AC12, Unit 6

Post on 23-Feb-2016

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AC12, Unit 6. Editorialize. Definition: To share or write an opinion. Synonyms: Comment Express opinion Remark. Antonyms: Stay quiet Not take one side or another. Examples: Opinion writers for the newspaper Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert Talk show hosts: Bill O’Reilly, Nancy Grace. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of AC12, Unit 6

AC12, Unit 6


Antonyms: Stay quiet Not take one side or


Synonyms: Comment Express opinion Remark

Examples: Opinion writers for

the newspaper Jon Stewart, Stephen

Colbert Talk show hosts: Bill

O’Reilly, Nancy Grace

Definition: To share or write an


Editorialize sentences

The TV news reporter editorialized about the new speed limit law.

I would editorialize about….


Antonyms: Objective Fair Neutral unbiased

Synonyms: Slanted Biased Prejudiced One-sided

Examples: You’re subjective about

family and friends Coaches are subjective

about refs’ calls against their team

VHS students subjective in rivalry games vs. Ainsworth

Definition: To favor one side

over the other

Subjective Sentences The judge would

not rule in his son’s case because he would be subjective.

A subjective ref would…


Antonyms: Highest or lowest



Examples: The mean of 40 and 50 is

45 Mean of a class’ test

grades Mean of how much you

earn each month over a year

Definition: average

Mean sentences

The mean high temperature for the month of July is 88.

The mean amount of money I earn each month is…


Antonyms: Starting or ending


Synonyms: Center Middle halfway

Examples: 1, 2, 4, 7, 9: The

median is 4 82, 83, 88, 89, 90—

The median grade is 88

Definition: The middle point

Median Sentences

The heights of the bb team are 5’10, 5’11, 6’4, 6’5, and 6’5; the median is 6’4.

If your test scores are 80, 82, and 96, the median is…


Antonyms: Only once


Examples: If test scores are 90,

90, 90, 92, 95: Mode is 90

If weights are 150, 151, 152, 179, 179: Mode is 179

Definition: Most frequent

number or value

Mode Sentences

The high temps this week were 21, 28, 28, 42, 42, 42. The mode is 42.

1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 7: The mode is…


Antonyms: Prove wrong Disprove Discredit invalidate

Synonyms: Authenticate Prove Confirm verify

Examples: A friend confirms an alibi A receipt proves you

bought the stereo there A video camera proves a

driver ran the red light

Definition: To prove or support a


Substantiate Sentences

Can anyone else substantiate your claim that you were home last night?

__________ can substantiate that I was at school yesterday.


Antonyms: Lazy Sluggish Slothful

Synonyms: Attentive Careful Never stopping thorough

Examples: Studying several

hours every day Never missing a day

in ten years Working on a project

for 12 straight hours

Definition: persistent and hard-working

Diligent sentences

The diligent farmer worked in his fields over twelve hours every day.

A diligent worker at your job would…

Antonyms: Praise Compliment Honor commend

Synonyms: Criticize Condemn Disapprove fault

Examples: Late to work too

many times Found breaking rules

by your boss Ethics board find you

being unethical

Definition: to punish or formally



Censure Sentences

The lawyer was censured for not sharing his findings with the defense.

Someone might be censured at work for…


Antonyms: Hard to see Unclear Vague doubtful

Synonyms: Obvious Apparent Clear visible

Examples: Whether it’s sunny or

cloudy is manifest The sun rising in the

east is manifest Who the next president

will be is not manifest

Definition: To show something


Manifest Sentences

Some say global warming is real; others say it is not manifest.

Something that is manifest (or not manifest) is…