About the Great Experience

Post on 18-Jul-2016

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Speaking of the accomplishment of A Great Experience I was given of the Lord many years ago and what it has brought me too.

Transcript of About the Great Experience

About The Great Experience

I wrote in my writings on my Scribd Page where I post them all, over Over 200 thus far, about an experience I had that was so great, I have pondered on it for years wondering, WHY I had that experience, what did it mean, what was its purpose and what about today.

This was in the year of 1990, I was staying in a rented apartment with two other brethren, one with the initials of JC and the other one was a type of Christ as well. I will keep this brief. I was listening to a sermon called “The Fruit of Your Thoughts” from 1968 by my Shepherd Rev George Pike Sr.I was cleaning my bedroom when suddenly something He said hit my mind and opened it up. Immediately I seen The Angel of The Lord standing and it walked right into me. I suddenly became Eternal and had absolute perfect Faith and power and authority. Mt Everest was like a grain of sand in comparison to this. I had become God Himself, I knew if I wanted all creation to end or had some need all I was to do was simply utter it, will it from my heart and it would be done, crack the earth open or call the dead forth, it was in my power to do so. Making this short, it departed and left something in me.

Over the years I have grown incredibly in revelation and seen things I never dreamed existed, proven beyond the shadow of doubt, so absolute and so sure, lining up perfectly with My Shepherd, The Word of God and all my previous revelations that came before. Astounding wonderful and incredible things. I will highlight some of these and you can read about them in my writings on the web page or site I have referenced.

How the Law revealed sin and also it revealed the flesh. How we are eternal already, how that we are sinless and spotless and how we literally descended from Jesus Christ and who and what and how the Tree of Knowledge and of Life was in the Garden, what the secret of the Thunders are, their timing and bodily redemption, the shadow of time and the purpose of Grace, many revelations coming straight from the Book of Revelations showing Calvary in every one of them. Who and what was the Star Wormwood, what was the Red Dragon, how did its tails cast stars to the earth, what are the trumpets and seals and so on and on and on it goes. I can't number them all. He has given me visions that I have seen come to pass and even allowed me to travel in time to the past many times and once to the future and it was astounding! Those who have this same seed in them will certainly understand these things and their mannerisms. Others will not nor cannot.

What entered me that night was the Angel of The Lord, it was Christ Himself. I had a Star of David on my Wall with the face of Jesus being revealed from within it. The sermon was the year of my birth of 1968. Preaching the Fruit of your Thoughts, saying a Tree that bears fruit of knowledge and wisdom and understanding, the God Knowledge, The Mind of God. My own natural mind was rent in two and His Mind came into me in all of its power, fullness and glory, I was standing in Eternity, there was no such thing as Time. I had become God Himself, or this Being in me had over taken me and I felt what it was feeling. It came for the purpose as from the Tree of Life to plant a seed within me that absolutely would not stop talking to me, revealing itself to me, growing within me until it has fully matured and manifest itself in my mortal genes. Even just recently I was in a Transfigured State and felt lighter than air as the Glory of God emanated from me.

I have had a number of visions where I was standing between the Two Covering Cherubim and was flying above the crowds robed in pure glowing white garments. A Man who was a minister before he willingly laid down his life so that others may find what he discovered, he changed his body before he passed from this world. I can honestly say, Now I have as well. I know what the redemption of the Body is, I know what the Change is. My Shepherd, Rev. Pike looked at me in a vision and was so happy and excited as He seen me change into the glorified body and fly in the air He said as He pointed at me with his face aglow, “I knew you could do it, I knew you could”! I have left behind bread crumbs to show others the way. I was predestined before the world ever was to accomplish this and it is finished. How much longer I remain will remain to be seen. It was revealed to me as a boy of age of 7 my origin and my destiny. This is also posted in my writings. Like Lazarus I am just a simple poor peasant man with nothing to show for the life I was given, yet in my heart a God dwells and walks and

talks and judges the world. Wealthy beyond your wildest dreams of the true riches that gave unto me Eternal Life, to never ever die! Alive right now eternally. Royal Blood flowing in my veins. Obtaining unto The Faith of Jesus Christ! Living In The Kingdom of God!Praise be unto God! Glory to the wonderful name of Jesus Christ!

Patrick Henry Nichols I


Hilton Head Island SC USA