A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center

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Transcript of A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center




    Submitted in partial fulfillment of requirement of Bachelor ofBuine Adminitration !B"B"A# $eneral

    BBA IIIrd Semeter !Mornin%# !B#Batch &'(&)&'(*

    Submitted to+ Submitted b,+

    Mr" Mu%dha Seh%al Ahita Rato%i

    Aitant Profeor '--(.('(-(&


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    A lot of effort ha %one into thi trainin% report" M, than2 are due to man,

    people 3ith 3hom I ha4e been cloel, aociated"

    I 3ould li2e all thoe 3ho ha4e contributed in completin% thi pro5ect" 6irt of all7 I

    3ould li2e to end m, incere than2 to MRS MUGDHA SEHGAL for her helpful

    hand in the completion of m, pro5ect"

    I 3ould li2e to than2 m, entire belo4ed famil, 8 friend for pro4idin% me monetar,

    a 3ell a non 9 monetar, upport7 a and 3hen required7 3ithout 3hich thi

    pro5ect 3ould not ha4e completed on time" Their trut and patience i no3

    comin% out in form of thi thei"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    I hereb, certif, that thi i m, ori%inal 3or2 and it ha ne4er been ubmitted




  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    (" :ecription Pa%e No"

    &" Ac2no3led%ement

    ;" Student

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center




    S. No Ta!" #$#!" Pa%" No.

    (" Or%aniation Structure

    &" Compan, :etail

    ;" Reearch Report



    S. No

    (" Or%aniation Structure

    &" Competenc, Iceber%

    ;" Succeion Plannin%


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    One of the most pressing challenges facing todays executives is keeping their

    best people. Effective employee retention is a systematic effort by employers to

    create and foster an environment that encourages the current employees toremain employed. Retention is all about keeping good people and how to

    manage them. Philosophically, employee retention is important in almost all

    cases, it si senseless to allow good people to leave your call centre. !hen they

    leave, they take with them intellectual property, relationships, investments "in

    both time and money#, an occasional employee or two, and a chunk of your

    future. Employee Retention $trategies helps call centre, provide effective

    employee communication to improve commitment and enhance workforce

    support for key corporate initiatives.

    T(" o)"*#$+" o, #(" #("-$- $- To -#/ "3!o"" "#"5#$o56 $"5#$, a"a-

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    -/**"--,/!!6 a5a!:" #("$ ;o

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Call Centre anal,i i an applied reearch proce that can identif, the mot

    li2el, caue of turno4er in a %i4en ituation" ith thi approach7

    3e firt determine 3ho i terminatin% !e"%"7 effecti4e performer7 ineffecti4e

    performer7 or both#7 the ta%e at 3hich the, terminate !e"%"7 after one 3ee27

    after one ,ear#7 and 3h, the, lea4e" e can then u%%et olution tailored to

    the e>itin% problem"

    S*o" A33!$*a#$o5-

    Selectin% emplo,ee 3ho are li2el, both to perform 3ell and to ta, 3ith a in%le

    emplo,er i a %ood retention trate%," Performance Aociate ha uccefull,

    ued a 3ei%hted or cored application a a lo3)cot7 non)intrui4e technique for

    predictin% tenure in man, ettin%" One client reduced a hitorical *'D turno4er

    rate amon% eaonal emplo,ee to 5ut ('D b, corin% a doen piece of

    information on the tandard application form and uin% a cut)core to elect ne3


    E3!o"" O3$5$o5 S/+"

    0oin% %ood performer7 epeciall, after the, ha4e accumulated ome tenure7 i

    a cotl, problem" e ma, recommend an emplo,ee opinion ur4e, to pinpoint

    iue contributin% to turno4er of eaoned emplo,ee" An EOS i li2e a

    FnaphotF of emplo,ee attitude that 3e can then lin2 tatiticall, to emplo,ee

    intention to ta, or lea4e the CA00 CENTER 7 A%ain7 definin% the problem i half

    the olution"

    P"-o55"! R"-"a*(

    Sometime emplo,ee retention i bet undertood in the conte>t of broadpectrum reearch rather than a focu on pinpointin% problem" 6or e>ample7

    3e ha4e helped ome client identif, documented lin2a%e bet3een emplo,ee

    retention7 cutomer retention7 and profitabilit," In one intance 3e 3ere able to

    determine appro>imatel, ho3 much a lar%e er4ice compan, lot from cutomer

    cancellation becaue of emplo,ee turno4er"

    Ta$5$5% D"-$%5

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    The lac2 of adequate emplo,ee trainin% i commonl, aociated 3ith lo3

    retention rate" Our approach to dei%nin% trainin% content build on the olid

    foundation of 5ob anal,i" B, focuin% on the requirement of the 5ob7 3e

    minimie the incluion of both uperfluou and inufficient material in a trainin%


    Ca"" P!a55$5%

    Emplo,ee are more li2el, to ta, for the Flon% haulF if the, feel the, ha4e a

    career7 not 5ut a 5ob7 3ith an CA00 CENTER " Performance Aociate can

    pro4ide career %uidance and reource material for emplo,ee7 ta2in% into

    account their abilitie7 peronalit,7 and interet" e can alo ait emplo,er

    3ith placement deciion for ne3 hire that are compatible 3ith emplo,ee lon%)

    term potential"

    P",oa5*" A33a$-a!

    Performance pla, an inte%ral role in retention b, mediatin% ome emplo,eeG

    deciion to ta, or lea4e7 epeciall, if there i a lin2 to compenation"

    Therefore7 3e ma, u%%et the de4elopment or modification of an CA00

    CENTER CA00 CENTER G performance appraial ,tem in order to ,ield

    accurate information about each emplo,eeG 5ob performance"

    I5$+$/a! D"+"!o3"5# P!a5-

    e can ta2e an acti4e role in helpin% an emplo,ee de4elop 2ill to perform hi

    or her current 5ob better or prepare for future opportunitie" Indi4idual

    de4elopment plan are cutomied to the emplo,eeG need and inte%rated 3ith

    CA00 CENTER reource7 uch a trainin%7 5ob rotation opportunitie7 and

    mentorin%" 6ollo3)up coachin% and counellin% are common element of thee


    Ba%a$5$5% 3o;"

    Mana%in% people in the 2no3led%e)baed indutr, i critical a the human

    reource i the oul of the or%aniation" Since there i a hi%h demand for

    2no3led%e 3or2er7 talented profeional often en5o, hi%h bar%ainin% po3er

    due to the 2no3led%e and 2ill the, ha4e" The attitude i different for thoe 3ho

    are ta2in% up reponibilitie at a leer a%e and a lo3er le4el of e>perience"

    Thee factor ha4e reulted in the clear hift to indi4idualied career

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    mana%ement from or%aniation career commitment" Mana%in% the pool of people

    talent i eential for the %ro3th of 2no3led%e)baed ector li2e IT and CA00


    Mo#$+a#$5% #(" ;o

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    T(" T/-# Fa*#o

    0o3 le4el of trut inhibit 2no3led%e harin% in the 2no3led%e)baed indutr,"

    Concerned o4er recent report about an emplo,ee of an Indian call centre 3ho

    alle%edl, old ban2 account detail7 Nacom i %earin% up to face unforeeen

    challen%e re%ardin% confidentialit," An, cae of theft or breach of confidentialit,

    hould be treated erioul,"

    C$#$*a! Fa*#o-

    At Call Centre the, belie4e that the 2no3led%e)baed indutr, face fi4e critical

    challen%e" One of the mot important i talent mana%ement and de4elopment"

    Profeional brin% 3ith them a lot of apiration7 and to be on the competiti4e

    ed%e the, loo2 out for three important dimenionHlearnin%7 technolo%, and

    earl, opportunitie" A recent tud, conducted b, call centre ho3ed that people

    5oin the compan, becaue of the abo4e7 and thee act a a differentiatin% model

    for the or%aniation" In the IT indutr,7 the bet practice of toda, ma, not be the

    bet practice after ome time7 o it i imperati4e that the compan, contantl,

    impro4e it o3n buine)ali%ned /R procee to be at the leadin% ed%e"

