A Year Reflected v Basic

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Transcript of A Year Reflected v Basic

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    A Year Reflected

    By Frank Corless


    The following poems were all written in 1993. This was an eventful year for Ihad time for meditation, reading and searching. The poetry is an extension of this.

    The poems are not in chronological order as I did not have sense at the time to date

    them as I wrote them.. It may also be that the process of writing is so right brained

    that to then think in a concrete way something as simple as placing a date just does

    not enter. Please take them for what they give you; as your perception will be

    different than mine.

    There is a Message

    By Frank Corless

    There is a Message!Listen in your hearts.

    You wont find it through emotions

    Locked up in fear.


    You are Gods creation

    Choose unity with Him

    Or choose pain

    Pain is your creation

    It is your dream.

    It is not real. But it is your choice.

    Unity or Separation?

    Love or Fear?You are Gods Creation

    This is the Good News!

    There is a message!

    Sing it out when you find it

    First look in quiet

    Youll find it there(chorus)

    There is a message!

    Be open to searching

    Listen to your Spirit

    Face all forms of fear

    There is a message! (chorus)

    There is a message!

    It frees when you know it

    The message is given

    But only you can listen. (chorus)

    There is a message!

    I hope youll find it.

    Im slowly hearing

    And Peace it brings (chorus)

    There is a Message!

    Simple when you knowYou have the choice

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    Hear and believe. (chorus)


    By Frank Corless

    SensualityA dream?


    Perception? Yes

    Within us all

    How do I judge my perception?

    Too harshly in the past,

    But now it is gone.

    Here, now dispel the past

    (de spell)

    It is not real.

    Long goneOnly now.

    Again my choice

    Become aware

    Sensuality is all around

    It tingles & entices.

    Do in the beauty of youth,

    And in the warmth of the morning sun

    Davids songs proclaim it

    Wrapped in life.

    Take the gift.

    Enjoy its pleasureMore than physical appearance

    Judge it not.

    Judgement only kills.

    Seek not its destruction.

    Nurture it gently through the Spirit

    Seek its truth as Gods gift.

    Respect its energy.

    Seek not power over it

    Join with it as it flows



    By Frank Corless


    Always temporary,

    Neither right nor wrong

    Over take us in our Ego,

    All consume the passing moment

    See beyond it

    Let it teach.Embrace the lesson

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    Do not fear it.

    So Tempting to hide and nullify the encounter

    The world proclaims

    Dont cry.

    Control your anger.

    You are too passionate and more.Spirit says listen

    Seek heaven in this moment.

    Go beyond the temporary


    You are not alone.

    Trust inner guidance.

    Even fear the strongest emotion

    Teaches when faced.

    O Glorious Change

    By Frank Corless

    Only a while back

    So lost

    Caught up within the world

    Full of fear

    Hiding. Covering. Protecting

    Freedom has presented itself.

    The chains were choice.

    Looked at from this moment

    Illusion made real

    Because I judged it so

    O Glorious changeThe judgement is going

    Each day brings change

    Less judgement made

    More openness to the present lessons found

    Experience does teach,

    Not through judgement.

    Not through protection.

    Through openness


    By Frank Corless



    Seen only as work

    Change its name

    It can be life giving

    for those who see its true purpose.


    Lessons for growth!

    See not slavery in this task

    If miracle be sought

    Then means to break the chainsThese tasks are truly meant.

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    If seen by teacher and pupil in this light

    Renew to learn for life!


    By Frank Corless

    UnityIt calls

    Fear it not

    It is intimate

    What can be more intimate than Oneness.

    It beckons

    Softly, lightly

    To receive its message,

    To receive its love.

    Let go of separateness

    It is present this Oneness,

    This unityIt is only our perception that separates it.


    By Frank Corless

    Reflect a quiet voice requests

    The Ego resists.

    You have a choice

    One brings peace.

    The other is empty


    By Frank Corless


    Draws my attention.

    Should it?

    Its not real.

    A Myth

    Ive taught myself to believeLook fresh

    Look in and seek new perception

    What miracle is their to find


    It says stop

    Love yourself

    Stop pushing get in touch

    Reaccept yourself


    Look beyond the body

    There is mindThere is Spirit

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    There is freedom

    Pain is but a warning

    Nothing more

    Learn to listen

    Learn its lesson

    Sooner doneSooner healed

    Block the lesson

    Repeat the pain

    Free will.

    I learn at my pace

    Delightful Swallow

    By Frank Corless

    Her Laughter filled the room

    Only momentaryAnd most would miss.

    So common in lifes game

    Yet I heard and saw soon after

    Liquid looking mussel entering ruby lips

    To slither down that slender throat

    Enjoyment showed upon her face

    This is sensual to my mind.

    Life enjoyed.

    Shared separately

    Like actor and audience

    Each gained.

    Yet different the experience


    By Frank Corless


    Armour do we create

    Out of fear of being hurt

    Build up defencesOne upon another

    Put up the fences

    ATTACK if necessary

    Submission itself becomes a weapon


    ALL to no avail

    Ones protections become its weapons against the self

    Breaking down and causing hurt to that which would be protected

    Defencelessness based in truth and love

    The only answer

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic



    By Frank Corless


    Death?My purpose in the World?

    Questions we all ask in silence,

    Thinking were unique


    Keeping us apart

    Inward focussed on the self,

    Without truly facing self in solitude.

    Loneliness builds up

    Reflect in this similarity

    Between you and I

    And all aroundWe are so different

    Purpose comes in recognising this

    Be drawn to unity,

    To oneness

    Let go the image

    Let go the judgments

    Accept and this will lead to love

    And love is answer to all questions

    Lost Opportunity

    By Frank Corless

    The student shrieks

    Im bored.

