Abraham Hicks PortlandORBTranscript

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Transcript of Abraham Hicks PortlandORBTranscript

  • Jerry & Esther Hicks Portland, OR 05/08/01 B 1

    Abraham-Hicks Publications Transcript

    Portland, Oregon 5/8/01 B

    This is the Science of Deliberate Creation, and this Abraham-Hicks dialog was recorded at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of May, of the year 2001. Recorded and printed Abraham-Hicks materials are copyrighted by Jerry and Esther Hicks, and the unauthorized duplication of this recording is strictly prohibited. Our primary intent with this work is to connect with those who are attracting this information, and your purchase of these materials fulfills that intention. Plus, you also help us to afford the means to connect with other seekers, and Esther and I are most appreciative of the role of your intentions in this joyous co-creative experience. For additional tapes, books, catalogs, or to reserve your space at an Abraham-Hicks Art of Allowing Workshop, please call 755-2299, area code 830, or write to Abraham-Hicks Publications at Post Office Box 690070, San Antonio, Texas, and the zip code is 78269. Also, for an immediate overview of our work, visit our interactive website at: www.abraham-hicks.com. His issue (subject): attracting significant relationship. A And are you refreshed? Good. Q Im wanting specifics on how to do that 30 day plan. A Well, it is much simpler than all this talking that we are doing makes it seem. It is. For the next 30 days, make a decision that you will be, more than usual, aware of your emotions. And when you find yourself feeling anything less than what you would call positive emotion, when you feel frustration, or overwhelment, or discouragement, or fear, or blame, or guilt, or any of those emotions that you would describe as not feeling so good, stop and laugh as soon as you can, as you focus upon whatever it is that youre focused upon. And say to yourself, Im doing that thing I do right now. Im not in the receiving mode. And laugh about it if you can. And then reach for a more receiving mode thought. You may have, as we watch most of you, an average of, dont let this upset you, 2000 episodes of negative emotion in a day, all pointing at three things. So if you catch one or 200 of them, and reach for a better-feeling thought, then the next day you may have a handful fewer. But you have a higher sensitivity to your emotions. Now, the next day, you may catch 50% more than you did the day before. And each time you stop and laugh and say, This is what Im doing, just in the awareness that this is what youre doing; as youre aware that this is what youre doing, you change the subject. You change the subject from doing that thing you do that locks you off the receiving mode, to an awareness that you want to be locked onto the receiving mode. In other words, just being aware and making even the slightest effort makes an enormous difference in the ratio of locked on/locked off. We see many of you get in mental workshops, you play the games or processes that Abraham and others offer, or you listen to music, or you play music, or you write music. You do all kinds of things that keep you from being locked onto

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    your signal. Or you do all kinds of things that deliberately lock you on as youre in the workshop, or as youre playing the game, or if youre listening to the music. And then as you are moving through your day to day experience, without even knowing it, you are focusing on those things that do not let the Energy flow, not being aware that you are doing that. So you spend a small percentage of your time, maybe 1 or 2 or 3% deliberately lining up your Energy with your desire, but then you fall back into your normal patterns of expectation and beliefs. And thats what youre talking about here. Youre wanting to do something about changing your normal expectations, patterns and beliefs. And the way you do that is by paying attention to emotions because theyre pointing right at it every time. Every single time, right at it. And thats why we want you to have the feeling of catching the opossum in the chicken coop with egg on his face. Its really quite a funny thing. In other words, its not a bad thing. Its not a wrong thing. Its a funny thing. Its the evidence right then and there. If you want to ramble a little bit, well help you catch yourself. Q Yeah. I mean money is one of the issues. That and a mate. Id really like to have a partner in life. Those two issues are something A Now what do you mean by issues? Q Things I think about often that I want more of. A That arent working. [right] When someone has an issue, isnt it usually Im not where I want to be place? So you can begin even by finding a different word for that. Its not an issue. Issue is way too big a word. Its not an issue. Its not a constant state of affairs. Its a subject that is in the process of evolving and improving. Can you feel the difference? Issue is, sort of, locked off. Never ending unfolding, thats locked on. So talk to us about relationships. Q Just meeting people, or meeting someone, a partner, it seems like I meet a lot of women who seem to really fit what I want, but then theres no love excitement there. Or I get excited about women who just dont match at all. A Alright now, how much of that was locked on and how much of that was locked off? Q It was pretty much all locked off. A Well, we heard a little locking on. We heard you offer some things that we felt flashes of things that felt good within you. But youre right, the underlying feeling is, things are not going for me relative to relationships in the way that I want them to. And so what might you say or think or focus upon that would be a little more locked on in nature? Q Well, the fact that I have met women that seem to really A Yes, theyre out there. Q Yeah, theyre out there.

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    A And Law of Attraction can match us up. And if Law of Attraction had matched me up with someone before I learned how to lock onto my signal, then Id be in the middle of a relationship with somebody whos not very often locked onto their signal. So isnt it nice that Im getting locked on before my partner comes? Q See that one almost moves into negative for me, because its been a few years since Ive had a significant relationship. And Ive kind of thought that; its been kind of an excuse for me. Ive done so much growth in these few years that I might not have done if Id had a partner, or it would have been different kinds of growth. I have really enjoyed the growth, but in a way its kind of turned into an excuse for why I havent had what I wanted. A So I have not grown enough to become sufficient enough to be worthy enough to have earned enough what Im wanting. Q Yeah. A Its alright; a lot of people are looking at it in this way, as a sort of earning thing. Or you might say, Hmm, my partner is coming, and Im catching onto this. And there is no end to any journey. And I am having fun along the way. And I am getting clearer about what I am wanting. And Im as clear now I think as I may ever be. And I think the Universe is knowing what Im looking for, and now Im practicing this being in the receiving mode more, Ill begin to see more evidence of it. And isnt it going to be fun watching the unfolding of this? And am I not enjoying the parade of people that are coming into my experience? And isnt it fun to feel myself in control of my own vibration? And arent I really, all things considered, doing very well? And when I think about my life in general, Im rather pleased with who I am and what Ive achieved. And isnt it nice to be in the fine-tuning mode? And isnt that what life is about anyway? Isnt it interesting that since I will never get it done, that theres no reason to feel any incompletion about this? Q Its hard. A How so? Q Because I do want it. Its not about completion. Like I said, I enjoy the fact that Im not going to be done, thats always excited me. Ive always had a really hard time with believing I was going to get somewhere and be fixed or something. But its hard because I want it now. I want it now. And its not about completion, its just about this is where I am now, so A But what is it that you want now? Q A relationship. A Alright then, why is it that you want a relationship now? Q Because its going to give me a lot of the things thatyou know, the intimacy, the sharing, the A Because you think in the having of it, you will feel better in your now.

