A Word Of Wisdom Food Guide

Post on 10-May-2015

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An explanation of the Foundation for Health Food Plan Guide and it's correlation to the Word of Wisdom found in the LDS scriptures.

Transcript of A Word Of Wisdom Food Guide

A Word of Wisdom Food Guide by Tammy Hulse, BS Nutrition and Food Science

Diet and Health Americans are facing a health crisis. Medical costs are increasing, obesity has become a national epidemic, depression is more prevalent and the general health of Americans continues to decline. Diet, exercise, emotional stress, environmental toxins and other life-style issues have all been considered in seeking a solution to this challenge. Members of the church have maintained better health than the average American by avoiding the use of alcohol, tobacco, tea and coffee as recommended in the Word of Wisdom. The warnings the Lord gave his Saints over 150 years ago have been a tremendous blessing for those who have been obedient. The Lord also gave some dietary counsel in the Word of Wisdom. The eight “positives” that were revealed to Joseph Smith provides a food guide that will assist health conscious individuals to make wise selections in a time when many unnatural and unhealthy food choices are available.

For years, nutritionists have encouraged Americans to make healthy food choices. A variety of food guides have been developed to encourage the use of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, and to limit sugars and fats. These food guides have changed over time to incorporate the latest in nutrition research. It seems with each revision, scientists are getting closer to the Word of Wisdom that was revealed so long ago. Have you ever wondered what a food guide would look like that was based completely on the Word of Wisdom? Would such a guide promote better health among those who live by it? Members of the church would undoubtedly be blessed by living the eight “positives” in the Word of Wisdom. The Lord himself has given this promise to all who do. “And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones; and shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; and shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint. And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by hem, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen.” D&C 89: 18-21

The Eight Positives of the Words of Wisdom 1. All wholesome herbs are ordained for

the constitution, nature and use of man.

2. Herbs and fruits should be used in the season thereof

3. Foods are to be used with prudence and thanksgiving

4. Animal products are to be sparingly 5. Grain is ordained as the staff of life 6. All grain is to be used by man and

animals in times of famine and excess hunger

7. Wheat for Man 8. Barley for mild beverages.

“The Lord has told us what is good for us to eat, and to drink, and what is pernicious, but some of our wise philosophers, and some of our elders too, pay no regard to it; they think it too little, too foolish, for wise men to regard --fools! Where is their wisdom, philosophy, and intelligence? From whence did they obtain their superior light? They think it too small for him to condescend to tell men what will be nutritious or what will be unhealthy. Who made the corn, the wheat, the rye, and all vegetable substances? And who was it that organized man, and constituted him as he is found? Who made his stomach, and his digestive organs, and prepared proper nutriment for his system, that the juices of his body might be supplied; and his form be invigorated by that kind of food which the laws of nature, and the laws of God has said would be good for man? . . . “ Hyrum Smith, 1842

The Food Guide Diagram A diagram based on the Word of Wisdom would group the foods differently than we see in today’s food guides. Section 89 of the Doctrine Covenants groups foods in the following categories: All Wholesome Herbs: This refers to the plant kingdom and includes all vegetables and plants that are edible, nourishing and healthy for man. These foods have been ordained for the constitution, nature and use of man. Constitution means somebody’s general condition of health, especially the body’s ability to remain healthy and withstand disease or hardship. For this reason, the plant kingdom provides the foundation for health and is found at the base of the diagram. Foods from the plant kingdom can be divided into four categories. In other words, these food groups provide four cornerstones for a strong foundation. A. Plant Proteins: These include nuts, seeds and

legumes. Protein means “of primary importance” and is essential for good health. Protein substances make up the muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, glands, nails, hair, many vital body fluids, and are essential for bone growth.

B. Vegetables: Foods that are commonly known as vegetables are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and enzymes. Enzymes are not nutrients, but are essential for nutrients to be utilized. They are fragile and destroyed during cooking so it is important to include both raw and cooked vegetables in the diet.

