A Word from our Registrar, Ellen Bradystorage.cloversites.com/hopeunitedchurchofchrist... · 2015....

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Transcript of A Word from our Registrar, Ellen Bradystorage.cloversites.com/hopeunitedchurchofchrist... · 2015....

A Word from our Registrar, Ellen Brady

Last Saturday the wedding of Wendy and Lori Zach took place at HOPE UCC. It was a lovely celebration, enjoyed by all of us who were there. It also becomes a piece of HOPE history, the first same sex wedding performed at our church since marriage equality became law in Illinois last summer. The road to marriage equality in the United States began in our era with a ruling by the US Supreme Court in 1972 upholding a ruling by the Minnesota Supreme Court which denied several same sex couples the right to marry. In 1973 Maryland passed a law forbidding same sex couples the right to marry. Some other states followed their lead. In 1996 President Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA. This law reflected the need felt by many in Congress and also the President that marriage be restricted to one man and one woman. In 1999 California became the first state to pass a domestic partnership statute. Also in 1999 Vermont was the first state to create civil unions. Meanwhile, several other states within the next few years passed laws banning same sex marriage. A landmark was reached in May of 2008 when the California Supreme Court ruled on Freedom to Marry. Weddings began on June 16. Many will remember pictures of couples lined up in front of the San Francisco City Hall waiting joyfully for their turn. Of course we also remember in November of that year we elected Barack Obama as our President and that same day California passed Prop 8 which again banned same sex marriage in that state. By 2009 the dominoes began to fall in a positive direction as several states passed freedom to marry laws. By 2010 Prop 8 in California was found to be unconstitutional. By 2011 President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder stopped defending DOMA calling it unconstitutional. As of now, same sex marriage is legal in 37 states and the District of Columbia. On April 28 the Supreme Court of the United States will hear arguments about whether states can ban same sex marriage. More history may be made soon. Of course laws are one thing and hearts and minds another. According to a CNN poll taken in October of last year, 55% of Americans believe same sex marriage should be legal. This is an amazing number when compared to 27% of Americans asked the same question in 1996 less than 20 years ago. People do change their minds and we need to continue to do outreach and educate.


Pastoral Search Committee Congregational Survey

Last Sunday, during worship, the Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) began gathering input from the congregation in the form of a survey (which takes about ten minutes). The survey will help complete important information that is needed to complete HOPE's Church Profile which will be a key element to pastoral candidates in seeking a new church to serve. The survey requests information from friends and partners of HOPE regarding demographics, as well as pastoral qualities you feel are important to our church. The survey is the best way to get accurate information into HOPE's profile and what we are looking for in a settled pastor. It is very important that as many people of HOPE fill out this survey in a timely manner in order to keep the search process moving forward. PSC will be seeking survey input from those unable to provide it yet. If you haven’t had an opportunity, please contact Nick Dempsey, PSC Chair, for a survey copy. Thanks!

HOPE’s Pastoral Search Committee Nick Dempsey – Chair Melody Ellsworth Ed Hapke Marie Higgins Jennifer Revoldt Jane Trotta


Our next awesome FUNdraiser…….HOPE’S AMAZING ROAD CHALLENGE

ONLY 2 Weeks Before the event!! Sign up this week!!

Gather your family and friends and form teams of 3-5 per vehicle and join us in a fun road rally/scavenger hunt/amazing race type contest weaving through the western suburbs. This event consists of directions to places where you will be asked to do some easy tasks and answer many questions that can only be correct by being in the right place at the right time. There will be instructions on where to go, what to do, and all of this effort to be the team who is the most accurate overall in the shortest amount of miles. Sometimes you need the correct answer to keep you on track to the next destination. This is not a timed event although there will be a time limit. The vehicles will be “dispatched” individually with some time in between to prevent “ bunching” at the locations.

We will start at HOPE United Church of Christ and end at an undisclosed destination for fun, camaraderie, beverages, bragging rights and to announce a winner. Yes, there are prizes! There will be some raffle items at the beginning (and the end) as well as a 50/50 raffle. Tickets for raffles go on sale Sunday, April 12th

When: Saturday. April 25, the first start time will leave at 1:00 pm. The actual challenge will take approximately two hours to complete, but stay to have fun!

