Abstract arXiv:2008.01663v4 [cs.CL] 19 Jun 2021

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Transcript of Abstract arXiv:2008.01663v4 [cs.CL] 19 Jun 2021

Efficient Urdu Caption Generation using Attention based LSTM

Inaam Ilahi, H.M. Abdullah Zia, M. Ahtazaz Ahsan, M. Rauf Tabassam, Armaghan Ahmad,Information Technology University (ITU),

Lahore, Pakistan


Recent advancements in deep learning have createdmany opportunities to solve real-world problems that re-mained unsolved for more than a decade. Automatic cap-tion generation is a major research field, and the researchcommunity has done a lot of work on it in most commonlanguages like English. Urdu is the national language ofPakistan and also much spoken and understood in the sub-continent region of Pakistan-India, and yet no work hasbeen done for Urdu language caption generation. Our re-search aims to fill this gap by developing an attention-baseddeep learning model using techniques of sequence model-ing specialized for the Urdu language. We have prepareda dataset in the Urdu language by translating a subset ofthe ”Flickr8k” dataset containing 700 ’man’ images. Weevaluate our proposed technique on this dataset and showthat it can achieve a BLEU score of 0.83 in the Urdu lan-guage. We improve on the previous state-of-the-art by us-ing better CNN architectures and optimization techniques.Furthermore, we provide a discussion on how the generatedcaptions can be made correct grammar-wise. 1

1. IntroductionWith the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and

deep learning, research community is now moving to thoseproblems which can help us in real world gains. Fromthe image classification tasks to the object detection, deeplearning has played a vital role. On the other side, Naturallanguage processing (NLP) has also created wide range ofapplications starting from simple text classification to fullyautomated chat-bots in native languages.

Caption generation is a rising research field which com-bines computer vision with NLP. It has a number of applica-tions: (i) transcribing the scenes for blind people, (ii) clas-sifying videos & images based on different scenarios, (iii)image based search engines for an optimized search, (iv)

1This is a project report for the Deep Learning Course (Spring 2020)being taught at Information Technology University, Lahore, PakistanCorresponding email: inaam.ilahi@itu.edu.pk

Figure 1. Result of soft attention of our model. Figure shows eachword against the place of image where the attention-mechanismproposed the model to pay attention to.

visual question answering , and (v) context understanding.Although, huge amount of research work has been done inthis field for languages like English, French etc but there isno current research or publication that focuses on the Urdulanguage caption generation. Urdu language is spoken bymore than 100 million people of Pakistan and India. Thisserves as a motivation to our problem of generating Urducaptions to remove the language barriers. This will help thenatives in understanding visuals in many real world appli-cations.

There are several challenges associated with Urdu lan-guage caption generation. Some of them are:

• Urdu has its own set of syntactical, structural, andgrammatical rules which must be followed to generatea proper caption.

• There are many ways to write a single word by usingdifferent language symbols.

Several image-based datasets are available containingmultiple captions against each image in English language:









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(i) Flickr8k [15], (ii) Flickr30k [33], and (iii) COCO [26].[15] contains 8k images with 5 English captions againsteach image. [33] has 30k images with 5 English captionsagainst each image. [26] contains around 200k labelled im-ages. Owing to being short on time, we chose to work withFlickr8k [15] to work on. Different practices were followedwhen translating the captions to Urdu which are detailed inthe following sections.

The major contributions of our paper are:

• We prepare a dataset of Urdu language captions.

• We evaluate previous state-of-the-art techniques pro-posed for the task of caption generation.

• We enhance their performance by combining themwith newly proposed techniques.

• We do extensive testing and provide a detailed discus-sion of the results.

The rest of the paper is organized as: Section 2 providesa background of previously proposed techniques. Section3 we discuss our proposed mechanism. In Section 4, weevaluate our approach and show the results. In Section 5,we discuss the future directions in detail. The paper is con-cluded in Section 6.

2. Related Work

In pre-deep learning era, people used template-basedcaption generation techniques. Templates are filled by de-tecting different objects, and attributes. Farhadi et al. [12]proposed triplet of scene elements to fill the template. Li etal. [25] used a method to extract the phrases related to de-tected objects, attributes and their relationships. Kulkarni etal. [5] proposed a conditional random field (CRF) to inferthe objects, attributes, and prepositions before filling in thegaps. Although template based methods generate grammat-ically correct captions but they lack in providing flexibilityto change the length of text. Retrieval based caption gener-ation was introduced in [24]. Visually similar images andtheir captions are retrieved first from a large database andthen captions for queried image are generated. This methodproduces correct and generalizable captions but it can notgenerate semantically correct and mage specific captions.