    Another dimenion to the challen%e faced b, the indutr, i the %ro3in% pace of

    talent acquiition7 3hich create 3ith it the challen%e of moother aimilation of

    ne3 emplo,ee into the or%aniation fold" The preure of deli4erin% the bet

    qualit, er4ice in reduced time)frame call for enurin% that emplo,ee maintain

    a 3or2)life balance" Another important iue7 3hich 3ill continue7 i retention of

    e>itin% emplo,ee"

    E3!o"" B"5",$#- Po+$" B Ca!! *"5#"

    A part from the le%al and mandator, benefit uch a pro4ident)fund and %ratuit,7

    belo3 i a lit of other benefit call center profeional are entitled to the


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    1. Go/3M"$=*!a$ I5-/a5*" S*(""+ Thi inurance cheme i to pro4ide

    adequate inurance co4era%e of emplo,ee for e>pene related to

    hopitaliation due to illne7 dieae or in5ur, or pre%nanc, in cae of female

    emplo,ee or poue of male emplo,ee" All emplo,ee and their dependent

    famil, member are eli%ible" :ependent famil, member include poue7 non)

    earnin% parent and children abo4e three month"

    2. P"-o5a! A**$"5# I5-/a5*" S*(""+ Thi cheme i to pro4ide adequate

    inurance co4era%e for /opitaliation e>pene ariin% out of in5urie utained

    in an accident" Thi co4er total partial diablement death due to accident and

    due to accident"

    >. S/-$$:" Foo a5 Ta5-3o#a#$o5+ The or%aniation pro4ide

    tranportation facilit, to all the emplo,ee from home till office at ubidied

    rate" The lunch pro4ided i alo ubidied"

    4. Co3a5 L"a-" A**ooa#$o5+ Some of the companie pro4ide hared

    accommodation for all the out tation emplo,ee7 in fact ome of the CA00

    CENTRE companie alo underta2e to pa, electricit,3ater bill a 3ell a the

    Societ, char%e for the hared accommodation" The purpoe i to pro4ide to the

    emplo,ee to lead a more comfortable 3or2 life balance"

    ?. R"*"a#$o56 Ca,"#"$a6 ATM a5 Co5*$"%" ,a*$!$#$"-+ The recreation

    facilitie include pool table7 che table and coffee bar" Companie alo ha4e

    3ell equipped %,m7 peronal trainer and ho3er at facilitie"

    @. Co3oa#" C"$# Ca+ The main purpoe of the corporate credit card ienable the timel, and efficient pa,ment of official e>pene 3hich the emplo,ee

    underta2e for purpoe uch a tra4el related e>pene li2e /otel bill7 Air tic2et


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    7. C"!!/!a P(o5" La3#o3+ Cellular phone and or 0aptop are pro4ided to the

    emplo,ee on the bai of buine need" The emplo,ee i reponible for the

    maintenance and afe%uardin% of the aet"

    . P"-o5a! H"a!#( Ca" R"%/!a "$*a! *("*teni4e health chec2)up" 6or emplo,ee 3ith

    abo4e .' ,ear of a%e7 the medical chec2)up can be done once a ,ear"

    . Loa5-+ Man, call centre companie pro4ide loan facilit, on three different

    occaion+ Emplo,ee are pro4ided 3ith financial aitance in cae of a medical

    emer%enc," Emplo,ee are alo pro4ided 3ith financial aitance at the time of

    their 3eddin%" And7 the ne3 recruit are pro4ided 3ith interet free loan to ait

    them in their initial ettlement at the 3or2 location"

    10. E/*a#$o5a! B"5",$#-+ Man, call centre companie ha4e thi polic, to

    de4elop the peronalit, and 2no3led%e le4el of their emplo,ee and hence

    reimbure the e>pene incurred to3ard tuition fee7 e>amination fee7 and

    purchae of boo2 ub5ect7 for puruin% MBA7 andor other mana%ement

    qualification at IndiaG top mot Buine School"

    11. P",oa5*" a-" $5*"5#$+"-+ In man, call centre companie the, ha4e

    plan for7 performance baed incenti4e cheme" The parameter for calculation

    are proce performance i"e" peed7 accurac, and producti4it, of each proce"

    The Pa, for Performance can be a much a &&D of the alar,"

    12. F!"$=#$"+ The main ob5ecti4e of the fle>time polic, i to pro4ide opportunit,

    to emplo,ee to 3or2 3ith fle>ible 3or2 chedule and et out condition fora4ailin% thi pro4iion" 6le>ible 3or2 chedule are initiated b, emplo,ee and

    appro4ed b, mana%ement to meet buine commitment 3hile upportin%

    emplo,ee peronal life need "The factor on 3hich 6le>i time i allo3ed to an

    emplo,ee include+ Child or Parent care7 /ealth ituation7 Maternit,7 6ormal

    education pro%ram"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    1>. F!"$!" Sa!a B"5",$#-+ It main ob5ecti4e i to pro4ide fle>ibilit, to the

    emplo,ee to plan a ta>)effecti4e compenation tructure b, balancin% the

    monthl, net income7 ,earl, benefit and income ta> pa,able" It i applicable of all

    the emplo,ee of the or%aniation" The Salar, conit of Baic7 :A and

    Con4e,ance Allo3ance" The 6le>ible Benefit Plan conit of+ /oue Rent

    Allo3ance7 0ea4e Tra4el Aitance7 Medical Reimburement7 and Special


    14. R"%/!a G"# #o%"#(" a5 o#(" */!#/a! 3o%a-+ The companie

    or%anie cultural pro%ram a and 3hen poible but mot of the time7 once in a

    quarter7 in 3hich all the emplo,ee are %i4en an opportunit, to dipla, their

    talent in dramatic7 in%in%7 actin%7 dancin% etc" Apart from that the

    or%aniation alo conduct 4ariou port pro%ram uch a Cric2et7 football7 etc

    and re%ularl, pla, matche 3ith the team of other or%aniation and colle%e"

    1?. W"$5% Da G$,#+ Emplo,ee i %i4en a %ift 4oucher of R" *''')"

    1@. E3!o"" R","a! S*(""+ In e4eral companie emplo,ee referral

    cheme i implemented to encoura%e emplo,ee to refer friend and relati4e for

    emplo,ment in the or%aniation"

    17. E3!o"" S#o*< O3#$o5 P!a5 No37 the actual quetion7 3h, people are

    lea4in%K hat t,pe of retention trate%ie are requiredK hat i e>pected from

    /R Profeional and ho3 the, can addre thi iueK

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    To tud, 3h, emplo,ee are lea4in% the CA00 CENTRE"

    To tud, emplo,ee retention trate%ie ued b, CA00 CENTRE to retainemplo,ee"

    To identif, 3hat emplo,ee loo2 for from their 5ob in the CA00 CENTRE"

    To identif, the atifier that 3ill impro4e the le4el of emplo,ee atifaction"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Efficienc,7 effecti4ene and ur4i4al of an, or%aniation an,3here7 3hether bi%

    or mall7 depend on the recentl, dico4ered human capital" Thu acquiition of

    qualified human reource7 de4elopin% them and maintainin% them become all

    the more important" Emplo,ee turno4er not onl, reduce the human capital in an

    or%aniation but alo or%aniational producti4it, beide incurrin% the cot of

    acquirin% human reource for replacement and de4elopin% them" /ence

    increaed emphai i bein% laid on retention of human reource no3 a da,

    peciall, 3ith the onet of recent Re4olution uch a Information Technolo%,7

    3hich i labor inteni4e in nature7 upported b, increaed %lobaliation"

    Economic theor, ar%ue that performance baed compenation contract

    increae emplo,ee incenti4e to e>ert effort7 reultin% in impro4ed performance

    ! Mil%rom and Robert (@@&L Prender%at (@@@#" Pre4iou empirical and

    laborator, tudie on thi topic ha4e compared acro compenation cheme or

    e>amined ho3 chan%e to a more performance)eniti4e incenti4e cheme

    influence emplo,ee compenation and performance !aller and Cho3 (@?*L

    0aear &'''L Ban2er et al" &''(#" et7 no reearch ha addreed the impact of

    chan%e to le performance)eniti4e plan on emplo,ee performance"