Fee: $20 per person within the vehicle payable with registration. Bring more than one team!

What you’ll need: A vehicle with a working odometer, minimum three people, scratch paper, and importantly one SMART PHONE in the vehicle. You will need to take pictures at certain times and maybe even a short video.

Oh, and here’s the first of many disclaimers….. HOPE UCC is not responsible for any “issues” that may occur during the event. We’re not paying for any tickets!

Gather your dream team’s today! Only one week left to sign up!!

Mark Your Calendars for Sunday, April 26th

HOPE’s Quarterly Congregational Meeting

immediately following Worship.

This will be an energizing gathering!! Watch

upcoming HOPE Happenings for more information

The Green Earth Fair is Coming! We want to extend the Jesus Has Left the Building project beyond the four Sundays in 2015. Here is an opportunity for us to do a fun project that benefits our local CSA (Community Sustainable Agriculture) Farm and gets us out in the community.

When: Sunday, May 3, 2015 Time: 12 - 5:30 p.m. Where: Green Earth Institute, 10 S 404 Knoch Knolls Road, Naperville IL 60565 This yearly event is an opportunity for the community to explore the benefits of Community Organic Farming. The fair will offer activities, speakers, bands, food and fun for everyone.

As a church, we can help by volunteering our time to help with one or more of the activities; such as the children's craft table, introduce a speaker, help in the children's garden, be at the plant sale tent, or one of many other activities. Each three-hour shift is fun and gives us an opportunity to meet and talk with other community members.

You can check the website out at www.greenearthinstitute.org. Here’s a note from Ashley Frank, Volunteer Coordinator:

My name is Ashley Frank. I am the volunteer coordinator for the Green Earth Fair at Green Earth Institute in Naperville. Green Earth Institute is a non-profit established in 2002 to promote nutritional health and environmental sustainability. Over 40 crops of organic vegetables are grown on their 60 acre farm. These vegetables are then sold through the community supported agriculture program (CSA). They offer gardening and nature appreciation programs for children as well as adults. We are looking for volunteers, for one day, for the Green Earth Fair. The Green Earth Fair will be held on Sunday, May 3, 2015 from 12-5. This is their annual fair that features speakers, tours, exhibits, music, kids’ activities and more!! It's a day for celebrating spring, organic food and learning more about how you can make a difference by being green.

Below is a list of the volunteer opportunities we have for that day and the day before. Please feel free to contact me with any questions! My email is: fairvolunteers@greenearthinstitute.org. Thank you!

Saturday Set-up 9-12 noon: 6 people

Sunday Set-Up - Set up tables and chairs. Hang signs. Set up garbage cans and bags for trash and recycle stations. Assist with booth set-up, etc. 9 am to 12 noon: 10 people

Welcome Fair Attendees - Greet visitors at Fair entrance, pass out Fair programs, inform people about particular attractions and keep a count using a hand-held counter clicker. 12 to 3 pm: 2 people 2:30 to 5:30 pm: 2 people

Children’s Craft Activities - Assist at the booth where children will be making musical instruments out of various recycled materials and from items from nature. Examples are: drums from oatmeal cans, horns from paper towel tubes, and rattlers from empty water bottles. 12 to 3 pm: 8 people 2:30 to 5:30 pm: 8 people

Children’s Garden Activities - Assist in the Children’s Garden area by helping children with activities such as decorating tree cookies, identifying compost critters, seed planting, and creating veggie rainbows. 12 to 3 pm: 8 people 2:30 to 5:30 pm: 8 people

Moderators - Assist at presentations by introducing presenter, keeping track of time and helping with questioning process. You will be given all the info you need. Times: TBD Barb Zigterman will be the contact person at HOPE UCC, so if you are able to volunteer some time, please contact her at


Sharing Joys & Concerns

Please keep these people & events in your prayers:

Kathy Pearce and family. Their son, who was my son’s playmate growing up, has died. Prayers for Michael. (Linda Smith)

Please pray for Holly Walter and the five kids moving to Michigan. (Mary Alexis Low, Nicole’s mom)

Family and friends of Joyce Butler, who passed away last week. She was a lifelong supporter and advocate for those with mental illness. We will miss her love and energy for life. (Shannon Lane)

