AAF Newsletter (March 2010)

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AAF Newsletter (March 2010)

Transcript of AAF Newsletter (March 2010)



From the Pastors Desk With great joy in my spirit, I say, PRAISE THE LORD EVERYBODY! I tell you, this walk

with Jesus is just getting sweeter and sweeter as the days roll by. It’s like a taste of heaven,

right here on earth. Now that’s real good.

I am so pleased to announce that this is our seventh year producing this literature and just like

most anything else after an extended period of time and usage, things need to be updated.

Our newsletter has grown immensely in more ways than one, therefore, God has inspired me

to change the word Newsletter to the word News. We are pleased with how God has gra-

ciously blessed us in this area. Our intention for producing this material is to inform, inspire,

encourage and celebrate accomplishments and events in various ways among others. All this,

we do in the name of Jesus for the good of building the kingdom of God.

Once again, I hope you thoroughly enjoy each section as you read and view the contents from

cover to cover; and with spring upon us, I hope and pray that there is something within this

material that will bless you to either start a new life by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your

personal Savior, or that you will be encouraged to boldly and strongly continue to travel the

road of victory with him.

Dear heart, this spring may God enrich your journey and may you rise to heights unknown as

you trust in the Lord with all your heart.

Apostle Gwenna K. Span

Table of Contents Page 2………………………………………...From the Pastors Desk Page 3……………………………………..Pray, Scripture, Birthdays

Page 4…………………………………………….What’s Happening

Page 5………………………..Minister’s Night, Mmm Mmm Good

Page6-7…………………………………………...Unifying Marriages

Page 8…………………………………………..New and Upcoming

Page 9……………………………………Let the Church Say Amen

Page 10…………………………………………….Featured Sermon

Page 11……………………………………...A.A.F. Branch Ministries

Page 12……………………..Featured Article, Sowing & Growing

Page 13………………………………………………….Youth Corner

Page 14………………………………………………Gimmie the Mic

Page 15…………………………………………………Did You Know

Page 16…………………..Shay’s Music Picks, Pastor’s Book Picks

Page 17………………………………………………….Laugh a Little

Page 18…………………………………………………….Beauty Tips

Page 19……………………………………………….Testify, Sit Down

Page 20…………………………………………..Calendar of Events


“A little goes a long way when you master it.” —- Gwenna Span

“Practice isn't the thing you do once you're good. It's the

thing you do that makes you good.” -- Malcolm Gladwell

“If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a

hunger to accomplish your dreams. -- Les Brown

Seasoned Scripture And I will bring the blind by a way that

they knew not; I

will lead them in

paths that they

have not known: I

will make darkness

light before them, and crooked things

straight. These things will I do unto them,

and not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Happy Birthday


Janishia Daye March 3

Glenna Betties March 13

David L. Moore March 18


Adrian L. Fogg April 1

Elijah Nance April, 9

Cashyra Toney April 26

Acts of the Apostle’s Faith Inc.

Souls of Sinners

The Body of Christ

The Peace of Jerusalem


Bishop Louise Bray

Back To Acts Pentecostal Church


Sick and Shut-In

Christian Leaders

President of the U.S. & Party


The Elderly

The Youth

Godly Marriages

The Homeless

Our Loved Ones


2009 New Year’s Eve Service “An Enormous Performance” set the theme for the program. The theme scripture was derived

from, 2 Corinthians 8:11...so there may be a performance of that which ye have. The focus

was to encourage and stir a drive in our spirits to put forth a hon-

estly strong desire to perform those things in 2010 that are worthy

of praise. Some of the highlights of the program was when Sis.

Placedia Nance displayed the B.T.A.P Enlightening Newsletter in

its earlier stages leading up to the most recent ones. Yes, that was

totally interesting and rather funny. The inspired word was ren-

dered by Apostle G. K. Span. In her message she focused on

three areas: Performance Inclusions, Hindrances to Perfor-

mances, and The Application to An Enormous Performance.