    In the real 3orld7 man, companie ue or 3itch to le performance)eniti4e

    incenti4e cheme" E>ample include Sear !:ricoll (@@.#7 the hoe

    manufacturin% indutr, !6reeman and 1leiner (@@?#7 and 6u5itu !Tani2a3a

    &''(#" Our tud, contribute e4idence on ho3 a 3itch to a le performance)

    eniti4e incenti4e cheme affect an indi4idual emplo,ee producti4it, and

    compenation" 6urthermore7 3e e>amine 3hether emplo,ee abilit, affect their

    producti4it, in li%ht of the plan chan%e and 3hich emplo,ee %roup i affected

    mot b, uch a chan%e"

    The miion tatement of an, or%aniation i the firt and foremot tool to attract

    the client7 cutomer7 donor7 funder7 4olunteer and emplo,ee to an

    or%aniation" E>pert reco%nie that rel,in% on the miion a mana%ement tool

    i an effecti4e trate%, to impro4e performance !:ruc2er (@@'7 $arner (@?@7

    /erman and /eimo4ic (@@(7 1nauft7 Ber%er and $re, (@@(7 Maon (@@=7

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Pearce and :a4id (@?-7 Sa3hill and illiamon &''(7 Sheehan (@@=#" arren

    Benni7 an authorit, on nonprofit or%aniation7 reco%nied the i%nificance and

    importance of miion 3hen he tated the follo3in%+ At the heart of e4er, %reat

    %roup i a hared dream" All %reat %roup belie4e that The, could chan%e the

    3orld That belief i 3hat brin% the necear, coheion and ener%, to their

    3or2 ! /eelbein and Cohen (@@@ p";(-#

    A miion tatement identifie operational ob5ecti4e7 %i4e taff %oal to direct it

    beha4ior7 decribe performance tandard7 and pea2 to or%aniational

    ur4i4al and 4iion for the future !Smith7 /ead,7 Caron7 and Caron &''(#" The

    preence of a alient miion tatement remind emplo,ee of the purpoe of

    their 3or2 and help mana%er %uide emplo,ee in the fulfillment of that miion"

    Se4eral tudie ha4e in4eti%ated emplo,ee perception of or%aniational 4alue

    !for e>ample7 1rit of (@@=#" Conitentl,7 thoe tudie ha4e found that a better

    match bet3een emplo,ee and or%aniational 4alue predict commitment and

    atifaction !O Reill,7 Chatman7 and Cald3ell (@@(#"


    A multitude of factor e>plain 3h, emplo,ee remain in or lea4e an

    or%aniation7 but cholar ha4e conitentl, reco%nied emplo,ee e>preed

    intention to ta, a a reliable precuror to actual turno4er and a reflecti4e of

    emplo,ee commitment to the or%aniation !Maert and Campion (@@?7 /om and

    $riffeth (@@*7 /om and 1inic2i &''( #" The reearcher in4eti%ated factor uch

    a atifaction 3ith compenation7 uper4ior7 and co3or2er7 in addition to

    o4erall attitude of atifaction !$riffeth7 /orn7 %aertner &'''#" The, found thato4erall atifaction 3a ne%ati4el, aociated 3ith turno4er intention"

    Satifaction 3ith pa, or compenation i of particular interet becaue it ma, be

    the counterpart to rel,in% on the miion to moti4ate and 2eep emplo,ee

    !Pre,ra and Pin2 &''(#"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    The nature of nonprofit place an e>pectation on emplo,ee to 3or2 for the

    caue7 not the pa,chec2" An additional conideration i that emplo,ee

    dipoitional and decripti4e characteritic e>plain tendencie to3ard poiti4e

    and ne%ati4e attitude to3ard the or%aniation" 6or e>ample7 a%e7 tenure7 and

    poition ha4e all been ho3n to influence emplo,ee commitment and

    atifaction !$riffeth7 /orn7 and $aertner &'''#" Older7 lon%time7 and mana%erial

    9le4el emplo,ee tend to e>pre more commitment to the or%aniation"

    A3arene7 a%reement7 and ali%nment at leat three baic principle influence

    emplo,ee attitude to3ard the miion+ a3arene7 a%reement7 and ali%nment"

    6irt the or%aniation purpoe !that i7 it miion# mut be alient in the

    emplo,ee mind" Are the, and their co3or2er a3are of the or%aniation

    miion and 4alueK Second7 emplo,ee mut a%ree 3ith the e>preed purpoe

    and 4alue of the or%aniation"

    If emplo,ee are %oin% to 3or2 dili%entl, for 3hat ma, be lo3er compenation7

    the, need to percei4e a%reement bet3een their 4alue and the or%aniation

    !1rit of (@@=#" Third7 emplo,ee mut percei4e a connection bet3een their 3or2

    and the fulfillment of the miion !Maon (@@=#"

    Emplo,ee Retention philoophicall,7 emplo,ee retention i importantL in almot

    all cae7 it i enele to allo3 %ood people to lea4e ,our or%aniation" hen

    the, lea4e7 the, ta2e 3ith them intellectual propert,7 relationhip7 in4etment ! in

    both time and mone, #7 an occaional emplo,ee or t3o7 and a chun2 of ,our

    future" Emplo,ee Retention Strate%ie help or%aniation pro4ide effecti4e

    emplo,ee communication to impro4e commitment and enhance 3or2force

    upport for 2e, corporate initiati4e"

    e alo pro4ide full upport for ,our mar2etin%)communication effort b, helpin%

    ,ou build cutomer lo,alt, b, ditin%uihin% and poitionin% ,our or%aniation

    unique product and er4ice in toda, cro3ded mar2etplace" In addition to

    influencin% emplo,ee7 the compenation plan can affect compan, performance

    b, impactin% recruitment and retention ! Sti%lit (@-*L Salo and Salop (@-=L

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    :em2i and 6eltham (@-?L Mil%rom and Robert (@@" 6or e>ample7

    performance baed compenation contract attract and retain hi%h performer

    and differentiate hi%h from lo3 performer !e"%"7 Baron and 1rep (@@@L Ban2er

    et al" &''(#" A compan, benefit 3hen lo3)performance emplo,ee lea4e7 but

    uffer a etbac2 3hen hi%h)performance emplo,ee depart" Thu it i important

    to conider 3ho 3ill 5oin lea4e the compan, 3hen the performance eniti4it, of

    the compenation contract i chan%ed"


    A tron% retention trate%, become a po3erful recruitment tool+ Effecti4e

    emplo,ee retention i a ,tematic effort b, emplo,er to create and foter an

    en4ironment that encoura%e current emplo,ee to remain emplo,ed b, ha4in%

    policie and practice in place that addre their di4ere need" A tron%

    retention trate%, become a po3erful recruitment tool" Emplo,ee retention

    matter7 a7 or%aniational iue uch a trainin% time and in4etment7 cotl,

    candidate etc"7 are in4ol4ed" /ence7 failin% to retain a 2e, emplo,ee i a cotl,

    propoition for an, or%aniation"

    ariou etimate u%%et that loin% a middle mana%er in mot or%aniation7

    tranlate to a lo of up to fi4e time hi alar," Thi mi%ht be 3ore for CA00

    CENTRE companie 3here freh talent i inteni4el, trained and inducted and

    then further %roomed to the uccei4e ta%e" In thi cenario7 the lo of a

    middle mana%er can often pro4e dear" The lo of a critical emplo,ee in an

    indutr, 3here there i no competition andor it i ne%li%ible7 3ill not inflict

    remar2able lo a the replacement 3ill be read, at hand but 3here thecompetition i tou%h and cut throat7 the lo of an emplo,ee 3ill al3a, be hi%her

    and dama%in%7 unle a plan ha been de4ied to counteract uch loe 3ith

    ucceion plannin% to replace the lot hand readil,7 but foremot the retention

    policie are de4ied and practiced to a4oid uch embarrain% ituation" Our

    tud, focue on a car dealerhip in India that chan%ed it compenation

    cheme from bein% totall, commiion)baed to a mi> of fi>ed alar, and lo3er

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    commiion rate" Thi chan%e 3a in repone to the requirement of the (@@?

