A Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 3.03 A

Post on 31-Oct-2014

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Transcript of A Struggle to Survive a Legacy! 3.03 A

A Struggle to Survive a Legacy

Chapter 3.03


The Secrets of the Mind

“Okay kids, we’re here.” Jessica said as she reached over and shook Tsuki’s shoulder lightly. The little girl moaned as she was awoken from her sleep.“A-are we there yet?” She whispered before yawning widely. Beside her Tayó was also waking up. The two of them had fallen asleep the moment they got in the Shuttle. “Yep we’ve just arrived. Take a look.”

Beside them stood a beautiful wooden cabin, with a huge pond and also outdoor gear in case they wanted to camp outside.“Oh wow! It’s huge!” Tsuki gasped as she and Tayó pressed their noses up against the window.“Is it really ours?” “Of course it is! Now take your stuff to your room, it’s the one by the kitchen.” Benji said and the twins were quick to comply.

Benji stretched his arms above his head as he made his way into the living room. His eyes were quickly drawn to where Tsuki and Tayó stood together. Benji could tell Tsuki was whispering something to her brother causing him to try and shush her.“What are you two up to?” Benji asked causing both children to jump in shock. Tsuki grinned causing Tayó to look at her in panic.“Tayó was going to hide in tent so he didn’t have to unpack!” Tsuki revealed causing Tayó to slap his hand against his forehead.

“Oh really? Is this true Tayó? Are you trying to get out of your chores?” Benji teased and quickly grabbed the blonde before he make a break for it.“Then I guess a punishment is in order!” Benji boomed before he started tickling the little boy. Tayó’s body shook with giggles and his expression showed pure happiness.Benji knew then it was a good idea to bring the twins to Three Lakes.

Benji was quick to get the twins exploring leaving Jessica, who was heavily pregnant, back at the cabin. The first place they came across was a campsite with a cook making the most delicious food around.The twins were quick to order Three Lake’s Special Flapjacks. They were so thick it took them a while to get through them, but neither could deny that they were good.

Benji sadly couldn’t risk eating the foreign food in case their was anything from an animal put in them, something of which his body couldn’t digest properly.Instead he tried out the Axe Throwing Challenge and was shocked when he did very well at it.

The family also had a go at Log Spinning, something of which they all enjoyed very much.

Of course despite all the activities around them, nothing could replace the enjoyment the twins had when they played just by themselves.All in all Benji proudly admitted it had been a good day out.

When they got back Benji made a fresh batch of omelettes which were Tsuki’s favourite. “Daddy?” Tsuki asked around a mouthful of the eggy goodness.“Don’t talk with your mouthful sweetie.” Benji lectured in such a casual way it was obvious he had done it many times.“Can we camp out tonight?” Tsuki asked after swallowing and Tayó quickly nodded in agreement with a bright grin.

“Tonight? But we’ve only just got here! Don’t you want to sleep in your beds tonight?” Benji asked not having anything ready for a night outside.

Tayó tapped the side of his plate with his fork to gain their attention and, knowing full well it would get his Father’s praise, he started signing with his fingers“What else do we need? We already have marshmallows and crackers for smores.” The little blonde said with his fingers getting a proud smile from his father as a result.

“Well I guess your right there. Okay then, if that’s what you two want then we’ll sleep outside tonight.” Benji amended and laughed when the twins cheered happily.

After an adventurous night on their private camp site, the family decided to go exploring through the woods not far from their cabin.“Don’t run off too far!” Jessica called out relieved she could join them this time. Her pregnancy was really hitting her hard this time and part of her wondered if she was having multiplies again.

“Don’t worry Mummy! We’ll stay in sight!” Tsuki shouted back before she and Tayó took off running again.The two of them laughed as they ran deeper into the woods until suddenly they spotted something hidden behind the trees.“Whoa...” Tsuki whispered in shock.

In front of them stood a very old cabin and, from where they stood, it looked completely abandoned. “Do you hear that?” Tsuki questioned and Tayo nodded in agreement.‘Sounds like music.’ He thought and Tsuki nodded with a grin.