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    Q Oh yeah. A So, it was a trick question, we were deliberately trapping you. Because we know that there isnt anything that any of you want, no matter what it is, money, or relationships or experiences, that is for any other reason than that you think you would feel better in the having of it. And what were wanting to help you to realize is that you can feel better even in the not having of it, by making a decision that there is a way to feel better even in the not having of it. We would go so far as to say to you, it is time for you to figure out that you can feel better in the not having of it, in order to have it. Because everything is sort of backwards in this physical human approach to things. Give me the relationship and I will feel better. We hear it from so many. And we say, Feel better and you will allow yourself to receive the relationship that has already been given. Q Ive had that message partially, yes. Focus on the essence of the desired relationship. A It would be so much easier if I could just have it, and then I would feel better. And we say, you have to find a way to feel better now. You have to start taking satisfaction in your search. You have to start taking satisfaction in your personal growth. You have to start taking satisfaction in all of the parts of your life that are working. You must de-emphasize whats not working, and emphasize what is working. You must do way more optimism about this than you do pessimism about it. You must leave behind you all the funny jokes youve been telling about how long youve been alone. You have to leave all of that behind, and you have to start focusing upon the essence of what you want. In other words, the essence of a relationship. What is the essence of a relationship? The essence of a relationship is a feeling of Well-Being, a feeling of security, a feeling of companionship, the feeling of home, the feeling of love, the feeling of trust, the feeling of adoration being received, the feeling of adoration going through you. The essence of a relationship is splendor. The essence of a relationship is sensual and secure and life-giving and expansive and funny and proud. The essence of a relationship is not lonely. Q I havent had a lot of negative, Im really quite happy in my life in many ways. And a lot of what youre saying Ive been practicing that for years. Im a pretty happy person in general. But what Ive been doing was, okay, Im happy, but Ill be even happier, is what Ive been doing. Ive been practicing being happy, but I still have that A Youve been holding yourself, youve been depriving yourself of the essence of a relationship, because the face isnt in your bed. Q Exactly. A And so, now what youve just said to us as you listened to us, you said, Ive got that, I know that, I feel that way, that essence is me. And so, youll be less likely to hold yourself apart from that in that realization. That was a big realization.

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    You see, the having of an experience comes after you vibrationally achieve the essence of it. The essence of it is the vibration of it. The experience of it is the manifestation of it. So the essence of it is finding the feeling-place of it. So when we say find the feeling-place of a relationship, sometimes people go to work on imagining the relationship, and all it does is make them feel more lonely in their moment. Which is not getting the job done. What youre wanting to do is pay attention to the way you feel and watch for the evidence of things that feel like the essence of what you want. Because when you feel that, then youre locked onto your signal. Which sometimes meanschange the subject, which sometimes meanswatch a couple in a restaurant, which sometimes meansremember your favorite part in a movie you watched, which sometimes meansturn on the television and rendezvous with something that causes that to resonate within you. Which sometimes meansremembering a little piece of a relationship that you had ten years ago. Which sometimes meansgoing to your fantasy. Which sometimes meansjust enjoying the pizza that youre eating right now, and the perfection of your life thats happening thats altogether apart from that specific subject. You could pet your cat and bring your partner in. You just cant focus upon the absence of your partner and bring your partner in. Good. Q You got me, thank you. Humorist questions concept of natural born leaders. Q Im interested in the topic of humor, and you had mentioned Esthers father talking about all the parts that make one good person, and how that turned into, sort of, a justification of where he was at. And I really love humor, and I love laughing. I try to introduce it into just about everything Im doing if I can. A Good. Humor is about connection. Humor is almost always about a mixture of perspectives. Its about timing and perspective. So when you are tuned in, tapped in, turned on, and your Source Energy is flowing through you, you have much greater probability of being able to insert a different point of view and provide the basis for something that is humorous. Q One of the things I wonder about, is I always would hope that when I express humor or a different point of view, like you say, with the intention of humor, within me I find the humor of it, often, easily. When I express it to others, I often find that they are even offended, perhaps, or hurt, or upset or dont want to talk to me any more. Im trying to understand, why does that happen? A Then you will be a famous comedian. Well, we would say to you, if you are feeling good within your humor, and you express something with the intent of upliftment, which is what is at the basis that we feel from you here now, and someone else takes offense at it, all that means is that they are not in sync with who-they-are, and so a misunderstanding occurs. Because when your intent is to uplift and someone is not uplifted, theres not all that much you could do about it. You could not be funny enough to make them laugh, nor could you stand on your head, usually, in enough different ways to make them feel better. And we would not attempt it. Jerry talked about how as he traveled about in his years of show business, he was a master of ceremonies for many different presentations. And for a period of time, preceding the