She concluded by sharing one of her quotes: I should’ve, I

could’ve, I would've Never accomplished anything -

I can, I will, I did accomplished many things

Afterwards, she lead the congregation in a personal declaration concerning themselves, which


Other highlights included fellowshipping the new saints into the church. In closing we fervently

prayed the old year out and the new year in, followed by an good ole breakfast. Wow, what a

healthy start for the new year; spiritually and naturally.

Christmas Program 2009 2009 Christmas Program came with a bit of a surprising twist. The

theme was ’A Child Was Born.’ The Theme was from Isaiah 6:9.

The children were so sweet. Even though we could not get a speech

out of Adria Fogg, her sister Modesti Fogg made up for it as she

spoke her speech entitled ’The Gospel Truth;’ and she did it with

such poise. We were graced with an anointed solo from Evg.

Cashyra Toney (Now Behold the Lamb); and later enjoyed a pa-

rade from a portion of the minister’s staff among who were: Min. David Moore, Evg. Sheran

Fogg, Min. Jerry Wright, Evg. Cashyra Toney and Min. Bart Toney. Each one rendered a

presentation from Is. 9:6 which states “… his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor,

Mighty God, Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Each minister displayed their presen-

tations by displaying talents and skills that were wonderfully inspiring. Additionally, a twist of

Bible Trivia was thrown in for a bit of spice which challenged the congregation’s knowledge

about the true story of Christmas. This Christmas Program was instrumental in stirring a desire

for what God has in store for Christmas Program 2010, (if the Lord permits). And as always

the Christmas Candy bags were deliciously good.


Sunrise Smoothies Prep Time: 5 minutes


1 cup ice 1/2 cup frozen orange juice concentrate 1 cup vanilla soy milk 1 medium banana 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt 1 Tbsp. Honey Preparation: Place the ice in the bottom of a blender or Vita Mix. 1. Add remaining ingredients. Puree until smooth. 2. Serve immediately.

Makes 2 servings. Per serving: 299 calories, 2 g fat (1 g satu-rated fat), 3 mg cholesterol, 64 g carbohydrate, 3 g fiber, 9 g protein, 12% vitamin A, 174% vitamin C, 28% calcium, 6% iron.


What’s Happening (continued)

If this wasn’t one of the best events ever, I don’t know

what was. This year our theme was ‘Resting in His

Presence.’ The event was centered around each

couple continuing to re-kindle their love for one

another, sharing together as one and enjoying being

in the presence of their spouse. The couples enjoyed

a tremendous time as they savored a romantic

catered dinner by PRESTIGE CUISINE and professionally served by Adorah Moore. The couples

laughed throughout the event as they played fun

games such as: Two is Better Than One, The Love

Wrap and Roses are Red. With each game they won

fabulous prizes. Take a moment and share with us as

you view the photos below.


What’s Happening (continued)

The Foggs

The Mangums

The Toneys


NEW! This year for the first time, our youth department will be spon-

soring a trip to the Carowinds. The targeted ages are from 13 - 17.

Younger youths are welcome, but must be accompanied by their par-

ents. The date is TBA. We are now in the process of researching infor-

mation and drawing up the plans. For further details, contact our Youth Leader, Evg. C. Toney.

NEW! This year we will be hosting a new event entitled ‘H.I.S Poetry.’ H.I.S. stands for Ho-

ly, Inspirational and Spiritual. We will host three of these events

this year. There will also be an Open Mic session. The mic will be

open to those who have been inspired to write poetry and spoken

word. With each event, we will enjoy featured artists along with

various spoken word and poetic writers. Our first event will be

Friday, March 12, 2010, at 7:00 PM. It will be held at the Golden

Corral, located at 5006 NC Highway 55, Durham, NC 27713. Each person will receive 10% of

off their meal. For more information, contact our church office @ 877.206.1287.

NEW! At the end of each school semester, we will be honoring youth in grades K-12 with var-

ious types of rewards for achieving high grading scores. This program rec-

ognizes, honors and encourages our youth to put forth an honest effort to

achieve high scores which can be a positive habit that will follow them into

adulthood; empowering them to be successful and prosperous for their fu-

ture. Rules and regulations will be in the April’s Apostle’s Newsletter.

