Academia Socio-Vizuală lansează LONGOCAMPO DOX, școală de vară internațională

Post on 18-Jan-2015

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Vă aducem la cunoștință o inițiativă sud-est europeană inedită și necesară, dedicată conectării potențialelor regionale la noile direcții și interacțiuni din domeniile filmului și socio-vizualității. Academia Socio-Vizuală este un catalizator de educație si producție in domeniile cercetării socio-vizuale, transmedia si filmului. Obiectivul principal al ASV constă in cercetarea și educarea modurilor în care științele sociale, noile media, vizualul si arta pot aduce contributii pozitive la o mai bună ințelegere și soluționare a problemelor societății. Detalii:

Transcript of Academia Socio-Vizuală lansează LONGOCAMPO DOX, școală de vară internațională

Socio - Visual Academy launches LONGOCAMPO DOX,

International Summer School in the fields of Documentary Film and Visual Anthropology

We would like to bring to your attention a fresh and beneficial South-East European initiative, with its main headquarter in Bucharest, connecting SEE region with the world through film and visuality.

Socio - Visual Academy is a catalyst for education and production of socio-visual research, transmedia and film. The main objective of SVA is researching and educating in the ways the social sciences, new media, visual art and cinema can collaborate and bring positive contributions to a better understanding and solving of society's issues.

From 2 to 17 August 2014 , Socio-Visual Academy challenges your creative adrenaline within “LONGOCAMPO DOX” – Film and Visual Anthropology Summer School, an international program dedicated to innovating documentary filmmaking and visual anthropology. The socio-visual and cinematographic brainstorming will explore the, between and betwixt,  Campulung-Muscel town and mountain region, suspended at the intersection in between old-fashioned rural and post-industrial urban, creating an intriguing crossroad of pre- and post- communist mindsets.

The summer school activities will be centered in the Mansion Golescu, a 100 years old space with a quite complex personality, almost surreal and at the same time ideal to inspire rethinking the realities surrounding it. The field research and film development area of the summer school will be concentric to the Mansion Golescu: integrating a social tissue with a diverse heritage, visually exceptional and narratively quirky.

Candidates applications will be accepted until 20 June 2014. The applications submitted with at least 5 days before the deadline will be rewarded (see details on website). The eligible candidates should have experience in one or more of the following fields: film directing, cinematography, editing, visual anthropology. The best 15 young students and professionals, selected on the criteria of motivation, experience and creative personalities, will be invited to attend for 15 days an innovative academic adventure. Through a tailored-made and hands-on documentary filmmaking program, the summer school activities will produce 5 films which will explore the limits of fiction, non-fiction, experimental visuality and visual anthropology. Participants will be guided in this cognitive-creative adventure by 3 tutors (Ger Duijzings , Vintilă Mihailescu , Ionut Piturescu). During the stages of field research, development and production of the films, the participants will be inspired by 3 master-classes of invited experts. Film crews will be supported by production assistants with expertise in the investigated area. Film crews will be supported by production assistants with expertise in the investigated area. All the 15 authors of the resulting films will be tutored in building optimal harnessing and distribution strategies for their film projects.

The best film made during the summer school will be awarded in the final event of LONGOCAMPO DOX (”Longocampo” is the name of Campulung Muscel town, in its 700 years old historic records )..


Socio-Visual Academy is a platform initiated by Anthropoesis - Center for Innovation, Development and Film Production. The platform was founded by experts from social sciences, visual arts, filmmaking ( Ger Duijzings - Director of the Center for Southeast European Studies, University College London , co-director of the UCL Urban Laboratory , East European Anthropology Reader ; Cristian Robert Velescu – Prof. Dr. at University of Fine Arts , art historian , author of the study " Avantgarde

and modernity" ; Mihai Coman - founder of the Faculty of Journalism and Communication, doctoral school coordinator, co-author of "Media Anthropology " ; Ionut Piturescu – Dr. in Sociology and Visual Anthropology , coordinator of Center for Innovation , Development and Film Production , director of the film "Quest" - Romania , 30 min , " Quinzaine des Realisateurs " Award at 63rd Cannes Film Festival ; Vintilă Mihailescu - head of the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Political Science, SNSPA, doctoral school coordinator, author of " Anthropology . Five Introductions").

Summer School activities: 2 – 17 August, 2014

Details and application procedure can be found at:

Regular Deadline: 20 June, 2014