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    show that he was traveling with, as the audience was sort of gathering and settling in, they would show an Abbot and Costello movie. And he noticed that in the cities where people were really enjoying this silly film, that their road show was well received, too. But in the cities where they were not having any of the film, they werent having any of them either. And it surprised him, because before that experience he thought that, Well, the film is what it is. Its just this silly thing, and it might resonate with people and it might not. But we are a live stage show, he thought, and we can move about. We can change our presentation. We can change our timing. We can be funnier. The film cannot be funnier than it is. We could be extra funny, or have extra timing. And what he discovered was, if they werent laughing at the film, they didnt laugh at them. In other words, the audience was sort of where it was. It already had adjusted to its receiving or not receiving mode. And thats more or less what we would give to you here in your attempt at humor, or in your attempt in interfacing with anyone. You just have to be who-you-are. The best you can do is be certain that you are connected to your Source Energy, and let everybody else figure it out for themselves. Some of them will adore you, some of them will hate you, and none of it has anything to do with you. Jerry does his thing, and he really doesnt care whether you like it or not. He likes it. He entertains himself with it. He sees some not listening. He sees some using that as a reason to talk to their neighbor or leave the room altogether. Doesnt make any difference to him. Q Im often accused of being very good at entertaining myself. A If we were standing in your physical shoes, that would be our dominant quest. In other words, entertaining yourself, pleasing yourself, connecting with yourself, being yourself, enjoying yourself, loving yourself. Some say, Well, Abraham, you teach selfishness. And we say, Yes we do, yes we do, yes we do. Because unless you are selfish enough to reach for that connection, you dont have anything to give anyone anyway. And when you are selfish enough to make that connection, you have an enormous gift that you give everywhere you are. My guidance vs. Inner Being guidance? Q Thats given me something to think about. Guess Ill go to my next question. In my ongoing adventure with horses, I notice that there is this whole thing about alpha horses, and Ive heard you talk about alpha in terms of dogs. If youre going to have dogs you definitely want to be the alpha dog in the group. Alpo dog? A Actually, we think that is someone elses acknowledgment about that. Weve noticed that the mutt is as happy. Are you talking about leaders and followers? Q Yeah. So Im wondering, well, in particular with horses, but with just about any Being, is it natural for one horse to be the leader of the group and make the primary decisions? A Yes. Here is the optimum experience. Lets talk about the beasts first. When you are in a herd, and you are individually connected to Source Energy as most herds are, then you are receiving Collective Consciousness. In other words, you are all receiving information. And in that dance one is guided to lead while others are guided to follow, but its all inspiration from that Broader point of view. And the feeling of competition is not expressed in that way.

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    Lets back up into another place. You heard us talking about the satellite, the beaming of the satellite and the receiver. And so, leader and follower is, you lead with your desire, and you follow with your allowing. And so, when you think in terms of being Collective Consciousness, when you are interacting with others, when you understand that everyone who is asking for anything is leading by the power of their desire, and the Universe is actually answering. And then to the degree with which you get into the receiving mode, you allow. It sort of falls into the category that we feel from so many of our humans as they are trying to findit may be at the heart of your question heretheyre trying to find their place in relationship to their Source Energy here and now. How much of my life am I supposed to guide, and how much of it is really listening to guidance that is coming from someplace else? Is that sort of what youre getting at with this unfolding of questions thats happening here? Q It is one of my main issues. A How do I know whether I am receiving inspiration from Broader Perspective, and how do I know when its time for me to project the Broader Perspective? How much of my life experience is meant to be the following of gods wishes or someone elses wishes, even my Nonphysical wishes, and how much of it am I setting into motion here? And we say, when you are feeling good, when you are locked into the receiving mode, then that dance of leader and follower, those lines are so blurred you dont feel the need to have to define from where it is coming. The most important thing for you to recognize is that this is a Law of Attraction- based Universe in which we are all participating. Which means, there is no assertion. And if there is no assertion, then there is no real leader outside of the individual who is making individual choices. You get a sense of what we are talking about? So it turns out you are the leader of your experience, as well as you are the follower of your experience. And the more connected to Source Energy you are, then the more you feel the perfection of that dance. Sometimes in your relationships you really want someone else to lead. For a lot of reasons. You might be tired, you might be confused, you might have led yourself into places you didnt want to go. You might feel insecure. You might be convinced that others know more than you. Many of you have been trained to let others lead, because when you got here, you were really little. And the people that were around you were eager to lead you. Everybody you knew wanted to lead you. They wanted to guide your every move just about. And so many of you sort of relaxed into that and allowed others to lead while you were finding your way. Others of you, early on, recognized that you did not necessarily want to go where they were wanting to lead you, that you wanted to figure it out on your own. And we would say that none of you intended ever to have someone else lead you very far for very long. All of you are freedom-seeking individual Consciousness wanting to make your own decisions. However, when you reach for connection to Source Energy, you are Collective Consciousness with knowing. And all of your insecurities then go away. And when all of your insecurities then go away, then theres no feeling of competition. And then it doesnt matter whos leading. Then you begin to recognize that its just the Universe assisting you in expansion. Leading and following becomes a non-issue. Youre following impulses. Youre following impulses, but how do the impulses get set into motion for you to follow them? You launch them through the power of your desire. Everybody that weve ever known at every level of their Being is a leader and a follower, a leader and a follower, a desirer and allower, a desirer and allower. So then, you get together with other people. And sometimes theyre clearer about their desire or theyre even clearer