Use of deep neural networks (DNNs) for caption gen-eration was first proposed by Kiros [22]. They proposedto use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for extract-ing features from images to generate captions. They usea multi-modal space to represent images and text jointlyfor multi-modal representation learning and image captiongeneration. This model use high level features which pro-vide more information, do not use fixed length templates,

and use multi-modal neural language models for improv-ing the results on language part. [18] argue that neural lan-guage models can not handle large amount of data and tomitigate this problem, [23] proposed LSTM based imagecaption generation model that can handle the long depen-dencies in a sentence. Furthermore, they propose a neurallanguage model for image caption generation: ”structure-content neural language model (SC-NLM)”.

LSTMS and RNNs removed the barriers in sequence tosequence sentence generation. Karpathy et al. [20] pro-posed a model that learns a joint embedding space for rank-ing and generation. Their model learns to score sentencesand image similarity as a function of R-CNN object detec-tion with outputs of a bidirectional recurrent neural net-works (RNNs). This method works at a finer level andembeds fragments of images and sentences. This methodbreaks down the images into a number of objects and sen-tences into a dependency tree relations (DTR) [9]. Afer that,it reasons about their latent and inter-modal alignment. Itshowed that the method achieves significant improvementsin the retrieval task compared to other previous methods.Despite of the great performance, this method faces a fewlimitations in the generation of dependency trees as themodel relations are not always appropriate.

Mao et al. [27] proposed multi-modal RNNs for imagecaption generation. Their proposed method uses 2 types ofneural networks: a deep CNN for images and a deep RNNfor sentences. These two networks interact with each otherin a multi-modal layer to form the whole model. Both imageand of sentences are given as input. It calculates the proba-bility distribution to generate the next word of the caption.Vinyals et al. [31] proposed a method called Neural ImageCaption Generator. They propose to use a CNN as an en-coder for feature extraction from images and a long shortterm memory (LSTM) for generating captions. The outputof the last hidden layer of the encoder is used as the inputto the LSTM. The LSTM is capable of keeping track of theobjects that have been described by the text. The modelis trained based on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)methods and uses joint embedding to generate image cap-tions.

Fang et al. [11] proposed a three-step pipeline for cap-tion generation by incorporating object detection. Theirmodel first learn detectors for several visual concepts basedon a multi-instance learning framework. A language modeltrained on captions was then applied to the detector outputs,followed by re-scoring from a joint image-text embeddingspace.

Xu et al. [32] proposed to use the output from the con-volutional layers instead of last hidden FC layers of theCNN. They introduced an attention-based image captioningmethod for the first time. These methods can concentrate onthe salient parts of the image and generate the correspond-


ing words at the same time. Two types of attention mecha-nisms are proposed in this paper: stochastic hard attentionand deterministic soft attention. It uses convolutional layersof CNN as encoder for extracting information of the salientobjects from the image. This method does not use fullyconnected layers, so that it can focus only on salient objectsfrom images. Attention mechanism helps to train model sothat it can detect which word describes which part of an im-age. LSTM is used as decoder that generate captions.

We focus on generating captions on images in Urdu lan-guage and there is no publication available for the same.This makes our work unique. Our work is much related tothe previous work done in English language proposed byXu et al. [32]. We train our caption generation model onnew CNN architectures to extract more features from im-ages to overcome the disadvantages of this model. We alsouse different optimization techniques in order to get betterresults. Furthermore, we replace LSTM in hard attentionmodels with gated recurrent unit (GRU) [6].

3. Proposed SolutionOur focus of work is on Whole Scene-based captioning.

As discussed in the introduction section, there is no datasetor a good translating API available which provides the cap-tions in Urdu. So, we divide our project into three parts:the first part focuses on the development of a dataset con-taining Urdu captions, the second part aims at developinga deep learning model which is sufficiently able to gener-ate understandable Urdu captions for a given image, and thelast part is to critically test this model. Furthermore, we alsotry performing some architectural changes in best model forimproved performance. These changes are discussed in thedeep learning model subsection.

Our final proposed architecture has been shown in Figure2. The details of each part of the model are discussed in thefollowing subsections.

3.1. Dataset Generation

We use the Flickr8k dataset to build our dataset. Follow-ing practices were followed in the creation of the dataset:

• The captions were divided in the people of the group,i.e., all the captions were not translated by the sameperson.

• All the captions of a certain image were not translatedat the same time.

• In case of a discrepancy of English translations fromthe images, the Urdu captions were written fromscratch on the base of the image.

• After successfully translating the captions by a person,they were reviewed by other people of the group.