NEW! This year we have included another financial help system in the min-

istry which is geared toward off-setting the expense of selected programs.

Sis. Placedia Nance who heads up our Fund Raiser Department has orga-

nized two fund raisers for the year. We encourage everyone to lend a help-

ing hand if possible. Details will be in the April’s Apostle’s Newsletter.



Dec. 6, 2009 Evg. Sheran Fogg History Repeats


Exodus 12:12-14

Exodus 16:1

Dec. 13, 2009 Apostle G. K. Span At Your Service Luke 22:24-27

Dec. 20, 2009 Eld. Adrian L. Fogg Your At Center


Matthew 21:23

Luke 1:39-45

Dec. 27, 2009 Apostle G. K. Span Live Deuteronomy






Jan. 3, 2010 Evg. Sheran Fogg You’ve Got to Give

Up Something

Luke 6:38

Jan. 10, 2010 Min. David Moore No Weapon Isaiah 54:15

Jan. 17, 2010 Eld. Adrian Fogg The Power of Your


Proverbs 18:16

Jan. 24, 2010 Apostle G. K. Span What Are You


Proverbs 18:21

James 3:1-2


Feb. 7. 2010 Evg. Sheran Fogg This Did Not

Belong to You

2 Samuel 11:1-5

Feb. 14, 2010 Min. David Moore I’m Going to My

Father’s House

Matthew 6:33

Feb. 21, 2010 Eld. Adrian Fogg I Was Brought

With a Price

Hosea 3;1-3

Feb. 28, 2010 Apostle G. K. Span The Fearless

Functions of Faith

Hebrews 11:1-2

Eld Adrian Fogg Min. David Moore Apostle G.K. Span Evg. Sheran Fogg



In Sunday Morning Worship, on January 3, 2010, Evangelist Sheran Fogg Wowed the congregation

as she boldly declared the gospel with the subject entitled ‘YOU’VE GOT TO GIVE UP

SOMETHING.’ For starters, she began her text scripture, reading from Luke 6:38

Laying a pathway of understanding, she began the message by giving the definition of the word give;

which means to bestow, yield or forgo. She continued with expressing the two ways that we can give

to God which is willingly or forcefully.

Breaking up the thrift store mentality, Evg. Fogg voiced words of reproof proclaiming that, “we

cannot ask God for more and give him less. God is not a garage sale, flea market or stock market. He

is not a negotiator.”

She reminded us that according to Genesis 1:26, God gave us dominion and authority over the earth,

but we must give up something to access it. To access this dominion and authority Evg. Fogg shared

additional scriptures to broaden our knowledge letting us know that we must:

- PRAY - Pray with out ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17).

- BE ENRICHED BY THE WORD - Let the word of God dwell in you richly in all wisdom ...

(Col. 3:16).

FAST & PRAY TO SEE THE FRUITS OF OUR LABOR - And when they had ordained

them elders in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord,

on whom they believed (Acts 14:23).

- CONTINUE - And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in

breaking of bread, and in prayers (Act 2:46-47).

- YIELD BODY TO RIGHTEOUSNESS - Neither yield ye your members as instruments of

unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead,

and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God. (Rom. 6:13).

As she moved toward the conclusion of her message, she gave us a scenario saying, “if we want God

to do something for us we have to meet Him % per %”; meaning, if you give God 10%, He will give

you 10%, but if you want 100%, then you must give Him 100%. She reminded us that God wanted us

to run over with His blessings. She challenged us to write our vision, pray and praise over it and then

give up something to see God’s manifestation. She left us with these words of knowledge, “ In 2010,

if you want God to give you something, then GIVE UP SOMETHING!

Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down,

and shaken together, and running over, shall men give unto your

bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be

measured to you again.


Branch Ministries are churches, and various types of established ministries who

join Acts of the Apostle’s Faith Inc. as affiliates. These ministries organize their

own structure, but yet keep in alliance with the guidelines of the organization.

This year, we are honored to welcome two new Branch Ministries affiliated with

A.A.F. Inc.

