Abril, Angelinn Meryl V. (Storyline Plot)

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Transcript of Abril, Angelinn Meryl V. (Storyline Plot)

STORYLINES (PLOTS)Abril, Angelinn Meryl V. BSMT2C Humanities 13July 10,2015Mr, Jaimie CabreraCentro Escolar University, Philippines

I learn about literary plots, electronic research,

and citing references by completing this activity.

If others can why can’t I?

See: Common Genres of Fiction hereSee: Homework Guide here


A plot is a series of interconnected events in which every occurrence has a specific purpose. A plot is all about establishing connections, suggesting causes, and showing relationships.


A plot is a sequence of events that make up a story

The plot of the story begins when a girl named Claui met this boy who transferred from London. It is a twist and turn movie wherein it began with just a bet. Would they continue being inlove or leave each other pretending that their relationship was a big joke!









Rising action of a story is the series of events that begin immediately after the exposition (introduction) of the story and builds up to the climax .


It is the most exciting part of the story The rising action is when they met at school

library. Claui is a student that is known for being excellent in school while the boy is just any other guy who just go to school. This is the part when he asked for help because of loaded school works and in turn this is the where the story all began.



Turning point is a point in time when something happens that causes a shift or an irrevocable change in direction.

http://www.yourdictionary.com/turning-point Change in direction/motion As I said in the introduction that this is a twist

& turn kind of story. It was just the need of help that’s why the boy approached Claui but then he tried if he can get this girl because his friends asked him to do it in an exchange of Nike basketball shoes. But as the day go by, all the time that they are together love forms.


CLIMAX Climax is the moment of greatest emotional

tension. http://study.com/academy/lesson/climax-in-lite

rature-definition-examples.html It is the most intense and exciting part of the

story The climax of the story is when they are on a

midnight date lying in blanket and watching the starts. As their conversations go by, they talked about their status, experiences & challenges they encountered in life. Then the boy confessed his intention with the Claui before. He didn’t expect that their will be something between them.



The falling action is where all the tension is lessening after the final confrontation has happened and the audience knows the outcome.


It is the part of literary part after the climax. The conflict has been resolved.

After that midnight date, they never spoke again. Even if the boy is begging for forgiveness. After graduation, Claui made up her mind that it’s time to let go & move on. So that she will not carry this feeling until the end.



 The act of finding an answer or solution to a conflict or problem.


It the answer or solution to the problem After 3 years, they both got a job in the same

hospital. They both knew that it is a new start to correct the mistakes that they did before. After all those experiences they were able to move forward without this heavy feeling dragging them down.


PLOT ELEMENTS: Brain PracticeAbril, Angelinn Meryl V. BSMT2CJuly 10, 2015 ; Humanities 12Mr. Jaimie CabreraCentro Escolar University, Philippines

I personalize my learning about the parts of literary

plot by completing this three-part activity.

Related Stuff

New concepts learned I learned about the storylines (plots) it’s

meaning & it’s connection to real life. We all have a different story that we can correlate in this activity by just labeling the plot, climax, and resolution in our own lives.


This reminds me of… There comes the point in my life that

tests you how strong you are. For me, my life is a combination of sunshine & rain. There are times that I feel blue because of problems that I think will follow me wherever I go. But beyond that there will always be sunshine after the rain and this is what I call my good times. Every experience in life which I believe makes me stronger with lessons that can help me throughout life.


Usefulness in real situations There are times in life that you think you

couldn’t make it like it’s the end. But we don’t know that there will always be a part of downfall in our lives. To reflect in life with correlation to this topic there will always be a resolution to it. We should not just remain stagnant because life is moving forward.


Note: Tests may include ideas from this source and this source.

Works Cited List all sources used in this slideshow. Use the APA format. 10 references per slide Duplicate this slide for long lists of

reference. This is part is counted as one quiz (not

one quiz per slide).


SEVEN POINTS1. http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~

emchen/CLit/study_elements.htm2. http://


3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dramatic_structure

4. http://www.yourdictionary.com/turning-point5. http://


6. http://study.com/academy/lesson/climax-in-literature-definition-examples.html

7. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/resolution

8. http://weheartit.com