C. Oils: In today’s society there is much emphasis on avoiding unhealthy fats for good reason. Hydrogenated oils and trans fats should be avoided as they are destructive to health. High quality oils, on the other hand are essential for good health and must be emphasized. Every organ of the body needs fatty acids. They are used for energy metabolism, glandular integrity, skin and heart function. They are also used to “humanize” protein and make them useable by the body. Healthy oils include flax seed, olive, grape seed, almond, coconut, peanut, canola and sesame oil. Other oils that can be used occasionally include safflower, sunflower, and corn but they will become rancid more easily.

D. Herbs/Spices: Fresh herbs not only provide a wonderful variety of flavors for foods but they also contain many factors that promote good health. Herbs are considered God’s medicines and when

used with “judgment and skill” can provide health and healing for many individuals.

Animal Products: The recommendation given for animal products is that they are to be used sparingly, preferably in times of “winter, or cold, or famine.” This recommendation can be applied to all animal products. Limiting animal proteins to less than 10% of foods consumed will help people meet this guideline. Animal products can be used to supplement the proteins in the plant kingdom, but should be used sparingly. Fruits “in the season thereof”: Eating fruits in season works well with the natural season cycle of nutrition. Fruits are complete by themselves with all the enzymes, vitamins and minerals that will promote their own digestion. They make a great snack or light meal. Fruits also have an alkalizing effect on the body and will promote better rest when eaten in the afternoon or early evening hours. Grains are the “staff of life”: A staff is a large heavy stick that is used as a support. Grains provide energy and support to a healthy body. The right amount of whole grain will maintain the body’s energy requirements without creating excess stress. The Lord teaches that grains are to be used in times of excess hunger or famine. Wheat has been designated as the grain for man. Grains are wonderful foods to eat to satisfy hunger after the protein and vegetable requirements have been met. Spelt, the original wheat grain before hybrid grains were developed, has been identified as one of the most complete foods for man on earth. Sometimes, people with wheat sensitivities can use spelt without a problem. Anyone with a gluten allergy should not use spelt.

Meal Planning and Food Combining The following guidelines for meal planning are based on the current understanding of nutrition science. When followed, these guidelines will:

Provide a full variety of taste and textures

Promote complete digestion

Minimize digestive complaints after meals

Supply sustained energy for the day’s activities

Food Selection: Choose foods that have been created by God. These foods are energized by the light of Christ, which gives life to everything living on earth. Artificial foods that have been manufactured in a laboratory are missing this essential life giving element. It is important to select foods that are as close to the natural state as possible to avoid unnecessary processing and additives. Begin each day with foods at the base of the foundation and work your way to the top as the day goes on. Breakfast: This is the most important meal of the day. The best food choices come from the base of the foundation, which are wholesome herbs and include a variety of proteins, a variety of vegetables, healthy oils, and herbal seasonings. For example, a rice bowl mixed with nuts and vegetables would make a great breakfast. Proteins should be eaten early in the day to provide sustained energy. It is best to eat protein foods before 3:00 pm to give the body time to digest them completely before bedtime. Avoid combining proteins and starchy vegetables in the same meal. The presence of complex carbohydrates interferes with complete protein digestion. Raw Vegetables provide enzymes to help digest proteins and should be included in protein meals. People with higher protein requirements can use similar meal plans for breakfast and lunch which is a variety of proteins and vegetables with some healthy oils and herbs. A complex carbohydrate meal is also beneficial at lunch time if protein needs have already been met. If an individual is still hungry after 3:00 pm and needs more calories to maintain energy, whole grains are an excellent choice for nutrition during the evening hours. Fruits make an excellent snack or light evening meal and are complete by themselves. They do not need to be combined with anything.

Grains and fruits are digested more rapidly and are the best foods to be eaten in the meals preceding sleep. The body will benefit from a deeper rest when foods are completely digested before going to sleep. For this reason, it is also wise to avoid eating after 6:00 pm.

Barley for Mild Beverages In the Word of Wisdom, barley is recommended for use in mild beverages. There are three types of healthy beverages available that are made from barley.