    Tai3anee 0abor 0a3 amendment" Our databae include .7;@& piece of

    detailed7 indi4idual)le4el data !e"%"7 aleperon compenation7 ale quantitie7

    performance ratin%7 and demo%raphic information# and firm)le4el data !e"%"7

    turno4er rate7 ne3 hire# for a period of *= month" Repect7 Reco%nition

    and Re3ard+ Thee are 2no3n a > R- of emplo,ee retention trate%,

    pac2a%e" Thee three baic in%redient 3hich correpond to the ph,iolo%ical7

    ocial and economical need of a human bein% are 4er, important factor in

    3innin% the heart7 mind and oul of an, indi4idual" If 3e place them in order it

    ma2e a p,ramid 3here re3ard i placed at the bottom7 reco%nition in the middle

    and repect at the top of the > R-p,ramid" The order in 3hich the, are arran%ed

    or placed ho3 the importance in retention trate%," B, follo3in% thi trate%,

    or%aniation i re3arded 3ith Increased Productivity, Reduced Absenteeism,

    A More Pleasant Work Environment & Improved Profits.

    A Steadfat Philooph,+ e fail to produce %enuine emplo,ee lo,alt,7

    more than =' ,ear of reearch tell u o !1ruthi2a Rao &''-#" 1ei

    Emplo,ment Retention heel+The firt tep to impro4in% emplo,ee retention i

    to undertand 3h, emplo,ee ta, 3ith their current emplo,er" Man, e>pert

    d3ell on the reaon emplo,ee lea4e7 3hich i not a important or re4ealin% a

    the reaon the, ta," Companie ha4e tried man, different pro%ram and per2

    to hold onto %ood emplo,ee" /o3e4er7 tudie ho3 that thee effort are not

    enou%h to retain %ood emplo,ee 3hen the upport that i needed to achie4e 5ob

    ucce i not adequate"

    1ei emplo,ment retention trate%, i baed upon t3o primar, belief+

    ( It i difficult for emplo,er to retain %ood emplo,ee if the, dont ha4e a

    proce to hire the ri%ht people in the firt place"

    & Retention procee mut directl, upport the reaon that ucceful7

    atified emplo,ee ta,"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    1ei concentration on the center of the emplo,ee retention 3heel pro4ide

    emplo,er 3ith internet)baed tool that %i4e emplo,ee ,tematic7 on%oin%

    upport to be ucceful in their 3or2 and atified 3ith their emplo,ment"


    M,th about Emplo,ee Morale Pre4ent Companie from Achie4in% Retention

    Succe+ :epite ,ear reearch that point to far different olution7 man,

    companie ue the 3ron% tactic 3hen tr,in% to impro4e emplo,ee morale7

    atifaction and retention" Thee m,th pre4ail7 in part7 becaue buine ha4e

    ued thee method7 ho3e4er 3ron%7 for a 4er, lon% time and ha4e become

    ued to tr,in% the ame idea"

    M,th (+ People mot often lea4e a compan, for more pa,

    M,th &+ Incenti4e pro%ram produce lon%)term profit and impro4e producti4it,

    and morale"

    M,th ;+ People dont 3ant more reponibilit,

    M,th .+ 0o,alt, i dead

    M,th *+ Impro4in% emplo,ee atifaction i e>peni4e

    M,th =+ Emplo,ee atifaction i fluff

    M,th -+ Super4ior are the problem

    M,th ?+ M, compan,indutr,people are different


    6actor That Affect Emplo,ee Retention+ Mot mana%er undertand the

    importance of emplo,ee retention and it impact on the o4erall health and 4italit,

    of the or%aniation" The importance of retainin% top or%aniational talent 3ill onl,

    increae o4er the comin% ,ear a the mai4e cohort of bab, boomer be%in toreach retirement a%e ma2in% it ea, for ,oun%er emplo,ee to find 3or2"

    6urthermore7 thi tud, %oe be,ond related prior tudie b, in4eti%atin% ho3

    emplo,ee abilit, affect their performance 3hen a compan, chan%e it

    compenation plan to a le performance eniti4e one" e capture emplo,ee

    abilit, b, uin% both continuou 4ariable !i"e"7 number of car old and

    reciprocal of time to the firt promotion ince hehe 5oined the dealerhip# and

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    cate%orical 4ariable !i"e"7 emplo,ee annual performance ratin%#" The emplo,ee

    abilit, meaure not onl, help u identif, pecific performance %roup that are

    mot affected b, the compenation plan chan%e but alo pro4ide additional

    ini%ht into caue of emplo,ee eparation after the plan chan%e" Thee

    findin% ha4e mana%erial implication ince the, can help top mana%ement

    anticipate poible impact on incenti4e and effort of different emplo,ee %roup

    a 3ell a on emplo,ee recruitment and eparation due to the compenation plan

    chan%e to a le performance eniti4e one"


    - %& &'E &()E O* RE+R(&)E-&

    Select the ri%ht people throu%h competenc, creenin%


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    - -('& $'(*&$

    /a4e doctor to ad4ie them about health problem and the 3a, and mean to

    deal 3ith them

    Or%anie pro%ram 3here people from other profeion7 3ho ha4e ni%ht hift

    tal2 to call centre emplo,ee about their e>perience

    Or%anie trainin%7 counelin% and de4elopment pro%ram for emplo,ee

    If needed7 pro4ide pecial li%ht in the office3or2place to enure that their

    bodie %et ufficient 4itamin :

    M"#(oo!o%$*a! A33oa*("-

    Emplo,ee Reco%nition Increae Retention+ The truth i that reco%niin%

    emplo,ee for their hard 3or2 i one of the leat e>peni4e and eaiet 3a, to

    impro4e the le4el of emplo,ee retention in ,our or%aniation" The return on

    in4etment for a mana%er time and limited e>pene can be incredible"

    /ollenbec2 and illiam !(@?=# pointed out an important ditinction bet3een the

    frequenc, and functionalit, of turno4er" hile the former refer to the number of

    turno4er eparation7 the latter refer to the implication of thoe eparation for

    an or%aniation"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Thu acquiition of qualified human reource7 de4elopin% them and maintainin%

    them become all the more important" Emplo,ee turno4er not onl, reduce the

    human capital in an or%aniation but alo or%aniational producti4it, beide

    incurrin% the cot of acquirin% human reource for replacement and de4elopin%

    them" /ence increaed emphai i bein% laid on retention of human reource

    no3 a da, epeciall, 3ith the onet of recent Re4olution uch a Information

    Technolo%,7 3hich i labor inteni4e in nature7 upported b, increaed

    %lobaliation" Paper attempt to redico4er the Indian 3idom on /RM 3ith

    pecial reference to the caue of emplo,ee turno4er and the retention trate%ie

    a pelt out more than *''' ,ear a%o in panchatantra7 a claical 3or2 on

    mana%ement7 ,et 4er, rele4ant to thi da,"

    Retention Strate%ie /elp to :ri4e Re4enue $ro3th+ Emplo,ee atifaction i

    eential to an, effecti4e emplo,ee retention trate%, 9 an, %ood /R mana%er

    2no3 that" /o3e4er fe3 mana%er thin2 of the impact that emplo,ee

    atifaction ha on their cutomer and ultimatel, on their compan, profit" One

    can aume that happier7 more producti4e emplo,ee 3ill ma2e more ale7 treat

    cutomer better7 and ultimatel, ma2e more mone, for the compan,7 but fe3

    companie ha4e anal,ed thi aumption to the e>tent that Sear7 Roebuc2 and

    Compan, ha" Sear ha put thi common aumption to the number tet and

    the reult are intri%uin% to a, the 4er, leat" Companie dei%n compenation

    cheme not onl, to induce more emplo,ee effort but alo to attract potential


    Recent tudie u%%et that performance)baed incenti4e plan effecti4el, ortemplo,ee b, abilit, !0aear &'''L Ban2er et al" &''(#" Selection effect include

    recruitin% and eparation effect" The former relate to the t,pe of emplo,ee

    3ho 5oin the compan, and the latter to the t,pe of emplo,ee 3ho lea4e" 0aear

    !&''# ho3ed that contract 3ith hi%her piece rate attract hi%h)abilit,


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    In a re4ie3 paper7 Prender%at !(@@@# ar%ued that compenation contract are

    important mean for a compan, to recruit more capable 3or2er7 ince the, 3ill

    benefit more from a performance)eniti4e compenation plan than the le

    capable 3ill" In turn7 the more capable 3ill be more li2el, to be attracted to the

    compan, than the le capableL therefore7 the compan, 3ill ha4e a hi%her

    percenta%e of hi%h performer" Emplo,ee Turno4er and Retention Strate%ie+

    Panchatantra !an Indian ideolo%,#7 rich in human reource mana%ement idea7

    emphaie the role of human capital and identifie the reaon a to 3h,

    emplo,ee lea4e an or%aniation and thereb, point out7 b, inference and

    implication7 the trate%ie7 both direct and indirect7 a to ho3 to retain them" It

    declare that the emplo,ee7 if ali4e and 2ept 3ell7 3ill tand b, the mana%ement

    e4en in the face of a diater" /ence it ad4ocate that the mana%ement hould

    loo2 after the 3ell bein% !3elfare# of the emplo,ee 3ell"