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    about what you want than you are. And then they feel like leaders to you for a little while. Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you sat down, you chewed over many different topics? Neither one of you really gave the other one anything that they could actually work with. But when you left the conversation, you were full of ideas that you didnt have before? Because something within that stimulated new awarenesses. It turns out contrast is the leader. Because contrast produces the desire. Oh no, it turns out desire is the leader. But then the Universe answers it. Turns out that the Universe is the leader. But then you allow. Turns out you Doesnt matter what label you assign to any of it. She doesnt believe humans have personal choices. Q I have a question that comes up often in discussion about choice. And I know you use the word a lot. It goes into the aspect of free will. And my belief is that we really dont have choice, because the We is really Consciousness, which is greater than the me. So can you address that? A Everything that youve said is true, which sounds a little screwy, because how can it all be true? You are right when you say there is Consciousness and that the We really is this greater Consciousness. But you, the perspective known as the personality of you, have the opportunity of aligning with that Broader Perspective or not. In other words, Consciousness is a flowing thing and its not all flowing in the same direction or about the same thing at the same time. So you in every moment have full freedom to align with any aspect of any Consciousness that you choose. In other words, what you focus upon is the choice that you are making. Now in broader terms, you can never really get disconnected from Source Energy. You are Source Energy expressing here through this perspective. While you could pinch yourself off from it for awhile, maybe even years, maybe even a whole physical lifetime, in the moment of your reemergence into Nonphysical, that process that physical Beings call death, you would reemerge right back into the fullness of the Pure Positive Energy. And so you might say, Well, in light of that, I really could not choose disconnection, because I couldnt hold myself apart from it for very long. Eventually Id croak and reemerge back into the full essence of the Pure Positive Energy. Thats one of the fantastic things about being a Human Being, a Creator, in an environment of contrast. You have so much variety of that which you can give your attention to. And giving your attention to is a vibrational choosing. Everything is about inclusion. So when you see something wanted, you are including it. When you see something not wanted, you are including it. When you say yes, you are including it. When you say no, you are including it. Your attention to it is the choosing of it. And so, if what you said were really accurate, you would be saying, I am Source Energy, flowing through this physical body. And since Im Source Energy flowing through this physical body, it would not be possible for me to give my attention to anything other than what my Source Energy would give its attention to. And that is not true. When you choose to focus upon things that your Source Energy would choose, or is choosing to focus upon, you feel the fullness of that Source Energy flowing through you in that moment. But when you choose something different from that, you feel that locked off feeling. You feel that negative emotion. And that is in fact what those indicators are telling you. They are telling you, youve made a different choice. Not forever, you cant make it forever. But in this moment. Q Where does that feeling come from?

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    A Its the indicator of the discord of vibration. Everything about you is an interpretation of vibration. Because after all, this is a vibrational Universe. And so what you see with you eyes is a vibrational interpretation. Everything is. So your emotions are vibrational interpreters. So when you feel joy, or appreciation, that means you are, with your conscious brain, your personality, you are choosing to focus upon something that is so in alignment with your Source Energy, that there is no discord in the vibration. So positive emotion means harmony of vibration. Negative emotion means disharmony of vibration. One is allowing Source Energy; the other is disallowing Source Energy. Allowing, resistance. Q So, the question then about choice to me brings us to judgment. In other words, I can make a good choice or a bad choice or a wrong choice. Or we can judge someone else. A Lets put it into different words. I can make a good feeling choice or a bad feeling choice. I can make a choice from my Broader Perspective, or a choice absent of my Broader Perspective. In other words, a judgment is, as you are looking into this buffet, and you say, I prefer that, I prefer that, certainly those are choices. And you can tell by the way you feel whether you are in vibrational harmony with who-you-really-are or not. Heres a good example. Esther turned on the television the other day and saw a man expressing his rage and discomfort at people who are doing what Esther does. And as Esther heard him, she disagreed with what he said, but she had a choice of the way she felt about it. She could say, Oh, you are a stupid fool and you just dont know what youre talking about, and you are what the problem is with this world, and if people are spreading around what you are spreading around, this is whats wrong with the world today. In which case she is using him as her excuse to not connect to Source Energy. Or she can say, Here you are speaking what you believe, isnt it lovely that you can express what you believe and be in alignment with your Source? And I can express what I believe and be in alignment with my Source? And isnt it nice that we dont all have to believe the same thing? If you are using your judgment to choose for you, its one thing. If you are using your judgment to push against someone else, its something else altogether. Everything is a sort of judgment. Thats what this contrasting Universe is about. You cannot help but feel preference. The only question that we would ever ask is... and we would even ask it as we are watching someone like this man on the television. He did not appear to really be in alignment with Source Energy, because he was not expressing a feeling of security. He was expressing a feeling of fear. And he said something that actually made Esther laugh. He said, And God is really getting fed up with Lucifer. And is getting ready to do something about him. And Esther said, Youd have thought hed have done that a long time ago. It cannot possibly be a fear-based environment. And so when you are making your choices, and you are choosing things that feel good to you when you are making them, then you are always in concert with Source Energyalways. Weve never seen it otherwise, not even once. Sometimes people worry about someone like Abraham really encouraging the freedom of choice. Because theyre not all that sure that everyone would choose wisely. Starting with yourself, or maybe your children. If we dont have anything that restrains us at all, wont there be a big problem? Esther saw a funny program on television not too long ago, where little children are playing and talking with each other. And one of them announces to the group that his father has just explained to him that there is no devil. And the little children sat and listened in amazement.

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    And then, they felt very excited. And then, they all in that moment began to be as bad as they could think of being. Because there was no retribution. Since there is no devil, then there is nothing to worry about. The devil seemed to be the one restraining factor. And, of course, it isnt that way, is it? There is no arbitrator. There are no restraining factors. Youre either tuned in, tapped in, turned on and you can feel it, or youre not. Youre either allowing the fullness of who-you-are, or youre not. And you can give all kinds of reasons and excuses for being connected or not being connected, but it all boils down to youre either an extension in this moment of who-you-really-are, or youre not. Still killing and molesting whales and kids? Q The other thing that is, kind of, somewhat along those lines is, I always try to get a big picture of the world and what were doing. And its like I can hold almost everything, but then theres the, I dont even know what Im asking. Theres some things that, I guess, on the smorgasbord, I go, that thing. People are still killing whales and killing each other, and molesting kids. And, somehow, in that balance of not putting my attention to it, then I think that, somehow Im saying that thats okay. Im very idealistic, and theres this discord, and I dont really know how to manage it. A Heres the thing. Its a quandary between doing something about something. So many say, If you dont do something about something then things dont change. And putting my head in the sand which might feel better to me, but doesnt feel like its helping humanity in the way that it should. As you see things not wanted, and you feel that feeling as you see it, and within that, you feel a rocket of desire within you that things be differentlynow your work is to find harmony with your own rocket of desire. Which means, every time you turn back and look at things that are not as you want them to be, you are in discord with your own rocket. Q Yeah, yeah. A So whats the question or the problem? Q No, thats me walking through the world sometimes. [Jerry: This is the end of side A of this recording. Please turn the cassette over and continue with the message.] A What you are defining here is the exact process of perfection that you knew you would be embarking upon as a leading edge creator. You did not say, I will choose an environment where everywhere I look, things please me. You said, I will choose an environment where I will be stimulated to better ideas. And when the better idea comes, I will attune to the better idea, I wont keep looking back at what caused the better idea to be born. And thats the discipline that is required. There are those that would say to you, well, we need you to keep looking at the problem, because weve discovered that we can motivate you to the action that serves us more by keeping you looking at the problem if we can keep you aggravated about all of this. Youre more likely to give us your money to support our organization, or youre more likely to give us your money in order to keep our dream afloat.

