A we thank you not only for the privilege of receiving...

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Transcript of A we thank you not only for the privilege of receiving...

Trinity-St. Stephen’s United Church

1 Ratchford St., P.O. Box 413, Amherst, NS, B4H 3Z5

Email: tssuc@eastlink.ca — Web: www.tssuc.com

Nigel Weaver (902-667-8443)

Jeff Joudrey

Erika Benjamin (902-667-8483)

Terry Lawless

Intentional Interim Minister:

Director of Music:

Office Administrator:


Today’s bulletin is given in loving memory of James & Dorothy Trueman

by the family

ALL: Good and giving God,

we thank you not only for the privilege of receiving your gifts

but also for the privilege of being gifts

to each other and to the world.

Receive our offerings of money, talent, time, prayer and promise.

Through them, and through us, bless your world. Amen.

As the offering is brought to the front we stand and sing

tune 217 in the Red Hymnbook

O God, may we who bear your name

by gentle love your grace proclaim;

Sing praises, hallelujah!

Christ’s gift of peace on earth declare

and your anointing Spirit share.

Sing praises, hallelujah! Sing praises, hallelujah! Hallelujah!

We read Scripture together (see insert)

Ministry of Music – When The Wind Of Winter Blows – Ruth Duck/Lori True

Sermon: Brothers! Seriously? You’re Calling Brothers?’

We stand to sing 563 ‘Jesus, You Have Come to the Lakeshore’ in the Red Hymnbook

Seated, we pray with silence with spoken words

ONE: Together, in silence, let us meditate on these words: Come after me and I will make

you fishers of people.

We stand to sing and remain standing

642 ‘Be Thou My Vision’ in the Red Hymnbook

Changing the Light, Blessing and Choral Benediction Thank You – Donald Patriquin

Music before Leaving

The Music before Leaving concludes worship; it is not a performance. Applause is not required

Worship in Trinity-St. Stephen’s

Proper 3 Sunday, January 22, 2017

“They left their nets and followed him.”

Music for Gathering Welcome and Announcements

We light the Christ Candle ONE: Arise, shine; for your light has come,

ALL: and the glory of the LORD has risen upon us.

ONE: By the tender mercy of our God,

ALL: the dawn form on high will break upon us,

ONE: to give light to those who sit in darkness

and in the shadow of death,

ALL: to guide our feet into the way of peace. We stand to sing

339 ‘When Morning Gilds the Skies’ in the Red Hymnbook

Seated, we pray together

ONE: Let us pray:

ALL: God of blazing light,

through the power of

his living

his dying

his rising

and his ascending

Jesus scattered our darkness

dispelled our gloom

and called us not just into the light

but to be light.

May we walk in his light

that our light may shine

to your glory. Amen.

ONE: Our Lord Jesus Christ says,

‘A new commandment I give you,

that you love one another as I have loved you.’

In the silence of our hearts

let us review our lives

acknowledging to God and to ourselves

the times, ways, and places

we have refused to love.


ONE: I confess to God

and in the company of all God’s people

that my life and the life of the world

are broken by my sin.

ALL: May God forgive you,

Christ renew you,

and the Spirit enable you

to grow in love.

ONE: Amen.

ALL: We confess to God

and in the company of all God’s people

that our lives and the life of the world

are broken by our sin.

ONE: May God forgive you,

Christ renew you,

and the Spirit enable you

to grow in love.

ALL: Amen.

ONE: Come now, let Christ’s peace reign in your hearts

since, as members of one body,

you have been called to that peace.

The Peace of Christ be with you.

ALL: And also with you.

Standing we sing 649 chorus, v. 4 chorus in the Red Hymnbook

Walk with me, I will walk with you

and build the land that God has planned

where love shines through.

And when you share your faith with me

and work for life made new,

the witness of your faithfulness

calls me to walk with you.

Walk with me, I will walk with you….

ONE: Let us present our offerings with prayer and with praise.

Let us pray: (over…/)