Strong, young women (my nieces) who have to make tough life decisions. Give them strength and support their journey. (Becky)

Comfort, peace and joy for the St. Angelo family at the death of Doug St. Angelo, youngest brother of George. The brothers are together now. (Becky McCabe and Tina Wetzel)

Prayers for better health/healing for my son, as his play opens in L.A. this Friday, April 17th. (Anna)

My friends, Tom & Larry. Larry is in the hospital and they have relieved the pressure on his brain. Keep them in your prayers. (Mark Geiger)

My friend, Jim McClain, who lost his battle with cancer. Also pray for Paulie Paul, who was with Jim for over 25 years. (Mark Geiger)

Those affected by the tornado in Fairdale and Rochelle. (Zach)

Thanks to Lori and Wendy for sharing their special day with us. Thanksgiving for a blessed and beautiful wedding. God bless your marriage. (Your HOPE UCC Family)

HOPE United Church of Christ

1701 Quincy Avenue, Suite 27 Naperville, IL 60540-6684

Rev. Greg Skiba, Interim Pastor

Interim Pastor Email – Interim@sharehope.org

Office Phone – 630-922-0470 Office Email – hope@sharehope.org

Website – www.sharehope.org

Office Hours: Tuesday - Thursday - 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Celebrating Birthdays

04/21 Tim Higgins 04/22 Zach Jarabeck 04/27 Linda Smith 04/27 Shannon Lane 04/30 Mary Kroening

If we’ve missed your birthday, please email HOPE’s Office Manager at HOPE@shareHOPE.org.

HOPE’S Leadership

Moderator: Jeanne Smith

Past Moderator: Marie Higgins

Treasurer: Laurie Hogrewe

Secretary: Becky McCabe

Registrar: Ellen Brady

Social: Mark Geiger

Education: Tracy Urben

Pastor-Parish: Jay Hruska/Tim Higgins

Outreach: Zach Jarabeck

Resource: Linda James

Worship: Anna Ahonen

TMT: Kathy Carter

Nick Dempsey

Mark Geiger

Marie Higgins

Shannon Lane

Mike Manderino

Jeanne Smith

Photo Archive: Anna Ahonen

Webmaster: Jenn Revoldt (webmaster@sharehope.org)

Deadline for additions or corrections to

the next issue of HOPE Happenings is April 21, 2 p.m. Thanks!

Announcements for Sunday due by Wednesday of each week.


ADULT QUEST (9 – 10 a.m.)


You may reserve items (books, videos or tapes) by calling HOPE’s Office Manager at (630-922-0470) during office hours; by checking them out at HOPE UCC any time it is open; or by calling Martha Selby, HOPE Librarian, at (630) 355-3709.

Cleaning Teams Needed

HOPE is in need of a few more cleaning teams. The teams help keep

the Church clean and rotate on a weekly basis. Contact Gail Bassett,

Office Manager, for more information.


April 16, Thursday

Women Out to Lunch (Noon) Join the women of HOPE on the third Thursday of each month. Lively conversation, great food & warm fellowship are waiting for you at Giordano’s Restaurant at 119 S. Main Street, in downtown Naperville. Parking is available in the lot across from the restaurant or the Van Buren Parking Building.

April 19, Sunday

Ministry Council Meeting (11:30 a.m.)

April 22, Wednesday

Explore Your Faith Breakfast (7:30 a.m.) Meets at Quincy's, 1112 E. Ogden Avenue, Naperville.

April 25, Saturday

HOPE UCC Road Rally Challenge (1 p.m.) (See article for more details)

April 26, Sunday

HOPE’s Quarterly Congregational Meeting (11:15 am) (More details to follow in upcoming HOPE Happenings)

April 29, Wednesday

Explore Your Faith Breakfast (7:30 a.m.) Meets at Quincy's, 1112 E. Ogden Avenue, Naperville.

May 3, Sunday

One Great Hour of Sharing (Special Collection)

May 6, Wednesday

Explore Your Faith Breakfast (7:30 a.m.) Meets at Quincy's, 1112 E. Ogden Avenue, Naperville.

May 12, Tuesday

All Ministries Meeting (7 p.m.)