“Want to check it out?” Tsuki grinned which, after a couple of seconds, Tayó was quick to return with his own.‘Okay!’

After a quick scan the twins discovered the cabin was basically abandoned except for an old hammock, a chair and also a stereo which is where the music was coming from. “This place is great! We could use this as our own secret hideout! What do you think, Tayó?” Tsuki questioned but Tayó shook his head.“No? What do you mean no? This place would be perfect!” Tsuki objected but Tayo shook his head again before pointing behind his twin.“’Behind me’? What are you--?!” Tsuki was about to question before she actually looked over her shoulder. Her eyes widened as she held up a shaky finger.“H-hey! What are you doing in a secret hideout?!”

The Bigfoot let out a loud booming laugh in shock. “What a gob you have on you, little one. I was expecting you to be the quiet one.” He admitted causing he twins to look at him in confusion.“What do you mean? Who are you?” “I am BJ and I am the protector of this forest.”“I’m Tsuki and this is my twin brother Tayó, we’re on vacation here.” “I’m aware of who you are. You are Legacy children and I will tell you now, Fate has a great interest in the two of you.” BJ warned lowly causing the twins to look at each other in concern.“What do you mean?”“It does not matter. Your parents are coming, so allow me to teach you the Slap Dance.”

That’s what he proceeded to do and when Jessica and Benji appeared he taught them as well. His words though didn’t leave either of the twins’ mind as they danced together.

“Benji, do you remember what Dad said just before we left?” Jessica asked after swallowing her mouthful.“Yes. Why?”“Well do you think he was telling the truth? That maybe Tsuki could hear Tayó when the rest of us can’t?”

“Maybe, you’ve said before that the strangest things seem to happen in your family. Why? Would it make any difference if our children were telepathic? Would you love them any less?” Benji asked and Jessica was quick to shake her head.“Then why would it matter? At least this way we know for sure that Tayó is suffering in silence like we believed. He speaking and it’s to the one person who understands.”

“You’re right as always, Benny. Tayo is my little boy, and I love him just the way he is.” Jessica grinned before finishing off her fish with a moan of delight.“Oh! I knew there was a reason I married you, Benny.”

“Really? Is that all you married me for? My ability to cook?” Benji teased causing Jessica to smirk at him.“Well there are other reasons why.” She admitted suggestively causing Benji to blush to bright red.

The next morning Jessica knocked on the twin’s door, announcing it was time for them to get up.“Are you two up?” Jessica called as she walked inside. She immediately smiled and felt her heart melt.

She now knew why it was so quiet, Tayó was reading to his sister. Jessica smiled as she rest her hand over her bump watching them together, watching as Tsuki giggled and gasped seemingly at random.But Jessica knew better.“Good book?” She questioned and Tuski jumped in shock.“Mummy!”

“And what are you reading?” The Heiress questioned as she crouched down and Tsuki grinned happily.“Hansel and Gretel! Hansel was about to get put in the oven by the evil witch when Gretel broke free from her chains!” She summarized in excitement causing Jessica to laugh.“Well you’ll have to read it later. Remember? Your dad is taking you for a hike up the mountain today.”“Oh yeah! Come on Tayó, let’s go!”

Jessica was quick to order them to put there coats on as the weather had gotten cold. All of them were glad the holiday was entering the last days as it was told it would snow in a few days.

Later that evening Benji and Jessica crossed paths in the living room.“Everything’s all packed and the kids are asleep.” Benji said with a grin which Jessica was glad to return with her own.“I’ve booked the Shuttle to take us to the Airport for the morning, so we should be back home by afternoon.” Benji nodded before he allowed his fingers to brush against her chin lightly.“This was a good holiday, huh?” He whispered and Jessica grinned.

“Maybe next time we’ll have another one with us.” Jessica said before Benji pulled her forehead and kissed her lightly on the lips.“I love you.” Benji whispered after they separated causing Jessica to grin widely in response.“I love you too.”