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    Q And that keeps the problem going. A And what youre wanting to say is, I felt the aggravation, I felt the rocket of desire, I asked the Universe, on your behalf, for a resolution. I know that when anyone asks the Universe always answers. So helps on the way. And Im going to do my best about helping us all to receive the help that is on the way, by holding myself in vibrational harmony with the desire that I have identified. There are so many well-meaning people who see the contrast, give birth to the rocket of desire, feel it powerfully, shout it to the Universe, and the Universe is answering. And then, theyre campaigning against whats wrong and holding themselves apart from the solution. Even though solutions are happening all over the world, they never have access to them, because they are vibrationally so different from the solutions, that even though they are happening, they never get to see a glimpse of them. Its sort of like coming into a new town. Youve been hearing about this beautiful little city on another continent. And you go there, and the day that you get there it has been raining and the sewers are sort of overflowing. And when you step out of your taxi, the first thing you see is something unpleasant. And then you say, so this is what Ive been waiting for? And we say, this is only a part of it. Now you can get stuck there. If you make your decision that this is what this is, then the Universe will deliver only these kinds of experiences to you everywhere you go. And you say, Well, how did I get here? I wasnt thinking about that, how did I get here? And we say, wherever you are is a Vibrational Match to what you have been thinking. But now you have the opportunity to choose something new. So you say, Well, I would like to see some more uplifting parts of this city. And then you say, Like, Ive heard its like this, and Ive heard its like this. And Ive heard its like this. And you spend some time. Even though youre standing there with sewage around your ankles, Ive heard its like this. You have to find vibrational harmony with where you want to be, before the Universe can yield it to you. We wouldnt attempt in any way to try to convince you that there are not things that are happening in your world that you dont want to happen. But, looking at the things that you dont want, will never make your world more as you want it to be. It will only drag you down into the discord of that. As a creator, you are better off with those things you dont want in your world than if your world was, by your standards, perfect in every way today. Those things cause you to reach beyond what-is. And if you do not find reason to reach beyond what-is, then you stand still, and none of us can do that. There is only motion forward. Contrast assures that. We want you to begin to make contrast your friend. Let it be alright that there are unwanted things around. Let it be alright. And lets talk about why. Let it be alright that there are things that you wouldnt choose, because there are others who would choose them. Oh, thats benevolent of me. Well, then, let it be alright that there are things that you would not choose that others would choose, because you want it to be alright that there are things that you would choose that others would not choose. We are all free or none of us are free. And so, if you like being able to choose the things that you like to choosethen it must be alright with you that others choose the things that they want to choose. And you say, Oh thats so hard! Its so hard. I want them to choose, within reason, only things that I would choose. And we say, then somebody gets to choose what you would choose. And you say, Well, cant we just all agree on whats alright for us to choose? And we say, hows that working out for you?

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    Today there are bombs being dropped on nations that choose other than you would have them choosefor no reason other than that they are choosing other than you would have them choose. You say, Our way of government is the only way that is acceptable. And we will snuff out all others who are choosing otherwise. And we say, well, where does that one end? It turns out that it is all being orchestrated from that Broader Perspective. Lets say that some of you get very influential. And you manage to offer your brand of beliefs in such a way that everybody on the planet today, just for a moment, at about 4:30 this afternoon, believes as you believe. Just for that moment, you finally got it done. But then, tomorrow, a whole avalanche of new spirits, renegade spirits, come forth into new bodies with whole different sets of ideas and intentions of everything that you have orchestrated. In other words, the balance of intent is coming forth from that broader Nonphysical perspective. The variety is supreme. Because out of that variety, each genius Consciousness gets to choose something more. The discord and the squalor and suffering and the poverty and the negative emotion and the illness, all the bad stuff that you see or hear about in your physical environment, is not because blessed spirits are coming forth and choosing bad things. In every single case, every bit of that suffering or sickness, or sadness is because somebodys locked off their signal momentarily. You dont need to worry about the choices. Its not because the choices are there that people are making horrible choices. In fact, the more that they feel that they dont have choices, the more locked off they are, and the more choices that feel awful they make. Those kids that are acting out in violence, arent acting out from their place of feeling free and secure. Theyre feeling bound and insecure. Theyre frightened. Theyre fighting for their very life, on vibrational levels. It doesnt take many like you to lie in your bed, acknowledge some violence that you worry about, and feel the discomfort of it, and then feel the rocket of desire burst forth that your children, and children like them, have lovely environments to grow up in. And then as you reach for thoughts, in the next 30 days, that cause you to lock onto that feeling of Well-Being, you would be amazed at the power of influence that the effort of one individual provides. You didnt come to this world because it is broken and needs fixing. You came to this world because it is fantastic and you wanted to be here. And then, when you get here, when you start finding fault with parts of it that dont please you, you sort of negate the balance that you knew would be there, that you chose to begin with. Thats why we want you to begin relaxing and allowing everything to be okay for awhile. Begin saying, as we said to Jerry the first 2000 questions that he asked, or nearly so, Well, thats not your work. Well, thats not your work. Well, thats not your work. Well, thats really not your work. Well, dont worry about that, thats not your work. Well, thats really not your work. Thats not your work. Well, really, thats not your work. And pretty soon you come around to, Well, then, what is my work? And we say, your work is to joyously choose thoughts, words and actions that feel good while you choose them. And you say, Well, that doesnt sound like enough justification for this life experience. How will I separate myself from the others? How will I stand out? How will I become the leader of the pack? How will I get the most stars on my chart? How will I excel? The other day we asked a group, Does it bother you that Source Energy adores 100% of your population? How do you feel about that? Source Energy adores, not just tolerates, not just allows, Source Energy adores100% of the population. Some were irritated at the idea, because theyve been working very hard to be virtuous and praiseworthy. And its irritating that those not working nearly as hard are still adored.

