AB 86: Adult Education Webinar Series 1-30-2015 .

Post on 21-Dec-2015

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Transcript of AB 86: Adult Education Webinar Series 1-30-2015 .

AB 86: Adult Education

Webinar Series


Agenda for Today’s Webinar

• Practices with Promise• Fiscal Reporting – due date 1/31• House Keeping Items• Governor’s Budget Highlights• Questions for DOF• Upcoming Webinars


Fiscal Reporting

• AB86 3rd Quarter Expenditure & Progress Report due 1/31

• Budget Changes for 3rd Quarter were due by 12/31/14.

• Need a password to enter the expenditures & progress information into the online system.

• Expense & Progress Report must be certified by your certifying officer (need CBO password)


Housekeeping - Allowable Expenditures

• Q: Can AB86 funds be used by Consortia to pay for people to travel to Sacramento in order to lobby, advocate, and inform legislative members and staff on the recently proposed Governor's Budget?

• A: The scope of the AB86 planning grant is to "jointly provide planning and implementation grants to regional consortia of community college districts and school districts for the purpose of developing regional plans to better serve the educational needs of adults". Lobbying activities are outside the scope of the grant and are un-allowable. 5

Housekeeping – Planning Funds

• Q: Must all the planning funds be expended by June 30, 2015 or may they continue to carryover for the maintenance of capacity for the 15-16 year?

• A: All planning funds must be expended by June 30, 2015 on AB86 allowable activities. There is no language in the contract that allows for carryover funds into 15-16 by individual consortia.


Housekeeping – Final Expense Reports

• Q: I would like to verify that the planning money is available through June 30, 2015, and that the final expenditure report is due on August 31, 2015.

• A: The AB86 grant covers all planning related activities through June 30, 2015. You will have chance to report expenditures on July 31st (5th Quarter) for activities that occur in April, May, & June. The final report for the consortia to receive their withheld 10% is due by August 31, 2015. So we did add an extra 5th Quarter due July 31, 2015 because we realized we didn't have a reporting period for activities taking place April-June.7

Housekeeping – March 1st Final Plan

• Q: Are there any guidelines for the formatting and submission of the final report?

• A: Yes, please submit your narrative report, including the tables for Objectives 3 to 7, as a single document in PDF format. When submitting your report, please use the following naming convention for the file: Grant Number-Regional Consortium Name- 3.1.15 Final Plan. You may submit the Excel tables for Objectives 1 and 2 in a separate, Excel file. Please be sure to include a cover sheet, table of contents, and narrative and tables for all seven objectives. Please refer to the report checklist to ensure you have included all parts of the regional comprehensive plan, including information originally included in your project management such as organizational structure, a list of members and partners, shared leadership strategies, involvement of faculty and teachers, and your communication strategy for the planning process.


California’s Governor’s Budget 2015-16

• Released January 9, 2015• Found on Department of Finance website• http://


• More than the adult education block grant– Labor & Workforce & Adult Education– Public Safety & Adult Education– Career Technical Education 9

Labor & Workforce

• Unified state workforce plan with input from adult education providers.

• Regional planning efforts reflecting needs of workforce partners.

• Common measures for adult education and literacy programs.

• Reauthorizes the Adult Education and Literacy Program with emphasis on transition to post-secondary & career pathways.

• Allow for increase funding to support correctional education programs. 10

Public Safety

• Highlights reentry hubs for inmate willing to take advantage of educational, vocational, and behavioral treatment programs.

• Highlights expansion of pilot reentry programs.


Career Technical Education

• $250M in one time Prop-98 funding in each of the next three years to support a transitional CTE Incentive Grant Program for school districts, COEs, and charters.

• Extends CTE Pathways Initiative grant program for an additional year (K-12 & Community College).

• Increases funding for Apprenticeship Programs (K-12 and Community College).

• Continues Existing Workforce Education and Training Programs (CPAs, High School Programs, AG Incentives, Economic Development Programs, Jail Education Programs).


Adult Education - Funding

• The Budget provides $500 million Proposition 98 General Fund for the Adult Education Block Grant.

• The Block Grant will fund programs in:– Elementary and secondary basic skills– Classes and Courses in citizenship and English as a second

language for immigrants– Education programs for adults with disabilities– Short-term CTE programs linked to occupations with high

employment potential– Programs for apprentices


Alignment with the labor market

• These programs should be well aligned with the economic needs of each region and that they provide clear pathways to in-demand jobs as determined by regional labor market information.


State Allocations – Year 1

• The Chancellor of the Community Colleges and the Superintendent of Public Instruction will jointly approve allocations of funds with an emphasis on providing funding to those regions with the greatest adult education needs.

• Funding allocations approved by the Chancellor and Superintendent will be distributed as determined by their allocation committees.


State Allocation – Year 1 & Future

• In the first year, to ease the transitions, funding will be provided directly to K-12 school districts in the amount of the K-1 districts’ maintenance of effort for adult education.

• Further allocations will be distributed according to the local allocation committees.


Allocation Committee• Proposed development of an allocation committee for each adult education

consortium responsible for planning and allocation block grant funds.• The allocation committee will consist of seven members who represent the

following:– Community Colleges– K-12 Districts– Other adult education providers– Local workforce investment boards– county social services departments– Correctional rehabilitation programs– One public member with relevant expertise

• Allocation committees will coordinate with regional partners to funding streams are integrated within the region.


Allowable Expenses

• Allocation committees will determine how to allocate block grant funds for:– Direct Instruction– Support Services and,– Administration of its consortium


Reporting – State & Local

• Each consortium will report annually on progress toward fulfilling its adult education plan. These reports will inform distribution of block grant funds in the future. (Local)

• A final report from the 2-year planning process will be provided by March 1, 2015 which will inform the accountability framework for delivery of adult education and remaining policy decisions such as how fees are charged for similar programs by different providers. (State)


Next Steps

• DOF Trailer Bill Language• Legislative Hearings• May Revise• Legislative Session


Questions for DOF