    It tate that it i a natural tendenc, in people to hate the ha4e)not e4en if

    educated7 efficient and 3ell)er4in% and hence the mana%ement hould ta2e care

    not to hate the poor emplo,ee" It alo aert that doin% a 5ob 5ut for fillin% the

    bell, i no 5ob at all7 hence the mana%ement hould not treat the emplo,ee 3ith

    the mind)et that the, are 3or2in% for fillin% their bell," It alo reiterate the

    purpoe of life a ho3in% lo4in% 2indne to all and er4in% for the li4in% of

    man,7 not merel, an3erin% the call of bell,7 thu the mana%ement hould ho3

    lo4in% 2indne to all emplo,ee"

    Call centre i an international buine proce outourcer 3ith particular e>pertie

    in cutomer mana%ement" It de4elop and implement a ran%e of outourcin%

    olution for man, leadin% or%aniation in the commercial7 financial

    er4ice7 utilit, and public ector" Thee include tranformational outourcin%7

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    combinin% our 2ill in conultin%7 technolo%, and outourced er4ice pro4iion to

    timulate and facilitate buine chan%e and fle>ibilit,"

    Call Centre i part of perience that i unique in the

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Buine er4ice outourcin%

    Tranformation and technolo%,

    T(" CALL CENTRE M$--$o5

    To 3or2 in partnerhip 3ith our cutomer to tranform public er4ice deli4er,7 and

    continuall, impro4e er4ice to the citien on the bai of bet 4alue"


    CA00 CENTER i truted b, man, leadin% or%aniation to mana%e million of

    cutomer interaction e4er, ,ear" It differentiate throu%h the follo3in% a5

    +a!/"-7 but to upport their clientG culture the, embed and communicate their

    brand 4alue to their cutomer" The, are the um total of e4er,thin% the, 3ant

    their client to feel and thin2 about them"

    Paionate about er4ice

    Efficient and effecti4e

    Proacti4e inno4ator

    Reult focued

    E>pert plu

    Their *o" +a!/"-hape the 3a, the, run CA00 CENTER and interact a a team"

    The, ha4e fi4e core 4alue ) all of 3hich reflect the compan,G foundin% belief that

    their people are a critical to their ucce a are client and their cutomer"

    Our cutomer are our buine

    e 3ill repect e4er, indi4idual in our compan,

    e 3ill adopt a performance focued approach

    e 3ill be fle>ible and decii4e

    Qualit, a a 3a, of life

    S"+$*"- a5 Ma

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    A an international buine proce outourcer7 3ith particular e>pertie in

    cutomer mana%ement7 CA00 CENTER de4elop and implement a ran%e of

    outourcin% olution for man, leadin% or%aniation in the commercial ector7

    financial er4ice7 utilit, and public ector"

    Thee ran%e from contact center operation7 for e>ample7 throu%h to complete

    tranformational outourcin% ) combinin% their 2ill in conultin%7 technolo%, and

    outourced er4ice pro4iion to timulate and facilitate buine chan%e and deli4er

    a tep chan%e in performance"

    The, 3or2 in partnerhip 3ith their client to deli4er enhanced buine

    performance7 3hilt reducin% cot and impro4in% the er4ice and realiin% the

    potential of cutomer relationhip"


    Contact centre

    Cutomer relationhip mana%ement



    :ocument handlin%

    Pa,ment procein%

    :ebt mana%ement

    Print 8 fulfillment

    6inance 8 accountin%

    /uman reource

    Chan%e mana%ement


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Career de4elopment i fundamental to their ucce a a buine" It promote a

    culture of continuou elf)de4elopmentL pro4ide a timulu for peronal and

    buine %ro3thL complement their appraial proceL and7 importantl,7 upport

    an indi4idualG on%oin% de4elopment plan"

    CA00 CENTER i a rapidl, %ro3in% compan, deli4erin% buine proce

    outourcin% er4ice for blue)chip client in the pertie in cutomer mana%ement"

    ;'' million turno4er

    Mana%e o4er ;. million client cutomer account

    @7''' emplo,ee

    Economie throu%h cale

    &'. million

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    A fle>ible7 calable7 multi)channel er4ice deli4ered from our Centre of


    Reduced cot per emplo,ee er4ed

    $uaranteed le4el of er4ice

    Impro4ed accurac, and timeline of critical tranaction

    Acce to e>perienced Shared Ser4ice Center practitioner 3ho 3ill

    le4era%e ,our e>itin% Enterprie Reource Plannin% !ERP# olution !/R



    - $enpact- IBM- ) cutomer care


    At the heart of an, ucceful acti4it, lie a competence or a 2ill" In toda,

    competiti4e 3orld it i becomin% particularl, important to build on the competiti4e

    acti4itie of buine" There ha been much thin2in% about buine trate%,

    o4er the lat three decadeL particularl, re%ardin% 3hat competencie a buine

    need to ha4e in order to compete in a pecific en4ironment" Top mana%ement i

    identif,in% corporate core competencie and 3or2in% to etablih them

    throu%hput the or%aniation" /uman Reource :e4elopment build competenc,)

    baed model that dri4e buine reult"

    All or%aniation are tal2in% about competencie" Some ha4e trul, 3or2ed the

    concept into e4eral of their procee" A fe3 ha4e a full, implemented

    competenc, modelin% and reportin% ,tem in place" Thee addre the

    de4elopment of people from proce dei%n throu%h ucceion"

    The proce i completel, cutomiable" The deciion of competenc, dei%n

    are dri4en b, a number of or%aniational factor7 includin% mana%ement

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    philooph,7 cutomer requirement7 buine need7 and in)place procee"

    Thee factor 4ar, from one or%aniation to another7 requirin% a cutomied

    approach to competencie in the 3or2place"

    W(a# a" *o3"#"5*$"-

    Competencie are cluter of 2no3led%e7 2illabilitie and underl,in% peronal

    characteritic that dri4e reultant beha4ior leadin% to ucceuperior

    performance on 5ob" The tre and due bia i to3ard the beha4ioral

    dimenion" The 3ord capabilit, i alo inter)chan%eabl, ued to connote thi


    Co3"#"5* J A$!$# W$!!$5%5"--

    The 3ord competenc, i 3idel, ued in buine and peronnel p,cholo%," A

    competenc, i alo omethin% ,ou can meaure7 and lit of competencie form

    a common lan%ua%e for decribin% ho3 people perform in different ituation"

    E4er, 5ob can be decribed in term of 2e, competencie" Thi mean that the,

    can be ued for all form of aement7 includin% appraial7 trainin% need

    anal,i and of coure7 election"

    T(" Co3"#"5* I*""%

    It can be helpful to thin2 of competencie in term of an iceber%" Technical

    competencie are at the tip ) the portion abo4e the 3aterline that i clearl, 4iible

    !and therefore eaier to ae#"

    Beha4ioral competencie are belo3 the 3aterline ) the, are more difficult to

    ae7 and often harder to de4elop" Beha4ioral competencie can be

    undertood a manifetation of ho3 a peron 4ie3 him or herelf !elf)ima%e#7ho3 he or he t,picall, beha4e !trait#7 or moti4e him or her !moti4e#"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    S/**"--$o5 P!a55$5%

