Abdomen & Breasts

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Abdomen & Breasts


Structure and Function

Borders of Abdominal Cavity Lg. Oval cavity from diaphragm to

pelvis Posteriorly- vertebral column &

paravertebral muscles Laterally & anteriorly – lower rib cage

and abdominal muscles

Abdominal Muscles 4 layers

1. External oblique2. Internal oblique3. Transverse abdominis4. Rectus abdominus

Linea alba Rectus abdominus

Internal Anatomy Viscera Liver Gallbladder Spleen Aorta Pancreas Kidneys

Abdominal wall = 4 quadrants RUQ LUQ RLQ LLQ Epigastric Umbilical Suprapubic

Subjective Data

Appetite Dysphagia Food intolerance Abdominal pain N&V Bowel habits Past abd. History Medications Nutritional assessment

Objective Data

Order of Exam Inspection Auscultation Percussion Palpation



Rt. Kidney

Lt. Kidney

Refered abd. Pain



Ovarion cyst

Air/ Gas

Breasts/ Axilla

External Anatomy

B/t 2nd 6th rib Sternum to MAL Tail of Spence Nipple Areola Montgomery’s glands

Internal Anatomy

Glandular tissue 15- 20 lobes Alveoli producing milk Ducts

Lactiferous Collecting

Ampullae Reservoir for storing milk

Internal Anatomy cont.

Cooper’s ligaments Adipose tissue

Breast 4 quadrants Tail of Spence Most breast tumors – upper outer



Axillary nodes Central axillary Pectoral Subscapular Lateral Lymph- central axillary node- up to

infraclavicular and supraclavicular nodes

Lymphatics cont.

Small amt. Of lymph Directly to infraclavicular group Or deep into chest Or abdomen Or directly across to the opposite


Subjective Data - Breast

Pain Lumps Discharge Rash Swelling Trauma History Self- care behaviors

Subjective Data- Axilla

Tenderness Swelling Lumps Rash

Objective Data

Examination Privacy Comfort Anxiety



Inspect & Palpate Axillae

Palpate Breasts

Wheel Pattern

Concentric Circles

Palpate Nipple

Fibocystic Cancer Fibroadenoma