: Update on Progress Year 4: Update on Progress Year 5: Update on Progress

Goal 2: Description Goal Status: (Met or Completed; Work in Progress; Not Started; No Longer Relevant)

Measure 1: Measure 2: Measure N:

Year 1: Update on Progress Year 2: Update on Progress Year 3: Update on Progress Year 4: Update on Progress Year 5: Update on Progress

Goal N: Description Goal Status: (Met or Completed; Work in Progress; Not Started; No Longer Relevant)

Measure 1: Measure 2: Measure N:

Year 1: Update on Progress Year 2: Update on Progress Year 3: Update on Progress Year 4: Update on Progress Year 5: Update on Progress


Appendix I

Analysis of Program Metrics For the each program, please provide a report showing annual analysis and action plans (if any) for the metrics provided in the PASSHE Program Profile. Please include a snapshot of each data view that was used to inform your analysis. Please insert the TracDat report, “Annual Progress Toward Program Metrics” from your Program Review SharePoint site. See sample format below:

Annual Progress Toward Program Metrics Program Metric Analysis Action Plan Metric 1: Description Metric Status: (Made Progress, Stayed the Same, Regressed)

Metric 2: Description Metric Status: (Made Progress, Stayed the Same, Regressed)

Metric N: Description Metric Status: (Made Progress, Stayed the Same, Regressed)


Appendix J Results of University Review Process

Please attach a document containing the information required by your University’s program review process. This could include:

• External Reviewer’s Report

• Department / Office’s Response to External Reviewer’(s) Assessment(s)

• Appropriate Dean or Director’s Assessment, Comments, and Planned Actions

• Provost Assessment, Comments, and Planned Actions


Chapter Three: The External Review Guidelines for the External Review Preamble: External review of existing academic programs is a standard practice in higher education. The purpose of an external review is to garner additional perspectives on program strengths and weaknesses from academics and professionals in the field or a closely related field who are affiliated with other institutions.

1. The review of existing academic programs shall include both self-study (internal review) and external review.

2. As much as possible, the institution should link its reviews of existing academic programs to specialized accreditation processes and dates. An external review associated with reaffirmation of specialized accreditation or with initial accreditation may, if completed within one year of the review date, satisfy the external review requirement.

3. When the review of the academic program will not occur as part of the specialized accreditation process, each institution should develop its own process for garnering external reviews. The method for identifying and selecting specific individuals who will serve as external reviewers should be determined.

4. External reviews may consist of written responses to the self-study and supporting documents and/or may include on-campus visits during which team members interview students, faculty, and administrators.

5. The final product from external reviewers should be a report that explicitly identifies program strengths and suggests improvements.

Guidelines for External Review of Existing Academic Program, University System of Maryland. August 15, 2017.Retrieved from (

Guidelines for identifying an external reviewer appropriate for your program are outlined on the following pages. Procedures for External Review

The external reviewer is to visit the campus and to make recommendations in response to the department’s own self-study. Selecting a Reviewer - Department chairs are responsible for identifying academically qualified external reviewers. Ideal qualifications are faculty rank in the program discipline and employment within an academic department of similar size. a. Departments may wish to consider professionals of peer or aspirant institutions. b. External review of existing academic programs and programs in support of the student

experience is a standard practice in higher education. The purpose of the external review is to garner additional perspectives on program strengths and weaknesses from individuals in


the field or a closely related field who are affiliated with other institutions. Except under special circumstances, external evaluations are to be from outside the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

Obtaining Dean’s Approval - Department chairs will submit the name(s) and vitae(s) of the suggested reviewer(s) to the appropriate Dean for approval. Upon approval, the department will communicate the reviewer’s affiliation and contact information to the Office of Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Research. External Report Expectations - Department representatives will forward a completed draft copy of the program self-study to the external reviewer at least 10 days before the scheduled visit, along with a list of expectations to be addressed in the report. For the external review report to meet minimum requirements, the reviewer should evaluate the self-study and identify areas of concern and make suggestions for improvement. Any additional expectations must be communicated to the reviewer by the department prior to submitting the external review report. Scheduling the Site Visit - Department representatives should schedule a one- or two-day external review visit. Along with a campus tour, meetings should be scheduled with the Dean, departmental faculty/staff, students, and representatives from the Provost Office and Library. External Reviewer Timeline 1. One or more academically qualified individuals must be identified by the department as

potential reviewers – By November 14 2. The names of suggested reviewers and supporting documents must be submitted to the

appropriate Dean for approval – By December 1 3. Upon approval of the reviewer by the Dean, the department should submit to the Office of

Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Assessment the name of the reviewer and contact information (email is preferred) – By December 15

4. A contract agreement form must be signed by the reviewer, the department chair, and a representative from the Office of the Provost – By January 1

5. The department should negotiate a time for a one-or-two-day visit to campus – By January 1

6. The first draft of the program review, (excluding reviewer’s comments) should be completed – By February 13

7. The reviewer must receive a copy of the program review guidelines and the actual self-study, as completed by the local department – By February 13

8. Department representatives should negotiate to schedule a one- or two-day visit to campus – By February 13

9. The reviewer is expected to submit electronically a five-to-seven page report to the program chair within two weeks of his/her visit. Though no specific format is required, the reviewer should identify areas of concern and make suggestions for improvement – By April 15


10. The external review report must meet departmental expectations and minimum requirements before payment can be initiated. The program chair will notify the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Assessment upon receipt of the report (By April 15):

a. For the report to meet minimum requirements, the reviewer should evaluate the self-study and identify areas of concern and make suggestions for improvement.

b. Any additional expectations by the department must be communicated to the reviewer well in advance.


Chapter Four: Academic Program Review Timeline The PASSHE has established an AUGUST 15, 2019 deadline for submitting Academic Program Review.



Introduction meetings • First introduction to the Academic Program Review Process

• Confirmation of contact Department Chairs - Faculty

October 2018

Distribution of Available Fall Data and SLO Metrics

To explain data on individual departments

October 2018 (Post Census Snap-shot)

Progress Meeting #1 Informal “status reports” and data sharing

October 2018

Distribution of Additional Fall Data and SLO Metrics

To explain data on individual departments

October 2018

Progress Meeting #2 Informal “status reports” and data sharing

November 2018

Prior to the end of the fall semester: • The external reviewer should be confirmed and a visit should be scheduled. • Plans for an alumni survey should be confirmed with IEAP. • A request for information on library holdings should be confirmed with the Library.

Progress Meeting #3 Final meeting before submittal of the first draft

Late January 2019

By February 2019, the first draft of the self-study should be completed and submitted to the external reviewer at least 10 days prior to the date of the external review visit. Visit of External Reviewer Missing this deadline

affects the department’s ability to meet later deadlines

February/March 2019 (all visits should be completed by March 31)

Report of External Reviewer The reviewer should provide a hard and electronic copy

Deadline: April 15, 2019

Submittal of FINAL Reports Submit to the AVP of IEPA and your Dean electronic copies of: • Final version of self-

study, • External reviewer’s

report, • The first draft of

Academic Program

Deadline: June 1, 2019


Review certificate.

Meeting with Dean and AVP of IEPA

Purpose: • Discuss findings of self-

study. • Revisions/additions may

be suggested at this time. • Primary emphasis is on

the discussion of the program’s Reflection and Review and Five-Year Action Plan.

All to be completed by June 30, 2019

Meeting with Provost and Associate Provost

Review final report and action plan.

All to be completed by June 30, 2019

Completion of Program Review Final version electronic copy of certificate, self-study, and external review must be submitted to the dean and AVP Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Assessment.

Deadline: July 30, 2019

Submittal of Academic Program Review Certificates

Submittals to PASSE are the responsibility of the AVP Institutional Effectiveness, Planning, and Assessment.

Deadline: August 15, 2019


Chapter Five: Academic Program Review Certificate


Board of Governors Policy 1986-04-A

University: East Stroudsburg University Degree(s) Offered Division/Unit: Program: Date of Last Review: Date of Current Review: I. Composition of Review Team


External Review Team Members:

Campus Review Team Members:

II. Program Data

III. Progress since the Last Review

(This should be a status report of the actions taken from the last review, if applicable.)

IV. Outcomes Assessment (Board Policy 1997-01)

Program Outcomes (list goals and outcomes):

Student Learning Outcomes (list outcomes and assessment):

V. Program Strengths

VI. Areas in Need of Improvement

VII. Action Plan

VIII. Comments


External Reviews:


IX. Actions Planned by the University