This data was then preprocessed in order to be used asinput to the DL model. This preprocessing involved: (i)removing the punctuation, and (ii) tokenizing the dataset.Tokenizing with no spaces present among the words is a dif-ficult task in Urdu, as there are two types of: (i) non-joinersand (ii) joiners. The later change their shape depending onthe part of the word they exist in. The former retain theirshape despite of which part of the word they are present in.Even with joiners we can not be sure that the word is end-ing as they can also exist in the center of the word. Thereare several theorems available for tokenizing different lan-guages but none provides any code that might be useful inour problem of Urdu tokenization. So, adding spaces be-tween the words was kept in consideration while writingthe captions. These tokens were then further processed and< start > & < end > were added to each of the sentence.

3.2. Deep Learning Model

Our technique is hugely inspired by the technique of Xuet al. [32]. We have improved upon their performance.Our model consists of three major parts: encoder, atten-tion mechanism, and decoder. The input to the encoder isthe images with the captions. The output of the encoder ispassed to the attention mechanism and the LSTM that workin parallel to predict captions of the input image.

Encoder consists of the CNN which extracts featuresfrom image. The features are extracted from the last convo-lutional layer instead of the fully connected layers. The out-put of this CNN is fed to the attention mechanisms. The ad-vantage of taking the output of the last convolutional layeris that we can extract salient features that might otherwisebe lost in case of taking output from the fully connectedlayers. The latest CNN architectures including ResNet-101[13], DenseNet-161 [16], and InceptionV3 [30] were usedas CNN. ResNet-101 & InceptionV3 performed the besthence they were chosen for further testing. Using thesearchitectures we were able to extract comparatively morefeatures. We also tried different optimizers: namely, Mo-mentum [29], Adam [21], and RMSprop [14].

With the help of an attention mechanism, the model canlearn to focus on the relevant part of the image. We usedthe attention made by Bahdanau at el. [3]. This attentionmechanism was termed as ”Soft Attention” by Xu et al.[32]. This attention is deterministic, i.e., it pays equal atten-tion to all parts of the image. Image features and previoushidden state of decoder are passed to attention mechanism.The alignment score (AS) is first calculated by the attentionmechanism. This score tells the decoder about how muchattention decoder has to pay on a particular part of the im-age. The alignment score is calculated as:

AS = Wc × tanh((WD ×HD) + (WE ×XE)) (1)


Figure 2. Figure showing our proposed architecture. It is inspired by the architecture proposed by Xu et al. [32]. The input image is firstpassed into the encoder from which the output of the convolutional layers is passed into the GRU with attention mechanism. The proposedwords are then joined to form a complete caption against the image. These captions are then passed to the grammar testing DMM.

This score is then passed through a softmax in order tocalculate the weighted attention score (ASW ) as shown inequation 2.

ASW = softmax(AS) (2)

Then, context vector is generated by doing an element-wise multiplication of the attention weights with the en-coder outputs (extracted features) as shown in equation 3.Due to the softmax, if the score of a specific input elementis closer to 1, its effect and influence on the decoder outputis amplified, whereas if the score is close to 0, its influenceis drowned out and nullified.

Context V ector = ASW ×XE (3)

The context vector is further passed to the decoder whereit is concatenated with current input of decoder. The con-catenated output is then passed to GRU to generate nextword and this process repeats until last word of the captionis generated. These generated words are then concatenatedto generate a complete sentence.

The decoder consists of a GRU [6] to generate captions.GRU is similar to LSTM but has fewer parameters. GRUalso does not have an output gate. These features makeGRU faster, computationally inexpensive, and memory ef-ficient. GRU generates one word at each time step. Thisgenerated word is conditioned on the previous hidden stateof GRU, previously generated word, and context vector.Chung et al. [7] proved the GRU show more accurate re-sults on small datasets than the LSTMs. This makes GRUthe best choice for our problem.

Table 1. Table showing the BLEU performance of our techniqueon the different datasets. Only the best results have been reportedover here.

Our Dataset(Man-Urdu)


Models BLEU Dataset BLEUResnet-101-V2 0.83 Flickr-English 0.68Inception-V3 0.81 Man-English 0.66

Xception 0.8 Dog-Urdu [2] 0.68

4. Experimental Setup and Results

We have tested our proposed technique on our Flickr8kdataset’s subset, our own generated ’man’ dataset, and the’dog’ dataset generated by previous year’s group in the samecourse. Table 1 shows the BLEU performance of our model.It can be seen that our model is able to produce substantialBLEU score. We outperform the previous year’s group byalmost a double. Their BLEU score was 0.4 and we havemanaged to achieve a better BLEU score of 0.83. This canbe further increased by the use of the discussed Urdu gram-mar correction techniques in the following section. TheBLEU score on ’man’ dataset is better because very spe-cific and similar context based images were used and trans-lations were also done very carefully. Another advantage isthat in Urdu language much of words in sentences repeatsfrequently.