    Ta$5$5% Poo#$o5-

    Ca"" P!a55$5%


    Pa D"*$-$o5- Woplorator, reearch of uin% t3o 4ariable for

    the utmot emplo,ee retention 3hich i baed on the /ierarchical %ro3th and the

    financial benefit"


    A econdar, data i that data that i required to conduct the tud, and can be

    obtained from boo27 5ournal7 ma%aine7 record etc" Secondar, data i data

    ta2en b, the reearcher from econdar, ource7 internal or e>ternal" Secondar,

    data i collected from follo3in% ource+ )

    ( Ma%aine and 5ournal

    & Compan, 3ebite"

    ; Internet

    . Boo2


    Man, contraint 3ere in4ol4ed in doin% thi tud," Some of them are a follo3"

    The mot i%nificant limitation ha been the indi4idual in4ol4ed in thi

    tud, 3ere 4er, bu, and did not pare much time in dicuion"

    The ample ie elected for the ur4e, 3a too mall a compared to

    lar%e population"

    The pro5ect 3a carried out onl, in the :elhi7 o findin% on data %athered

    can be bet true for :elhi onl, and not applicable to other part of tate

    and countr,"

    Indian toc2 mar2et i a mar2et 3here entiment pla, a ma5or role in priceL

    hence (''D accurate prediction cannot be made about it future path

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Q(" hen the idea of lea4in% thi compan, come acro ,our mind

    (,r bac2




    ; r &(

    & r (?

    (,r &'

    =mnth ((

    ;mnth *

    3 Yrs; 28%

    2 Yr; 24%1yr; 27%

    6mnth; 15%

    3mnth; 7%


    A per the data u%%eted that CA00 CENTER CA00 CENTER 7 ha hi%h

    attrition rate7 a per the %raph7 &.D of the people u%%eted that the, idea of

    lea4in% compan, came hi mind pot & ,r" /o3e4er almot7 &(D of the people

    u%%eted the, lea4e compan, 3ithin ; to = month"

    Q&" In ,our opinion 3hat i d rate of attrition in ,our compan,

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    &') ;'D

    Belo3 &'D


    *' to ='D -.' to *'D (&

    ;' to .'D @

    &' to ;' D ;&

    Belo3 &'D (*

    50 to 60%; 9%

    40 to 50%; 16%

    30 to 40% ; 12%

    20 to 30 %; 43%

    Below 20% ; 20%


    Thi tud, had been carried out of to 5ud%e the emplo,ee retention trate%, .;D

    of the people u%%eted that compan, ha &' to ;' percenta%e of attrition 3hich

    ha the alarmin% at thi point of time7 Addin% to thi &'D of the people aid the,

    ha4e belo3 &'D of the attrition"

    Q;" hat are d main reaon for people lea4in% the compan,

    Self de4elopment

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Better compenation


    0on% term benefit

    or2 en4ironment


    Self de4elopment *

    Better compenation ;*

    Safet, *

    0on% term benefit &-

    or2 en4ironment *

    Self development; 6%

    Better ompens!t"on; 45%

    S!fety; 6%

    #on$ term ene&ts; 35%

    'or( env"ronment; 6%


    Thi repone7 ho3 3h, people lea4e CA00 CENTER CA00 CENTER 7

    compenation i the factor contributed mot in term of the people attrition a7

    CA00 CENTER hirin% 5unior Team member at the (* 1 to (?1 monthl, income7ho3e4er CA00 CENTER motl, hire people lo3er at 3hat other or%aniation

    pa,in% i"e" &' to &* 1 per month"

    Q." Are ,ou chan%in% ,our 5ob primaril, for better compenationK


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center




    e **No &'

    Yes; 73%

    )o; 27%


    Compenation and benefit cot for each 3ee2 the poition i 4acant7 e4en if

    there are people performin% the 3or2" A per the tud, CA00 CENTER CA00

    CENTER 7 -;D of the people loo2in% for 5ob becaue of the ri%ht compenation7

    Calculate the lot producti4it, at (''D if the poition i completel, 4acant for an,

    period of time"

    Q*" Are ,ou quittin% the 5ob for better future or career propect in term of




  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    e ;*

    No .'

    Yes; 47%)o; 53%


    A per the tud, u%%eted7 that7 .-D of the people quittin% 5ob from the CA00

    CENTER CA00 CENTER becaue of the better future and the career propect

    3hich i becaue CA00 CENTER CA00 CENTER lac2in% on the better

    en4ironment for emplo,ee"

    Q=" :o ,ou ha4e an, ,tem for re4eral ,our %rie4anceK Pleae ran2 them

    No channel

    Man, channel

    6e3 channel

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center




    No channel *

    Man, channel ;*

    6e3 channel ?

    Enou%h &-

    )o h!nnels; 7%

    *!ny h!nnels; 47%

    +ew h!nnels; 11%

    ,no-$h; 36%


    $rie4ance handlin% proce and the ,tem for re4eral7 i the 4er, important

    factor for retainin% the emplo,ee of CA00 CENTER CA00 CENTER 7 ho3e4er

    the /R connect 2ind of pro%ramme reall, helpin% CA00 CENTER CA00

    CENTER to %ain the confidence7 .=D of the people u%%eted that CA00

    CENTER CA00 CENTER ha man, channel7 for %rie4ance handlin%


    Q-" Compan, adequatel, equipped for corporate ocial reponibilit, !cr#

    er, hi%hl,



  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    er, hi%hl, &'

    Moderatel, .'

    6air (*

    .ery h"$hly; 27%

    *oder!tely; 53%

    +!"r; 20%


    A per the data u%%eted that7 *;D of the people %oin% for CA00 CENTER

    CA00 CENTER becaue the, thin2 compan, i follo3in% the moderatel, on the

    CSR iue7 ho3e4er &-D of the people are 4er, hi%hl, effecti4e7 of the follo3in%

    CSR trate%, of the compan,"

    Q?" /o3 atified are ,ou 3ith the CA00 CENTER ,ou are currentl, 3or2in% for"

    a E>tremel, atified

    b er, atified

    c Neither atified nor diatified

    d er, atified

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    e E>tremel, atified

    Satifaction 0e4el

    E>tremel, atified (&

    er, atified ;'

    Neither atified nor diatified @er, diatified ;'

    E>tremel, diatified (@

    ,tremely s!t"s&ed; 12%

    .ery s!t"s&ed; 30%

    )e"ther s!t"s&ed nor d"ss!t"s&ed ; 9%

    .ery d"ss!t"s&ed ; 30%

    ,tremely d"ss!t"s&ed ; 19%

    Satisfaction Level

    Thi quetion %i4in% an ini%ht of the atifaction le4el 3hich i 2e, to the all

    retention polic, of the emplo,ee a per thi tud, almot .@D of the emplo,ee

    of CA00 CENTER Call center i not atified or 4er, diatified 3ith the 3or2

    3ith CA00 CENTER Call center 7 Thi area i called the %ra, area for e4er, /R

    perona and for the compan, alo becaue almot half of the people are not

    happ, 3ith the compan, althou%h of the e4eral reaon 3hich could be tartin%

    from pa, hi2e to operational iue7 ome .&D of the people are atified or 4er,

    atified to 3or2in% 3ith the compan,"

    Q@" /o3 i ,our 3or2in% e>perience till no3 3ith CA00 CENTER CA00


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    a Much more poiti4e than ne%ati4e

    b More poiti4e than ne%ati4e

    c More ne%ati4e than poiti4e

    d Much more ne%ati4e than poiti4e

    E>perience 3ith

    The compan,

    Much more poiti4e than ne%ati4e ;=

    More poiti4e than ne%ati4e (*

    More ne%ati4e than poiti4e ;-

    Much more ne%ati4e than poiti4e (&

    Thi quetion i meant for the till no3 3or2in% 3ith CA00 CENTER Call center

    ho3 emplo,ee of the compan, i e>perienced to3ard JOB enrichment and 5ob

    atifaction 7 a per our tud, u%%eted that almot ;=D of the people are

    thin2in% much more poiti4e than the Ne%ati4e 3hen it come to the 3or2in%

    e>perience 3ith the CA00 CENTER Call center 3hich i one of the %ood area

    for the emplo,er7 addin% to thi ;-D of the emplo,ee are thoe 3ho are a,in%

    that the, ha4e leer poiti4e e>perience 3ith thi compan, rather than the more

    ne%ati4e e>perience" Recommendation for the /R team of thi compan, i to find

    out the %ap anal,i and tr, to co4er up thi pitfall in the emplo,ee beha4iour for

    e>ample CA00 CENTER could pro4ide ome of the mar2et correction or proper

    team trainin% alo to pro4ide the better ini%ht 3hat a an or%aniation the, are

    3or2in% for emplo,ee"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Q('" If ,our e>perience i more ne%ati4e7 than 3hat factor do ,ou hold

    reponible for that" Select all that appl,"

    a M, performance e4aluation and the outcome"

    b M, role7 reponibilit,

    c Job trainin%

    d M, bo

    e M, co)3or2er

    f M, compenation

    % Relocation

    h Medical benefit and inurance

    i acation

    5 An, other

    M, performance e4aluation and the outcome" (.