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    When you reach this place that its alright with you, that everythings alright, then you have no reason, ever again, to lock off your signal. That doesnt mean you dont have preferences. But when you no longer are condemning or pushing against, negating, trying to remove something, then youre no longer a Vibrational Match to any of that, and then, only Well-Being can be your experience. And through the power of your example, your children will discover the same. In fact, your children already know it. They try to tell you. Havent you heard them? Mom its alright, really its alright. Dont make a big deal out of this. Its alright. It didnt mean anything, its alright. You hear this from these little teachers, and you say, It is not alright! It is not alright. This was a wrong thing that happened. And Im going to make a big hairy uncomfortable deal about this for the rest of the time that we are together. And they say, Well, I thought it was alright. It seemed alright. Maybe its not alright, as they pick up their first locked off feeling. And innately they know it cant be right because it doesnt feel good. But with enough coaching The other day Jerry and Esther had an interesting experience. They were in a campground in Petaluma, and Esther was sitting at the kitchen table of the motor coach sort of working on her computer and watching out the window. And she saw a little tiny white-headed boy run by. And she expected to see an adult running right behind him, but no one came. And so she stood up and watched him, and he ran that way, and then he ran that way, and then he ran that way. And then she saw him make the decision to run that way. And as she saw him make the decision to run that way, she also saw a motor home coming around the corner towing a car, moving right down, and Esther could see that the motor home and the little boy, who was running between motor coaches, was going to arrive at the same spot at the same time. And she leaped to her feet, realizing in that moment that she did not have time to get out her door and over to where he was in time. And as she leaped to her feet, it all was happening at once, a man came running from the other direction, swoops the little boy up, and Esther said, Ah. All is well. And then she said, That was a close one. And we said, theres no such thing as a close one. In other words, Well-Being abounds. This man carried this little boy to his parents, and commenced to give them the lecture of their lifetime. About how they should be watching him, and how if it had not been for him, the little one would have been flattened. And on and on and on he went, the blood veins bursting in his neck, as he is delivering his package. And Esther thought, well, it was a close call, or it seemed like it was a close call. And then she remembered that everything is happening in vibrational harmony with the vibration that is being offered. In other words, you cant buck the current of vibration, and when the current is what it is, thats the way that it plays out. Well-Being abounds there. And the lecture was inappropriate. Now Jerry said, Its like, do you remember the boogie man? Esther said, I remember. And Jerry said, The boogie man was that monster that you told your children about in order to control their behavior. Dont go out there, because I want you in here. And if you go out there, the boogie man will get you. And then Esther said, Its interesting isnt it? There wasnt a boogie man out there. But you told your child that there was. So hes getting these false readings. Hes being told that theres something to be frightened of thats out there, and hes not feeling any of it. And so right away he begins to not trust his Guidance, because hes not feeling any of that. And yet hes wanting to believe you, and all youre trying to do is control his experience. Hmm, weve just given you the basis of religion on your planet. In other words, thats how most of it exists. In order for me to be happy, I need you to behave in these ways. And so, I

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    will threaten you with the Boogie Man of all boogie mans. And even though your Guidance, your own personal Guidance, does not tell you that this is inappropriate behavior, Im telling you that it is inappropriate behavior, and that you cannot trust the way you feel. And so, its no wonder that as you come through life experience, you are not certain about what your emotions, or what your Guidance, are telling you. Your little one still remembers. And as you are practicing remembering, you will remind one another, and we are anticipating a glorious unfolding. You said something as we began about how youre doing alright. Youve come to know what you know, and youre doing very well with it. And youre enjoying your experience with your youngster. But the problem comes in what other people think about what you are doing. Did we hear that in your vibration somewhere? In other words, are you having difficulty in having this different approach to life than most others have, and feeling that you must justify your weird behavior to others? Or are you alright with it? Q Probably at some level. I dont look at things the same, so I do kind of feel A Something in your opening gave an amplification to that part of your vibration. Q So with raising him in society, I oftentimes dont trust myself. A Well, society is telling you about the boogie man. And even though your senses dont necessarily tell you that it is there in that moment, youre not sure what to do. Q I see myself caught between this way, and what I know is to be true, especially in that area. A So, just follow what you know to be true. If it feels good, its right on. If it doesnt feel good, its not. Thats it, thats all there is to that. To make upcoming interfaith marriage feel good? Q Hi Abraham. I am getting married this fall. And I have two questions for you about that. The first one is, its going to be an interfaith marriage. A All are. All are. There are not two of you that believe exactly the same. But we know what you mean. Q And were interested in, my fiance is Catholic, a practicing Catholic, and Im a Methodist. So other than me changing or converting, are there any other ways to get our minds around that idea that were kind of different in that way? A Could you both become something else? Or does one of you have to go with the other? Or could you both just be who-you-are, and have a part of you joining together? Will you eat all the same food, and watch all the same programs, and walk in the same steps, and tell all the same jokes, and read all the same books too? Q Yeah. That would be ideal. That would be the best.