T. G. Music Ministries: The first to join was T.G. Music Ministries; the “T.G.” standing

for Toney Group. This ministry was founded by Psalmist Cashyra

Toney in November of 2009 and joined A.A.F. in December of

2009. Her motto for her ministry is BORN TO PRAISE - BORN

TO WORSHIP. Cashyra is a fire ball psalmist who exuberates

every fiber of energy within her being to express glory, praise and

honor unto the Lord who is worthy to be praised. She is now

working on recording her first project which we know will be of

excellent caliber. T.G. Music Ministries is advancing toward addi-

tional expansions which we trust God will manifest in its season.

We embrace T.G. Music Ministries and pray that God will take

them to heights unimaginable. For more information and book-

ings, contact her booking manager at (919) 321-9019 or email at in-


Bella’s Book Club:

The second ministry to join A.A.F. Inc. is Bella’s Book Club. Bella’s Book Club was founded in

September of 2006 by Sis. Placedia Nance. She joined A.A.F.

Inc. in January of 2010.

Her motto for her ministry is THE IMPOSSIBLE IS POSSIBLE

WITH CHRIST. Sis. Nance is an inspiring woman of God who

is extremely diligent about getting things done promptly and or-

derly. She is no amateur when it comes to reading, research and

completing assignments. She possesses a Masters Degree in the

area of Librarian. Her ministry was established from her passion

to help inspire women to learn to be complete in the things of God

and also to expose and promote aspiring book writers especially

those in our local area. We welcome Bella’s Book Club into A.A.F. and can already see the fruits

of heaven’s manifestations. You can inquire more about Bella’s Book Club by contacting Sis.

Placedia Nance at (803)-271-4201 or emailing her at placedian@hotmail.com

Cashyra Toney

Placedia Nance


The burden of the Lord

From a pastor’s perspective; Jesus

spoke to me during prayer saying,

“you shall never put upon my peo-

ple an unfruitful burden. You shall

never overtax them, only lead them

and teach them to render unto me

the things that I require. These

things they will be able to give unto

me. Teach them the burden of the

Lord, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light (Mat. 11:30).”

There are two major types of burdens. One is the burden of

the world which is sin unto death, and the other is the burden

of the Lord which is righteousness and holiness unto life.

As spiritual leaders, we must be wise in our delegating of ad-

ministrations, duties and request in the ministry. It is easy for

leaders and members alike to look at other ministries and see

what great appealing things they are doing and bring it into

our ministry and attempt to duplicate them. Many times, this

only unveils a competitive spirit. We must make sure we are

doing only what God has instructed us to do; operating in the

measure that has been given to us by Him. If we become

competitive (especially as leaders), it is easy to thrust our con-

gregation of sheep into areas in which they nor ourselves are

able to bear.

Many years ago when I was an Assistant Pastor, I was seeking

the Lord about the Bishop and I leading the sheep into a cer-

tain area of ministry. I remember the Lord spoke so clearly to

me saying, “If you overdrive the sheep, you will kill them.”

These words of wise counsel sunk deep into my heart, even

until this day I hold them dear.

One example among others is by financially overtaxing the

sheep. Ministries can fall into a financial strain when

the finances are mishandled and sometimes, simply be-

cause of hardships. Therefore, to avoid financial strains

we must learn to be wise in our distribution of funds.

When the ministry falls under strain, many times the

leaders begin to pressure the congregation; asking and

begging them to give money which is more, over and

above their means. When the sheep complies to this

type of giving (under pressure), they then fall into finan-

cial difficulties, and eventually because of stress, dis-

couragement and financial hardship, their spirit be-

comes broken only rendering trickling negative affects.

There is a proper way to give of our finances and these

principles should be taught in your local church by

your leader/s and honored by all. In doing so, (along

with wise financial counseling), they will render a

wealth of riches. Just as there is a proper order for giv-

ing, there is a proper way to do all things if it is to be

done at all. To avoid breakdowns, we must learn the

importance of balance. As we learn balance, we can

serve God fully, successfully and joyfully.

Yes, there is a burden of the Lord that we must carry.

Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me;

for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest

unto your souls (Mat. 11:29).” Did you hear that?

We’ll find rest for our soul when we take on His bur-

den. Don’t you want to rest? I do, and I’ve been carry-

ing this burden for years and I’ve experienced such

great rest and peace; a peace that surpasses all under-

standing. If you haven’t already, stop by heaven’s door

and pick up your load and let’s travel this road of soul

rest together. Gwenna K. Span

Sowing and Growing Community Outreach

On Saturday, February 6, 2010, Apostle Span and Evg. C. Toney

were blessed with the privilege to visit the Durham County Jail.

The experience was one of joy and spiritual fulfillment. They

ministered to approximately ten to fifteen inmates. As they prayed

and encouraged the inmates, they could feel the presence of the

almighty God. Many felt hope and received a sense of peace after

their uplifting encounter. Please continue to hold these inmates up

in prayer. God loves and cares for them as much as everyone of us. We are believing God for their

liberation in spirit and some spiritually and naturally in God’s time and according to his will.


When they crucified Jesus, what did they

do with these items?

Questions about the crucifixion of Jesus.

1. Who was the first one at Jesus’ grave?


2. What kind of food was served at the Lord’s Supper?


3. Who betrayed Jesus with a kiss?


4. What day (number) did Jesus rise up on?


5. What did Jesus do to the disciples’ feet?


1. Mary - 2. Bread and Wine - 3. Judas Iscariot - 4. Third - 5. Wash Them

Word Scramble

Unscramble these words about Easter.

1. vacylar - __________________

2. grpsni - ___________________

3. jsuse - ____________________

4. rtaes - ____________________

5. isner - _____________________

1. Calvary 4. Easter 2. Spring 5. Risen 3. Jesus



Gwenna K. Span


The Journey

It has been a journey; long and many times

hard, but I journey on.

I’ve had to leave some behind and some have

left me, but I must journey on.

I would've given up at times when it seemed

hopeless because of the weight I carry , but

off in a distance I see a glistening light that

exuberates from a golden city so bright and

fair. So, I journey on.

I don’t know how long my journey will be, for sometimes it gets so dark I can barely

see, but there is always a little light in front of me to guide the next step, the next and

then the next, So I journey on.

The road I travel is oh so strait and narrow and there are many roads that venture off. So

I must be watchful and careful not to detour. Sometimes I am tempted to detour and

investigate some of those other roads, for as I take a quick view they are much wider.

There are so many more people who travel thereby. The crowd is louder, the light

brighter, more curves, twist and turns, which seem to be so much more exciting, but

then I turn and view that beautiful bright golden city ahead that seems to just beam and

call my name with every step I take. So, yes, I journey on. Every now and then I’ll see

someone else on this road and we walk together for awhile, but in the process, my steps

are wider or theirs and we part to walk alone; and So, I journey on.

There’s something unique about this journey; as I travel there is a force figure along side

of me and when my way gets weary, it breaths supernatural life inside of me. It says go

ahead, you can make it, I’m right here with you all the way; and as I travel something

wonderful happens as I near that city. My peace is deeper, my joy is greater, my hope is

stronger and my load gets lighter. My view is brighter and my profession is firmer than

ever before. I’ll make it to that city. I must make it to that city. I’ll strive to make it to

that city. No doubt, no fear, no regrets. So - - - - - - I’ll journey on.


Americans spent an average of about 15 hours per week on workplace computers in 2008, and

home computer use reportedly adds up to several hours per day as

well. Our computer use is on the rise. Researchers found, for in-

stance, that college students' use of notebook computers increased

by more than 50% between 2005 and 2008.


Computer eye strain is actually a syndrome that is a collection of problems related to extended

computer use. The condition does no permanent damage, but it can cause any of the following

unpleasant symptoms:

• Eye fatigue • Dry, itchy, watery, or burning eyes

• Squinting • Blurry or double vision

• Headaches • Distorted color perception

• Sensitivity to glare • Pain or stiffness in the neck, back, or shoulders

Risk Factors

Anyone who uses a computer for work, school, or leisure is at risk for computer eye strain.