    M, role7 reponibilit, -

    Job trainin% ?

    M, bo (-

    M, co)3or2er (&

    M, compenation &;

    Relocation .Medical benefit and inurance &

    acation *

    An, other ?

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    *y perform!ne ev!l-!t"on !nd the o-tome; 14%

    *y role respons""l"ty ; 7%

    o tr!"n"n$; 8%

    *y oss; 17%

    *y owor(ers; 12%

    *y ompens!t"on; 23%elo!t"on; 4%

    *ed"!l ene&ts !nd "ns-r!ne; 2%

    .!!t"on ; 5%ny other; 8%

    Thi quetion i primaril, %i4e undertandin% emplo,ee of thi compan, are

    percei4in% that the, ha4e leer poiti4e and more ne%ati4e e>perience 3ith thi

    compan," A per our %raph u%%eted that &;D of the emplo,ee ha4e leer

    compenation than there percei4in% 4alue 3hich i 3h, the, are not e>periencin%

    %ood 3hile 3or2in% 3ith thi compan," (&D of the emplo,ee u%%eted that

    there Co 3or2er are not %ood o the, ha4e ne%ati4e po3erhoue in there

    thin2in%" (-D of the people u%%eted that their relation 3ith reportin% mana%er

    i not co operati4e and o the, are not happ, to 3or2in% 3ith thi compan,"

    Thee are the area 3here /R can 3or2 out and tr, to reduce thi an>iet, a

    much a poible" Becaue ultimatel, the emplo,ee are not happ, 3ith thi


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    CA00 CENTRE ha an outtandin% trate%ic poition7 a %reat brand7 fantatic

    emplo,ee and a remar2able future" ou are elcome to be a part of thi

    band3a%on" e belie4e that our people are our %reatet tren%th" e arecommitted to hirin% talented indi4idual and promotin% di4erit, in the 3or2place

    and committed to pro4idin% our emplo,ee 3ith the reource the, need to e>cel"

    To ma2e the Emplo,ee 6irt concept 3or27 CA00 CENTER launched a 4ariet, of

    internal initiati4e dei%ned to both %i4e emplo,ee more peronall,

    reponibilit, for the compan, er4ice offerin% and a 4oice 3ith upper

    mana%ement" CA00 CENTRE enli%htened approach to emplo,ee de4elopment

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    focu on %i4in% people 3hate4er the, need to ucceed+ be it a 4irtual aitant or

    talent tranformation abbaticalL e>pert %uidance or fat trac2 %ro3thL inner

    peace or democratic empo3erment" The ob5ecti4e of the thei i To tud,

    emplo,ee retention7 identif, area of e>cellence and area needin%

    impro4ementL and pro4ide u%%etion for uch impro4ement" The aim of thi

    Thei i to implement trate%ie uccefull,7 anal,e their 3or2in% and

    performance7 and hi%hli%ht 3here the, are doin% 3ell7 3hile pro4idin%

    u%%etion and recommendation for impro4ement" Emplo,ee retention i 4er,

    important to tud, becaue to ur4i4e in uch a competiti4e mar2et i 4er,

    difficult 3ithout the permanent upport of an emplo,ee that i to retain emplo,ee"

    To reach out to ditinct ob5ecti4e of thi pro5ect7 I propoed thi pro5ect baed on

    the e>plorator, reearch of uin% t3o 4ariable for the utmot emplo,ee retention

    3hich i baed on the /ierarchical %ro3th and the financial benefit" Companie

    in4et 4er, man, hour and monie in trainin% and educatin% emplo,ee" Thee

    companie are e4erel, affected 3hen emplo,ee chec2 out7 epeciall, in the

    middle of ome bi% compan, pro5ect or 4enture" Althou%h emplo,ee mot often

    prefer to ta, 3ith the ame compan, and ue their time and e>perience for

    peronal %ro3th and de4elopment7 the, lea4e mainl, becaue of 3or2 related

    tre and diatifaction" More and more companie ha4e no3 realied the

    importance of a health, 3or2 culture and ha4e a %amut of people mana%ement

    %ood practice for emplo,ee to ha4e that ideal freh 3or2)life" Cloed door

    3or2 culture can er4e a a deterrent to communication and trut 3ithin

    emplo,ee 3hich are potential caue for 3or2)related apath, and fren," A

    tranparent 3or2 en4ironment can er4e a one of the primar, tri%%er to

    facilitate accountabilit,7 trut7 communication7 reponibilit,7 pride and o on" It i

    belie4ed that in a tranparent 3or2 culture emplo,ee ri%oroul, communicate

    3ith their peer and e>chan%e idea and thou%ht before the, are finall, maturedin to full)blo3n concept" It induce reponibilit, amon% emplo,ee and

    accountabilit, to3ard other peer7 3hich %raduall, build up trut and pride"

    More importantl,7 tranparenc, in 3or2 en4ironment dicoura%e 3or2)politic

    Accordin% to our ur4e, reult out of -* people 3hich i our ample ie aid

    &?D people are tron%l, a%ree 3ith thi 4ie3 that call centre a clear focu and

    ene of direction for the future" And ;?D people a%reed 3ith thi 4ie3 that call

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    centre ha cleared focu to3ard the future direction" But (. D people aid the,

    dia%ree 3ith a 4ie3 of call center that the, ha clear focu to3ard future but

    the &'D people a our repondent are tron%l, dia%ree 3ith the tatement that

    a2 call centre ha a clear focu and ene of direction or not"


    Man, contraint 3ere in4ol4ed in doin% thi tud," Some of them are a follo3"

    The mot i%nificant limitation ha been the indi4idual in4ol4ed in thi

    tud, 3ere 4er, bu, and did not pare much time in dicuion"

    The ample ie elected for the ur4e, 3a too mall a compared to

    lar%e population"

    The pro5ect 3a carried out onl, in the :elhi7 o findin% on data %athered

    can be bet true for :elhi onl, and not applicable to other part of tate

    and countr,"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Indian toc2 mar2et i a mar2et 3here entiment pla, a ma5or role in priceL

    hence (''D accurate prediction cannot be made about it future path


    The reearch ho3 that there i a relationhip bet3een Poitional benefit and

    emplo,ee retention in the or%aniation" It alo concluded that internal

    ad4ertiement cannot be ued in the mall and medium cale oft3are

    enterprie" Thou%h there i an aociation bet3een benefit tructure and

    emplo,ee preference for ta,in% the compan,7 the reearch re4el that thi

    relationhip i not conduci4e for implementin% the 4ariable benefit tructure


    M, diertation for retention trate%ie in the oft3are indutr, 3a hi%hl,

    informati4e and upporti4e to m, future it ha helped me to %ain 2no3led%e of

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    conductin% tud, of human reource function in an or%aniation" Thi pro5ect 3ill