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    A It would be boring. Oh, let me tell you a joke. I already heard that. Let me tell you about this thing I know. I already know that. You bring balance to one another. You bring breath to one another. You did not come forth to be identical. You came forth to bring variety, so that together you become more. Q As far as raising our children, how would we present this to our children as far as if we want them raise them a certain way or another way, or a combination of ways? Do kids need one way? Or can they be raised with two possible viewpoints? A The more viewpoints, the better off they are. Because the more opportunity they have to see value and good in everything. The more limited their perspective, the more likely they are to condemn everything outside of their limited perspective. And then, the more shallow and lifeless their life is. There is nothing more exhilarating than to express to a child the value in this and in this and in this, and in this. We told you the other day, we had a gathering like this, and on the other side of the wall was a very fundamentalist church group. And they had been there for three days, so they were really revved up. And at first whiff of their vibration, they felt foreign and odd, almost like the enemy. Because so many of the people in this room had once been there, and were now feeling free of all of that. And so there was sort of a feeling of, Oh no, not a dose of this again. But as we listened and looked for common denominators, all nice people wanting to feel good, all wanting to see the positive aspects of this physical life experience, all looking for ways to connect with Source Energy, all wanting this moment to be one of connection. We said, We are all more the same than we are different, even though there are certainly different labels. It really doesnt matter. What youre wanting to give to your children is the opportunity to know their own Well-Being. And looking for positive aspects in a variety of things is much more likely to give them that viewpoint, than if you have this small group of thoughts that you agree are right, while you are condemning this greater block of thought, that you are saying is wrong. One day a lovely woman sat here and she said to us, Abraham, I am Jewish. Why is it Jews are the chosen ones? And we said, Everybody thinks that. And she said, Everybody thinks that Jews are the chosen ones? And we said, Everybody wants to believe that whatever it is that they are believing is the chosen one. And we said, And everybodys right. Q I like that. Cocreating the essence of newlyweds merged desires? Q Can I ask another brief question? As far as when we are married, or even now, before we get married, as far as co-creating just with us, with anything, do you have any advice on that? We just need to get lined up on things if we want to bothlike planning our honeymoon, or planning where well live eventually, or just the creating aspect of a couple. A Well, what is your greatest concern about this? Are you worried that youll have to do things you dont want to do? Are you worried that shell have to do things she doesnt want to do? Or do you figure that each of you knows enough about what you want to do, and the two of

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    you love each other enough, that youre going to be able to do plenty of stuff that both of you like to do. Q Yeah, more of the latter. A Well, thats sort of the way we see your relationship. In other words, the most significant thing that we would say to any two who are coming together, is you are both Pure Positive Energy Beings. And the greatest gift that you could give to each other is to be connected to Source Energy as much as possible. So the less you worrythe better. The more you lovethe better. The less you criticizethe better. The more you praisethe better. The more you look for positive aspectsthe better. When one of you is connected to Source Energy and one of you isnt, the one whos connected to Source Energy will always dominate the vibration. But if one of you is connected to Source Energy and the other one isnt, and the one who is worried about the one who isnt, now the one who was, now isnt, and now youre both not connected to Source Energy. And so we can, sort of, feel that youre worrying just a little too much. You want so much, all of your life youve wanted this time of your life. You have wanted the perfect relationship for all kinds of reasons. You want to get it right. And we want you to know, you cant get it wrong. Just play with it. Be flexible within it. It is almost certain that you will find disagreements, things that dont feel good. And the most important thing is to stop in the middle of that, and just reach for something that feels better. Because nothing is more important than that you feel good. Sometimes in relationships, people think, Well, in order for us to get along, I have to do things I dont want to do. And we say, when you do things you dont want to do, youre not connected to Source Energy, and now you dont have very much to give, and sooner or later youll start feeling resentful. In other words, its much better for both of you to bring your individuality to the table, and to be as clear about what each of you want as possible. And to spend as much of your time individually thinking about the things that you want as possible, and let Law of Attraction orchestrate the circumstances and events. It will happen to perfection. You could want different things on lots of subjects, and both of you be satisfied by receiving what each of you want, and live happily ever after. In other words, most people think that a good relationship is give and take, meaning I will give up things I want, and you will give up things you want, and then well just cower in the corner less happy than either of us really want to be, but glad that we are together. And we say, Oh that really is not what you had in mind. The Universe can please all of you at the same time. Well how can that be? If I want to live in the mountains and she wants to live at the ocean, how could the Universe possibly please us both? And we say, As each of you gets to the essence of why you want what you want, and are not pointing at the other and saying no, no, not that, please not that, the Universe can fulfill both. We feel such a desire for harmony within you, and we feel it from your partner, too. We would say to you, be playful. Know that its going to be alright, no matter what. Have as much fun as you can. Laugh as much as you can. Be as easy as you can. Dont take anything very seriously, because everything blows over, good and bad. You cant stand still. So nothing lasts very long. The best of experiences you must move beyond, and the worst of experiences you must move on. So no matter where you are, dont make where you are too big of a deal. Let it be what it is. Its a moment in time where you have the choice to feel good or feel bad. Thats all that it ever is. And so, we can feel you sort of looking at this as a huge turning point where you really,