Spending too much time on Facebook and logging too many hour updating customers’ database

can be just as fatiguing to the eyes. You can develop eye strain from any kind of computer use.

Certain direct and indirect conditions make computer eye strain more likely:

Indirect Factors

* Using a poorly designed workstation, a small monitor, or a low-resolution screen

* Working in improper lighting

* Viewing type that's too small

Direct Factors

* Wearing glasses or contact lenses that under, or overcorrect your vision

* Wearing bifocals or progressive lenses

* Having other eye problems, such as glaucoma, cataracts, age related macular degeneration,

dry eye, or an undiagnosed eye condition

* Working for long periods of time without breaks

Preventing Computer Eye Strain

Most of the indirect factors that increase the likelihood of eye strain can be eliminated by ad-

justing your computer, your work environment, your workstation and decreasing computer

time. Submitted by: Gwenna K. Span


So Long Insecurity: You’ve Been a Bad Friend to Us

Author: Beth Moore

Ashamed of the Gospel When The Church Becomes Like The World

Author: John MacArthr


If you are not laughing enough, you are missing out on one of the greatest gifts that God has

given to mankind.

If you are not laughing enough, you are holding more stress inside of your body than it is able

to physically fight against disorders.

If your not laughing enough, you’re cheating yourself, those you love and your fellowman out

of an uplifting atmosphere.

Did you know that laughter helps to lift burdens and produce a healthier heart? Yes! The word

of God tells us that “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the

bones (Pro. 17:22).” Of course, knowing when to and when not to laugh is important; for Sol-

omon tells us in Eccl. 3:4 that there is “A time to weep, and a time to laugh;” but when the time

is right we should take every available moment in life to enjoy a time of fun and laughter. On

Friday, January 29, 2010, My daughter’s Cashyra, Adorah and I made good of a beautiful snow

fall and went outside to have some fun and laughter. In doing so, we laughed so loud that other

neighbors quickly brought their children over, following the voices of what they assumed was

the laughter of children in the park playing in the snow. BUT NO, it was just us beating the

kids at their own game. As you enjoy the pics, you might also recognize a few more familiar

faces. Check us out and laugh a little. I even made a snow angel. Heyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Adorah Moore

Pastor Span

Cashyra Toney

Adorah Moore Adorah Moore

Pastor Span

Pastor Span


1. Stop impulse buying. Every $10 mistake you would have picked up in the bargain bin goes to a really great fashion ward-robe.

2. In the first step of cleaning out your closet, eliminate every-thing that doesn't fit or that you haven't worn in a year.

3. A few weeks later, go back and get rid of all the stuff you fudged on the first time around.

4. With what's left, begin identifying a theme to your wardrobe, relying on favorite looks, colors and lifestyle pieces.

5. Decide on three colors that either match or will coordinate with what you own and buy only those three colors for apparel.

6. Establish a workable budget.

7. Make a "Most Wanted" list of all the items you need in your wardrobe. (For example: solid blazer, wool pants, white shirt)

8. Set aside an hour of time each week to shop -- online or off -- to buy the items you put on your "Most Wanted" list.

9. Avoid trendy items.

10. Buy fashionable, but timeless clothing that will span two to three seasons -- like wool crepe or matte jersey.

11. Purchase only clothes that work with something that you already own.

12. Pass on anything that doesn't fit -- no matter how great a buy.

13. Try to add only one or two well-thought out items per month.

14. Add punchy color and trendiness with accessories, shoes and handbags.

TIPS: 1. Ig-

nore that advice about buying "the best" of everything. Regardless of how well-made a garment is, moths, coffee spills and kids take their toll. Never choose between a mortgage payment and a cashmere sweater.

2. Try to plan your wardrobe around neutral colors like black, white, khaki, navy or brown.

3. Buy more solids than prints - you won't get tired of them as quickly

Submitted by: Gwenna K. Span


Always buying clothes but never have anything to wear? Here are instructions on how to develop a wardrobe


Victory in the Courthouse Approximately four years ago, David being a young man on his way home from college, en-

countered a serious accident when an elderly woman in a dated vehicle, without looking veered

into his line in front of him. He immediately hit his brakes to avoid her, but nonetheless, the

accident was unavoidable. David’s car spun out of control, overturning itself several times.