Barley Drink

Barley Broth

Green Drink Barley Drink – This warm beverage made from barley is especially soothing during times of illness, but can be used all the times. Directions: Pour 1 cup barley on a baking sheet and brown in a 300 F oven until very brown but not burned. Pour browned barley in a blender and blend. This should become almost powdery. Steep in a percolator until the water achieves the strength you like (10-20 minutes). Use 1 ½ tsp barley crystals for each cup of water. Optional: Add different herbs to the barley to create an herbal tea. Use one scoop stevia per cup to sweeten. Barley Broth is also helpful for gas, bloating, or heartburn. The broth can be made by boiling 5 parts water to 1 part barley for 10 minutes. Cover and simmer for 55 minutes more. Strain, cool and sip the liquid during the day. Green Drinks made from barley grass are also good detoxifiers and blood cleansers. They are high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes and promote healing along the digestive tract.

With Prudence and Thanksgiving The Word of Wisdom counsels to use foods with “prudence and thanksgiving.” When meals are eaten in an environment where gratitude is genuinely felt and expressed for the foods offered, the meal will be better enjoyed and digestion will be more complete. A prayer of thanksgiving with a request for a blessing on the food, invites the Lord to improve the nutritional value of the food provided. “Prudence” means careful management of resources. It is important to take time to think about the foods we eat. Proper care and preparation of food will maintain a higher nutritional quality. The following guidelines will help people manage food resources wisely. Fats/Oils: Misused oils are potentially the most dangerous foods we eat. Rancid oils are poisonous to the body. Heating oils will cause oxidation and oxidation brings about rancidity. When using fats and oils it is important to remember the following:

Stir fry at low temperature (250F)

Never reused a heated oil

Store oils in a cool dark place

Wipe rim of oil bottle after each use

Eat fried food SPARINGLY

Take a Vitamin E supplement whenever you eat fried foods

Beans/Legumes: These foods are a wonderful source of protein as long as they have been prepared properly. The best method for preparing beans to optimize protein assimilation is to sprout them and then cook them at a low temperature (below the boiling point). Crock-pots work great for cooking beans! Sprouting beans before cooking also reduces the digestive complaints associated with eating bans. Sprouting can be done by soaking one cup of beans in a quart jar of water for 24 hours. Put the beans on a sprouting tray, and cover for 3-4 days until small sprouts begin to form. Beans should be rinsed at least 2 times each day. Beans can sour easily during sprouting- the process can be hastened by placing the quart jar of beans and water in a warm environment (115 F ) for at least 12 hours. A dehydrator can be use to provide this environment. For example: soak beans for 12 hours at room temperature until they have swollen, then soak for another 12 hours at 115 degrees. Rinse well and prepare as directed.

Soybeans and soy protein are difficult for the body to digest. Fermented soy products create less stress on the body during digestion. Gardening: Home production of foods in a garden is one of the best ways to limit the amount of pesticides and herbicides used on produce. Freshly harvested fruits and vegetables that go directly from garden to table provide the most nutritious forms of produce you can find. Cleaning raw fruits and vegetables: It is difficult to find organically grown fruits and vegetables all the time. Cleaning fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating will help to minimize exposure to toxic sprays and chemicals used in food production. Clorox bleach or hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean produce, eggs, and meats:

Use regular Clorox bleach, not the lemon scent or Clorox I

Put 1 tsp Clorox or hydrogen peroxide in ½ sink full of water

Soak foods for 10-20 minutes

Afterward, soak foods in plain water for 10 minutes

Rinse foods and spread out on clean terry cloth towel to dry

Food Production and preservation: Remember that high heat and high pressure destroy the nutritional value of foods. Freezing and dehydrating are the best methods for preserving foods. If canned foods are part of the diet, then it is critical to include raw foods in addition to obtain more balanced nutrition. The shelf life of food is longer when it is stored in a cool, dry place. Foods will have the highest nutritional value when they are used within the recommended shelf life.

“To a significant degree, we are an overfed and undernourished nation digging an early grave with our teeth, and lacking the energy that could be ours because we overindulge in junk foods . . . To a great extent, we are physically what we eat. Most of us are acquainted with some of the prohibitions of the Word of Wisdom, such as no tea, coffee, tobacco, or alcohol. But what need additional emphasis are the positive aspects – the need for vegetables, fruits, and grain . . . We need a generation of people who eat in a healthier manner.” -President Ezra Taft Benson