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    oh, hopefully before this happens, youll finally figure out how to get it right. And we say, youre never going to get in that place where youve figured out how to get it right. Youre not ever going to have everything figured out. The fun of being together is, you figure it out twice as fast. You stir each other up. You cause contrast. You give birth to more desires. Youll have faster, more extraordinary growth, and by that we mean new ideas will be born within you as a result of your coming together with another, than if you walked around singularly. In other words, theres something about the intensity of the up-close relationship that will produce all kinds of new desires that would not be there otherwise. And with your knowledge of what the new desires means, and how to lock onto the signal of the new desire, it is certain that the best time of your life is unfolding right now before you. Q Thank you very much. A Yes indeed. So your marriage vows go something like this (and neither church will like it): It is my promise to do everything I can to feel good in our relationshipto be as selfish as I can possibly beto always look for reasons for me to feel good. Say them silently to yourself. Senior wants more lifetime with newest lover. Q What Id kind of like to know is when you get to be a senior, how can you kind of slow time down? It kind of speeds up, it seems like, the higher up you go. A Think about why that is. Time isnt getting faster, but your perception of it is. And the reason is because the longer you live, the more things you identify as your desire, the more things you identify as your desire, the more summoning power is going on. The more summoning power is going on, the faster that it feels like it all moves. Thats one factor. The other factor is the longer you live, the more things you pick up along your physical trail, that serve as resistance. And so its the combination of moving faster with greater resistance that makes it all feel like its moving faster. Its like take an airplane up to 50,000 feet, 6 or 700 mph, and look out the window. Hardly feels like its moving at all. Put it on the ground, it feels like its moving. Q So how do I get up there? A All of the things weve been talking about here today. Just reaching for thoughts that feel good. The releasing of resistance. Youre doing fine. Q Ive tried to release the resistance, and I found a gentleman that laughs as much as I do, and we really enjoy the prospect of spending the rest of our lives enjoying each other. But it doesnt seem like weve got that much time left. A Well, you have eternity. Q But not right here, right now. So how do we stay in the now longer? A But what do you have other than right here, right now?

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    Q I know the now is all weve got. But its hard to stay A But the now is forever. So what is your problem? Q I dont know. A Were toying with you a little bit here, because we know what youre getting at. Youre saying, Im choosing to look at the time I have left in a lackful way. And we say, And why would you do that? You say, Well, because everybody else is doing it. And we say, But why would you do that? You say, Well, I dont know, Ive just been practicing doing it. Ive sort of been marking the days off, and now here I am, Im more aware of the shortness that is before me, because Im happier than Ive ever been. And now at this place where Im happier than Ive ever been, I would like there to be way more out there. And we say, There is way more out there. And you say, Yeah, but not way more right here in this life experience. In other words, Im getting really old. Im about ready to croak. Q No, not yet. Secret for long life in this body. A Life experience is about Energy flowing through and allowing it. And so you can live a very long life, if you are wanting to. This is the secret for a long life in this physical body: Having enough contrast, enough variety, that it produces continual new stream of desire, and enough willingness to choose thoughts that lock you onto your signal, that theres little or no resistance. The only reason anyone leaves this physical experience, is because they are deliberately choosing to. In other words, there is something there that is calling them more. Or, they have not found things in this environment that are calling them. Or, even though there are things in this environment that are calling them, theyre pinching them off with beliefs that dont allow it to flow. Q I didnt think I had beliefs that were pinching it off, its just that to find something at this point in time that is so exhilarating and so wonderful, it just you knowgreedy I guess. A We would begin saying things like, there is no such thing as age. We are all ageless. We are all Vibrational Beings flowing in this space and time. Thereve been others on this planet that have lived 3 and 4 times as long as we are claiming to live today, because they were in a place of less resistance. I can live as long as I want to. The timing of my reemergence will be perfect. I will receive as much satisfaction from today, by focusing, in today, as I would if I were 20 years old focusing in today. Q And I feel like a teenager. A In fact I have greater capacity to appreciate today than I did even then, because I know more about locking onto the signal of Well-Being. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to just practice thoughts that feel better.

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    Q Ive been doing that. A Someone said to Jerry the other day, he said, Ive attended a lot of seminars on a lot of different subjects, and he said, usually when I go to a seminar, the audience is all pretty much the same. But this audience is so varied. Varied in background, varied in gender, varied in sexuality, varied in age. And Jerry said, The common denominator here is nice. The common denominator here we would say is seeking connection with Source Energy. And havent you noticed that as you begin letting your awareness be about the Vibrational Families, as you begin to let your vibration flow naturally, and then you let Law of Attraction line you up with things that match that, dont all qualifying categories fall away? Doesnt all of that become less and less significant? And we certainly think that age can be one of those. We would make a decision, depending on how you feel about it. In other words, when youre 4, and you held up 4 fingers, there was a feeling of pride within you. And while you dont have enough fingers to hold up, we would still like you to feel pride when you hold up the fingers that represent this life experience. Q I think part of its the influence that the other people seem to put upon us once you get to be a senior, that were supposed to be senile and old and not be young at heart and all this stuff. Like the Senior Centers and this sort of thing, people kind of sit around dont want to do anything. Cause I myself have tried to work with them to get them active more, and enjoy life. But maybe Im just seeing the wrong aspect. A Well, youre seeing the aspect that is a Vibrational Match to the essence of how youve been predominantly feeling. Because youre worried about that, then Law of Attraction is lining you up with that. Q Im not doing that now. A Esther looked out of her window the other day and saw someone who we are certain has many years on you, climbing up the ladder on the back of her motor home and hosing off the top. There are all kinds of people that are much older than you are, leading far more active lives than some 20-year olds. In other words, it does not have anything to do with age. It has to do with decisions that theyve made about age. And so, we would not spend any time trying to convince anybody. We would let them be whatever theyve chosen to be. Were not saying that a youthful attitude at your age is better than an aged attitude. Everybody gets to choose whatever theyre choosing. What were saying to you is, choose what feels good to you and leave everybody else to choose what they want. Dont spend any time saying, They should choose differently and theyd feel better. Instead say, Theyre choosing whatever theyre choosing; Im choosing what Im choosing, and Im feeling good while Im choosing it. And let that be the end of it. You dont have to explain nothin to nobody. And in fact, you are much better off when you dont try. Q Sometimes I get told act your age. And I say, Well, Im 16, so?

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    A Well, if someone says, Act your age, our answer would be, I am ageless. So I can act a lot of different ways. Sometimes it pleases me to act this way, sometimes it pleases me to act this way. There are no boundaries on me, because I am ageless. Portland, OR Workshop Closing. Weve enjoyed this interaction immensely. You are doing extremely well. Have fun with this. There is great love here for you. We are incomplete.