When the car came to a halt, David without injury, quickly removed himself from the vehicle in

fear of an explosion. The car did not explode, but it was left beyond the value of repair.

Later the elderly woman’s insurance company contacted David in pursuit of filing a claim to

sue him for over $50,000.00. David being fresh out of college and seeking to embark upon his

career, was unable to pay such an excessive fine; therefore, the claim escalated and David found

himself facing the cost of the fine, lawyer and court fees. Fervent prayer went forth on the be-

half of this situation; pleading David’s cause and reminding God that he was totally innocent

and practiced holy living being a faithful servant in service and tithe and offerings.

Once again the wonderful God who we serve did not forsake

David, but he came through to the “nth” degree. God opened

the windows of financial blessings in an awesome way. A

check came in the mail that covered all of David’s lawyer and

court fees and in addition, the judge dismissed his case. To-

day, David is completely debt free and can now join the

mighty cloud of witnesses in proclaiming that God is truly a

lawyer in the courtroom.

1. If you read your Bible 7 days last week - Stay Standing.

If not - SIT DOWN! 2. If you spent time in prayer at least 6 days last week - Stay Standing.

If not - SIT DOWN! 3. If you completed 5 projects for the work of the Lord in the last week - Stay Standing.

If not - SIT DOWN! 4. If you did a good deed for someone other than family at least 4 times last week-Stay Standing.

If not - SIT DOWN! 5. If you went to church 3 days last week - Stay Standing.

If not - SIT DOWN! 6. If you gave a financial blessing to someone at least 2 times last week - Stay Standing.

If not - SIT DOWN! 7. If you fasted at least 1 time in the last week - Stay Standing.

If not - SIT DOWN!

Now - - - are you still standing? If so do a victory dance unto the Lord. If not, SIT DOWN again.

You don’t need a chair, sit down on the floor. Submitted by: Gwenna K. Span


MARCH Registration (Minister’s Classes) Mar. 1, 10 Mon.

Ministry Night Mar. 5, 10 Fri. @ 7:00 pm

H.I.S. Poetry Mar. 12, 10 Fri. @ 7:00 pm

Community Outreach (jail) Mar. 13, 10 Sat. @ 8:30 am

333 Fast Mar. 14-20,10 Sun. – Sat. 24/7

A.A.F. Inc. Council Mar. 20-21,10 Sat.@1&6 pm /Sun. @ 11am

Minister’s Forum (#2) Mar. 26,10 Fri. @ 6:30 pm

Palm Sunday Mar. 28,10 Sun. @ 11:00 am


Feet Wash & Communion April 2,10 Fri. @ 6:00 pm

Community Outreach (sick & shut-in) April 3, 10 Sat. @ 3:30 pm

Easter Service/Program April 4,10 Sun. @ 11:00 am & 4 pm

New Saint’s & Member’s Class April 7,10 Wed. @ 7:00 pm

Minister’s Night April 16, 10 Fri. @ 7:00 pm

Minister’s Forum (#3) April 30,10 Fri. @ 6:30 pm


Community Outreach (jail) May 1, 10 Sat. @ 8:30 am

Minister’s Night May 7, 10 Fri. @ 7:00 pm

Men’s Service May 15-16,10 Sat. @ 5:30 pm & Sun. 11 am

Feast of Pentecost May 23,10 Sun. @ 11:00 am

Minister’s Forum (#4) May 28,10 Fri. @ 6:30 pm

Youth Sunday May 30,10 Sun. @ 11 am


• Wednesday: Youth Bible Class 6:00 pm 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesday of each month

• Wednesday: Bible Class 7:00 pm 2nd, 3rd & 4th Wednesday of each month

• Thursday: Tarrying Service 7:00 pm

• Sunday: Morning Prayer 10:00 am

Worship Service 11:00 am

For additional information concerning events, meetings and services, review your Calendar of Events schedule.