A2 exam 2012

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Transcript of A2 exam 2012

A2 ART EXAM 2012


Lucien Freud

a portrait of Francis Bacon

Gilbert and George


Dubbed the Morecambe and Wise of modern art, Gilbert and George have straddled the decades, their eccentric veil never dropping for a second. The pair who sidestepped misogyny to focus on the beauty of flawed males

BAUHAUS 1919-1933

Art/ Industry

• Gropius himself said,"The Bauhaus does not pretend to be a crafts school; contact with industry is consciously sought...the old craft workshops will develop into industrial laboratories: from their experimentation will evolve standards for industrial production...The teaching of a craft is meant to prepare for designing for mass production. Starting with the simplest tools and least complicated jobs, he gradually acquires ability to master more intricate problem and to work with machinery, while at the same time he keeps in touch with the entire process of production from start to finish."

Marc Quinn‘Alison Lapper Pregnant’

Plinth in Trafalgar Square London used by numerous artists to display their work bringing together the Artist , the Environment and the Public

Andy Goldsworthy

“I enjoy the freedom of just using my hands and “found” tools–a sharp stone, the quill of a feather, thorns. I take the opportunities each day offers: if it is snowing, I work with snow, at leaf-fall it will be with leaves; a blown-over tree becomes a source of twigs and branches. I stop at a place or pick up a material because I feel that there is something to be discovered. Here is where I can learn.”

Maiada AboudArt/Feminism/Politics

As a woman in a patriarchal society, as an Arab citizen in a Jewish country ….in my videos there are always some forms of resistance to the sexual and social roles played by me as a woman, the roles that I have had to follow through all of my life as a way of transcending the “unkindness” of the real circumstances. Many reasons brought me to deal with the issues of gender and sexuality especially within the female body, viewed as a taboo in the Arab world, so that I could accomplish the things that are forbidden in my family, society, and religion. I have used my body as an actual material to reflect the social and the emotional conflict, trying to break down barriers between art and life. I have tried to create self portraits by breaking and representing my identity in order to make the viewer aware of the structure of seeing and exploring my experience in life, giving him a chance to have a look at my personal world and my own nature.

Surrealists and the Invention of AssemblageAndre Breton Poem Object 1935

André Breton, the leader of the early Surrealists, was a poet, writer, and revolutionary philosopher. While he is most famous for writing the Surrealist Manifesto, Breton also composed some of the earliest assemblages called “Poem-Objects”.

WAR ART Harvey Thomas Dunn ‘the tanks at SeichepreyWar art, or the visualization of suffering in conflict

has always been a powerful means of mobilizing public opinion and action against violence. It is most successfully used in humanitarian crises or conflicts, where images of suffering people prompt us to take action, either in the form of donations or political pressure to intervene.

Choi Jung Hyunsculptures made from computer parts

Figurative Sculpture

Anticlockwise - David Mach, Anthony Gormley, Alberto Giacometti. Auguste Rodin

Fashion Illustration and CultureFashion and art are one in the same; fashion will forever be a medium for expression, interpretation and serve as an extension of ourselves.

Art andCultural

Japanese artist Takashi Murakami has produced a collection of rugs in collaboration with Louis Vuitton. They worked on two designs, that come in editions of 20 each. The round flower rug that you see above, comes in both 2 meter and 3 meter diameter.

Fashion and Technology

Conceptual clothing by Jenni Dutton

'Filleted Mermaid' made from thin wire, fabric and wax, decorated with broken glass.

I have always been fascinated with the legend of the mermaid. There is something about the combining of the female and fish forms that has a powerful and sexual image. She is at once helpless and yet alluring but this hybrid creature, like all creatures of the deep stands for the unconscious, and in particular for the anima, the femine aspect within the psyche.

Edward Hopper

Henri Matisse relationship with colour