A trip on dinosaur airlines

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Transcript of A trip on dinosaur airlines

  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


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  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    Visit The Learning Site!www.harcourtschool.com

    Orlando Boston Dallas Chicago San Diego

    by Claire Daniel

    illustrated by Chris Lensch

  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    Mom woke me up when it was

    still dark. Get up! she said. Its

    time to go on vacation!

    Thats right, I said. Were going

    to Dinosaur World!

    Boring, said my sister.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines



    My sister and I got into the car. Then

    I noticed our luggage. Then I knew thiswould not be an ordinary trip. Each bag

    looked just like a dinosaur egg!

  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    When we arrived at the airport, there

    were dinosaurs everywhere! We walked

    up to the ticket counter.How many companions are with you?

    the dinosaur asked my mother.

    Are you all relatives? she asked again.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines




    Mom said.

    Why do you ask?

    All families travel in the same group

    of airplanes!

    Go through Gate 2, she announced.

    I didnt know what she meant, but I soon

    found out.

  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    We each got on a dinoplane! Mom's was


    You have a very sturdy airplane,

    the pilot

    told Mom. This is your lunch. Dont spill it!


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines



    My sisters dinoplane was tiny. Use this

    cassette to listen to the safety rules, the

    pilot told her.

    I will fall off! my sister yelled.

    No, you will not! Shes sturdy and fast!

    the pilot boasted. Off they went, up through

    the clouds.

  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    Dads dinoplane was different. The

    luggage handlers hung the bags on the

    dinosaurs back.We never lose luggage, the pilot said.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    Thats when I saw my dinosaur. It had

    big teeth. It roared a little. Will he eat

    me? I wondered.

    Dont worry, the pilot smiled. You will

    be very safe. Our dinoplanes are well

    fed. We have never lost a passenger!


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    I hopped on top of the dinosaurs

    back. Wait! the clerk yelled. Dont

    forget your things!

    She handed me a bag. I put it in

    my backpack and climbed on. Then

    we were off and soaring in the

    direction of Dinosaur World.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    I wish I could say that I saw

    a lot on the ride, but I didnt. The

    ride was so smooth, I fell asleep.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    I woke up. Everything looked so normal!

    That was an amazing ride! I said to my

    parents.My father yawned. You thought so?

    he said.

    Where are we now? I asked.

    Were going to the hotel,

    my sister said.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    Look! my dad said. He pointed to

    a large sign that read Dinosaur World.

    There it is!

    Boring, my sister said.

    We can go there first thing this

    afternoon, my mother said.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    I looked at Dinosaur World. I was

    beginning to agree with my sister. I had had

    enough dinosaurs to last me for a while.

    How about Ocean World? I asked.

    My sister clapped. Yeah! Lets go there!


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    That was exactly where we went. We

    had a really good time, too.

    We liked it so much, we went each day.

    We didnt see another dinosaur the rest of

    the week.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    We now like fish a lot. I just hope our trip

    home will not be very wet.


  • 8/13/2019 A trip on dinosaur airlines


    Think and Respond

    1 Who are the main characters?

    2 Why do you think the author wrote

    this story?

    3 What is this story mostly about?

    4 When did you first know this was amake-believe story?

    5 How is this story like other fantasies

    youve read?

    6 What was the funniest part of the

    story? Why?

    School-Home Connection Ask a family

    member to tell about the most unusual trip they

    have ever taken.

    Word Count: 479

    Draw and Label a Dinosaur Find

    a book that has pictures of dinosaurs. Draw a

    dinosaur and label it. Write one sentence that

    tells about it.