    What have we done, Society?

    Imagination beckons

    To some, hours become minutes.

    Lost in countless worlds,

    Dimensions numberless,

    Ideas flow.Einstein, Edison & Newton knew.

    Leonardo was a Master.

    Imagination tapped

    What may seem idle can bring direction.

    So many seem to have lost the knack

    Their left-brain sending out

    Im bored

    When opportunity is given

    So sad!

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    Past Holds

    By Frank Corless

    Discovering Ones truth,

    Seems mixed among the rubble.Voices within me speak

    Compulsively about my weaknesses

    Voices from the past

    Holding me back because of childhood coping decisions.

    Decisions long past outgrown;

    But reinforced by habits over years

    Much like archaic laws

    Brought out to punish one

    For doing what all present commonly agree as fine

    Punish it must

    Because it is law.Not because it is appropriate

    Re-perceive the present moment.

    Are the actions motivated from

    Past compulsion,

    Or from the knowledge

    That peace & love are given

    to the heart of Self

    through the action?

    The Key

    By Frank Corless

    A key

    I have searched high and low

    The door is locked and bolted

    So secure

    I have tried to circumvent

    To crash throughAnd even to run away

    Always only to find myself before the door

    Frustration, Madness, Despair:

    So many emotions have I felt

    Then I stopped and sat

    Listening in quiet

    A peace pervades

    The KEY is Me!

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    A Poets Words

    By Frank Corless

    A poets words

    What do they mean?If written in the past

    To you the reader.

    Then no longer does the poets moment exist

    Seek not his moment

    Seek truth

    Let his spirit everlasting

    Join your spirit everlasting

    If his words be ego

    They will be ego to him

    If now present before you

    A choice presents itselfListen from your ego.

    Or listen from your spirit

    One will guide appealingly but emptily

    The other will lead to love

    True ecstasy

    Ego then can be transformed to truth

    By joining Spirit

    Or remain Ego empty except for temporary emotion.

    Heart Speaks

    By Frank Corless

    Heart speaks

    Listen, learn

    The beloved creator speaks

    No! I have responded.

    Creation goes on

    Used in spite of my personal struggle

    Always calling saying join

    I Am creatingStruggle all you like

    Eventually you Frank will see Truth

    You have always been part

    Your perception only has been apart

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    Franciss Lesson

    By Frank Corless

    Is it said that Francis preached to the Animals

    His oneness with nature is well knownI think


    The animals gathered not to hear Francis,

    But to preach to him

    Recognise that preaching in this regard was but sharing

    Nature has 2 meanings

    Gods or mans

    Mans has many nuances and full of ego

    Each seen from a finite point

    Francis went from that to open up

    His lesson was to see the infiniteGods Truth

    And to join with it

    It is not as complex as it seems

    it is unity

    As creation

    Whole and parts still one

    The fishs Lesson

    By Frank Corless

    Peaceful fish within the pond

    No thought of past or future passes your mind

    In tune with those around

    The water flows

    Each current made by each fin

    Does act upon the school

    Ion harmony with occasional disruption

    Disruption that is gentle to those near

    Adjustment made and subtle position changes happen to create interest to to creat

    varietyYet through it all

    Life Exists and flows

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic



    By Frank Corless


    Pass it on.Protect oneself.

    Our childhood judgments

    Keep us weak

    Others reflect our insecurity

    It is not our true selves we see

    It is only our judgments

    Our perceptions

    So barriers we put up

    To protect us from past hurts

    Long past gone

    Instead of protecting thoughRecycled hurt attacks

    Because we failed to listen

    Failed to love

    Listen to the Love we are

    Accept it

    Believe in it

    Live it

    As we accept it in ourselves

    Then do we accept it in others

    Sublime Peace

    By Frank Corless

    Sublime Peace

    Available to all

    No drug or aid can take one to these heights

    Look within

    Know thyself as Love

    Free from all judgment.

    It is not escapeBut facing truth

    Overcoming fear

    And moving from belief

    To faith

    A gift to self

    When the struggle is let go.

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    Whats On My Mind

    By Frank Corless

    Whats on my Mind?

    My bodys full of symptomsIntellectually I know it is illusion

    Why do I cling to worldly thoughts?

    I am being blest.

    I recognise that and give thanks

    Yet the symptoms say Im still clinging

    I pray o Holy Spirit teach me now

    In my weaknesses there is Miracle

    Open my eyes and quieten my egos voice

    That my heart will hear your teaching

    That my will is truly of the Fathers


    By Frank Corless


    Taking in the time

    Brain is storing

    Little lost

    How to process?

    How to retrieve?

    Conscious mind struggles

    Hypnosis, Relaxation, Meditation

    Draws it out

    Education trains the conscious

    Little time left to discover what is hidden

    So much stored away

    The ear can hear a whispered conversation

    Over a hundred yards

    The eye sees all before it; size, shape and colour

    Subtle variations all noted and stored

    Left unprocessed little valuedSkin aware of subtle pressure changes wind, heat and touch

    6th sense? No

    5 senses picking up informing, processing

    See the potential

    Mostly untapped.

  • 8/14/2019 A Year Reflected v Basic


    How Do I See You?

    By Frank Corless

    How do I see you?

    With my perception based upon the pastNot your true self at all

    No wonder intimacy seems so far

    I want to know you

    My fears have gotten in the way

    So too my habits put up walls

    I hope I pray that I may find a way

    to see through my spirit and not my body

    Your truth this day

    Truth will come when I stop reflecting backmy fears of loss

    A fear that cannot be

    A misperception

    For love is what you are and so am I

    The essence cannot be lost

    It was

    It is

    It always will be

    The Spirit holds the truth

    Loss of love?


    Only blocked by me.