The shuttle arrived first thing in the morning and it didn’t take for the Juniors to be packed up and on there way back home.

The Shuttle had barely pulled to stop before the twins were charging out of it.“Don’t forget your bags!” Jessica shouted but she was ignored as they raced up the stairs.“Grandpa Elijah!” Tsuki shouted causing the curly haired elder to look up with a grin.

“Tayó! Tsuki! Welcome back you two, how was it?” Elijah questioned as he crouched down and grabbed Tayó’s waist. “It was brilliant, Grandpa! We went Logging, and tried flapjacks Oh! And we met a Bigfoot Grandpa!” Tsuki explained excitingly as Tayó nodded with his own grin. Elijah coughed before clearing his throat and standing up.“Yes bigfoot. That’s what I wanted to talk to your parents about actually. Are they aware that by making friends with him, he’s now our protector?” Elijah asked and the twins shared a look.“You mean he’s here?” Tsuki questioned and Elijah nodded with a sigh. Before they could answer though they hear a started scream outside.“BJ?! What are you doing here?!”‘No I don’t think they were aware of that.’ Tayó thought and Tsuki nodded in agreement.

Despite the eternal reaction BJ settled in the Junior house fairly easy. He used the toy maker to make some new toys in preparation for the new baby and also helped Puck in the garden.All in all he worked for the food he ate and the room they had prepared for him, he was also a good babysitter and friend.

“Tsuki?”“Yes Mummy?”“Why are you in your swimsuit?” Jessica asked in concern.

“I was helping Michael fix the sink, wasn’t I Michael?” Tsuki called out and the family butler nodded as he struggled to stop more water from going on the floor.“Oh yes Miss Tsuki, you were an excellent helper today.” He reassured before the sink sprayed more water on him.Jessica made a note to pay him extra this week as she was sure Tsuki was the reason the sink was so busted.

Time continued to move forward in the Junior house and Jessica seemed to get bigger and bigger each day. They’re new the baby was due any day now and neither parent could deny they were excited.“What do you think it’ll be?” Benji asked with a grin as he rubbed Jessica’ bump tenderly.“I think it’ll be a boy.”“Me too.”

Despite being heavily pregnant though Jessica continued to go to work hoping to get the promotion she desperately wants.Sadly she didn’t get it this time but when she got out of the car, Tsuki was there to great her with a smile.“Welcome home, Mummy!” The little girl grinned and Jessica laughed as she hugged her daughter tightly.“Oh thank, sweetheart. That was just what I needed.”

Early the next morning though Jessica found herself suffering from s very familiar pain and she screamed.“Crap! Benny, Benny! The baby is coming!” Jessica cried out and Benji threw his cards down and jumped to his feet.“Okay Jess you know what to do. Just breath and it will be over soon.”

Jessica gasped for breath as behind her BJ suddenly let out a gasp of shock. He may be very wise but this was the first time he ha seen a woman giving birth before.“O-okay h-here we go.” Jessica whispered as she felt the spin coming and easily went with it.

“Oh! Well hello there little one, don’t tell you were the only one in there.” Jessica whispered in shock as held a baby much smaller than normal.“Well aren’t you a little hiccup, huh? So much commotion for something so small.” Jessica mused before she smiled.“I guess that’s what you are, huh? Hiccup Junior, it’s perfect.” She announced and the baby gurgled in agreement.

Hiccup JuniorHair: BlackEyes: Alien

Skin: S3

“Hiccup, huh? Unusual but at the same time it suits him.” Benji laughed before he kissed his newborn son lightly on the forehead.“Hello there. I’m your daddy.” He whispered and Hiccup lived up to his name, and released a tiny hiccup.

And that’s where I’m going to leave it. Yes I seriously named the kid Hiccup, why? Because I loved How to Train your Dragon and I already have a story planned for him. A bit of a spoiler, stretch skeleton will be used.So I think I’m doing pretty well, huh guys? Big difference when I’m cut off the internet, huh? I’m already half way through this generation.See you next time guys! Happy Simming ^_^