    be baed on the e>plorator, reearch of uin% t3o 4ariable for the utmot

    emplo,ee retention 3hich i baed on the /ierarchical %ro3th and the financial


    The ob5ecti4e of the thei i To tud, emplo,ee retention7 identif, area of

    e>cellence and area needin% impro4ementL and pro4ide u%%etion for uch

    impro4ement" The aim of thi Thei i to implement trate%ie uccefull,7

    anal,e their 3or2in% and performance7 and hi%hli%ht 3here the, are doin% 3ell7

    3hile pro4idin% u%%etion and recommendation for impro4ement" Emplo,ee

    retention i 4er, important to tud, becaue to ur4i4e in uch a competiti4e

    mar2et i 4er, difficult 3ithout the permanent upport of an emplo,ee that i to

    retain emplo,ee

    Man, /R profeional feel that 3or2 performance i a contemplation of ho3

    emplo,ee feel about themel4e and their 3or27 If an emplo,ee e>perience a

    ene of pride in the 5ob then the 3or2 qualit,7 efficienc,7 and retention increae

    i%nificantl," Emplo,ee 3ho uffer from lo3 elf eteem and dipla, lac2 of

    enthuiam e>hibit ne%ati4e feelin% at the 3or2 place" Protectin% the elf

    eteem of the emplo,ee 3ill be top a%enda for future or%aniation" One of the

    bet 3a, to achie4e that i b, pro4idin% ociall, acceptable poition title to the



    The ta2 of mana%in% emplo,ee can be undertood a a three ta%e proce+

    (" Identif, cot of emplo,ee turno4er"


  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    3ill help in aein% the 3hether the emplo,ee retention rate are health, in the

    compan," Secondl,7 the cot of emplo,ee turno4er can be calculated" Accordin%

    to a ur4e,7 on an a4era%e7 attrition cot companie (? month alar, for each

    mana%er or profeional 3ho lea4e7 and = month pa, for each hourl,

    emplo,ee 3ho lea4e" Thi amount to ma5or or%aniational and financial tre7

    coniderin% that one out of e4er, three emplo,ee plan to lea4e hi or her 5ob in

    the ne>t t3o ,ear" prein% their opinion"

    Call centre anal,i i an applied reearch proce that can identif, the mot

    li2el, caue of turno4er in a %i4en ituation" ith thi approach7

    3e firt determine 3ho i terminatin% !e"%"7 effecti4e performer7 ineffecti4e

    performer7 or both#7 the ta%e at 3hich the, terminate !e"%"7 after one 3ee27

    after one ,ear#7 and 3h, the, lea4e" e can then u%%et olution tailored to

    the e>itin% problem"

    S*o" A33!$*a#$o5-

    Selectin% emplo,ee 3ho are li2el, both to perform 3ell and to ta, 3ith a in%le

    emplo,er i a %ood retention trate%," Performance Aociate ha uccefull,

    ued a 3ei%hted or cored application a a lo3)cot7 non)intrui4e technique forpredictin% tenure in man, ettin%" One client reduced a hitorical *'D turno4er

    rate amon% eaonal emplo,ee to 5ut ('D b, corin% a doen piece of

    information on the tandard application form and uin% a cut)core to elect ne3


    E3!o"" O3$5$o5 S/+"

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    0oin% %ood performer7 epeciall, after the, ha4e accumulated ome tenure7 i

    a cotl, problem" e ma, recommend an emplo,ee opinion ur4e, to pinpoint

    iue contributin% to turno4er of eaoned emplo,ee" An EOS i li2e a

    FnaphotF of emplo,ee attitude that 3e can then lin2 tatiticall, to emplo,ee

    intention to ta, or lea4e the CA00 CENTER CA00 CENTER " A%ain7 definin%

    the problem i half the olution"

    P"-o55"! R"-"a*(

    Sometime emplo,ee retention i bet undertood in the conte>t of broad

    pectrum reearch rather than a focu on pinpointin% problem" 6or

    e>ample7 3e ha4e helped ome client identif, documented lin2a%e bet3een

    emplo,ee retention7 cutomer retention7 and profitabilit," In one intance 3e

    3ere able to determine appro>imatel, ho3 much a lar%e er4ice compan, lot

    from cutomer cancellation becaue of emplo,ee turno4er"

    Ta$5$5% D"-$%5

    The lac2 of adequate emplo,ee trainin% i commonl, aociated 3ith lo3

    retention rate" Our approach to dei%nin% trainin% content build on the olid

    foundation of 5ob anal,i" B, focuin% on the requirement of the 5ob7 3e

    minimie the incluion of both uperfluou and inufficient material in a trainin%


    Ca"" P!a55$5%

    Emplo,ee are more li2el, to ta, for the Flon% haulF if the, feel the, ha4e a

    career7 not 5ut a 5ob7 3ith a call centre" Performance Aociate can pro4ide

    career %uidance and reource material for emplo,ee7 ta2in% into account their

    abilitie7 peronalit,7 and interet" e can alo ait emplo,er 3ith placement

    deciion for ne3 hire that are compatible 3ith emplo,ee lon%)term potential"

    P",oa5*" A33a$-a!Performance pla, an inte%ral role in retention b, mediatin% ome emplo,eeG

    deciion to ta, or lea4e7 epeciall, if there i a lin2 to compenation"

    Therefore7 3e ma, u%%et the de4elopment or modification of an call centre

    performance appraial ,tem in order to ,ield accurate information about each

    emplo,eeG 5ob performance"

    I5$+$/a! D"+"!o3"5# P!a5-

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    e can ta2e an acti4e role in helpin% an emplo,ee de4elop 2ill to perform hi

    or her current 5ob better or prepare for future opportunitie" Indi4idual

    de4elopment plan are cutomied to the emplo,eeG need and inte%rated 3ith

    call centre reource7 uch a trainin%7 5ob rotation opportunitie7 and mentorin%"

    6ollo3)up coachin% and counellin% are common element of thee plan"



    Q(" hen the idea of lea4in% thi compan, come acro ,our mind

    (,r bac2



    Q&" In ,our opinion 3hat i d rate of attrition in ,our compan,

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center



    &') ;'D

    Belo3 &'D

    Q;" hat are d main reaon for people lea4in% the compan,

    Self de4elopment

    Better compenation


    0on% term benefit

    or2 en4ironment

    Q." Are ,ou chan%in% ,our 5ob primaril, for better compenationK e


    Q*" Are ,ou quittin% the 5ob for better future or career propect in term of




    Q=" :o ,ou ha4e an, ,tem for re4eral ,our %rie4anceK Pleae ran2 them

    No channel

    Man, channel

    6e3 channel


    Q-" Compan, adequatel, equipped for corporate ocial reponibilit, !cr#

    er, hi%hl,



  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    Q?" /o3 atified are ,ou 3ith the call centre ,ou are currentl, 3or2in% for"

    E>tremel, atified

    er, atified

    Neither atified nor diatified

    er, atified

    E>tremel, atified

    Q@" /o3 i ,our 3or2in% e>perience till no3 3ith call centreK

    Much more poiti4e than ne%ati4e

    More poiti4e than ne%ati4e

    More ne%ati4e than poiti4e

    Much more ne%ati4e than poiti4e

    Q('" If ,our e>perience i more ne%ati4e7 than 3hat factor do ,ou hold

    reponible for that" Select all that appl,"

    o M, performance e4aluation and the outcome"o M, role7 reponibilit,

    o Job trainin%

    o M, bo

    o M, co)3or2er

    o M, compenation

    o Relocation

    o Medical benefit and inurance

    o acation

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    o An, other


    1 Eential of /uman Reource Mana%ement And Indutrial

    Relation P. S/a Rao

    & /uman Reource Mana%ement K.G/3#a

    ; Reearch Methodolo%, C.R.Ko#(a$

    . Peronal Mana%ement C.P.M"o$a

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    * Trainin% and de4elopment !trend and e>perience#

    S/a#$ R"

    = Trainin% and de4elopment !Countr, e>perience# K.B.S.K/a


    (" A0ESSI7 S" M" !(@??# 6idelit, in the :ei%n of Intructional Simulation"

    /ournal of +omputer01ased (nstruction,(*6.').-"&" A00I$ER7 $" M"7 TANNENBA

  • 7/23/2019 A Study of Strategies for Retaining Employees in Call Center


    *" BAI0E7 J" 8 ITMER7 B" !(@@.# Proceedin% of /uman 6actor 8

    Er%onomic Societ,"