The results of our model’s attention mechanism are givenin Figure 1 and some predictions of our model on imagesfrom the validation dataset are shown in the figure 3. It canbe seen that the model is able to perform sufficiently well inpredicting the Urdu captions. A few wrong predictions canalso be seen. All our codes can be found at this link [17].


Figure 3. Predicted captions and BLEU scores of our model on 9 random images from validation data. It can be seen that our modelperforms sufficiently well on validation data.

5. Discussion

The major focus of previous research has been on thewestern languages. Due to this, there are scarce resourcesof eastern languages like Urdu. This has been a huge hur-dle in our work as we had to create the dataset ourselves.Urdu is comparatively complex as its morphology and syn-tax structure is a combination of Persian, Sanskrit, English,Turkish and Arabic [1].

Defining the word boundaries is a difficult task for Urduowing to difference in joiner and non-joiners. Even if we areable to properly define the word boundaries, the compoundwords like ”yahan-wahan”, ”torr-marror”, ”koh-paima” areneeded to be treated as a single word. This is a major hur-dle we faced as there is no complete dataset than can iden-

tify these words and hence help tokenizing the data. Thereare different techniques proposed like that of minimum editdistance that can be used to detect these but there are limi-tations due to the presence of outliers. The spaces must beignored in case of tokenization of Urdu [8], in the followingcases:

• Compound words like ”wazeer azam” etc

• Reduplication like ”subah subah” etc

• Affixation like ”sarmaya kaari” etc

• Proper nouns like ”inaam ilahi” etc

• English Words


Figure 4. Figure showing the parsing algorithm proposed in [19],where ECSM stands for ”Error Checking and Suggestion Mod-ule”.

• Abbreviations and acronyms

The model is not able to detect the nouns clearly. It is notable to detect the difference between ”karta hai” and ”kartihai”. This is a major problem faced while predicting usingour trained model. Such problems are not faced in English.

Stemming is major part of NLP. The objective of stem-ming is to standardize words by reducing a word into itsorigin or root [28]. We need to stem the data and keep themorphemes. Morpheme is the unit of language that reflectsa meaningful form of the word. These morphemes can helpus in identifying the object and the action being performedinside the image very clearly. The predicted sentences canthen be corrected grammar-wise. This will produce muchbetter results than by using simple tokenization and no otherpre-processing.

There are three types of techniques that can be used forUrdu language processing, namely: rule-based, statistical,and hybrid. As there are exceptions to every rule, so hybridapproach is the most suitable approach. Part-of-speech tag-ging can help us in finding the correct grammar and hencethe model can learn to generate grammar-wise better cap-tions. The unavailability of such a model for Urdu is a hur-dle in our task.

Bhatt et al. [4] proposed a multi-representational andmulti-layered tree-bank for Urdu. Their model proposesthe dependency and phrase structure of the input sentence.Their model might have been a great help to our project butthey have not made their code public and also they have per-formed the task for Roman Urdu while we are working on

Figure 5. Figure showing the segmentation scheme proposed in[10].

Nastaliq Urdu.Kabir et al. [19] propose a two-pass parsing algorithm.

In the first stage the model tries to predict the POS taggingof the input sentence. If it finds the input sentence to beinconsistent with the rules of Urdu grammar, then it sug-gests changes to the input sentences and after applying thosechanges the sentence is again passed to the parser. This sug-gestion of changes and again parsing is the second stage ofthe parsing algorithm. Along with grammatical mistakes italso looks for structural mistakes. The problem of unavail-ability of code was faced here. Their proposed work flow isshown in Figure 4.

Durrani et al. [10] propose a good workflow of Urdulanguage word segmentation. Figure 5 shows the sequencethat should be followed in order to pre-process the Urdudata to use it for any NLP task.

6. Conclusions and Future Work

We have prepared a dataset for Urdu language captiongeneration consisting of 700 images. Using this dataset wehave proposed a deep learning algorithm that produces ad-mirable results for similar unseen images. We show thatour algorithm performs better than the previous year’s group(that worked on the same problem) by almost a double mar-gin. We have also provided a discussion on grammar correc-tion of the proposed captions. Future work include devisinga technique through which we can back-propagate the lossback from the grammar testing model to the GRU.


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